5 resultados para [JEL:D33] Microeconomics - Distribution - Factor Income Distribution

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a key role in physiological blood vessel formation and pathological angiogenesis such as tumor growth and ischemic diseases. Hypoxia is a potent inducer of VEGF in vitro. Here we demonstrate that VEGF is induced in vivo by exposing mice to systemic hypoxia. VEGF induction was highest in brain, but also occurred in kidney, testis, lung, heart, and liver. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that a distinct subset of cells within a given organ, such as glial cells and neurons in brain, tubular cells in kidney, and Sertoli cells in testis, responded to the hypoxic stimulus with an increase in VEGF expression. Surprisingly, however, other cells at sites of constitutive VEGF expression in normal adult tissues, such as epithelial cells in the choroid plexus and kidney glomeruli, decreased VEGF expression in response to the hypoxic stimulus. Furthermore, in addition to VEGF itself, expression of VEGF receptor-1 (VEGFR-1), but not VEGFR-2, was induced by hypoxia in endothelial cells of lung, heart, brain, kidney, and liver. VEGF itself was never found to be up-regulated in endothelial cells under hypoxic conditions, consistent with its paracrine action during normoxia. Our results show that the response to hypoxia in vivo is differentially regulated at the level of specific cell types or layers in certain organs. In these tissues, up- or down-regulation of VEGF and VEGFR-1 during hypoxia may influence their oxygenation after angiogenesis or modulate vascular permeability.


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Objective: To determine the effect of inequalities in income within a state on self rated health status while controlling for individual characteristics such as socioeconomic status.


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The human estrogen receptor α (ER α) has been tagged at its amino terminus with the S65T variant of the green fluorescent protein (GFP), allowing subcellular trafficking and localization to be observed in living cells by fluorescence microscopy. The tagged receptor, GFP-ER, is functional as a ligand-dependent transcription factor, responds to both agonist and antagonist ligands, and can associate with the nuclear matrix. Its cellular localization was analyzed in four human breast cancer epithelial cell lines, two ER+ (MCF7 and T47D) and two ER− (MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-435A), under a variety of ligand conditions. In all cell lines, GFP-ER is observed only in the nucleus in the absence of ligand. Upon the addition of agonist or antagonist ligand, a dramatic redistribution of GFP-ER from a reticular to punctate pattern occurs within the nucleus. In addition, the full antagonist ICI 182780 alters the nucleocytoplasmic compartmentalization of the receptor and causes partial accumulation in the cytoplasm in a process requiring continued protein synthesis. GFP-ER localization varies between cells, despite being cultured and treated in a similar manner. Analysis of the nuclear fluorescence intensity for variation in its frequency distribution helped establish localization patterns characteristic of cell line and ligand. During the course of this study, localization of GFP-ER to the nucleolar region is observed for ER− but not ER+ human breast cancer epithelial cell lines. Finally, our work provides a visual description of the “unoccupied” and ligand-bound receptor and is discussed in the context of the role of ligand in modulating receptor activity.


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Several P2X receptor subunits were recently cloned; of these, one was cloned from the rat vas deferens (P2X1) and another from pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells differentiated with nerve growth factor (P2X2). Peptides corresponding to the C-terminal portions of the predicted receptor proteins (P2X1 391-399 and P2X2 460-472) were used to generate antisera in rabbits. The specificities of antisera were determined by staining human embryonic kidney cells stably transfected with either P2X1 or P2X2 receptors and by absorption controls with the cognate peptides. In the vas deferens and the ileal submucosa, P2X1 immunoreactivity (ir) was restricted to smooth muscle, whereas P2X2-ir was restricted to neurons and their processes. Chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla and PC12 cells contained both P2X1- and P2X2-ir. P2X1-ir was also found in smooth muscle cells of the bladder, cardiac myocytes, and nerve fibers and terminals in the superficial dorsal horn of the spinal cord. In contrast, P2X2-ir was observed in scattered cells of the anterior pituitary, neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate and paraventricular nuclei, and catecholaminergic neurons in the olfactory bulb, the substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, and locus coeruleus. A plexus of nerve fibers and terminals in the nucleus of the solitary tract contained P2X2-ir. This staining disappeared after nodose ganglionectomy, consistent with a presynaptic function. The location of the P2X1 subunit in smooth muscle is consistent with its role as a postjunctional receptor in autonomic transmission, while in neurons, these receptors appear in both postsynaptic and presynaptic locations.


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The discovery that the epsilon 4 allele of the apolipoprotein E (apoE) gene is a putative risk factor for Alzheimer disease (AD) in the general population has highlighted the role of genetic influences in this extremely common and disabling illness. It has long been recognized that another genetic abnormality, trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), is associated with early and severe development of AD neuropathological lesions. It remains a challenge, however, to understand how these facts relate to the pathological changes in the brains of AD patients. We used computerized image analysis to examine the size distribution of one of the characteristic neuropathological lesions in AD, deposits of A beta peptide in senile plaques (SPs). Surprisingly, we find that a log-normal distribution fits the SP size distribution quite well, motivating a porous model of SP morphogenesis. We then analyzed SP size distribution curves in genotypically defined subgroups of AD patients. The data demonstrate that both apoE epsilon 4/AD and trisomy 21/AD lead to increased amyloid deposition, but by apparently different mechanisms. The size distribution curve is shifted toward larger plaques in trisomy 21/AD, probably reflecting increased A beta production. In apoE epsilon 4/AD, the size distribution is unchanged but the number of SP is increased compared to apoE epsilon 3, suggesting increased probability of SP initiation. These results demonstrate that subgroups of AD patients defined on the basis of molecular characteristics have quantitatively different neuropathological phenotypes.