10 resultados para (A. Schmidt) G. Fryxell and T. P. Watkins

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The polymerase (PB2) and nucleocapsid (NP) genes encoded by the genome of influenza virus are essential for replication of the virus. When synthetic genes that express RNAs for external guide sequences targeted to the mRNAs of the PB2 and NP genes are stably incorporated into mouse cells in tissue culture, infection of these cells with influenza virus is nonproductive. Endogenous RNase P cleaves the targeted influenza virus mRNAs when they are in a complex with the external guide sequences. Targeting two different mRNAs simultaneously inhibits viral particle production more efficiently than does targeting only one mRNA.


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The frizzled gene family of putative Wnt receptors encodes proteins that have a seven-transmembrane-spanning motif characteristic of G protein-linked receptors, though no loss-of-function studies have demonstrated a requirement for G proteins for Frizzled signaling. We engineered a Frizzled-2 chimera responsive to β-adrenergic agonist by using the ligand-binding domains of the β2-adrenergic receptor. The expectation was that the chimera would be sensitive both to drug-mediated activation and blockade, thereby circumventing the problem of purifying soluble and active Wnt ligand to activate Frizzled. Expression of the chimera in zebrafish embryos demonstrated isoproterenol (ISO)-stimulated, propranolol-sensitive calcium transients, thereby confirming the β-adrenergic nature of Wnt signaling by the chimeric receptor. Because F9 embryonic teratocarcinoma cells form primitive endoderm after stable transfection of Frizzled-2 chimera and stimulation with ISO, they were subject to depletion of G protein subunits. ISO stimulation of endoderm formation of F9 stem cells expressing the chimeric receptor was blocked by pertussis toxin and by oligodeoxynucleotide antisense to ±o, ±t2, and ²2. Our results demonstrate the requirement of two pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins, ±o and ±t, for signaling by the Frizzled-2 receptor.


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Neuronal Ca2+ channels are inhibited by a variety of transmitter receptors coupled to Go-type GTP-binding proteins. Go has been postulated to work via a direct interaction between an activated G protein subunit and the Ca2+ channel complex. Here we show that the inhibition of sensory neuron N-type Ca2+ channels produced by γ-aminobutyric acid involves a novel, rapidly activating tyrosine kinase signaling pathway that is mediated by ±o and a src-like kinase. In contrast to other recently described G protein-coupled tyrosine kinase pathways, the ±o-mediated modulation requires neither protein kinase C nor intracellular Ca2+. The results suggest that this pathway mediates rapid receptor-G protein signaling in the nervous system and support the existence of a previously unrecognized form of crosstalk between G protein and tyrosine kinase pathways.


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There is mounting evidence for the organization and compartmentation of signaling molecules at the plasma membrane. We find that hormone-sensitive adenylyl cyclase activity is enriched in a subset of regulatory G protein-containing fractions of the plasma membrane. These subfractions resemble, in low buoyant density, structures of the plasma membrane termed caveolae. Immunofluorescence experiments revealed a punctate pattern of G protein α and β subunits, consistent with concentration of these proteins at distinct sites on the plasma membrane. Partial coincidence of localization of G protein α subunits with caveolin (a marker for caveolae) was observed by double immunofluorescence. Results of immunogold electron microscopy suggest that some G protein is associated with invaginated caveolae, but most of the protein resides in irregular structures of the plasma membrane that could not be identified morphologically. Because regulated adenylyl cyclase activity is present in low-density subfractions of plasma membrane from a cell type (S49 lymphoma) that does not express caveolin, this protein is not required for organization of the adenylyl cyclase system. The data suggest that hormone-sensitive adenylyl cyclase systems are localized in a specialized subdomain of the plasma membrane that may optimize the efficiency and fidelity of signal transduction.


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Extracellular lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) produces diverse cellular responses in many cell types. Recent reports of several molecularly distinct G protein-coupled receptors have raised the possibility that the responses to LPA stimulation could be mediated by the combination of several uni-functional receptors. To address this issue, we analyzed one receptor encoded by ventricular zone gene-1 (vzg-1) (also referred to as lpA1/edg-2) by using heterologous expression in a neuronal and nonneuronal cell line. VZG-1 expression was necessary and sufficient in mediating multiple effects of LPA: [3H]-LPA binding, G protein activation, stress fiber formation, neurite retraction, serum response element activation, and increased DNA synthesis. These results demonstrate that a single receptor, encoded by vzg-1, can activate multiple LPA-dependent responses in cells from distinct tissue lineages.


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NGF initiates the majority of its neurotrophic effects by promoting the activation of the tyrosine kinase receptor TrkA. Here we describe a novel interaction between TrkA and GIPC, a PDZ domain protein. GIPC binds to the juxtamembrane region of TrkA through its PDZ domain. The PDZ domain of GIPC also interacts with GAIP, an RGS (regulators of G protein signaling) protein. GIPC and GAIP are components of a G protein-coupled signaling complex thought to be involved in vesicular trafficking. In transfected HEK 293T cells GIPC, GAIP, and TrkA form a coprecipitable protein complex. Both TrkA and GAIP bind to the PDZ domain of GIPC, but their binding sites within the PDZ domain are different. The association of endogenous GIPC with the TrkA receptor was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation in PC12 (615) cells stably expressing TrkA. By immunofluorescence GIPC colocalizes with phosphorylated TrkA receptors in retrograde transport vesicles located in the neurites and cell bodies of differentiated PC12 (615) cells. These results suggest that GIPC, like other PDZ domain proteins, serves to cluster transmembrane receptors with signaling molecules. When GIPC is overexpressed in PC12 (615) cells, NGF-induced phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase (Erk1/2) decreases; however, there is no effect on phosphorylation of Akt, phospholipase C-γ1, or Shc. The association of TrkA receptors with GIPC and GAIP plus the inhibition of MAP kinase by GIPC suggests that GIPC may provide a link between TrkA and G protein signaling pathways.


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Behavioral models indicate that persistent small afferent input, as generated by tissue injury, results in a hyperalgesia at the site of injury and a tactile allodynia in areas adjacent to the injury site. Hyperalgesia reflects a sensitization of the peripheral terminal and a central facilitation evoked by the persistent small afferent input. The allodynia reflects a central sensitization. The spinal pharmacology of these pain states has been defined in the unanesthetized rat prepared with spinal catheters for injection and dialysis. After tissue injury, excitatory transmitters (e.g., glutamate and substance P) acting though N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) and neurokinin 1 receptors initiate a cascade that evokes release of (i) NO, (ii) cyclooxygenase products, and (iii) activation of several kinases. Spinal dialysis show amino acid and prostanoid release after cutaneous injury. Spinal neurokinin 1, NMDA, and non-NMDA receptors enhance spinal prostaglandin E2 release. Spinal prostaglandins facilitate release of spinal amino acids and peptides. Activation by intrathecal injection of receptors on spinal C fiber terminals (μ,/∂ opiate, α2 adrenergic, neuropeptide Y) prevents release of primary afferent peptides and spinal amino acids and blocks acute and facilitated pain states. Conversely, consistent with their role in facilitated processing, NMDA, cyclooxygenase 2, and NO synthase inhibitors act to diminish only hyperalgesia. Importantly, spinal delivery of several of these agents diminishes human injury pain states. This efficacy emphasizes (i) the role of facilitated states in humans, (ii) shows the importance of spinal systems in human pain processing, and (iii) indicates that these preclinical mechanisms reflect processes that regulate the human pain experience.


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Regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins act as GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) toward the α subunits of heterotrimeric, signal-transducing G proteins. RGS11 contains a G protein γ subunit-like (GGL) domain between its Dishevelled/Egl-10/Pleckstrin and RGS domains. GGL domains are also found in RGS6, RGS7, RGS9, and the Caenorhabditis elegans protein EGL-10. Coexpression of RGS11 with different ² subunits reveals specific interaction between RGS11 and ²5. The expression of mRNA for RGS11 and ²5 in human tissues overlaps. The ²5/RGS11 heterodimer acts as a GAP on ±o, apparently selectively. RGS proteins that contain GGL domains appear to act as GAPs for ± proteins and form complexes with specific ² subunits, adding to the combinatorial complexity of G protein-mediated signaling pathways.


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Neuronal cells undergo rapid growth cone collapse, neurite retraction, and cell rounding in response to certain G protein–coupled receptor agonists such as lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). These shape changes are driven by Rho-mediated contraction of the actomyosin-based cytoskeleton. To date, however, detection of Rho activation has been hampered by the lack of a suitable assay. Furthermore, the nature of the G protein(s) mediating LPA-induced neurite retraction remains unknown. We have developed a Rho activation assay that is based on the specific binding of active RhoA to its downstream effector Rho-kinase (ROK). A fusion protein of GST and the Rho-binding domain of ROK pulls down activated but not inactive RhoA from cell lysates. Using GST-ROK, we show that in N1E-115 neuronal cells LPA activates endogenous RhoA within 30 s, concomitant with growth cone collapse. Maximal activation occurs after 3 min when neurite retraction is complete and the actin cytoskeleton is fully contracted. LPA-induced RhoA activation is completely inhibited by tyrosine kinase inhibitors (tyrphostin 47 and genistein). Activated ±12 and ±13 subunits mimic LPA both in activating RhoA and in inducing RhoA-mediated cytoskeletal contraction, thereby preventing neurite outgrowth. We conclude that in neuronal cells, LPA activates RhoA to induce growth cone collapse and neurite retraction through a G12/13-initiated pathway that involves protein-tyrosine kinase activity.


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The distinctive relations between biological activity and isotopic effect recorded in biomarkers (e.g., carbon and sulfur isotope ratios) have allowed scientists to suggest that life originated on this planet nearly 3.8 billion years ago. The existence of life on other planets may be similarly identified by geochemical biomarkers, including the oxygen isotope ratio of phosphate (δ18Op) presented here. At low near-surface temperatures, the exchange of oxygen isotopes between phosphate and water requires enzymatic catalysis. Because enzymes are indicative of cellular activity, the demonstration of enzyme-catalyzed PO4–H2O exchange is indicative of the presence of life. Results of laboratory experiments are presented that clearly show that δ18OP values of inorganic phosphate can be used to detect enzymatic activity and microbial metabolism of phosphate. Applications of δ18Op as a biomarker are presented for two Earth environments relevant to the search for extraterrestrial life: a shallow groundwater reservoir and a marine hydrothermal vent system. With the development of in situ analytical techniques and future planned sample return strategies, δ18Op may provide an important biosignature of the presence of life in extraterrestrial systems such as that on Mars.