138 resultados para gene locus


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The gene product of the recently cloned mouse obese gene (ob) is important in regulating adipose tissue mass. ob RNA is expressed specifically by mouse adipocytes in vivo in each of several different fat cell depots, including brown fat. ob RNA is also expressed in cultured 3T3-442A preadipocyte cells that have been induced to differentiate. Mice with lesions of the hypothalamus, as well as mice mutant at the db locus, express a 20-fold higher level of ob RNA in adipose tissue. These data suggest that both the db gene and the hypothalamus are downstream of the ob gene in the pathway that regulates adipose tissue mass and are consistent with previous experiments suggesting that the db locus encodes the ob receptor. In db/db and lesioned mice, quantitative differences in expression level of ob RNA correlated with adipocyte lipid content. The molecules that regulate expression level of the ob gene in adipocytes probably are important in determining body weight, as are the molecules that mediate the effects of ob at its site of action.


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The gene encoding human plakoglobin was mapped to chromosome 17q12-q22. An intragenic restriction fragment length polymorphism was used to localize the plakoglobin gene distal to locus KRT10 and proximal to the marker D17S858. The plakoglobin gene colocalizes with the polymorphic 17q21 marker UM8 on the same cosmid insert. This subregion of chromosome 17 is known to be particularly subjected to genetic alterations in sporadic breast and ovarian tumors. We show loss of heterozygosity of the plakoglobin gene in breast and ovarian tumors. We have identified a low-frequency polymorphism in the plakoglobin coding sequence which results in an arginine to histidine substitution at amino acid position 142 of the protein, as well as a silent mutation at nucleotide position 332 of the coding sequence. This polymorphism allowed us to demonstrate an allelic association of plakoglobin with predisposition to familial breast and ovarian cancers. Our results, together with the present knowledge about the biological function of plakoglobin, suggest that plakoglobin might represent a putative tumor suppressor gene for breast and ovarian cancers.


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Variability and complexity of phenotypes observed in microdeletion syndromes can be due to deletion of a single gene whose product participates in several aspects of development or can be due to the deletion of a number of tightly linked genes, each adding its own effect to the syndrome. The p6H deletion in mouse chromosome 7 presents a good model with which to address this question of multigene vs. single-gene pleiotropy. Mice homozygous for the p6H deletion are diluted in pigmentation, are smaller than their littermates, and manifest a nervous jerky-gait phenotype. Male homozygotes are sterile and exhibit profound abnormalities in spermiogenesis. By using N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (EtNU) mutagenesis and a breeding protocol designed to recover recessive mutations expressed hemizygously opposite a large p-locus deletion, we have generated three noncomplementing mutations that map to the p6H deletion. Each of these EtNU-induced mutations has adverse effects on the size, nervous behavior, and progression of spermiogenesis that characterize p6H deletion homozygotes. Because EtNU is thought to induce primarily intragenic (point) mutations in mouse stem-cell spermatogonia, we propose that the trio of phenotypes (runtiness, nervous jerky gait, and male sterility) expressed in p6H deletion homozygotes is the result of deletion of a single highly pleiotropic gene. We also predict that a homologous single locus, quite possibly tightly linked and distal to the D15S12 (P) locus in human chromosome 15q11-q13, may be associated with similar developmental abnormalities in humans.


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Cerebral cavernous malformation is a common disease of the brain vasculature of unknown cause characterized by dilated thin-walled sinusoidal vessels (caverns); these lesions cause varying clinical presentations which include headache, seizure, and hemorrhagic stroke. This disorder is frequently familial, with autosomal dominant inheritance. Using a general linkage approach in two extended cavernous malformation kindreds, we have identified linkage of this trait to chromosome 7q11.2-q21. Multipoint linkage analysis yields a peak logarithm of odds (lod) score of 6.88 with zero recombination with locus D7S669 and localizes the gene to a 7-cM region in the interval between loci ELN and D7S802.


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The biosynthesis of gibberellins (GAs) after GA12-aldehyde involves a series of oxidative steps that lead to the formation of bioactive GAs. Previously, a cDNA clone encoding a GA 20-oxidase [gibberellin, 2-oxoglutarate:oxygen oxidoreductase (20-hydroxylating, oxidizing), EC 1.14.11.-] was isolated by immunoscreening a cDNA library from liquid endosperm of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.) with antibodies against partially purified GA 20-oxidase. Here, we report isolation of a genomic clone for GA 20-oxidase from a genomic library of the long-day species Arabidopsis thaliana Heynh., strain Columbia, by using the pumpkin cDNA clone as a heterologous probe. This genomic clone contains a GA 20-oxidase gene that consists of three exons and two introns. The three exons are 1131-bp long and encode 377 amino acid residues. A cDNA clone corresponding to the putative GA 20-oxidase genomic sequence was constructed with the reverse transcription-PCR method, and the identity of the cDNA clone was confirmed by analyzing the capability of the fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli to convert GA53 to GA44 and GA19 to GA20. The Arabidopsis GA 20-oxidase shares 55% identity and > 80% similarity with the pumpkin GA 20-oxidase at the derived amino acid level. Both GA 20-oxidases share high homology with other 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases (2-ODDs), but the highest homology was found between the two GA 20-oxidases. Mapping results indicated tight linkage between the cloned GA 20-oxidase and the GA5 locus of Arabidopsis. The ga5 semidwarf mutant contains a G-->A point mutation that inserts a translational stop codon in the protein-coding sequence, thus confirming that the GA5 locus encodes GA 20-oxidase. Expression of the GA5 gene in Ara-bidopsis leaves was enhanced after plants were transferred from short to long days; it was reduced by GA4 treatment, suggesting end-product repression in the GA biosynthetic pathway.


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To test whether yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) can be used in the investigation of mammalian development, we analyzed the phenotypes of transgenic mice carrying two types of beta-globin locus YAC developmental mutants: (i) mice carrying a G-->A transition at position -117 of the A gamma gene, which is responsible for the Greek A gamma form of hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH), and (ii) beta-globin locus YAC transgenic lines carrying delta- and beta-globin gene deletions with 5' breakpoints similar to those of deletional HPFH and delta beta-thalassemia syndromes. The mice carrying the -117 A gamma G-->A mutation displayed a delayed gamma- to beta-globin gene switch and continued to express A gamma-globin chains in the adult stage of development as expected for carriers of Greek HPFH, indicating that the YAC/transgenic mouse system allows the analysis of the developmental role of cis-acting motifs. The analysis of mice carrying 3' deletions first provided evidence in support of the hypothesis that imported enhancers are responsible for the phenotypes of deletional HPFH and second indicated that autonomous silencing is the primary mechanism for turning off the gamma-globin genes in the adult. Collectively, our results suggest that transgenic mice carrying YAC mutations provide a useful model for the analysis of the control of gene expression during development.


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Nonhomologous integration vectors have been used to demonstrate the feasibility of insertional mutagenesis in haploid tachyzoites of the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Mutant clones resistant to 5-fluorouracil were identified at a frequency of approximately 10(-6) (approximately 2 x 10(-5) of the stable transformants). Four independent mutants were isolated, all of which were shown to lack uracil phosphoribosyl-transferase (UPRT) activity and harbor transgenes integrated at closely linked loci, suggesting inactivation of the UPRT-encoding gene. Genomic DNA flanking the insertion point (along with the integrated vector) was readily recovered by bacterial transformation with restriction-digested, self-ligated total genomic DNA. Screening of genomic libraries with the recovered fragment identified sequences exhibiting high homology to known UPRT-encoding genes from other species, and cDNA clones were isolated that contain a single open reading frame predicted to encode the 244-amino acid enzyme. Homologous recombination vectors were exploited to create genetic knock-outs at the UPRT locus, which are deficient in enzyme activity but can be complemented by transient transformation with wild-type sequences--formally confirming identification of the functional UPRT gene. Mapping of transgene insertion points indicates that multiple independent mutants arose from integration at distinct sites within the UPRT gene, suggesting that nonhomologous integration is sufficiently random to permit tagging of the entire parasite genome in a single transformation.


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Mice that carry the lethal yellow (Ay) or viable yellow (Avy) mutation, two dominant mutations of the agouti (a) gene in mouse chromosome 2, exhibit a phenotype that includes yellow fur, marked obesity, a form of type II diabetes associated with insulin resistance, and an increased susceptibility to tumor development. Molecular analyses of these and several other dominant "obese yellow" a-locus mutations suggested that ectopic expression of the normal agouti protein gives rise to this complex pleiotropic phenotype. We have now tested this hypothesis directly by generating transgenic mice that ectopically express an agouti cDNA clone encoding the normal agouti protein in all tissues examined. Transgenic mice of both sexes have yellow fur, become obese, and develop hyperinsulinemia. In addition, male transgenic mice develop hyperglycemia by 12-20 weeks of age. These results demonstrate conclusively that the ectopic agouti expression is responsible for most, if not all, of the phenotypic traits of the dominant, obese yellow mutants.


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Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) appears to mediate the rapid increase in pregnenolone synthesis stimulated by tropic hormones. cDNAs encoding StAR were isolated from a human adrenal cortex library. Human StAR, coexpressed in COS-1 cells with cytochrome P450scc and adrenodoxin, increased pregnenolone synthesis > 4-fold. A major StAR transcript of 1.6 kb and less abundant transcripts of 4.4 and 7.5 kb were detected in ovary and testis. Kidney had a lower amount of the 1.6-kb message. StAR mRNA was not detected in other tissues including placenta. Treatment of granulosa cells with 8-bromo-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate for 24 hr increased StAR mRNA 3-fold or more. The structural gene encoding StAR was mapped using somatic cell hybrid mapping panels to chromosome 8p. Fluorescence in situ hybridization placed the StAR locus in the region 8p11.2. A StAR pseudogene was mapped to chromosome 13. We conclude that StAR expression is restricted to tissues that carry out mitochondrial sterol oxidations subject to acute regulation by cAMP and that StAR mRNA levels are regulated by cAMP.


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A human gene with strong homology to the MAGE gene family located in Xq27-qter has been isolated by using exon-trapping of cosmids in the Xp21.3 region. We have mapped and sequenced cDNA and genomic clones corresponding to this gene, MAGE-Xp, and shown that the last exon contains the open reading frame and is present in a minimum of five copies in a 30-kb interval. MAGE-Xp is expressed only in testis and, unlike the Xq27-qter MAGE genes, it is not expressed in any of 12 different tumor tissues tested. However, the gene and predicted protein structure are conserved, suggesting a similar function. MAGE-Xp is located in the 160-kb critical interval defined for the locus involved in sex determination within Xp21 and is 50 kb distal to the DAX-1 gene, which is responsible for X-chromosome-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita.


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Resistance to bacterial speck in tomato is governed by a gene-for-gene interaction in which a single resistance locus (Pto) in the plant responds to the expression of a specific avirulence gene (avrPto) in the pathogen. Disease susceptibility results if either Pto or avrPto are lacking from the corresponding organisms. Leaves of tomato cultivars that contain the Pto locus also exhibit a hypersensitive-like response upon exposure to an organophosphorous insecticide, fenthion. Recently, the Pto gene was isolated by a map-based cloning approach and was shown to be a member of a clustered multigene family with similarity to various protein-serine/threonine kinases. Another member of this family, termed Fen, was found to confer sensitivity to fenthion. The Pto protein shares 80% identity (87% similarity) with Fen. Here, Pto and Fen are shown to be functional protein kinases that probably participate in the same signal transduction pathway.


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We have identified a murine gene, metaxin, that spans the 6-kb interval separating the glucocerebrosidase gene (GC) from the thrombospondin 3 gene on chromosome 3E3-F1. Metaxin and GC are transcribed convergently; their major polyadenylylation sites are only 431 bp apart. On the other hand, metaxin and the thrombospondin 3 gene are transcribed divergently and share a common promoter sequence. The cDNA for metaxin encodes a 317-aa protein, without either a signal sequence or consensus for N-linked glycosylation. Metaxin protein is expressed ubiquitously in tissues of the young adult mouse, but no close homologues have been found in the DNA or protein data bases. A targeted mutation (A-->G in exon 9) was introduced into GC by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells to establish a mouse model for a mild form of Gaucher disease. A phosphoglycerate kinase-neomycin gene cassette was also inserted into the 3'-flanking region of GC as a selectable marker, at a site later identified as the terminal exon of metaxin. Mice homozygous for the combined mutations die early in gestation. Since the same amino acid mutation in humans is associated with mild type 1 Gaucher disease, we suggest that metaxin protein is likely to be essential for embryonic development in mice. Clearly, the contiguous gene organization at this locus limits targeting strategies for the production of murine models of Gaucher disease.


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The present study was undertaken to define the 5' and 3' regulatory sequences of human von Willebrand factor gene that confer tissue-specific expression in vivo. Transgenic mice were generated bearing a chimeric construct that included 487 bp of 5' flanking sequence and the first exon fused in-frame to the Escherichia coli lacZ gene. In situ histochemical analyses in independent lines demonstrated that the von Willebrand factor promoter targeted expression of LacZ to a subpopulation of endothelial cells in the yolk sac and adult brain. LacZ activity was absent in the vascular beds of the spleen, lung, liver, kidney, testes, heart, and aorta, as well as in megakaryocytes. In contrast, in mice containing the lacZ gene targeted to the thrombomodulin locus, the 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl beta-D-galactopyranoside reaction product was detected throughout the vascular tree. These data highlight the existence of regional differences in endothelial cell gene regulation and suggest that the 733-bp von Willebrand factor promoter may be useful as a molecular marker to investigate endothelial cell diversity.


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The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is an X-chromosome-linked recessive disease characterized by eczema, thrombocytopenia, and immunodeficiency. The disease gene has been localized to the proximal short arm of the X chromosome and recently isolated through positional cloning. The function of the encoded protein remains undetermined. In this study we have characterized mutations in 12 unrelated patients to confirm the identity of the disease gene. We have also revised the coding sequence and genomic structure for the WAS gene. To analyze further the transmittance of the disease gene, we have characterized a polymorphic microsatellite at the DXS6940 locus within 30 kb of the gene and demonstrate the inheritance of the affected alleles in families with a history of WAS.


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We have generated mice with a null mutation at the Ada locus, which encodes the purine catabolic enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA, EC ADA-deficient fetuses exhibited hepatocellular impairment and died perinatally. Their lymphoid tissues were not largely affected. Accumulation of ADA substrates was detectable in ADA-deficient conceptuses as early as 12.5 days postcoitum, dramatically increasing during late in utero development, and is the likely cause of liver damage and fetal death. The results presented here demonstrate that ADA is important for the homeostatic maintenance of purines in mice.