183 resultados para G EXPRESSION


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We addressed the question as to which subtypes of G protein subunits mediate the activation of phospholipase C-beta by the muscarinic m1 receptor. We used the rat basophilic leukemia cell line RBL-2H3-hm1 stably transfected with the human muscarinic m1 receptor cDNA. We microinjected antisense oligonucleotides into the nuclei of the cells to inhibit selectively the expression of G protein subunits; 48 hr later muscarinic receptors were activated by carbachol, and the increase in free cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) was measured. Antisense oligonucleotides directed against the mRNA coding for alpha(q) and alpha11 subunits both suppressed the carbachol-induced increase in [Ca2+]i. In cells injected with antisense oligonucleotides directed against alpha(o1) and alpha14 subunits, the carbachol effect was unchanged. A corresponding reduction of Galpha(q), and Galpha11 proteins by 70-80% compared to uninjected cells was immunochemically detected 2 days after injection of a mixture of alpha(q) and alpha11 antisense oligonucleotides. Expression of Galpha(q) and Galpha11 completely recovered after 4 days. Cells injected with antisense oligonucleotides directed against the mRNAs encoding for beta1, beta4, and gamma4 subunits showed a suppression of the carbachol-induced increase in [Ca2+]i compared to uninjected cells measured at the same time from the same coverslip, whereas in cells injected with antisense oligonucleotides directed against the beta2, beta3, gamma1, gamma2, gamma3, gamma5, and gamma7 subunits, no suppression of carbachol effect was observed. In summary, the results from RBL-2H3-hm1 cells indicate that the m1 receptor utilizes a G protein complex composed of the subunits alpha(q), alpha11, beta1, beta4, and gamma4 to activate phospholipase C.


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The modulation of a family of cloned neuronal calcium channels by stimulation of a coexpressed mu opioid receptor was studied by transient expression in Xenopus oocytes. Activation of the morphine receptor with the synthetic enkephalin [D-Ala2,N-Me-Phe4,Gly-ol5]enkephalin (DAMGO) resulted in a rapid inhibition of alpha1A (by approximately 20%) and alpha1B (by approximately 55%) currents while alpha1C and alpha1E currents were not significantly affected. The opioid-induced effects on alpha1A and alpha1B currents were blocked by pertussis toxin and the GTP analogue guanosine 5'-[beta-thio]diphosphate. Similar to modulation of native calcium currents, DAMGO induced a slowing of the activation kinetics and exhibited a voltage-dependent inhibition that was partially relieved by application of strong depolarizing pulses. alpha1A currents were still inhibited in the absence of coexpressed Ca channel alpha2 and beta subunits, suggesting that the response is mediated by the alpha1 subunit. Furthermore, the sensitivity of alpha1A currents to DAMGO-induced inhibition was increased approximately 3-fold in the absence of a beta subunit. Overall, the results show that the alpha1A (P/Q type) and the alpha1B (N type) calcium channels are selectively modulated by a GTP-binding protein (G protein). The results raise the possibility of competitive interactions between beta subunit and G protein binding to the alpha1 subunit, shifting gating in opposite directions. At presynaptic terminals, the G protein-dependent inhibition may result in decreased synaptic transmission and play a key role in the analgesic effect of opioids and morphine.


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Specific mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), the most common autosomal recessive fatal genetic disease of Caucasians, result in the loss of epithelial cell adenosine 3',5'-cyclic-monophosphate (cAMP)-stimulated Cl- conductance. We show that the influx of a fluorescent dye, dihydrorhodamine 6G (dR6G), is increased in cells expressing human CFTR after retrovirus- and adenovirus-mediated gene transfer. dR6G influx is stimulated by cAMP and is inhibited by antagonists of cAMP action. Dye uptake is ATP-dependent and inhibited by Cl- removal or the addition of 10 mM SCN-. Increased staining is associated with functional activation of CFTR Cl- permeability. dR6G staining enables both the fluorescent assessment of CFTR function and the identification of successfully corrected cells after gene therapy.


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Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), a severe demyelinating disease, is caused by mutations in a gene coding for a peroxisomal membrane protein (ALDP), which belongs to the superfamily of ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters and has the structure of a half transporter. ALDP showed 38% sequence identity with another peroxisomal membrane protein, PMP70, up to now its closest homologue. We describe here the cloning and characterization of a mouse ALD-related gene (ALDR), which codes for a protein with 66% identity with ALDP and shares the same half transporter structure. The ALDR protein was overexpressed in COS cells and was found to be associated with the peroxisomes. The ALD and ALDR genes show overlapping but clearly distinct expression patterns in mouse and may thus play similar but nonequivalent roles. The ALDR gene, which appears highly conserved in man, is a candidate for being a modifier gene that could account for some of the extreme phenotypic variability of ALD. The ALDR gene is also a candidate for being implicated in one of the complementation groups of Zellweger syndrome, a genetically heterogeneous disorder of peroxisome biogenesis, rare cases of which were found to be associated with mutations in the PMP70 (PXMP1) gene.


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Two chemokine (chemoattractant cytokines) beta peptides, macrophage inflammatory proteins 1 alpha and 1 beta (MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta), were induced in human monocyte cultures following infection with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Induction depended on productive viral infection: not only did the kinetics of MIP-1 peptide induction closely follow those of viral replication, but monocyte cultures inoculated with heat-inactivated virus or infected in the presence of AZT failed to produce these chemokine beta peptides. In addition, HIV infection markedly altered the pattern of beta chemokine expression elicited by tumor necrosis factor (TNF), itself a potent proinflammatory cytokine upregulated during the development of AIDS. Reverse transcription (RT)-PCR and RT-in situ PCR studies on brain tissue from patients with AIDS dementia demonstrated elevated MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta mRNA expression relative to comparable samples from HIV-1-infected patients without dementia. Cells expressing chemokines in HIV-1-infected brains were identified morphologically as microglia and astrocytes. As MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta are potent chemoattractants for both monocytes and specific subpopulations of lymphocytes, this dysregulation of beta chemokine expression may influence the trafficking of leukocytes during HIV infection. These data, taken together, suggest a mechanism by which HIV-1-infected monocytes might recruit uninfected T cells and monocytes to sites of active viral replication or inflammation, notably the brain and lymph nodes.


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We have studied the neuropathological characteristics of the brain of rats receiving daily intracerebroventricular administration of freshly dissolved human immunodeficiency virus type 1 recombinant protein gp120 (100 ng per rat per day) given for up to 14 days. Histological examination of serial brain sections revealed no apparent gross damage to the cortex or hippocampus, nor did cell counting yield significant neuronal cell loss. However, the viral protein caused after 7 and 14 days of treatment DNA fragmentation in 10% of brain cortical neurons. Interestingly, reduced neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression along with significant increases in nerve growth factor (NGF) were observed in the hippocampus, where gp120 did not cause neuronal damage. No changes in NGF and NOS expression were seen in the cortex, where cell death is likely to be of the apoptotic type. The present data demonstrate that gp120-induced cortical cell death is associated with the lack of increase of NGF in the cerebral cortex and suggest that the latter may be important for the expression of neuropathology in the rat brain. By contrast, enhanced levels of NGF may prevent or delay neuronal death in the hippocampus, where reduced NOS expression may be a reflection of a subcellular insult inflicted by the viral protein.


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Thyrotropin is the primary hormone that, via one heptahelical receptor, regulates thyroid cell functions such as secretion, specific gene expression, and growth. In human thyroid, thyrotropin receptor activation leads to stimulation of the adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C cascades. However, the G proteins involved in thyrotropin receptor action have been only partially defined. In membranes of human thyroid gland, we immunologically identified alpha subunits of the G proteins Gs short, Gs long, Gi1, Gi2, Gi3, G(o) (Go2 and another form of Go, presumably Go1), Gq, G11, G12, and G13. Activation of the thyrotropin (TSH) receptor by bovine TSH led to increased incorporation of the photoreactive GTP analogue [alpha-32P]GTP azidoanilide into immunoprecipitated alpha subunits of all G proteins detected in thyroid membranes. This effect was receptor-dependent and not due to direct G protein stimulation because it was mimicked by TSH receptor-stimulating antibodies of patients suffering from Grave disease and was abolished by a receptor-blocking antiserum from a patient with autoimmune hypothyroidism. The TSH-induced activation of individual G proteins occurred with EC50 values of 5-50 milliunits/ml, indicating that the activated TSH receptor coupled with similar potency to different G proteins. When human thyroid slices were pretreated with pertussis toxin, the TSH receptor-mediated accumulation of cAMP increased by approximately 35% with TSH at 1 milliunits/ml, indicating that the TSH receptor coupled to Gs and G(i). Taken together, these findings show that, at least in human thyroid membranes, in which the protein is expressed at its physiological levels, the TSH receptor resembles a naturally occurring example of a general G protein-activating receptor.


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Caveolin, a 21- to 24-kDa integral membrane protein, is a principal component of caveolae membranes. Caveolin interacts directly with heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding proteins (G proteins) and can functionally regulate their activity. Here, an approximately 20-kDa caveolin-related protein, caveolin-2, was identified through microsequencing of adipocyte-derived caveolin-enriched membranes; caveolin was retermed caveolin-1. Caveolins 1 and 2 are similar in most respects. mRNAs for both caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 are most abundantly expressed in white adipose tissue and are induced during adipocyte differentiation. Caveolin-2 colocalizes with caveolin-1, indicating that caveolin-2 also localizes to caveolae. However, caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 differ in their functional interactions with heterotrimeric G proteins, possibly explaining why caveolin-1 and -2 are coexpressed within a single cell.


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Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS; EC is expressed in rat glomerular mesangial cells upon exposure to the inflammatory cytokine interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta). We have reported that nanomolar concentrations of dexamethasone suppress IL-1 beta-induced iNOS protein expression and production of nitrite, the stable end product of NO formation, without affecting IL-1 beta-triggered increase in iNOS mRNA levels. We now have studied the mechanisms by which dexamethasone suppresses IL-1 beta-stimulated iNOS expression in mesangial cells. Surprisingly, nuclear run-on transcription experiments demonstrate that dexamethasone markedly attenuates IL-1 beta-induced iNOS gene transcription. However, this is counteracted by a prolongation of the half-life of iNOS mRNA from 1 h to 2.5 h by dexamethasone. Moreover, dexamethasone drastically reduces the amount of iNOS protein by reduction of iNOS mRNA translation and increased degradation of iNOS protein. These results indicate that glucocorticoids act at multiple levels to regulate iNOS expression, thus providing important insights into the treatment of inflammatory diseases.


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Ovarian cancers have a high ability to invade the peritoneal cavity and some are stimulated by estrogens. In an attempt to understand the mode of action of estrogens on these cancer cells and to develop new markers, we have characterized estrogen-regulated proteins. This study was aimed at identifying a protein secreted by ovarian cancer cells whose level was increased by estradiol [Galtier-Dereure, F., Capony, F., Maudelonde, T. & Rochefort, H. (1992) J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 75, 1497-1502]. By using microprotein sequencing, the 110-kDa protein was identified as fibulin-1, a protein of the extracellular matrix that binds to fibronectin, laminin, and nidogen. The amount of immunoprecipitated fibulin-1 secreted into the medium and present in the cell extract was increased up to 10-fold by estradiol in three estrogen-responsive ovarian cancer cell lines. By immunohistochemistry fibulin-1 was located in the stroma of several ovarian cancers and cysts. The findings highlight a potential role for fibulin-1 in the spread of ovarian cancer in the peritoneal cavity and/or in distal metastases.


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The recent demonstration of the occurrence in rat brain and other nonpancreatic tissues of carboxypeptidase A (CPA) gene transcripts without associated catalytic activity could be ascribed to the presence of a soluble endogenous protein inhibitor. This tissue carboxypeptidase inhibitor (TCI), detected by the inhibition of added bovine pancreatic CPA, was purified from rat brain. Peptides were obtained by partial proteolysis of purified TCI, a protein of approximately 30 kDa, and starting from their sequences, a full-length cDNA encoding a 223-amino acid protein containing three potential phosphorylation sites was cloned from a cDNA library. Its identity with TCI was shown by expression in Escherichia coli of a recombinant protein recognized by antibodies raised against native TCI and display characteristic CPA-inhibiting activity. TCI appears as a hardly reversible, non-competitive, and potent inhibitor of CPA1 and CPA2 (Ki approximately 3 nM) and mast-cell CPA (Ki = 16 nM) and inactive on various other proteases. This pattern of selectivity might be attributable to a limited homology of a 11-amino acid sequence with sequences within the activation segments of CPA and CPB known to interact with residues within their active sites. The widespread expression of TCI in a number of tissues (e.g., brain, lung, or digestive tract) and its apparently cytosolic localization point to a rather general functional role, e.g., in the control of cytosolic protein degradation.


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Promoter and silencer elements of the immediate 5' flanking region of the gene coding for human factor VII were identified and characterized. The major transcription start site, designated as +1, was determined by RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) analysis of human liver cDNA and was found to be located 50 bp upstream from the translation start site. Two minor transcription start sites were found at bp +32 bp and +37. Progressive deletions of the 5' flanking region were fused to the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene and transient expression in HepG2 and HeLa cells was measured. Two promoter elements that were essential for hepatocyte-specific transcription were identified. The first site, FVIIP1, located at bp -19 to +1, functioned independently of orientation or position and contributed about one-third of the promoter activity of the factor VII gene. Electrophoretic mobility-shift, competition, and anti-hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 (HNF4) antibody supershift experiments demonstrated that this site contained an HNF-4 binding element homologous to the promoters in the genes coding for factor IX and factor X. The second site, FVIIP2, located at bp -50 to -26, also functioned independent of orientation or position and contributed about two thirds of the promoter activity in the gene for factor VII. Functional assays with mutant sequences demonstrated that a 10-bp G + C-rich core sequence which shares 90% sequence identity with the prothrombin gene enhancer was essential for the function of the second site. Mobility-shift and competition assays suggested that this site also binds hepatic-specific factors as well as the transcription factor Sp1. Two silencer elements located upstream of the promoter region spanning bp -130 to -103 (FVIIS1 site) and bp -202 to -130 (FVIIS2) were also identified by reporter gene assays.


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Infectious human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was produced by the intracellular coexpression of five plasmid-borne cDNAs. One cDNA encoded a complete positive-sense version of the RSV genome (corresponding to the replicative intermediate RNA or antigenome), and each of the other four encoded a separate RSV protein, namely, the major nucleocapsid N protein, the nucleocapsid P phosphoprotein, the major polymerase L protein, or the protein from the 5' proximal open reading frame of the M2 mRNA [M2(ORF1)]. RSV was not produced if any of the five plasmids was omitted. The requirement for the M2(ORF1) protein is consistent with its recent identification as a transcription elongation factor and confirms its importance for RSV gene expression. It should thus be possible to introduce defined changes into infectious RSV. This should be useful for basic studies of RSV molecular biology and pathogenesis; in addition, there are immediate applications to the development of live attenuated vaccine strains bearing predetermined defined attenuating mutations.


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Cyclic nucleotides modulate potassium (K) channel activity in many cells and are thought to act indirectly by inducing channel protein phosphorylation. Herein we report the isolation from rabbit of a gene encoding a K channel (Kcn1) that is specifically activated by cGMP and not by cAMP. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence (725 amino acids) indicates that, in addition to a core region that is highly homologous to Shaker K channels, Kcn1 also contains a cysteine-rich region similar to that of ligand-gated ion channels and a cyclic nucleotide-binding region. Northern blot analysis detects gene expression in kidney, aorta, and brain. Kcn1 represents a class of K channels that may be specifically regulated by cGMP and could play an important role in mediating the effects of substances, such as nitric oxide, that increase intracellular cGMP.


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Golgi alpha-mannosidase II (alpha-MII) is an enzyme involved in the processing of N-linked glycans. Using a previously isolated murine cDNA clone as a probe, we have isolated cDNA clones encompassing the human alpha-MII cDNA open reading frame and initiated isolation of human genomic clones. During the isolation of genomic clones, genes related to that encoding alpha-MII were isolated. One such gene was found to encode an isozyme, designated alpha-MIIx. A 5-kb cDNA clone encoding alpha-MIIx was then isolated from a human melanoma cDNA library. However, comparison between alpha-MIIx and alpha-MII cDNAs suggested that the cloned cDNA encodes a truncated polypeptide with 796 amino acid residues, while alpha-MII consists of 1144 amino acid residues. To reevaluate the sequence of alpha-MIIx cDNA, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed with lymphocyte mRNAs. Comparison of the sequence of PCR products with the alpha-MIIx genomic sequence revealed that alternative splicing of the alpha-MIIx transcript can result in an additional transcript encoding a 1139-amino acid polypeptide. Northern analysis showed transcription of alpha-MIIx in various tissues, suggesting that the alpha-MIIx gene is a housekeeping gene. COS cells transfected with alpha-MIIx cDNA containing the full-length open reading frame showed an increase of alpha-mannosidase activity. The alpha-MIIx gene was mapped to human chromosome 15q25, whereas the alpha-MII gene was mapped to 5q21-22.