199 resultados para phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase


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Our understanding of the mammalian cell cycle is due in large part to the analysis of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 2 and CDK4/6. These kinases are regulated by E and D type cyclins, respectively, and coordinate the G1/S-phase transition. In contrast, little is known about CDK3, a homolog of CDK2 and cell division cycle kinase 2 (CDC2). Previous studies using ectopic expression of human CDK3 suggest a role for this kinase in the G1/S-phase transition, but analysis of the endogenous kinase has been stymied by the low levels of protein present in cells and by the absence of an identifiable cyclin partner. Herein we report the presence of a single point mutation in the CDK3 gene from several Mus musculus strains commonly used in the laboratory. This mutation results in the replacement of a conserved tryptophan (Trp-187) within kinase consensus domain IX with a stop codon. The protein predicted to be encoded by this allele is truncated near the T loop, which is involved in activation by CDK-activating kinase. This mutation also deletes motif XI known to be required for kinase function and is, therefore, expected to generate a null allele. In stark contrast, CDK3 from two wild-mice species (Mus spretus and Mus mus castaneus) lack this mutation. These data indicate that CDK3 is not required for M. musculus development and suggest that any functional role played by CDK3 in the G1/S-phase transition is likely to be redundant with another CDK.


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Transformation of normal cloned rat embryo fibroblast (CREF) cells with cellular oncogenes results in acquisition of anchorage-independent growth and oncogenic potential in nude mice. These cellular changes correlate with an induction in the expression of a cancer progression-promoting gene, progression elevated gene-3 (PEG-3). To define the mechanism of activation of PEG-3 as a function of transformation by the Ha-ras and v-raf oncogenes, evaluations of the signaling and transcriptional regulation of the ~2.0 kb promoter region of the PEG-3 gene, PEG-Prom, was undertaken. The full-length and various mutated regions of the PEG-Prom were linked to a luciferase reporter construct and tested for promoter activity in CREF and oncogene-transformed CREF cells. An analysis was also performed using CREF cells doubly transformed with Ha-ras and the Ha-ras specific suppressor gene Krev-1, which inhibits the transformed phenotype in vitro. These assays document an association between expression of the transcription regulator PEA3 and PEG-3. The levels of PEA3 and PEG-3 RNA and proteins are elevated in the oncogenically transformed CREF cells, and reduced in transformation and tumorigenic suppressed Ha-ras/Krev-1 doubly transformed CREF cells. Enhanced tumorigenic behavior, PEG-3 promoter function and PEG-3 expression in Ha-ras transformed cells were all dependent upon increased activity within the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays and DNase I footprinting experiments indicate that PEA3 binds to sites within the PEG-Prom in transformed rodent cells in an area adjacent to the TATA box in a MAPK-dependent fashion. These findings demonstrate an association between Ha-ras and v-raf transformation of CREF cells with elevated PEA3 and PEG-3 expression, and they implicate MAPK signaling via PEA3 as a signaling cascade involved in activation of the PEG-Prom.


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In extracts of immature soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) seeds inositol tetrakisphosphate was formed from [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate but not from [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. Inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate kinase was purified to a specific activity of 3.55 min−1 mg−1 by polyethylenimine clarification and anion-exchange chromatography. The partially purified enzyme converted [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate to inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate as the major product and inositol 1,3,4,6- and/or 1,2,3,4-tetrakisphosphate as the minor product. Subsequent experiments revealed a separate inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate 6-kinase activity, which could link these enzymes to inositol hexakisphosphate synthesis via the previously reported inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate 2-kinase. The apparent Km values for inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate kinase were 200 ± 0 nm for inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate and 171 ± 4 μm for ATP, and the reaction was not reversible. The kinetics were such that no activity could be detected using unlabeled inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate and [γ-32P]ATP, which suggested that other kinases may have been observed when less purified fractions were incubated with radiolabeled ATP. Inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate kinase was nonspecifically inhibited more than 80% by various inositol polyphosphates at a concentration of 100 μm.


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In these studies we expressed and characterized wild-type (WT) GSK-3 (glycogen synthase kinase-3) and its mutants, and examined their physiological effect on glycogen synthase activity. The GSK-3 mutants included mutation at serine-9 either to alanine (S9A) or glutamic acid (S9E) and an inactive mutant, K85,86MA. Expression of WT and the various mutants in a cell-free system indicated that S9A and S9E exhibit increased kinase activity as compared with WT. Subsequently, 293 cells were transiently transfected with WT GSK-3 and mutants. Cells expressing the S9A mutant exhibited higher kinase activity (2.6-fold of control cells) as compared with cells expressing WT and S9E (1.8- and 2.0-fold, respectively, of control cells). Combined, these results suggest serine-9 as a key regulatory site of GSK-3 inactivation, and indicate that glutamic acid cannot mimic the function of the phosphorylated residue. The GSK-3-expressing cell system enabled us to examine whether GSK-3 can induce changes in the endogenous glycogen synthase activity. A decrease in glycogen synthase activity (50%) was observed in cells expressing the S9A mutant. Similarly, glycogen synthase activity was suppressed in cells expressing WT and the S9E mutant (20-30%, respectively). These studies indicate that activation of GSK-3 is sufficient to inhibit glycogen synthase in intact cells, and provide evidence supporting a physiological role for GSK-3 in regulating glycogen synthase and glycogen metabolism.


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The cellular kinase known as PKR (protein kinase RNA-activated) is induced by interferon and activated by RNA. PKR is known to have antiviral properties due to its role in translational control. Active PKR phosphorylates eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha and leads to inhibition of translation, including viral translation. PKR is also known to function as a tumor suppressor, presumably by limiting the rate of tumor-cell translation and growth. Recent research has shown that RNA from the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of human alpha-tropomyosin has tumor-suppressor properties in vivo [Rastinejad, F., Conboy, M. J., Rando, T. A. & Blau, H. M. (1993) Cell 75, 1107-1117]. Here we report that purified RNA from the 3'UTR of human alpha-tropomyosin can inhibit in vitro translation in a manner consistent with activation of PKR. Inhibition of translation by tropomyosin 3'UTR RNA was observed in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system, which is known to contain endogenous PKR but was not seen in wheat germ lysate, which is not responsive to a known activator of PKR. A control RNA purified in the same manner as the 3'UTR RNA did not inhibit translation in either system. The inhibition of translation observed in reticulocyte lysates was prevented by the addition of adenovirus virus-associated RNA1 (VA RNAI), an inhibitor of PKR activation. Tropomyosin 3'UTR RNA was bound by immunoprecipitated PKR and activated the enzyme in an in vitro kinase assay. These data suggest that activation of PKR could be the mechanism by which tropomyosin 3'UTR RNA exerts its tumor-suppression activity in vivo.


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Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE) stimulate T cells expressing the appropriate variable region beta chain of (V beta) T-cell receptors and have been implicated in the pathogenesis of several autoimmune diseases. Depending on costimulatory signals, SE induce either proliferation or anergy in T cells. In addition, SE can induce an interleukin-2 (IL-2) nonresponsive state and apoptosis. Here, we show that SE induce dynamic changes in the expression of and signal transduction through the IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) beta and gamma chains (IL-2R beta and IL-2R gamma) in human antigen-specific CD4+ T-cell lines. Thus, after 4 hr of exposure to SEA and SEB, the expression of IL-2R beta was down-regulated, IL-2R gamma was slightly up-regulated, while IL-2R alpha remained largely unaffected. The changes in the composition of IL-2Rs were accompanied by inhibition of IL-2-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the Janus protein-tyrosine kinase 3 (Jak3) and signal transducers and activators of transcription called Stat3 and Stat5. In parallel experiments, IL-2-driven proliferation was inhibited significantly. After 16 hr of exposure to SE, the expression of IL-2R beta remained low, while that of IL2R alpha and IL2R gamma was further up-regulated, and ligand-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Jak3 and Stat proteins was partly normalized. Yet, IL-2-driven proliferation remained profoundly inhibited, suggesting that signaling events other than Jak3/Stat activation had also been changed following SE stimulation. In conclusion, our data suggest that SE can modulate IL-2R expression and signal transduction involving the Jak/Stat pathway in CD4+ T-cell lines.


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The dorsoventral axis is established early in Xenopus development and may involve signaling by Wnts, a family of Wnt1-protooncogene-related proteins. The protein kinase shaggy functions in the wingless/Wnt signaling pathway, which operates during Drosophila development. To assess the role of a closely related kinase, glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK-3 beta), in vertebrate embryogenesis, we cloned a cDNA encoding a Xenopus homolog of GSK-3 beta (XGSK-3 beta). XGSK-3 beta-specific transcripts were detected by Northern analysis in Xenopus eggs and early embryos. Microinjection of the mRNA encoding a catalytically inactive form of rat GSK-3 beta into a ventrovegetal blastomere of eight-cell embryos caused ectopic formation of a secondary body axis containing a complete set of dorsal and anterior structures. Furthermore, in isolated ectodermal explants, the mutant GSK-3 beta mRNA activated the expression of neural tissue markers. Wild-type XGSK-3 beta mRNA suppressed the dorsalizing effects of both the mutated GSK-3 beta and Xenopus dishevelled, a proposed upstream signaling component of the same pathway. These results strongly suggest that XGSK-3 beta functions to inhibit dorsoventral axis formation in the embryo and provide evidence for conservation of the Wnt signaling pathway in Drosophila and vertebrates.


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Phosphorylation of the P proteins of nonsegmented negative-strand RNA viruses is critical for their function as transactivators of the viral RNA polymerases. Using unphosphorylated P protein of human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3) expressed in Escherichia coli, we have shown that the cellular protein kinase that phosphorylates P in vitro is biochemically and immunologically indistinguishable from cellular protein kinase C isoform zeta (PKC-zeta). Further, PKC-zeta is specifically packaged within the progeny HPIV3 virions and remains tightly associated with the ribonucleoprotein complex. The P protein seems also to be phosphorylated intracellularly by PKC-zeta, as shown by the similar protease digestion pattern of the in vitro and in vivo phosphorylated P proteins. The growth of HPIV3 in CV-1 cells is completely abrogated when a PKC-zeta-specific inhibitor pseudosubstrate peptide was delivered into cells. These data indicate that PKC-zeta plays an important role in HPIV3 gene expression by phosphorylating P protein, thus providing an opportunity to develop antiviral agents against an important human pathogen.


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Checkpoints maintain the order and fidelity of the eukaryotic cell cycle, and defects in checkpoints contribute to genetic instability and cancer. Much of our current understanding of checkpoints comes from genetic studies conducted in yeast. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Sp), SpRad3 is an essential component of both the DNA damage and DNA replication checkpoints. The SpChk1 and SpCds1 protein kinases function downstream of SpRad3. SpChk1 is an effector of the DNA damage checkpoint and, in the absence of SpCds1, serves an essential function in the DNA replication checkpoint. SpCds1 functions in the DNA replication checkpoint and in the S phase DNA damage checkpoint. Human homologs of both SpRad3 and SpChk1 but not SpCds1 have been identified. Here we report the identification of a human cDNA encoding a protein (designated HuCds1) that shares sequence, structural, and functional similarity to SpCds1. HuCds1 was modified by phosphorylation and activated in response to ionizing radiation. It was also modified in response to hydroxyurea treatment. Functional ATM protein was required for HuCds1 modification after ionizing radiation but not after hydroxyurea treatment. Like its fission yeast counterpart, human Cds1 phosphorylated Cdc25C to promote the binding of 14-3-3 proteins. These findings suggest that the checkpoint function of HuCds1 is conserved in yeast and mammals.


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The integrin-linked kinase (ILK) is an ankyrin repeat containing serine-threonine protein kinase that can interact directly with the cytoplasmic domains of the β1 and β3 integrin subunits and whose kinase activity is modulated by cell–extracellular matrix interactions. Overexpression of constitutively active ILK results in loss of cell–cell adhesion, anchorage-independent growth, and tumorigenicity in nude mice. We now show that modest overexpression of ILK in intestinal epithelial cells as well as in mammary epithelial cells results in an invasive phenotype concomitant with a down-regulation of E-cadherin expression, translocation of β-catenin to the nucleus, formation of a complex between β-catenin and the high mobility group transcription factor, LEF-1, and transcriptional activation by this LEF-1/β-catenin complex. We also find that LEF-1 protein expression is rapidly modulated by cell detachment from the extracellular matrix, and that LEF-1 protein levels are constitutively up-regulated at ILK overexpression. These effects are specific for ILK, because transformation by activated H-ras or v-src oncogenes do not result in the activation of LEF-1/β-catenin. The results demonstrate that the oncogenic properties of ILK involve activation of the LEF-1/β-catenin signaling pathway, and also suggest ILK-mediated cross-talk between cell–matrix interactions and cell–cell adhesion as well as components of the Wnt signaling pathway.


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ETR1 represents a prototypical ethylene receptor. Homologues of ETR1 have been identified in Arabidopsis as well as in other plant species, indicating that ethylene perception involves a family of receptors and that the mechanism of ethylene perception is conserved in plants. The amino-terminal half of ETR1 contains a hydrophobic domain responsible for ethylene binding and membrane localization. The carboxyl-terminal half of the polypeptide contains domains with homology to histidine kinases and response regulators, signaling motifs originally identified in bacteria. The putative histidine kinase domain of ETR1 was expressed in yeast as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase and affinity purified. Autophosphorylation of the purified fusion protein was observed on incubation with radiolabeled ATP. The incorporated phosphate was resistant to treatment with 3 M NaOH, but was sensitive to 1 M HCl, consistent with phosphorylation of histidine. Autophosphorylation was abolished by mutations that eliminated either the presumptive site of phosphorylation (His-353) or putative catalytic residues within the kinase domain. Truncations were used to delineate the region required for histidine kinase activity. An examination of cation requirements indicated that ETR1 requires Mn2+ for autophosphorylation. These results demonstrate that higher plants contain proteins with histidine kinase activity. Furthermore, these results indicate that aspects of ethylene signaling may be regulated by changes in histidine kinase activity of the receptor.


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Heterotrimeric G proteins and tyrosine kinases are two major cellular signal transducers. Although G proteins are known to activate tyrosine kinases, the activation mechanism is not clear. Here, we demonstrate that G protein Gqα binds directly to the nonreceptor Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk) to a region composed of a Tec-homology (TH) domain and a sarcoma virus tyrosine kinase (Src)-homology 3 (SH3) domain both in vitro and in vivo. Only active GTP-bound Gqα, not inactive GDP-bound Gqα, can bind to Btk. Mutations of Btk that disrupt its ability to bind Gqα also eliminate Btk stimulation by Gqα, suggesting that this interaction is important for Btk activation. Remarkably, the structure of this TH (including a proline-rich sequence) -SH3 fragment of the Btk family of tyrosine kinases shows an intramolecular interaction. Furthermore, the crystal structure of the Src family of tyrosine kinases reveals that the intramolecular interaction of SH3 and its ligand is the major determining factor keeping the kinase inactive. Thus, we propose an activation model that entails binding of Gqα to the TH-SH3 region, thereby disrupting the TH-SH3 intramolecular interaction and activating Btk.


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We previously reported the presence of a novel variant (β-T594M) of the amiloride-sensitive Na+ channel (ASSC) in which the threonine residue at position 594 in the β-subunit has been replaced by a methionine residue. Electrophysiological studies of the ASSC on Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)-transformed lymphocytes carrying this variant showed that the 8-(4-chlorophenylthio) adenosine 3′:5′-cyclic monophosphate (8cpt-cAMP)-induced responses were enhanced when compared to wild-type EBV-transformed lymphocytes. Furthermore, in wild-type EBV-transformed cells, the 8cpt-cAMP-induced response was totally blocked by the phorbol ester, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). This inhibitory effect of PMA was blocked by a protein kinase C inhibitor, chelerythrine. We now have identified individuals who are homozygous for this variant, and showed that PMA had no effect on the 8cpt-cAMP-induced responses in the EBV-transformed lymphocytes from such individuals. Cells heterozygous for this variant showed mixed responses to PMA, with the majority of cells partially inhibited by PMA. Our results demonstrate that an alteration in a single amino acid residue in the β-subunit of the ASSC can lead to a total loss of inhibition to PMA, and establish the β-subunit as having an important role in conferring a regulatory effect on the ASSC of lymphocytes.


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Preferential phosphorylation of specific proteins by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) may be mediated in part by the anchoring of PKA to a family of A-kinase anchor proteins (AKAPs) positioned in close proximity to target proteins. This interaction is thought to depend on binding of the type II regulatory (RII) subunits to AKAPs and is essential for PKA-dependent modulation of the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid/kainate receptor, the L-type Ca2+ channel, and the KCa channel. We hypothesized that the targeted disruption of the gene for the ubiquitously expressed RIIα subunit would reveal those tissues and signaling events that require anchored PKA. RIIα knockout mice appear normal and healthy. In adult skeletal muscle, RIα protein levels increased to partially compensate for the loss of RIIα. Nonetheless, a reduction in both catalytic (C) subunit protein levels and total kinase activity was observed. Surprisingly, the anchored PKA-dependent potentiation of the L-type Ca2+ channel in RIIα knockout skeletal muscle was unchanged compared with wild type although it was more sensitive to inhibitors of PKA–AKAP interactions. The C subunit colocalized with the L-type Ca2+ channel in transverse tubules in wild-type skeletal muscle and retained this localization in knockout muscle. The RIα subunit was shown to bind AKAPs, although with a 500-fold lower affinity than the RIIα subunit. The potentiation of the L-type Ca2+ channel in RIIα knockout mouse skeletal muscle suggests that, despite a lower affinity for AKAP binding, RIα is capable of physiologically relevant anchoring interactions.


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Dictyostelium myosin II is activated by phosphorylation of its regulatory light chain by myosin light chain kinase A (MLCK-A), an unconventional MLCK that is not regulated by Ca2+/calmodulin. MLCK-A is activated by autophosphorylation of threonine-289 outside of the catalytic domain and by phosphorylation of threonine-166 in the activation loop by an unidentified kinase, but the signals controlling these phosphorylations are unknown. Treatment of cells with Con A results in quantitative phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain by MLCK-A, providing an opportunity to study MLCK-A’s activation mechanism. MLCK-A does not alter its cellular location upon treatment of cells with Con A, nor does it localize to the myosin-rich caps that form after treatment. However, MLCK-A activity rapidly increases 2- to 13-fold when Dictyostelium cells are exposed to Con A. This activation can occur in the absence of MLCK-A autophosphorylation. cGMP is a promising candidate for an intracellular messenger mediating Con A-triggered MLCK-A activation, as addition of cGMP to fresh Dictyostelium lysates increases MLCK-A activity 3- to 12-fold. The specific activity of MLCK-A in cGMP-treated lysates is 210-fold higher than that of recombinant MLCK-A, which is fully autophosphorylated, but lacks threonine-166 phosphorylation. Purified MLCK-A is not directly activated by cGMP, indicating that additional cellular factors, perhaps a kinase that phosphorylates threonine-166, are involved.