165 resultados para brain derived neurotrophic factor receptor


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Total glycans from the cell layer and the culture medium of human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) that had been cultivated in the presence of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) were isolated and purified by gel filtration after Pronase and DNase digestion and alkaliborohydride treatment. Measurements of the content of neutral hexoses and uronic acids revealed that PDGF stimulates total glycan synthesis by proliferating VSMC in a linear fashion from 24 h to 72 h of incubation. In contrast, total glycan synthesis by human fibroblasts, epithelial cells, or endothelial cells was not affected by PDGF, indicating cell-type specificity. Chemical, biochemical, and enzymological characterization of the total glycans synthesized by VSMC showed that PDGF stimulates the secretion of a 340-kDa glycan molecule in a time-dependent manner from 24 h to 72 h. This molecule is highly acidic, shares a common structure with hyaluronic acid, and exhibits a potent antiproliferative activity on VSMC. These results suggest that VSMC in response to PDGF are capable of controlling their own growth and migration by the synthesis of a specific form of hyaluronic acid with antiproliferative potency, which may be involved in the regulation of the local inflammatory responses associated with atherosclerosis.


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The granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) receptor (GMR) is a heterodimeric receptor expressed by myeloid lineage cells. In this study we have investigated domains of the GMR beta-chain (GMR beta) involved in maintaining cellular viability. Using a series of nested GMR beta deletion mutants, we demonstrate that there are at least two domains of GMR beta that contribute to viability signals. Deletion of amino acid residues 626-763 causes a viability defect that can be rescued with fetal calf serum (FCS). Deletion of residues 518-626, in contrast, causes a further decrement in viability that can be only partially compensated by the addition of FCS. GMR beta truncated proximal to amino acid 517 will not support long-term growth under any conditions. Site-directed mutagenesis of tyrosine-750 (Y750), which is contained within the distal viability domain, to phenylalanine eliminates all demonstrable tyrosine phosphorylation of GMR beta. Cell lines transfected with mutant GMR beta (Y750-->F) have a viability disadvantage when compared to cell lines containing wild-type GMR that is partially rescued by the addition of FCS. We studied signal transduction in mutant cell lines in an effort to identify pathways that might participate in the viability signal. Although tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK2, SHPTP2, and Vav is intact in Y750-->F mutant cell lines, Shc tyrosine phosphorylation is reduced. This suggests a potential role for Y750 and potentially Shc in a GM-CSF-induced signaling pathway that helps maintain cellular viability.


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A G protein-coupled receptor for the pineal hormone melatonin was recently cloned from mammals and designated the Mel1a melatonin receptor. We now report the cloning of a second G protein-coupled melatonin receptor from humans and designate it the Mel1b melatonin receptor. The Mel1b receptor cDNA encodes a protein of 362 amino acids that is 60% identical at the amino acid level to the human Mel1a receptor. Transient expression of the Mel1b receptor in COS-1 cells results in high-affinity 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding (Kd = 160 +/- 30 pM). In addition, the rank order of inhibition of specific 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding by eight ligands is similar to that exhibited by the Mel1a melatonin receptor. Functional studies of NIH 3T3 cells stably expressing the Mel1b melatonin receptor indicate that it is coupled to inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. Comparative reverse transcription PCR shows that the Mel1b melatonin receptor is expressed in retina and, to a lesser extent, brain. PCR analysis of human-rodent somatic cell hybrids maps the Mel1b receptor gene (MTNR1B) to human chromosome 11q21-22. The Mel1b melatonin receptor may mediate the reported actions of melatonin in retina and participate in some of the neurobiological effects of melatonin in mammals.


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T-cell activation requires cooperative signals generated by the T-cell antigen receptor zeta-chain complex (TCR zeta-CD3) and the costimulatory antigen CD28. CD28 interacts with three intracellular proteins-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), T cell-specific protein-tyrosine kinase ITK (formerly TSK or EMT), and the complex between growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 and son of sevenless guanine nucleotide exchange protein (GRB-2-SOS). PI 3-kinase and GRB-2 bind to the CD28 phosphotyrosine-based Tyr-Met-Asn-Met motif by means of intrinsic Src-homology 2 (SH2) domains. The requirement for tyrosine phosphorylation of the Tyr-Met-Asn-Met motif for SH2 domain binding implicates an intervening protein-tyrosine kinase in the recruitment of PI 3-kinase and GRB-2 by CD28. Candidate kinases include p56Lck, p59Fyn, zeta-chain-associated 70-kDa protein (ZAP-70), and ITK. In this study, we demonstrate in coexpression studies that p56Lck and p59Fyn phosphorylate CD28 primarily at Tyr-191 of the Tyr-Met-Asn-Met motif, inducing a 3- to 8-fold increase in p85 (subunit of PI 3-kinase) and GRB-2 SH2 binding to CD28. Phosphatase digestion of CD28 eliminated binding. In contrast to Src kinases, ZAP-70 and ITK failed to induce these events. Further, ITK binding to CD28 was dependent on the presence of p56Lck and is thus likely to act downstream of p56Lck/p59Fyn in a signaling cascade. p56Lck is therefore likely to be a central switch in T-cell activation, with the dual function of regulating CD28-mediated costimulation as well as TCR-CD3-CD4 signaling.


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c-Src is a nontransforming tyrosine kinase that participates in signaling events mediated by a variety of polypeptide growth factor receptors, including the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Overexpression and continual ligand stimulation of the EGFR results in morphological transformation of cells in vitro and tumor development in vivo. Elevated levels of c-Src and the EGFR are found in a variety of human malignancies, raising the question of whether c-Src can functionally cooperate with the EGFR during tumorigenesis. To address this issue, we generated c-Src/EGFR double overexpressors and compared their proliferative and biochemical characteristics to those of single overexpressors and control cells. We found that in cells expressing high levels of receptor, c-Src potentiated DNA synthesis, growth in soft agar, and tumor formation in nude mice. Growth potentiation was associated with the formation of a heterocomplex between c-Src and activated EGFR, the appearance of a distinct tyrosyl phosphorylation on the receptor, and an enhancement of receptor substrate phosphorylation. These findings indicate that c-Src is capable of potentiating receptor-mediated tumorigenesis and suggest that synergism between c-Src and the EGFR may contribute to a more aggressive phenotype in multiple human tumors.


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Neovascularization that generates collateral blood flow can limit the extent of tissue damage after acute ischemia caused by occlusion of the primary blood supply. The neovascular response stimulated by the BB homodimeric form of recombinant platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB) was evaluated for its capacity to protect tissue from necrosis in a rat skin flap model of acutely induced ischemia. Complete survival of the tissue ensued, when the original nutritive blood supply was occluded, as early as 5 days after local PDGF-BB application, and the presence of a patent vasculature was evident compared to control flaps. To further evaluate the vascular regenerative response, PDGF-BB was injected into the muscle/connective tissue bed between the separated ends of a divided femoral artery in rats. A patent new vessel that functionally reconnected the ends of the divided artery within the original 3- to 4-mm gap was regenerated 3 weeks later in all PDGF-BB-treated limbs. In contrast, none of the paired control limbs, which received vehicle with an inactive variant of PDGF-BB, had vessel regrowth (P < 0.001). The absence of a sustained inflammatory response and granulation tissue suggests locally delivered PDGF-BB may directly stimulate the angiogenic phenotype in endothelial cells. These findings indicate that PDGF-BB can generate functional new blood vessels and nonsurgically anastomose severed vessels in vivo. This study supports the possibility of a therapeutic modality for the salvage of ischemic tissue through exogenous cytokine-induced vascular reconnection.


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Erythroid progenitor growth in vitro is stimulated by exogenous platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). We now report that both normal and transformed erythroid progenitor cells produce authentic PDGF in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, this production is highly regulated during erythropoiesis. Addition of soluble lysates from Rauscher murine erythroleukemia cells--an erythropoietin-responsive model progenitor cell line--to quiescent BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts resulted in a mitogenic response identical to that observed with the addition of authentic recombinant PDGF. Polyclonal and monoclonal anti-PDGF antibodies immunoabsorbed 50-100% of this activity. Induction of Rauscher cell differentiation in vitro with dimethyl sulfoxide or erythropoietin for 48-72 hr markedly upregulated PDGF production by 17- to 18-fold and 14- to 38-fold, respectively. Importantly, stimulation of normal erythropoiesis in vivo in mice treated either with phenylhydrazine or with erythropoietin increased PDGF levels in the spleen by 11- to 48-fold and 20- to 34-fold, respectively. These results strongly suggest a role for erythroid cell-derived PDGF in normal erythropoiesis and provide documentation of the regulated production of a pleiotropic cytokine by erythroid cells.


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Wound repair and tumor vascularization depend upon blood vessel growth into hypoxic tissue. Although hypoxia slows endothelial cell (EC) proliferation and suppresses EC basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) expression, we report that macrophages (MPs) exposed to PO2 approximately 12-14 torr (1 torr = 133.3 Pa) synthesize and release in a time-dependent manner platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and acidic/basic FGFs (a/bFGFs), which stimulate the growth of hypoxic ECs. Chromatography of hypoxic MP-conditioned medium on immobilized heparin with an ascending NaCl gradient resolved three peaks of mitogenic activity: activity of the first peak was neutralized by antibody to PDGF; activity of the second peak was neutralized by antibody to aFGF; and activity of the third peak was neutralized by antibody to bFGF. Metabolically labeled lysates and supernatants from MPs exposed to hypoxia showed increased synthesis and release of immunoprecipitable PDGF and a/bFGF in the absence of changes in cell viability. Possible involvement of a heme-containing oxygen sensor in MP elaboration of growth factors was suggested by the induction of bFGF and PDGF by normoxic MPs exposed to nickel or cobalt, although metabolic inhibitors such as sodium azide were without effect. These results suggest a paracrine model in which hypoxia stimulates MP release of PDGF and a/bFGF, inducing EC proliferation and potentially promoting angiogenesis in hypoxic environments.


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The nature of an L-arginine-derived relaxing factor released from vascular smooth muscle cells cultured on microcarrier beads and stimulated for 20 h with interleukin 1 beta was investigated. Unlike the unstable relaxation elicited by authentic nitric oxide (NO) in a cascade superfusion bioassay system, the effluate from vascular smooth muscle cells induced a stable relaxation that was susceptible to inhibition by oxyhemoglobin. Three putative endogenous NO carriers mimicked this stable relaxing effect: S-nitroso-L-cysteine, low molecular weight dinitrosyl-iron complexes (DNICs), and the adduct of NG-hydroxy-L-arginine (HOArg) with NO. Inactivation of S-nitroso-L-cysteine by Hg2+ ions or trapping of DNICs with agarose-bound bovine serum albumin abolished their relaxing effects, whereas that of the vascular smooth muscle cell effluate remained unaffected. In addition, neither S-nitrosothiols nor DNICs were detectable in the effluate from these cells, as judged by UV and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. The HOArg-NO adduct was instantaneously generated upon reaction of HOArg with authentic NO under bioassay conditions. Its pharmacological profile was indistinguishable from that of the vascular smooth muscle cell effluate, as judged by comparative bioassay with different vascular and nonvascular smooth muscle preparations. Moreover, up to 100 nM HOArg was detected in the effluate from interleukin 1 beta-stimulated vascular smooth muscle cells, suggesting that sufficient amounts of HOArg are released from these cells to spontaneously generate the HOArg-NO adduct. This intercellular NO carrier probably accounts for the stable L-arginine-derived relaxing factor released from cytokine-stimulated vascular smooth muscle cells and also from other NO-producing cells, such as macrophages and neutrophils.


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We examined the effect of two rhesus papillomavirus 1 (RhPV) oncogenes on cytokine-induced signal transduction pathways leading to the possible activation of Ras protein (p21ras) and phosphatidylinositol kinase. p21ras in both the activated (GTP-bound) and inactivated (GDP-bound) states were quantitated. NIH 3T3 cell lines expressing the RhPV 1 E5 gene or epidermal growth factor receptor cDNA had about a sixfold higher ratio of p21ras-bound GTP to p21ras-bound GDP as compared with parental NIH 3T3 cells or a cell line expressing the RhPV 1 E7 gene under normal culture conditions, yet expressed similar levels of p21ras. Quiescent cells had dramatically reduced levels of activated p21ras, except those containing RhPV 1 E7. Levels were restored by stimulation with epidermal growth factor or platelet-derived growth factor. Both epidermal growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor receptor of RhPV 1 E5- and E7-containing cells responded to cytokine stimulation. Endogenous phosphatidylinositol-3′-kinase was up-regulated in NIH 3T3 cells transformed with the E5 genes of RhPV 1 and bovine papillomavirus 1. These results suggest that E5 genes of papillomaviruses play a major role in the regulation of transduction pathways.


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Tyrosine kinases play central roles in the growth and differentiation of normal and tumor cells. In this study, we have analyzed the general tyrosine kinase expression profile of a prostate carcinoma (PCA) xenograft, CWR22. We describe here an improved reverse transcriptase-PCR approach that permits identification of nearly 40 different kinases in a single screening; several of these kinases are newly cloned kinases and some are novel. According to this, there are 11 receptor kinases, 9 nonreceptor kinases, and at least 7 dual kinases expressed in the xenograft tissue. The receptor kinases include erbB2, erbB3, Ret, platelet-derived growth factor receptor, sky, nyk, eph, htk, sek (eph), ddr, and tkt. The nonreceptor kinases are lck, yes, abl, arg, JakI, tyk2, and etk/bmx. Most of the dual kinases are in the mitogen-activating protein (MAP) kinase-kinase (MKK) family, which includes MKK3, MKK4, MEK5, and a novel one. As a complementary approach, we also analyzed by specific reverse transcriptase-PCR primers the expression profile of erbB/epidermal growth factor receptor family receptors in a variety of PCA specimens, cell lines, and benign prostatic hyperplasia. We found that erbB1, -2, and -3 are often coexpressed in prostate tissues, but not in erbB4. The information established here should provide a base line to study the possible growth and oncogenic signals of PCA.


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It has previously been argued that the repressor of protein synthesis initiation factor 4E, 4E-BP1, is a direct in vivo target of p42mapk. However, the immunosuppressant rapamycin blocks serum-induced 4E-BP1 phosphorylation and, in parallel, p70s6k activation, with no apparent effect on p42mapk activation. Consistent with this finding, the kinetics of serum-induced 4E-BP1 phosphorylation closely follow those of p70s6k activation rather than those of p42mapk. More striking, insulin, which does not induce p42mapk activation in human 293 cells or Swiss mouse 3T3 cells, induces 4E-BP1 phosphorylation and p70s6k activation in both cell types. Anisomycin, which, like insulin, does not activate p42mapk, promotes a small parallel increase in 4E-BP1 phosphorylation and p70s6k activation. The insulin effect on 4E-BP1 phosphorylation and p70s6k activation in both cell types is blocked by SQ20006, wortmannin, and rapamycin. These three inhibitors have no effect on p42mapk activation induced by phorbol 12-tetradecanoate 13-acetate, though wortmannin partially suppresses both the p70s6k response and the 4E-BP1 response. Finally, in porcine aortic endothelial cells stably transfected with either the wild-type platelet-derived growth factor receptor or a mutant receptor bearing the double point mutation 740F/751F, p42mapk activation in response to platelet-derived growth factor is unimpaired, but increased 4E-BP1 phosphorylation is ablated, as previously reported for p70s6k. The data presented here demonstrate that 4E-BP1 phosphorylation is mediated by the FRAP-p70s6k pathway and is independent of mitogen-activated protein kinase.


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Chromosomal rearrangements involving band 12p13 are found in a wide variety of human leukemias but are particularly common in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The genes involved in these rearrangements, however, have not been identified. We now report the cloning of a t(12;21) translocation breakpoint involving 12p13 and 21q22 in two cases of childhood pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia, in which t(12;21) rearrangements were not initially apparent. The consequence of the translocation is fusion of the helix-loop-helix domain of TEL, an ETS-like putative transcription factor, to the DNA-binding and transactivation domains of the transcription factor AML1. These data show that TEL, previously shown to be fused to the platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta in chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, can be implicated in the pathogenesis of leukemia through its fusion to either a receptor tyrosine kinase or a transcription factor. The TEL-AML1 fusion also indicates that translocations affecting the AML1 gene can be associated with lymphoid, as well as myeloid, malignancy.


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The receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) c-kit and platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha chain (PDG-FRa) are encoded at the white spotting (W) and patch (Ph) loci on mouse chromosome 5. While W mutations affect melanogenesis, gametogenesis, and hematopoiesis, the Ph mutation affects melanogenesis and causes early lethality in homozygotes. W-sash (Wsh) is an expression mutation and blocks c-kit expression in certain cell types and enhances c-kit expression in others, including at sites important for early melanogenesis. We have determined the effect of Ph on c-kit expression during embryogenesis in Ph heterozygotes. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed enhanced c-kit expression in several cell types, including sites important for early melanogenesis. We propose that in both Wsh and Ph mutant mice c-kit misexpression affects early melanogenesis and is responsible for the pigment deficiency. Moreover, we have defined the organization of the RTKs in the W/Ph region on chromosome 5 and characterized the Wsh mutation by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Whereas the order of the RTK genes was determined as Pdgfra-c-kit-flk1, analysis of the Wsh mutation revealed that the c-kit and Pdgfra genes are unlinked in Wsh, presumably because of an inversion of a small segment of chromosome 5. The Ph mutation consists of a deletion including Pdgfra and the 3' deletion endpoint of Ph lies between Pdgfra and c-kit. Therefore, positive 5' upstream elements controlling c-kit expression in mast cells and some other cell types are affected by the Wsh mutation and negative elements are affected by both the Wsh and the Ph mutation.


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Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-mediated interactions with phosphotyrosine residues are critical in many intracellular signal transduction pathways. Attempts to understand the determinants of specificity and selectivity of these interactions have prompted many binding studies that have used several techniques. Some discrepancies, in both the absolute and relative values of the dissociation constants for particular interactions, are apparent. To establish the correct dissociation constants and to understand the origin of these differences, we have analyzed three previously determined interactions using the techniques of surface plasmon resonance and isothermal titration calorimetry. We find that the binding of SH2 domains to phosphopeptides is weaker than generally presumed. A phosphopeptide based on the hamster polyoma middle tumor antigen interacts with the SH2 domain from Src with an equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of 600 nM; a phosphopeptide based on one binding site from the platelet-derived growth factor receptor binds to the N-terminal SH2 domain of the 1-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p85 subunit with a Kd of 300 nM; and a phosphopeptide based on the C terminus of Lck binds to the SH2 domain of Lck with a Kd of 4 microM. In addition, we demonstrate that avidity effects that result from the dimerization of glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins with SH2 domains could be responsible for overestimates of affinities for these interactions previously studied by surface plasmon resonance.