209 resultados para Transcriptional mutagenesis


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Inflammatory pain manifests as spontaneous pain and pain hypersensitivity. Spontaneous pain reflects direct activation of specific receptors on nociceptor terminals by inflammatory mediators. Pain hypersensitivity is the consequence of early posttranslational changes, both in the peripheral terminals of the nociceptor and in dorsal horn neurons, as well as later transcription-dependent changes in effector genes, again in primary sensory and dorsal horn neurons. This inflammatory neuroplasticity is the consequence of a combination of activity-dependent changes in the neurons and specific signal molecules initiating particular signal-transduction pathways. These pathways phosphorylate membrane proteins, changing their function, and activate transcription factors, altering gene expression. Two distinct aspects of sensory neuron function are changed as a result of these processes, basal sensitivity, or the capacity of peripheral stimuli to evoke pain, and stimulus-evoked hypersensitivity, the capacity of certain inputs to generate prolonged alterations in the sensitivity of the system. Posttranslational changes largely alter basal sensitivity. Transcriptional changes both potentiate the system and alter neuronal phenotype. Potentiation occurs as a result of the up-regulation in the dorsal root ganglion of centrally acting neuromodulators and simultaneously in the dorsal horn of their receptors. This means that the response to subsequent inputs is augmented, particularly those that induce stimulus-induced hypersensitivity. Alterations in phenotype includes the acquisition by A fibers of neurochemical features typical of C fibers, enabling these fibers to induce stimulus-evoked hypersensitivity, something only C fiber inputs normally can do. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms responsible provides new opportunities for therapeutic approaches to managing inflammatory pain.


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The general transcription initiation factor TFIID was originally identified, purified, and characterized with a biochemical assay in which accurate transcription initiation is reconstituted with multiple, chromatographically separable activities. Biochemical analyses have demonstrated that TFIID is a multiprotein complex that directs preinitiation complex assembly on both TATA box-containing and TATA-less promoters, and some TFIID subunits have been shown to be molecular targets for activation domains in DNA-binding regulatory proteins. These findings have most commonly been interpreted to support the view that transcriptional activation by upstream factors is the result of enhanced TFIID recruitment to the core promoter. Recent insights into the architecture and cell-cycle regulation of the multiprotein TFIID complex prompt both a reassessment of the functional role of TFIID in gene activation and a review of some of the less well-appreciated literature on TFIID. We present a speculative model for diverse functional roles of TFIID in the cell, explore the merits of the model in the context of published data, and suggest experimental approaches to resolve unanswered questions. Finally, we point out how the proposed functional roles of TFIID in eukaryotic class II transcription fit into a model for promoter recognition and activation that applies to both eubacteria and eukaryotes.


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The posttranslational modification of eukaryotic intracellular proteins by O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) monosaccharides is essential for cell viability, yet its precise functional roles are largely unknown. O-GlcNAc transferase utilizes UDP-GlcNAc, the end product of hexosamine biosynthesis, to catalyze this modification. The availability of UDP-GlcNAc correlates with glycosylation levels of intracellular proteins as well as with transcriptional levels of some genes. Meanwhile, transcription factors and RNA polymerase II can be modified by O-GlcNAc. A linkage between transcription factor O-GlcNAcylation and transcriptional regulation therefore has been postulated. Here, we show that O-GlcNAcylation of a chimeric transcriptional activator containing the second activation domain of Sp1 decreases its transcriptional activity both in an in vitro transcription system and in living cells, which is in concert with our observation that O-GlcNAcylation of Sp1 activation domain blocks its in vitro and in vivo interactions with other Sp1 molecules and TATA-binding protein-associated factor II 110. Furthermore, overexpression of O-GlcNAc transferase specifically inhibits transcriptional activation by native Sp1 in cells. Thus, our studies provide direct evidence that O-GlcNAcylation of transcription factors is involved in transcriptional regulation.


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Homologous DNA recombination is a fundamental, regenerative process within living organisms. However, in most organisms, homologous recombination is a rare event, requiring a complex set of reactions and extensive homology. We demonstrate in this paper that Beta protein of phage λ generates recombinants in chromosomal DNA by using synthetic single-stranded DNAs (ssDNA) as short as 30 bases long. This ssDNA recombination can be used to mutagenize or repair the chromosome with efficiencies that generate up to 6% recombinants among treated cells. Mechanistically, it appears that Beta protein, a Rad52-like protein, binds and anneals the ssDNA donor to a complementary single-strand near the DNA replication fork to generate the recombinant. This type of homologous recombination with ssDNA provides new avenues for studying and modifying genomes ranging from bacterial pathogens to eukaryotes. Beta protein and ssDNA may prove generally applicable for repairing DNA in many organisms.


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Linker length and composition were varied in libraries of single-chain Arc repressor, resulting in proteins with effective concentrations ranging over six orders of magnitude (10 μM–10 M). Linkers of 11 residues or more were required for biological activity. Equilibrium stability varied substantially with linker length, reaching a maximum for glycine-rich linkers containing 19 residues. The effects of linker length on equilibrium stability arise from significant and sometimes opposing changes in folding and unfolding kinetics. By fixing the linker length at 19 residues and varying the ratio of Ala/Gly or Ser/Gly in a 16-residue-randomized region, the effects of linker flexibility were examined. In these libraries, composition rather than sequence appears to determine stability. Maximum stability in the Ala/Gly library was observed for a protein containing 11 alanines and five glycines in the randomized region of the linker. In the Ser/Gly library, the most stable protein had seven serines and nine glycines in this region. Analysis of folding and unfolding rates suggests that alanine acts largely by accelerating folding, whereas serine acts predominantly to slow unfolding. These results demonstrate an important role for linker design in determining the stability and folding kinetics of single-chain proteins and suggest strategies for optimizing these parameters.


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JC virus is activated to replicate in glial cells of many AIDS patients with neurological disorders. In human glial cells, the human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) Tat protein activates the major late promoter of JC virus through a Tat-responsive DNA element, termed upTAR, which is a recognition site for cellular Purα, a sequence-specific single-stranded DNA binding protein implicated in cell cycle control of DNA replication and transcription. Tat interacts with two leucine-rich repeats in Purα to form a complex that can be immunoprecipitated from cell extracts. Tat enhances the ability of purified glutathione S-transferase-Purα (GST-Purα) to bind the upTAR element. Tat acts synergistically with Purα, in a cell-cycle-dependent manner, to activate transcription at an upTAR element placed upstream of a heterologous promoter. Since Purα is ubiquitously expressed in human cells and since PUR elements are located near many promoters and origins of replication, the Tat-Purα interaction may be implicated in effects of HIV-1 throughout the full range of HIV-1-infected cells.


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We have recently demonstrated that thrombin induces expression of the platelet-derived growth factor B-chain gene in endothelial cells (EC) through activation of the Y-box binding protein DNA-binding protein B (dbpB). We now present evidence that dbpB is activated by a novel mechanism: proteolytic cleavage leading to release from mRNA, nuclear translocation, and induction of thrombin-responsive genes. Cytosolic, full-length dbpB (50 kDa) was rapidly cleaved to a 30-kDa species upon thrombin stimulation of EC. This truncated, “active” dbpB exhibited nuclear localization and binding affinity for the thrombin response element sequence, which is distinct from the Y-box sequence. Oligo(dT) affinity chromatography revealed that cytosolic dbpB from control EC, but not active dbpB from thrombin-treated EC, was bound to mRNA. Latent dbpB immunoprecipitated from cytosolic extracts of control EC was activated by ribonuclease treatment. Furthermore, when EC cytosolic extracts were subjected to Nycodenz gradient centrifugation, latent dbpB fractionated with mRNA, whereas active dbpB fractionated with free proteins. The cytosolic retention domain of dbpB, which we localized to the region 247–267, was proteolytically cleaved during its activation. In contrast to full-length dbpB, truncated dbpB stimulated platelet-derived growth factor B-chain and tissue factor promoter activity by over 5-fold when transiently cotransfected with reporter constructs. These results suggest a novel mode of transcription factor activation in which an agonist causes release from mRNA of a latent transcription factor leading to its transport to the nucleus and its regulation of target gene expression.


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Activation of muscle-specific genes by members of the myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2) and MyoD families of transcription factors is coupled to histone acetylation and is inhibited by class II histone deacetylases (HDACs) 4 and 5, which interact with MEF2. The ability of HDAC4 and -5 to inhibit MEF2 is blocked by phosphorylation of these HDACs at two conserved serine residues, which creates docking sites for the intracellular chaperone protein 14-3-3. When bound to 14-3-3, HDACs are released from MEF2 and transported to the cytoplasm, thereby allowing MEF2 to stimulate muscle-specific gene expression. MEF2-interacting transcription repressor (MITR) shares homology with the amino-terminal regions of HDAC4 and -5, but lacks an HDAC catalytic domain. Despite the absence of intrinsic HDAC activity, MITR acts as a potent inhibitor of MEF2-dependent transcription. Paradoxically, however, MITR has minimal inhibitory effects on the skeletal muscle differentiation program. We show that a substitution mutant of MITR containing alanine in place of two serine residues, Ser-218 and Ser-448, acts as a potent repressor of myogenesis. Our findings indicate that promyogenic signals antagonize the inhibitory action of MITR by targeting these serines for phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of Ser-218 and Ser-448 stimulates binding of 14-3-3 to MITR, disrupts MEF2:MITR interactions, and alters the nuclear distribution of MITR. These results reveal a role for MITR as a signal-dependent regulator of muscle differentiation.


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Several lysines (Lys) were determined to be involved in the regulation of the ADP-glucose (Glc) pyrophosphorylase from spinach leaf and the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 (K. Ball, J. Preiss [1994] J Biol Chem 269: 24706–24711; Y. Charng, A.A. Iglesias, J. Preiss [1994] J Biol Chem 269: 24107–24113). Site-directed mutagenesis was used to investigate the relative roles of the conserved Lys in the heterotetrameric enzyme from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers. Mutations to alanine of Lys-404 and Lys-441 on the small subunit decreased the apparent affinity for the activator, 3-phosphoglycerate, by 3090- and 54-fold, respectively. The apparent affinity for the inhibitor, phosphate, decreased greater than 400-fold. Mutation of Lys-441 to glutamic acid showed even larger effects. When Lys-417 and Lys-455 on the large subunit were mutated to alanine, the phosphate inhibition was not altered and the apparent affinity for the activator decreased only 9- and 3-fold, respectively. Mutations of these residues to glutamic acid only decreased the affinity for the activator 12- and 5-fold, respectively. No significant changes were observed on other kinetic constants for the substrates ADP-Glc, pyrophosphate, and Mg2+. These data indicate that Lys-404 and Lys-441 on the small subunit are more important for the regulation of the ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase than their homologous residues in the large subunit.


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Lysine (Lys)-195 in the homotetrameric ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (ADPGlc PPase) from Escherichia coli was shown previously to be involved in the binding of the substrate glucose-1-phosphate (Glc-1-P). This residue is highly conserved in the ADPGlc PPase family. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to investigate the function of this conserved Lys residue in the large and small subunits of the heterotetrameric potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber enzyme. The apparent affinity for Glc-1-P of the wild-type enzyme decreased 135- to 550-fold by changing Lys-198 of the small subunit to arginine, alanine, or glutamic acid, suggesting that both the charge and the size of this residue influence Glc-1-P binding. These mutations had little effect on the kinetic constants for the other substrates (ATP and Mg2+ or ADP-Glc and inorganic phosphate), activator (3-phosphoglycerate), inhibitor (inorganic phosphate), or on the thermal stability. Mutagenesis of the corresponding Lys (Lys-213) in the large subunit had no effect on the apparent affinity for Glc-1-P by substitution with arginine, alanine, or glutamic acid. A double mutant, SK198RLK213R, was also obtained that had a 100-fold reduction of the apparent affinity for Glc-1-P. The data indicate that Lys-198 in the small subunit is directly involved in the binding of Glc-1-P, whereas they appear to exclude a direct role of Lys-213 in the large subunit in the interaction with this substrate.