130 resultados para SENSITIVE K CHANNEL


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The atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to continuously follow height changes of individual protein molecules exposed to physiological stimuli. A AFM tip was coated with ROMK1 (a cloned renal epithelial potassium channel known to be highly pH sensitive) and lowered onto atomically flat mica surface until the protein was sandwiched between AFM tip and mica. Because the AFM tip was an integral part of a highly flexible cantilever, any structural alterations of the sandwiched molecule were transmitted to the cantilever. This resulted in a distortion of the cantilever that was monitored by means of a laser beam. With this system it was possible to resolve vertical height changes in the ROMK1 protein of 0.2 nm (approximately 5% of the molecules height) with a time resolution of 1 msec. When bathed in electrolyte solution that contained the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A and 0.1 mM ATP (conditions that activate the native ion channel), we found stochastically occurring height fluctuations in the ROMK1 molecule. These changes in height were pH-dependent, being greatest at pH 7.6, and lowering the pH (either by titration or by the application of CO2) reduced their magnitude. The data show that overall changes in shape of proteins occur stochastically and increase in size and frequency when the proteins are active. This AFM molecular-sandwich technique, called MOST, measures structural activity of proteins in real time and could prove useful for studies on the relationship between structure and function of proteins at the molecular level.


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Based on the discovery of coenzyme Q (CoQ) as an obligatory cofactor for H+ transport by uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) [Echtay, K. S., Winkler, E. & Klingenberg, M. (2000) Nature (London) 408, 609613] we show here that UCP2 and UCP3 are also highly active H+ transporters and require CoQ and fatty acid for H+ transport, which is inhibited by low concentrations of nucleotides. CoQ is proposed to facilitate injection of H+ from fatty acid into UCP. Human UCP2 and 3 expressed in Escherichia coli inclusion bodies are solubilized, and by exchange of sarcosyl against digitonin, nucleotide binding as measured with 2-O-[5-(dimethylamino)naphthalene-1-sulfonyl]-GTP can be restored. After reconstitution into vesicles, Cl but no H+ are transported. The addition of CoQ initiates H+ transport in conjunction with fatty acids. This increase is fully sensitive to nucleotides. The rates are as high as with reconstituted UCP1 from mitochondria. Maximum activity is at a molar ratio of 1:300 of CoQ:phospholipid. In UCP2 as in UCP1, ATP is a stronger inhibitor than ADP, but in UCP3 ADP inhibits more strongly than ATP. Thus UCP2 and UCP3 are regulated differently by nucleotides, in line with their different physiological contexts. These results confirm the regulation of UCP2 and UCP3 by the same factors CoQ, fatty acids, and nucleotides as UCP1. They supersede reports that UCP2 and UCP3 may not be H+ transporters.


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Suppression of cardiac voltage-gated Na+ currents is probably one of the important factors for the cardioprotective effects of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) against lethal arrhythmias. The subunit of the human cardiac Na+ channel (hH1) and its mutants were expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK293t) cells. The effects of single amino acid point mutations on fatty acid-induced inhibition of the hH1 Na+ current (INa) were assessed. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5n-3) significantly reduced INa in HEK293t cells expressing the wild type, Y1767K, and F1760K of hH1 Na+ channels. The inhibition was voltage and concentration-dependent with a significant hyperpolarizing shift of the steady state of INa. In contrast, the mutant N406K was significantly less sensitive to the inhibitory effect of EPA. The values of the shift at 1, 5, and 10 M EPA were significantly smaller for N406K than for the wild type. Coexpression of the 1 subunit and N406K further decreased the inhibitory effects of EPA on INa in HEK293t cells. In addition, EPA produced a smaller hyperpolarizing shift of the V1/2 of the steady-state inactivation in HEK293t cells coexpressing the 1 subunit and N406K. These results demonstrate that substitution of asparagine with lysine at the site of 406 in the domain-1-segment-6 region (D1-S6) significantly decreased the inhibitory effect of PUFAs on INa, and coexpression with 1 decreased this effect even more. Therefore, asparagine at the 406 site in hH1 may be important for the inhibition by the PUFAs of cardiac voltage-gated Na+ currents, which play a significant role in the antiarrhythmic actions of PUFAs.


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Cyclic AMP (cAMP) stimulates the transport of Na+ and Na,K-ATPase activity in the renal cortical collecting duct (CCD). The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism whereby cAMP stimulates the Na,K-ATPase activity in microdissected rat CCDs and cultured mouse mpkCCDc14 collecting duct cells. db-cAMP (103 M) stimulated by 2-fold the activity of Na,K-ATPase from rat CCDs as well as the ouabain-sensitive component of 86Rb+ uptake by rat CCDs (1.7-fold) and cultured mouse CCD cells (1.5-fold). Pretreatment of rat CCDs with saponin increased the total Na,K-ATPase activity without further stimulation by db-cAMP. Western blotting performed after a biotinylation procedure revealed that db-cAMP increased the amount of Na,K-ATPase at the cell surface in both intact rat CCDs (1.7-fold) and cultured cells (1.3-fold), and that this increase was not related to changes in Na,K-ATPase internalization. Brefeldin A and low temperature (20C) prevented both the db-cAMP-dependent increase in cell surface expression and activity of Na,K-ATPase in both intact rat CCDs and cultured cells. Pretreatment with the intracellular Ca2+ chelator bis-(o-aminophenoxy)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid also blunted the increment in cell surface expression and activity of Na,K-ATPase caused by db-cAMP. In conclusion, these results strongly suggest that the cAMP-dependent stimulation of Na,K-ATPase activity in CCD results from the translocation of active pump units from an intracellular compartment to the plasma membrane.


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A cDNA encoding a novel, inwardly rectifying K+ (K+in) channel protein, SKT1, was cloned from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). SKT1 is related to members of the AKT family of K+in channels previously identified in Arabidopsis thaliana and potato. Skt1 mRNA is most strongly expressed in leaf epidermal fragments and in roots. In electrophysiological, whole-cell, patch-clamp measurements performed on baculovirus-infected insect (Spodoptera frugiperda) cells, SKT1 was identified as a K+in channel that activates with slow kinetics by hyperpolarizing voltage pulses to more negative potentials than 60 mV. The pharmacological inhibitor Cs+, when applied externally, inhibited SKT1-mediated K+in currents half-maximally with an inhibitor concentration (IC50) of 105 m. An almost identical high Cs+ sensitivity (IC50 = 90 m) was found for the potato guard-cell K+in channel KST1 after expression in insect cells. SKT1 currents were reversibly activated by a shift in external pH from 6.6 to 5.5, which indicates a physiological role for pH-dependent regulation of AKT-type K+in channels. Comparative studies revealed generally higher current amplitudes for KST1-expressing cells than for SKT1-expressing insect cells, which correlated with a higher targeting efficiency of the KST1 protein to the insect cell's plasma membrane, as demonstrated by fusions to green fluorescence protein.


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MscL is a channel that opens a large pore in the Escherichia coli cytoplasmic membrane in response to mechanical stress. Previously, we highly enriched the MscL protein by using patch clamp as a functional assay and cloned the corresponding gene. The predicted protein contains a largely hydrophobic core spanning two-thirds of the molecule and a more hydrophilic carboxyl terminal tail. Because MscL had no homology to characterized proteins, it was impossible to predict functional regions of the protein by simple inspection. Here, by mutagenesis, we have searched for functionally important regions of this molecule. We show that a short deletion from the amino terminus (3 amino acids), and a larger deletion of 27 amino acids from the carboxyl terminus of this protein, had little if any effect in channel properties. We have thus narrowed the search of the core mechanosensitive mechanism to 106 residues of this 136-amino acid protein. In contrast, single residue substitutions of a lysine in the putative first transmembrane domain or a glutamine in the periplasmic loop caused pronounced shifts in the mechano-sensitivity curves and/or large changes in the kinetics of channel gating, suggesting that the conformational structure in these regions is critical for normal mechanosensitive channel gating.


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NO causes pulmonary vasodilation in patients with pulmonary hypertension. In pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells, the activity of voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channels controls resting membrane potential. In turn, membrane potential is an important regulator of the intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and pulmonary vascular tone. We used patch clamp methods to determine whether the NO-induced pulmonary vasodilation is mediated by activation of Kv channels. Quantitative fluorescence microscopy was employed to test the effect of NO on the depolarization-induced rise in [Ca2+]i. Blockade of Kv channels by 4-aminopyridine (5 mM) depolarized pulmonary artery myocytes to threshold for initiation of Ca2+ action potentials, and thereby increased [Ca2+]i. NO (approximately 3 microM) and the NO-generating compound sodium nitroprusside (5-10 microM) opened Kv channels in rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells. The enhanced K+ currents then hyperpolarized the cells, and blocked Ca(2+)-dependent action potentials, thereby preventing the evoked increases in [Ca2+]i. Nitroprusside also increased the probability of Kv channel opening in excised, outside-out membrane patches. This raises the possibility that NO may act either directly on the channel protein or on a closely associated molecule rather than via soluble guanylate cyclase. In isolated pulmonary arteries, 4-aminopyridine significantly inhibited NO-induced relaxation. We conclude that NO promotes the opening of Kv channels in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells. The resulting membrane hyperpolarization, which lowers [Ca2+]i, is apparently one of the mechanisms by which NO induces pulmonary vasodilation.


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The rat retina contains dopaminergic interplexiform cells that send processes to the outer plexiform layer where dopamine is released in a light-dependent manner. We report herein that physiologically relevant concentrations of dopamine inhibited ouabain-sensitive photoreceptor oxygen consumption in dark- and light-adapted rat retinas and inhibited Na+,K+-ATPase specific activity (EC in a rat rod outer-inner segment preparation. Experiments with the selective D1 agonist fenoldopam or D2 agonist quinpirole and experiments with dopamine plus either the D1 antagonist SCH23390 or D2/D4 antagonist clozapine showed that the inhibition of oxygen consumption and enzyme activity were mediated by D2/D4-like receptors. The amphetamine-induced release of dopamine, monitored by the inhibition of oxygen consumption, was blocked by L-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid and kynurenic acid. Pharmacological and biochemical experiments determined that the IC50 values of ouabain for the alpha1-low and alpha3-high ouabain affinity isozymes of photoreceptor Na+,K+-ATPase were approximately 10(-5) and approximately 10(-7) M, respectively, and that the D2/D4-like mediated inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase was exclusively selective for the alpha3 isozyme. The dopamine-mediated inhibition of alpha3 first occurred at 5 nM, was maximal at 100 microM (-47%), had an IC50 value of 382 +/- 23 nM, and exhibited negative cooperativity (Hill coefficient, 0.27). Prior homogenization of the rod outer-inner segment completely prevented the long-lasting inhibition, suggesting that the effect was coupled to a second messenger. Although the physiological significance of our findings to photoreceptor function is unknown, we hypothesize that these results may have relevance for the temporal tuning properties of rods.


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In tight Na+-absorbing epithelial cells, the fate of Na+ entry through amiloride-sensitive apical membrane Na+ channels is matched to basolateral Na+ extrusion so that cell Na+ concentration and volume remain steady. Control of this process by regulation of apical Na+ channels has been attributed to changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration or pH, secondary to changes in cytosolic Na+ concentration, although cytosolic Cl- seems also to be involved. Using mouse mandibular gland duct cells, we now demonstrate that increasing cytosolic Na+ concentration inhibits apical Na+ channels independent of changes in cytosolic Ca2+, pH, or Cl-, and the effect is blocked by GDP-beta-S, pertussis toxin, and antibodies against the alpha-subunits of guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (Go). In contrast, the inhibitory effect of cytosolic anions is blocked by antibodies to inhibitory guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (Gi1/Gi2. It thus appears that apical Na+ channels are regulated by Go and Gi proteins, the activities of which are controlled, respectively, by cytosolic Na+ and Cl-.


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Strongly rectifying IRK-type inwardly rectifying K+ channels are involved in the control of neuronal excitability in the mammalian brain. Whole-cell patch-clamp experiments show that cloned rat IRK1 (Kir 2.1) channels, when heterologously expressed in mammalian COS-7 cells, are inhibited following the activation of coexpressed serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) type 1A receptors by receptor agonists. Inhibition is mimicked by internal perfusion with GTP[gamma-S] and elevation of internal cAMP concentrations. Addition of the catalytic subunits of protein kinase A (PKA) to the internal recording solution causes complete inhibition of wild-type IRK1 channels, but not of mutant IRK1(S425N) channels in which a C-terminal PKA phosphorylation site has been removed. Our data suggest that in the nervous system serotonin may negatively control IRK1 channel activity by direct PKA-mediated phosphorylation.


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Pancreatic beta cells exhibit oscillations in electrical activity, cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)), and insulin release upon glucose stimulation. The mechanism by which these oscillations are generated is not known. Here we demonstrate fluctuations in the activity of the ATP-dependent K+ channels (K(ATP) channels) in single beta cells subject to glucose stimulation or to stimulation with low concentrations of tolbutamide. During stimulation with glucose or low concentrations of tolbutamide, K(ATP) channel activity decreased and action potentials ensued. After 2-3 min, despite continuous stimulation, action potentials subsided and openings of K(ATP) channels could again be observed. Transient suppression of metabolism by azide in glucose-stimulated beta cells caused reversible termination of electrical activity, mimicking the spontaneous changes observed with continuous glucose stimulation. Thus, oscillations in K(ATP) channel activity during continuous glucose stimulation result in oscillations in electrical activity and [Ca2+](i).


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The effects of free polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on the binding of ligands to receptors on voltage-sensitive Na+ channels of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes were assessed. The radioligand was [benzoyl-2,5-(3)H] batrachotoxinin A 20alpha-benzoate ([(3)H]BTXB), a toxin that binds to the Na+ channel. The PUFA that have been shown to be antiarrhythmic, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; C20:5n-3), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; C22:6n-3), eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA), linolenic acid (C18:3n-3), and linoleic acid (C18:2n-6), inhibited [(3)H]BTXB binding in a dose-dependent fashion with IC50 values of 28-35 microM, whereas those fatty acids that have no antiarrhythmic effects including saturated fatty acid (stearic acid, C18:0), monounsaturated fatty acid (oleic acid; C18:1n-9), and EPA methyl ester did not have a significant effect on [(3)H]BTXB binding. Enrichment of the myocyte membrane with cholesterol neither affected [(3)H]BTXB binding when compared with control cells nor altered the inhibitory effects of PUFA on [(3)H]BTXB binding. Scatchard analysis of [(3)H]BTXB binding showed that EPA reduced the maximal binding without altering the Kd for [(3)H]BTXB binding, indicating allosteric inhibition. The inhibition by EPA of [(3)H]BTXB binding was reversible (within 30 min) when delipidated bovine serum albumin was added. The binding of the PUFA to this site on the Na+ channel is reversible and structure-specific and occurs at concentrations close to those required for apparent antiarrhythmic effects and a blocking effect on the Na+ current, suggesting that binding of the PUFA at this site relates to their antiarrhythmic action.


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By patch-clamp analysis, we have shown that chronic, intermittent mechanical strain (CMS) increases the activity of stretch-activated cation channels of osteoblast-like UMR-106.01 cells. CMS also produces a swelling-activated whole-cell conductance (Gm) regulated by varying strain levels. We questioned whether the swelling-activated conductance was produced by stretch-activated cation channel activity. We have identified a gene involved in the increase in conductance by using antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) derived from the alpha 1-subunit genes of calcium channels found in UMR-106.01 cells (alpha1S, alpha1C, and alpha1D). We demonstrate that alpha 1C antisense ODNs abolish the increase in Gm in response to hypotonic swelling following CMS. Antisense ODNs to alpha1S and alpha1D, sense ODNs to alpha1C, and sham permeabilization had no effect on the conductance increase. In addition, during cell-attached patch-clamp studies, antisense ODNs to alpha1c completely blocked the swelling-activated and stretch-activated nonselective cation channel response to strain. Antisense ODNs to alpha1S treatment produced no effect on either swelling-activated or stretch-activated cation channel activity. There were differences in the stretch-activated and swelling-activated cation channel activity, but whether they represent different channels could not be determined from our data. Our data indicate that the alpha1C gene product is involved in the Gm and the activation of the swelling-activated cation channels induced by CMS. The possibility that swelling-activated cation channel genes are members of the calcium channel superfamily exists, but if alpha1c is not the swelling-activated cation channel itself, then its expression is required for induction of swelling-activated cation channel activity by CMS.


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To understand the mechanisms by which electrical activity may generate long-term responses in the nervous system, we examined how activation of voltage-sensitive calcium channels (VSCCs) can stimulate the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway. Calcium influx through L-type VSCCs leads to tyrosine phosphorylation of the adaptor protein Shc and its association with the adaptor protein Grb2, which is bound to the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Sos1. In response to calcium influx, Shc, Grb2, and Sos1 inducibly associate with a 180-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated protein, which was determined to be the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Calcium influx induces tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGFR to levels that can activate the MAPK signaling pathway. Thus, ion channel activation stimulates growth factor receptor signal transduction.


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Ionotropic receptors for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are important to inhibitory neurotransmission in the mammalian retina, mediating GABAA and GABAC responses. In many species, these responses are blocked by the convulsant picrotoxinin (PTX), although the mechanism of block is not fully understood. In contrast, GABAC responses in the rat retina are extremely resistant to PTX. We hypothesized that this difference could be explained by molecular characterization of the receptors underlying the GABAC response. Here we report the cloning of two rat GABA receptor subunits, designated r rho 1 and r rho 2 after their previously identified human homologues. When coexpressed in Xenopus oocytes, r rho 1/r rho 2 heteromeric receptors mimicked PTX-resistant GABAC responses of the rat retina. PTX resistance is apparently conferred in native heteromeric receptors by r rho 2 subunits since homomeric r rho 1 receptors were sensitive to PTX; r rho 2 subunits alone were unable to form functional homomeric receptors. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that a single amino acid residue in the second membrane-spanning region (a methionine in r rho 2 in place of a threonine in r rho 1) is the predominant determinant of PTX resistance in the rat receptor. This study reveals not only the molecular mechanism underlying PTX blockade of GABA receptors but also the heteromeric nature of native receptors in the rat retina that underlie the PTX-resistant GABAC response.