136 resultados para Regulatory Elements, Transcriptional


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The Id family of helix–loop–helix (HLH) transcriptional regulatory proteins does not possess a basic DNA-binding domain and functions as a negative regulator of basic HLH transcription factors. Id proteins coordinate cell growth and differentiation pathways within mammalian cells and have been shown to regulate G1-S cell-cycle transitions. Although much recent data has implicated Id1 in playing a critical role in modulating cellular senescence, no direct genetic evidence has been reported to substantiate such work. Here we show that Id1-null primary mouse embryo fibroblasts undergo premature senescence despite normal growth profiles at early passage. These cells possess increased expression of the tumor-suppressor protein p16/Ink4a but not p19/ARF, and have decreased cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) 2 and cdk4 kinase activity. We also show that Id1 is able to directly inhibit p16/Ink4a but not p19/ARF promoter activity via its HLH domain, and that Id1inhibits transcriptional activation at E-boxes within the p16/Ink4a promoter. Our data provide, to our knowledge, the first genetic evidence for a role for Id1 as an inhibitor of cellular senescence and suggest that Id1 functions to delay cellular senescence through repression of p16/Ink4a. Because epigenetic and genetic abrogation of p16/Ink4a function has been implicated in the evolution of several human malignancies, we propose that transcriptional regulation of p16/Ink4a may also provide a mechanism for the dysregulation of normal cellular growth controls during the evolution of human malignancies.


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We have used a transgene mutation approach to study how expression domains of Hoxc8 are established during mouse embryogenesis. A cis-regulatory region located 3 kb upstream from the Hoxc8 translational start site directs the early phase of expression. Four elements, termed A, B, C, and D, were previously shown to direct expression to the neural tube. Here we report that a fifth element, E, located immediately downstream of D directs expression to mesoderm in combination with the other four elements. These elements are interdependent and partially redundant. Different combinations of elements determine expression in different posterior regions of the embryo. Neural tube expression is determined minimally by ABC, ABD, or ACD; somite expression by ACDE; and lateral plate mesoderm expression by DE. Neural tube and lateral plate mesoderm enhancers can be separated, but independent somite expression has not been achieved. Furthermore, mutations within these elements result in posteriorization of the reporter gene expression. Thus, the anterior extent of expression is determined by the combined action of these elements. We propose that the early phase of Hoxc8 expression is directed by two separate mechanisms: one that determines tissue specificity and another that determines anterior extent of expression.


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SoxR is a transcription factor that governs a global defense against the oxidative stress caused by nitric oxide or excess superoxide in Escherichia coli. SoxR is a homodimer containing a pair of [2Fe-2S] clusters essential for its transcriptional activity, and changes in the stability of these metal centers could contribute to the activation or inactivation of SoxR in vivo. Herein we show that reduced glutathione (GSH) in aerobic solution disrupts the SoxR [2Fe-2S] clusters, releasing Fe from the protein and eliminating SoxR transcriptional activity. This disassembly process evidently involves oxygen-derived free radicals. The loss of [2Fe-2S] clusters does not occur in anaerobic solution and is blocked in aerobic solution by the addition of superoxide dismutase and catalase. Although H2O2 or xanthine oxidase and hypoxanthine (to generate superoxide) were insufficient on their own to cause [2Fe-2S] cluster loss, they did accelerate the rate of disassembly after GSH addition. Oxidized GSH alone was ineffective in disrupting the clusters, but the rate of [2Fe-2S] cluster disassembly was maximal when reduced and oxidized GSH were present at a ratio of approximately 1:3, which suggests the critical involvement of a GSH-based free radical in the disassembly process. Such a reaction might occur in vivo: we found that the induction by paraquat of SoxR-dependent soxS transcription was much higher in a GSH-deficient E. coli strain than in its GSH-containing parent. The results imply that GSH may play a significant role during the deactivation process of SoxR in vivo. Ironically, superoxide production seems both to activate SoxR and, in the GSH-dependent disassembly process, to switch off this transcription factor.


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Cytoplasmic polyadenylylation is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism involved in the translational activation of a set of maternal messenger RNAs (mRNAs) during early development. In this report, we show by interspecies injections that Xenopus and mouse use the same regulatory sequences to control cytoplasmic poly(A) addition during meiotic maturation. Similarly, Xenopus and Drosophila embryos exploit functionally conserved signals to regulate polyadenylylation during early post-fertilization development. These experiments demonstrate that the sequence elements that govern cytoplasmic polyadenylylation, and hence one form of translational activation, function across species. We infer that the requisite regulatory sequence elements, and likely the trans-acting components with which they interact, have been conserved since the divergence of vertebrates and arthropods.


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As an essential nutrient and a potential toxin, iron poses an exquisite regulatory problem in biology and medicine. At the cellular level, the basic molecular framework for the regulation of iron uptake, storage, and utilization has been defined. Two cytoplasmic RNA-binding proteins, iron-regulatory protein-1 (IRP-1) and IRP-2, respond to changes in cellular iron availability and coordinate the expression of mRNAs that harbor IRP-binding sites, iron-responsive elements (IREs). Nitric oxide (NO) and oxidative stress in the form of H2O2 also signal to IRPs and thereby influence cellular iron metabolism. The recent discovery of two IRE-regulated mRNAs encoding enzymes of the mitochondrial citric acid cycle may represent the beginnings of elucidating regulatory coupling between iron and energy metabolism. In addition to providing insights into the regulation of iron metabolism and its connections with other cellular pathways, the IRE/IRP system has emerged as a prime example for the understanding of translational regulation and mRNA stability control. Finally, IRP-1 has highlighted an unexpected role for iron sulfur clusters as post-translational regulatory switches.


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To assess the role of transcriptional enhancers in regulating accessibility of the T-cell receptor beta-chain (TCRbeta) locus, we generated embryonic stem cell lines in which a single allelic copy of the endogenous TCRbeta enhancer (Ebeta) was either deleted or replaced with the immunoglobulin heavy-chain intronic enhancer. We assayed the effects of these mutations on activation of the TCRbeta locus in normal T- and B-lineage cells by RAG-2 (recombination-activating gene 2)-deficient blastocyst complementation. We found that Ebeta is required for rearrangement and germ-line transcription of the TCRbeta locus in T-lineage cells. In the absence of Ebeta, the heavy-chain intronic enhancer partially supported joining region beta-chain rearrangement in T- but not in B-lineage cells. However, ability of the heavy-chain intronic enhancer to induce rearrangements was blocked by linkage to an expressed neomycin-resistance gene (neo(r)). These results demonstrate a critical role for Ebeta in promoting accessibility of the TCRbeta locus and suggest that additional negative elements may cooperate to further modulate this process.


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NM23-H2, a presumed regulator of tumor metastasis in humans, is a hexameric protein with both enzymatic (NDP kinase) and regulatory (transcriptional activation) activity. While the structure and catalytic mechanisms have been well characterized, the mode of DNA binding is not known. We examined this latter function in a site-directed mutational study and identified residues and domains essential for the recognition of a c-myc regulatory sequence. Three amino acids, Arg-34, Asn-69, and Lys-135, were found among 30 possibilities to be critical for DNA binding. Two of these, Asn-69 and Lys-135, are not conserved between NM23 variants differing in DNA-binding potential, suggesting that DNA recognition resides partly in nonconserved amino acids. All three DNA-binding defective mutant proteins are active enzymatically and appear to be stable hexamers, suggesting that they perform at the level of DNA recognition and that separate functional domains exist for enzyme catalysis and DNA binding. In the context of the known crystal structure of NM23-H2, the DNA-binding residues are located within distinct structural motifs in the monomer, which are exposed to the surface near the 2-fold axis of adjacent subunits in the hexamer. These findings are explained by a model in which NM23-H2 binds DNA with a combinatorial surface consisting of the "outer" face of the dimer. Chemical crosslinking data support a dimeric DNA-binding mode by NM23-H2.


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Elements responsible for dexamethasone responsiveness of CYP3A23, a major glucocorticoid-inducible member of the CYP3A gene family, have been identified. DNase I footprint analysis of the proximal promoter region revealed three protected sites (sites A, B, and C) within the sequence defined by -167 to -60. Mutational analysis demonstrated that both sites B and C were necessary for maximum glucocorticoid responsiveness and functioned in a cooperative manner. Interestingly, neither site contained a glucocorticoid responsive element. Embedded in site C was an imperfect direct repeat (5'-AACTCAAAGGAGGTCA-3'), showing homology to an AGGTCA steroid receptor motif, typically recognized by the estrogen receptor family, while site B contained an ATGAACT direct repeat; these core sequences were designated dexamethasone response elements 1 and 2 (DexRE-1 and -2), respectively. Neither element has previously been associated with a glucocorticoid-activated transcriptional response. Conversion of the DexRE-1 to either a perfect thyroid hormone or vitamin D3 responsive element further enhanced induction by dexamethasone. Gel-shift analysis demonstrated that glucocorticoid receptor did not associate with either DexRE-1 or -2; hence, glucocorticoid receptor does not directly mediate glucocorticoid induction of CYP3A23. These unusual features suggest an alternate pathway through which glucocorticoids exert their effects.


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Evidence from epidemiological studies, clinical trials, and animal experiments indicates that inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis lower the risk of colon cancer. We tested the hypothesis that abnormal expression of prostaglandin H synthase 2 (PHS-2), which can be induced by oncogenes and tumor promoters, occurs during colon carcinogenesis by examining its level in colon tumors. Human colon cancers were found to have an increased expression of PHS-2 mRNA compared with normal colon specimens from the same patient (n = 5). In situ hybridization showed that the neoplastic colonocytes had increased expression of PHS-2 (n = 4). Additionally, five colon cancer cell lines were shown to express high levels of PHS-2 mRNA even in the absence of a known inducer of PHS-2. To study the basis for this increased gene expression, we transfected a colon cancer cell line, HCT-116, with a reporter gene containing 2.0 kb of the 5' regulatory sequence of the PHS-2 gene. Constitutive transcription of the reporter gene was observed, whereas normal control cell lines transcribed the reporter only in response to an exogenous agonist. We conclude that PHS-2 is transcribed abnormally in human colon cancers and that this may be one mechanism by which prostaglandins or related compounds that support carcinogenesis are generated.


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The posttranscriptional control of iron uptake, storage, and utilization by iron-responsive elements (IREs) and iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) provides a molecular framework for the regulation of iron homeostasis in many animals. We have identified and characterized IREs in the mRNAs for two different mitochondrial citric acid cycle enzymes. Drosophila melanogaster IRP binds to an IRE in the 5' untranslated region of the mRNA encoding the iron-sulfur protein (Ip) subunit of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH). This interaction is developmentally regulated during Drosophila embryogenesis. In a cell-free translation system, recombinant IRP-1 imposes highly specific translational repression on a reporter mRNA bearing the SDH IRE, and the translation of SDH-Ip mRNA is iron regulated in D. melanogaster Schneider cells. In mammals, an IRE was identified in the 5' untranslated regions of mitochondrial aconitase mRNAs from two species. Recombinant IRP-1 represses aconitase synthesis with similar efficiency as ferritin IRE-controlled translation. The interaction between mammalian IRPs and the aconitase IRE is regulated by iron, nitric oxide, and oxidative stress (H2O2), indicating that these three signals can control the expression of mitochondrial aconitase mRNA. Our results identify a regulatory link between energy and iron metabolism in vertebrates and invertebrates, and suggest biological functions for the IRE/IRP regulatory system in addition to the maintenance of iron homeostasis.


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Thyroid hormone nuclear receptors (TRs) are ligand-dependent transcriptional factors that regulate growth, differentiation, and development. The molecular mechanisms by which TRs mediate these effects are unclear. One prevailing hypothesis suggests that TRs may cooperate with other transcriptional factors to mediate their biological effects. In this study, we tested this hypothesis by examining whether the activity of TRs is modulated by the tumor suppressor p53. p53 is a nuclear protein that regulates gene expression via sequence-specific DNA binding and/or direct protein-protein interaction. We found that the human TR subtype beta 1 (h-TR beta 1) physically interacted with p53 via its DNA binding domain. As a result of this physical interaction, binding of h-TR beta 1 to its hormone response elements either as homodimer or as a heterodimer with the retinoic X receptor was inhibited by p53 in a concentration-dependent manner. In transfected cells, wild-type p53 repressed the hormone-dependent transcriptional activation of h-TR beta 1. In contrast, mutant p53 either had no effect or activated the transcriptional activity of h-TR beta 1 depending on the type of hormone response elements. These results indicate the gene regulating activity of TRs was modulated by p53, suggesting that the cross talk between these two transcriptional factors may play an important role in the biology of normal and cancer cells.


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Posttranscriptional regulation of genes of mammalian iron metabolism is mediated by the interaction of iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) with RNA stem-loop sequence elements known as iron-responsive elements (IREs). There are two identified IRPs, IRP1 and IRP2, each of which binds consensus IREs present in eukaryotic transcripts with equal affinity. Site-directed mutagenesis of IRP1 and IRP2 reveals that, although the binding affinities for consensus IREs are indistinguishable, the contributions of arginine residues in the active-site cleft to the binding affinity are different in the two RNA binding sites. Furthermore, although each IRP binds the consensus IRE with high affinity, each IRP also binds a unique alternative ligand, which was identified in an in vitro systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment procedure. Differences in the two binding sites may be important in the function of the IRE-IRP regulatory system.


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Transcriptional repression is an important component of regulatory networks that govern gene expression. In this report, we have characterized the mechanisms by which the immediate early protein 2 (IE2 or IE86), a master transcriptional regulator of human cytomegalovirus, down-regulates its own expression. In vitro transcription and DNA binding experiments demonstrate that IE2 blocks specifically the association of RNA polymerase II with the preinitiation complex. Although, to our knowledge, this is the first report to describe a eukaryotic transcriptional repressor that selectively impedes RNA polymerase II recruitment, we present data that suggest that this type of repression might be widely used in the control of transcription by RNA polymerase II.


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The NIFL regulatory protein controls transcriptional activation of nitrogen fixation (nif) genes in Azotobacter vinelandii by direct interaction with the enhancer binding protein NIFA. Modulation of NIFA activity by NIFL, in vivo occurs in response to external oxygen concentration or the level of fixed nitrogen. Spectral features of purified NIFL and chromatographic analysis indicate that it is a flavoprotein with FAD as the prosthetic group, which undergoes reduction in the presence of sodium dithionite. Under anaerobic conditions, the oxidized form of NIFL inhibits transcriptional activation by NIFA in vitro, and this inhibition is reversed when NIFL is in the reduced form. Hence NIFL is a redox-sensitive regulatory protein and may represent a type of flavoprotein in which electron transfer is not coupled to an obvious catalytic activity. In addition to its ability to act as a redox sensor, the activity of NIFL is also responsive to adenosine nucleotides, particularly ADP. This response overrides the influence of redox status on NIFL and is also observed with refolded NIFL apoprotein, which lacks the flavin moiety. These observations suggest that both energy and redox status are important determinants of nif gene regulation in vivo.


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The evolutionarily conserved Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) is present in the N-terminal regions of more than one-third of all Krüppel-class zinc finger proteins. Recent experiments have demonstrated that the KRAB-A domain tethered to a promoter DNA by connecting to heterologous DNA-binding protein domain or targeted to a promoter-proximal RNA sequence acts as a transcriptional silencing of RNA polymerase II promoters. Here we show that expression of KRAB domain suppresses in vivo the activating function of various defined activating transcription factors, and we demonstrate that the KRAB domain specifically silences the activity of promoters whose initiation is dependent on the presence of a TATA box. Promoters whose accurate transcription initiation is directed by a pyrimidine-rich initiator element, however, are relatively unaffected. We also report in vitro transcription experiments indicating that the KRAB domain is able to repress both activated and basal promoter activity. Thus, the KRAB domain appears to repress the activity of certain promoters through direct communication with TATA box-dependent basal transcription machinery.