112 resultados para RNA sequence


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Intrinsic termination of transcription in Escherichia coli involves the formation of an RNA hairpin in the nascent RNA. This hairpin plays a central role in the release of the transcript and polymerase at intrinsic termination sites on the DNA template. We have created variants of the lambda tR2 terminator hairpin and examined the relationship between the structure and stability of this hairpin and the template positions and efficiencies of termination. The results were used to test the simple nucleic acid destabilization model of Yager and von Hippel and showed that this model must be modified to provide a distinct role for the rU-rich sequence in the nascent RNA, since a perfect palindromic sequence that is sufficiently long to form an RNA hairpin that could destabilize the entire putative 12-bp RNA-DNA hybrid does not trigger termination at the expected positions. Rather, our results show that both a stable terminator hairpin and the run of 6-8 rU residues that immediately follows are required for effective intrinsic termination and that termination occurs at specific and invariant template positions relative to these two components. Possible structural or kinetic modifications of the simple model are proposed in the light of these findings and of recent results implicating "inchworming" and possible conformational heterogeneity of transcription complexes in intrinsic termination. Thus, these findings argue that the structure and dimensions of the hairpin are important determinants of the termination-elongation decision and suggest that a complete mechanism is likely to involve specific interactions of the polymerase, the RNA terminator hairpin, and, perhaps, the dT-rich template sequence that codes for the run of rU residues at the 3' end of the nascent transcript.


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If RNA editing could be rationally directed to mutated RNA sequences, genetic diseases caused by certain base substitutions could be treated. Here we use a synthetic complementary RNA oligonucleotide to direct the correction of a premature stop codon mutation in dystrophin RNA. The complementary RNA oligonucleotide was hybridized to a premature stop codon and the hybrid was treated with nuclear extracts containing the cellular enzyme double-stranded RNA adenosine deaminase. When the treated RNAs were translated in vitro, a dramatic increase in expression of a downstream luciferase coding region was observed. The cDNA sequence data are consistent with deamination of the adenosine in the UAG stop codon to inosine by double-stranded RNA adenosine deaminase. Injection of oligonucleotide-mRNA hybrids into Xenopus embryos also resulted in an increase in luciferase expression. These experiments demonstrate the principle of therapeutic RNA editing.


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Mannitol is the most abundant sugar alcohol in nature, occurring in bacteria, fungi, lichens, and many species of vascular plants. Celery (Apium graveolens L.), a plant that forms mannitol photosynthetically, has high photosynthetic rates thought to results from intrinsic differences in the biosynthesis of hexitols vs. sugars. Celery also exhibits high salt tolerance due to the function of mannitol as an osmoprotectant. A mannitol catabolic enzyme that oxidizes mannitol to mannose (mannitol dehydrogenase, MTD) has been identified. In celery plants, MTD activity and tissue mannitol concentration are inversely related. MTD provides the initial step by which translocated mannitol is committed to central metabolism and, by regulating mannitol pool size, is important in regulating salt tolerance at the cellular level. We have now isolated, sequenced, and characterized a Mtd cDNA from celery. Analyses showed that Mtd RNA was more abundant in cells grown on mannitol and less abundant in salt-stressed cells. A protein database search revealed that the previously described ELI3 pathogenesis-related proteins from parsley and Arabidopsis are MTDs. Treatment of celery cells with salicylic acid resulted in increased MTD activity and RNA. Increased MTD activity results in an increased ability to utilize mannitol. Among other effects, this may provide an additional source of carbon and energy for response to pathogen attack. These responses of the primary enzyme controlling mannitol pool size reflect the importance of mannitol metabolism in plant responses to divergent types of environmental stress.


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Elucidating the relevant genomic changes mediating development and evolution of prostate cancer is paramount for effective diagnosis and therapy. A putative dominant-acting nude mouse prostatic carcinoma tumor-inducing gene, PTI-1, has been cloned that is expressed in patient-derived human prostatic carcinomas but not in benign prostatic hypertrophy or normal prostate tissue. PTI-1 was detected by cotransfecting human prostate carcinoma DNA into CREF-Trans 6 cells, inducing tumors in nude mice, and isolating genes displaying increased expression in tumor-derived cells by using differential RNA display (DD). Screening a human prostatic carcinoma (LNCaP) cDNA library with a 214-bp DNA fragment found by DD permitted the cloning of a full-length 2.0-kb PTI-1 cDNA. Sequence analysis indicates that PTI-1 is a gene containing a 630-bp 5' sequence and a 3' sequence homologous to a truncated and mutated form of human elongation factor 1 alpha. In vitro translation demonstrates that the PTI-1 cDNA encodes a predominant approximately 46-kDa protein. Probing Northern blots with a DNA fragment corresponding to the 5' region of PTI-1 identifies multiple PTI-1 transcripts in RNAs from human carcinoma cell lines derived from the prostate, lung, breast, and colon. In contrast, PTI-1 RNA is not detected in human melanoma, neuroblastoma, osteosarcoma, normal cerebellum, or glioblastoma multiforme cell lines. By using a pair of primers recognizing a 280-bp region within the 630-bp 5' PTI-1 sequence, reverse transcription-PCR detects PTI-1 expression in patient-derived prostate carcinomas but not in normal prostate or benign hypertrophic prostate tissue. In contrast, reverse transcription-PCR detects prostate-specific antigen expression in all of the prostate tissues. These results indicate that PTI-1 may be a member of a class of oncogenes that could affect protein translation and contribute to carcinoma development in human prostate and other tissues. The approaches used, rapid expression cloning with the CREF-Trans 6 system and the DD strategy, should prove widely applicable for identifying and cloning additional human oncogenes.


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Recombinant antibodies capable of sequence-specific interactions with nucleic acids represent a class of DNA- and RNA-binding proteins with potential for broad application in basic research and medicine. We describe the rational design of a DNA-binding antibody, Fab-Ebox, by replacing a variable segment of the immunoglobulin heavy chain with a 17-amino acid domain derived from TFEB, a class B basic helix-loop-helix protein. DNA-binding activity was studied by electrophoretic mobility-shift assays in which Fab-Ebox was shown to form a specific complex with DNA containing the TFEB recognition motif (CACGTG). Similarities were found in the abilities of TFEB and Fab-Ebox to discriminate between oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing altered recognition sequences. Comparable interference of binding by methylation of cytosine residues indicated that Fab-Ebox and TFEB both contact DNA through interactions along the major groove of double-stranded DNA. The results of this study indicate that DNA-binding antibodies of high specificity can be developed by using the modular nature of both immunoglobulins and transcription factors.


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Neurospora VS RNA performs an RNA-mediated self-cleavage reaction whose products contain 2',3'-cyclic phosphate and 5'-hydroxyl termini. This reaction is similar to those of hammerhead, hairpin, and hepatitis delta virus ribozymes; however, VS RNA is not similar in sequence to these other self-cleaving motifs. Here we propose a model for the secondary structure of the self-cleaving region of VS RNA, supported by site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification structure probing data. The secondary structure of VS RNA is distinct from those of the other naturally occurring RNA self-cleaving domains. In addition to a unique secondary structure, several Mg-dependent interactions occur during the folding of VS RNA into its active tertiary conformation.


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Ran/TC4 is an essential, nuclear GTPase implicated in the initiation of DNA replication, entry into and exit from mitosis, and in nuclear RNA and protein transport through the nuclear pore complex. This diversity of functions suggests that Ran interacts with a large number of down-stream targets. Using an overlay assay, we detected a family of putative target proteins that associate with GTP-bound Ran. The sequence of only one such protein, HTF9a/RanBP1, is known. We have now cloned two additional Ran-binding proteins, allowing identification of a distinctive, highly conserved sequence motif of approximately 150 residues. This motif represents a minimal Ran-binding domain that stabilizes the GTP-bound state of Ran. The isolated domain also functions as a coactivator of Ran-GTPase-activating protein. Mutation of a conserved residue within the Ran-binding domain of HTF9a protein drastically reduced Ran binding. Ran-binding proteins coimmunoprecipitated with epitope-tagged Ran from cell lysates, suggesting that these proteins may associate in vivo. A previously uncharacterized Caenorhabditis elegans gene could encode a protein (96 kDa) possessing two Ran-binding domains. This open reading frame also contains similarities to nucleoporins, suggesting a functional link between Ran and nuclear pore complexes.