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Continuous growth and development in plants are accomplished by meristems, groups of undifferentiated cells that persist as stem cells and initiate organs. While the structures of the apical and floral meristems in dicotyledonous plants have been well described, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms controlling cell proliferation and differentiation in these structures. We have shown previously that the CLAVATA1 (CLV1) gene in Arabidopsis encodes a receptor kinase-like protein that controls the size of the apical and floral meristems. Here, we show that KAPP, a gene encoding a kinase-associated protein phosphatase, is expressed in apical and young floral meristems, along with CLV1. Overexpression of KAPP mimics the clv1 mutant phenotype. Furthermore, CLV1 has kinase activity: it phosphorylates both itself and KAPP. Finally, KAPP binds and dephosphorylates CLV1. We present a model where KAPP functions as a negative regulator of the CLAVATA1 signal transduction pathway.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms, α, βI, and γ of cPKC subgroup, δ and ɛ of nPKC subgroup, and ζ of aPKC subgroup, were tyrosine phosphorylated in COS-7 cells in response to H2O2. These isoforms isolated from the H2O2-treated cells showed enhanced enzyme activity to various extents. The enzymes, PKC α and δ, recovered from the cells were independent of lipid cofactors for their catalytic activity. Analysis of mutated molecules of PKC δ showed that tyrosine residues, which are conserved in the catalytic domain of the PKC family, are critical for PKC activation induced by H2O2. These results suggest that PKC isoforms can be activated through tyrosine phosphorylation in a manner unrelated to receptor-coupled hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids.


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cAMP-dependent phosphorylation activates the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in epithelia. However, the protein phosphatase (PP) that dephosphorylates and inactivates CFTR in airway and intestinal epithelia, two major sites of disease, is not certain. We found that in airway and colonic epithelia, neither okadaic acid nor FK506 prevented inactivation of CFTR when cAMP was removed. These results suggested that a phosphatase distinct from PP1, PP2A, and PP2B was responsible. Because PP2C is insensitive to these inhibitors, we tested the hypothesis that it regulates CFTR. We found that PP2Cα is expressed in airway and T84 intestinal epithelia. To test its activity on CFTR, we generated recombinant human PP2Cα and found that it dephosphorylated CFTR and an R domain peptide in vitro. Moreover, in cell-free patches of membrane, addition of PP2Cα inactivated CFTR Cl− channels; reactivation required readdition of kinase. Finally, coexpression of PP2Cα with CFTR in epithelia reduced the Cl− current and increased the rate of channel inactivation. These results suggest that PP2C may be the okadaic acid-insensitive phosphatase that regulates CFTR in human airway and T84 colonic epithelia. It has been suggested that phosphatase inhibitors could be of therapeutic value in cystic fibrosis; our data suggest that PP2C may be an important phosphatase to target.


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Mutations in superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1; EC are responsible for a proportion of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) through acquisition of an as-yet-unidentified toxic property or properties. Two proposed possibilities are that toxicity may arise from imperfectly folded mutant SOD1 catalyzing the nitration of tyrosines [Beckman, J. S., Carson, M., Smith, C. D. & Koppenol, W. H. (1993) Nature (London) 364, 584] through use of peroxynitrite or from peroxidation arising from elevated production of hydroxyl radicals through use of hydrogen peroxide as a substrate [Wiedau-Pazos, M., Goto, J. J., Rabizadeh, S., Gralla, E. D., Roe, J. A., Valentine, J. S. & Bredesen, D. E. (1996) Science 271, 515–518]. To test these possibilities, levels of nitrotyrosine and markers for hydroxyl radical formation were measured in two lines of transgenic mice that develop progressive motor neuron disease from expressing human familial ALS-linked SOD1 mutation G37R. Relative to normal mice or mice expressing high levels of wild-type human SOD1, 3-nitrotyrosine levels were elevated by 2- to 3-fold in spinal cords coincident with the earliest pathological abnormalities and remained elevated in spinal cord throughout progression of disease. However, no increases in protein-bound nitrotyrosine were found during any stage of SOD1-mutant-mediated disease in mice or at end stage of sporadic or SOD1-mediated familial human ALS. When salicylate trapping of hydroxyl radicals and measurement of levels of malondialdehyde were used, there was no evidence throughout disease progression in mice for enhanced production of hydroxyl radicals or lipid peroxidation, respectively. The presence of elevated nitrotyrosine levels beginning at the earliest stages of cellular pathology and continuing throughout progression of disease demonstrates that tyrosine nitration is one in vivo aberrant property of this ALS-linked SOD1 mutant.


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B cell development and humoral immune responses are controlled by signaling thresholds established through the B lymphocyte antigen receptor (BCR) complex. BCR signaling thresholds are differentially regulated by the CD22 and CD19 cell surface receptors in vivo. B cells from CD22-deficient mice exhibit characteristics of chronic stimulation and are hyper-responsive to BCR crosslinking with augmented intracellular Ca2+ responses. By contrast, B cells from CD19-deficient mice are hypo-responsive to transmembrane signals. To identify signaling molecules involved in the positive and negative regulation of signaling thresholds, the signal transduction pathways activated after BCR crosslinking were examined in CD22- and CD19-deficient B cells. These comparisons revealed that tyrosine phosphorylation of Vav protein was uniquely augmented after BCR or CD19 crosslinking in CD22-deficient B cells, yet was modest and transient after BCR crosslinking in CD19-deficient B cells. Ligation of CD19 and CD22 in vivo is likely to positively and negatively regulate BCR signaling, respectively, because CD19 crosslinking was more efficient than BCR crosslinking at inducing Vav phosphorylation. However, simultaneous crosslinking of CD19 with the BCR resulted in a substantial decrease in Vav phosphorylation when CD22 was expressed. Thus, the differential regulation of Vav tyrosine phosphorylation by CD19 and CD22 may provide a molecular mechanism for adjusting BCR signaling thresholds.


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Several proteins secreted by enteric bacteria are thought to contribute to virulence by disturbing the signal transduction of infected cells. Here, we report that SopB, a protein secreted by Salmonella dublin, has sequence homology to mammalian inositol polyphosphate 4-phosphatases and that recombinant SopB has inositol phosphate phosphatase activity in vitro. SopB hydrolyzes phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate, an inhibitor of Ca2+-dependent chloride secretion. In addition, SopB hydrolyzes inositol 1,3,4,5,6 pentakisphosphate to yield inositol 1,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate, a signaling molecule that increases chloride secretion indirectly by antagonizing the inhibition of chloride secretion by phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate [Eckmann, L., Rudolf, M. T., Ptasznik, A., Schultz, C., Jiang, T., Wolfson, N., Tsien, R., Fierer, J., Shears, S. B., Kagnoff, M. F., et al. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 14456–14460]. Mutation of a conserved cysteine that abolishes phosphatase activity of SopB results in a mutant strain, S. dublin SB c/s, with decreased ability to induce fluid secretion in infected calf intestine loops. Moreover, HeLa cells infected with S. dublin SB c/s do not accumulate high levels of inositol 1,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate that are characteristic of wild-type S. dublin-infected cells. Therefore, SopB mediates virulence by interdicting inositol phosphate signaling pathways.


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Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is an abundant, multifunctional serine/threonine-specific phosphatase that stimulates simian virus 40 DNA replication. The question as to whether chromosomal DNA replication also depends on PP2A was addressed by using a cell-free replication system derived from Xenopus laevis eggs. Immunodepletion of PP2A from Xenopus egg extract resulted in strong inhibition of DNA replication. PP2A was required for the initiation of replication but not for the elongation of previously engaged replication forks. Therefore, the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication depends not only on phosphorylation by protein kinases but also on dephosphorylation by PP2A.


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Neuronal Ca2+ channels are inhibited by a variety of transmitter receptors coupled to Go-type GTP-binding proteins. Go has been postulated to work via a direct interaction between an activated G protein subunit and the Ca2+ channel complex. Here we show that the inhibition of sensory neuron N-type Ca2+ channels produced by γ-aminobutyric acid involves a novel, rapidly activating tyrosine kinase signaling pathway that is mediated by Gαo and a src-like kinase. In contrast to other recently described G protein-coupled tyrosine kinase pathways, the Gαo-mediated modulation requires neither protein kinase C nor intracellular Ca2+. The results suggest that this pathway mediates rapid receptor-G protein signaling in the nervous system and support the existence of a previously unrecognized form of crosstalk between G protein and tyrosine kinase pathways.


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cABL is a protooncogene, activated in a subset of human leukemias, whose protein product is a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase of unknown function. cABL has a complex structure that includes several domains and motifs found in proteins implicated in signal transduction pathways. An approach to elucidate cABL function is to identify proteins that interact directly with cABL and that may serve as regulators or effectors of its activity. To this end, a protein-interaction screen of a phage expression library was undertaken to identify proteins that interact with specific domains of cABL. An SH3-domain-containing protein has been identified that interacts with sequences in the cABL carboxyl terminus. The cDNA encoding ALP1 (amphiphysin-like protein 1) was isolated from a 16-day mouse embryo. ALP1 has high homology to BIN1, a recently cloned myc-interacting protein, and also shows significant homology to amphiphysin, a neuronal protein cloned from human and chicken. The amino terminus has homology to two yeast proteins, Rvs167 and Rvs161, which are involved in cell entry into stationary phase and cytoskeletal organization. ALP1 binds cABL in vitro and in vivo. Expression of ALP1 results in morphological transformation of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts in a cABL-dependent manner. The properties of ALP1 suggest that it may be involved in possible cytoskeletal functions of the cABL kinase. Additionally, these results provide further evidence for the importance of the cABL carboxyl terminus and its binding proteins in the regulation of cABL function.


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The intermediate filament protein vimentin is a major phosphoprotein in mammalian fibroblasts, and reversible phosphorylation plays a key role in its dynamic rearrangement. Selective inhibition of type 2A but not type 1 protein phosphatases led to hyperphosphorylation and concomitant disassembly of vimentin, characterized by a collapse into bundles around the nucleus. We have analyzed the potential role of one of the major protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) regulatory subunits, B55, in vimentin dephosphorylation. In mammalian fibroblasts, B55 protein was distributed ubiquitously throughout the cytoplasm with a fraction associated to vimentin. Specific depletion of B55 in living cells by antisense B55 RNA was accompanied by disassembly and increased phosphorylation of vimentin, as when type 2A phosphatases were inhibited using okadaic acid. The presence of B55 was a prerequisite for PP2A to efficiently dephosphorylate vimentin in vitro or to induce filament reassembly in situ. Both biochemical fractionation and immunofluorescence analysis of detergent-extracted cells revealed that fractions of PP2Ac, PR65, and B55 were tightly associated with vimentin. Furthermore, vimentin-associated PP2A catalytic subunit was displaced in B55-depleted cells. Taken together these data show that, in mammalian fibroblasts, the intermediate filament protein vimentin is dephosphorylated by PP2A, an event targeted by B55.


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The gene ptc4+ encodes one of four type 2C protein phosphatases (PP2C) in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Deletion of ptc4+ is not lethal; however, Δptc4 cells grow slowly in defined minimal medium and undergo premature growth arrest in response to nitrogen starvation. Interestingly, Δptc4 cells are unable to fuse vacuoles in response to hypotonic stress or nutrient starvation. Conversely, Ptc4 overexpression appears to induce vacuole fusion. These findings reveal a hitherto unrecognized function of type 2C protein phosphatases: regulation of vacuole fusion. Ptc4 localizes in vacuole membranes, which suggests that Ptc4 regulates vacuole fusion by dephosphorylation of one or more proteins in the vacuole membrane. Vacuole function is required for the process of autophagy that is induced by nutrient starvation; thus, the vacuole defect of Δptc4 cells might explain why these cells undergo premature growth arrest in response to nitrogen starvation.


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Cdc2–Cyclin B, the protein kinase that catalyzes the onset of mitosis, is subject to multiple forms of regulation. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and most other species, a key mode of Cdc2–Cyclin B regulation is the inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdc2 on tyrosine-15. This phosphorylation is catalyzed by the protein kinases Wee1 and Mik1 and removed by the phosphatase Cdc25. These proteins are also regulated, a notable example being the inhibition of Wee1 by the protein kinase Nim1/Cdr1. The temperature-sensitive mutation cdc25–22 is synthetic lethal with nim1/cdr1 mutations, suggesting that a synthetic lethal genetic screen could be used to identify novel mitotic regulators. Here we describe that such a screen has identified cdr2+, a gene that has an important role in the mitotic control. Cdr2 is a 775 amino acid protein kinase that is closely related to Nim1 and mitotic control proteins in budding yeast. Deletion of cdr2 causes a G2-M delay that is more severe than that caused by nim1/cdr1 mutations. Genetic studies are consistent with a model in which Cdr2 negatively regulates Wee1. This model is supported by experiments showing that Cdr2 associates with the N-terminal regulatory domain of Wee1 in cell lysates and phosphorylates Wee1 in vitro. Thus, Cdr2 is a novel mitotic control protein that appears to regulate Wee1.


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Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk) is a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase that is crucial for human and murine B cell development, and its deficiency causes human X-linked agammaglobulinemia and murine X-linked immunodeficiency. In this report, we describe the function of the Btk-binding protein Sab (SH3-domain binding protein that preferentially associates with Btk), which we reported previously as a newly identified Src homology 3 domain-binding protein. Sab was shown to inhibit the auto- and transphosphorylation activity of Btk, which prompted us to propose that Sab functions as a transregulator of Btk. Forced overexpression of Sab in B cells led to the reduction of B cell antigen receptor-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Btk and significantly reduced both early and late B cell antigen receptor-mediated events, including calcium mobilization, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate production, and apoptotic cell death, where the involvement of Btk activity has been demonstrated previously. Together, these results indicate the negative regulatory role of Sab in the B cell cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase pathway.


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Conversion of a malignant phenotype into a more normal one can be accomplished either by down-regulation of erbB family surface receptors or by creating inactive erbB heterodimers on the cell surface. In this report, we report the identification and cloning of differentially expressed genes from antibody-treated vs. untreated fibroblasts transformed by oncogenic p185neu. We repeatedly isolated a 325-bp cDNA fragment that, as determined by Northern analysis, was expressed at higher levels in anti-p185neu-treated tumor cells but not in cells expressing internalization defective p185neu receptors. This cDNA fragment was identical in amino acid sequence to the recently cloned mouse Tat binding protein-1 (mTBP1), which has 98.4% homology to the HIV tat-binding protein-1 (TBP1). TBP1 mRNA levels were found to be elevated on inhibition of the oncogenic phenotype of transformed cells expressing erbB family receptors. TBP1 overexpression diminished cell proliferation, reduced the ability of the parental cells to form colonies in vitro, and almost completely inhibited transforming efficiency in athymic mice when stably expressed in human tumor cells containing erbB family receptors. Collectively, these results suggest that the attenuation of erbB receptor signaling seems to be associated with activation/induction or recovery of a functional tumor suppressor-like gene, TBP1. Disabling erbB tyrosine kinases by antibodies or by trans-inhibition represents an initial step in triggering a TBP1 pathway.


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The Snf1 protein kinase family has been conserved in eukaryotes. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Snf1 is essential for transcription of glucose-repressed genes in response to glucose starvation. The direct interaction between Snf1 and its activating subunit, Snf4, within the kinase complex is regulated by the glucose signal. Glucose inhibition of the Snf1-Snf4 interaction depends on protein phosphatase 1 and its targeting subunit, Reg1. Here we show that Reg1 interacts with the Snf1 catalytic domain in the two-hybrid system. This interaction increases in response to glucose limitation and requires the conserved threonine in the activation loop of the kinase, a putative phosphorylation site. The inhibitory effect of Reg1 appears to require the Snf1 regulatory domain because a reg1Δ mutation no longer relieves glucose repression of transcription when Snf1 function is provided by the isolated catalytic domain. Finally, we show that abolishing the Snf1 catalytic activity by mutation of the ATP-binding site causes elevated, constitutive interaction with Reg1, indicating that Snf1 negatively regulates its own interaction with Reg1. We propose a model in which protein phosphatase 1, targeted by Reg1, facilitates the conformational change of the kinase complex from its active state to the autoinhibited state.