136 resultados para PROGRAMMED CELL-DEATH


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Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of male cancer deaths in the United States. Yet, despite a large international effort, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that underlie this devastating disease. Prostate secretory epithelial cells and androgen-dependent prostate carcinomas undergo apoptosis in response to androgen deprivation and, furthermore, most prostate carcinomas become androgen independent and refractory to further therapeutic manipulations during disease progression. Definition of the genetic events that trigger apoptosis in the prostate could provide important insights into critical pathways in normal development as well as elucidate the perturbations of those key pathways in neoplastic transformation. We report the functional definition of a novel genetic locus within human chromosome 10pter-q11 that mediates both in vivo tumor suppression and in vitro apoptosis of prostatic adenocarcinoma cells. A defined fragment of human chromosome 10 was transferred via microcell fusion into a prostate adenocarcinoma cell line. Microcell hybrids containing only the region 10pter-q11 were suppressed for tumorigenicity following injection of microcell hybrids into nude mice. Furthermore, the complemented hybrids undergo programmed cell death in vitro via a mechanism that does not require nuclear localization of p53. These data functionally define a novel genetic locus, designated PAC1, for prostate adenocarcinoma 1, involved in tumor suppression of human prostate carcinoma and furthermore strongly suggest that the cell death pathway can be functionally restored in prostatic adenocarcinoma.


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We have previously shown that in neutrophils deprived of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, apoptosis is preceded by acidification and that the protection against apoptosis conferred on neutrophils by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor is dependent upon delay of this acidification. To test the hypothesis that acidification could be a general feature of apoptosis, we examined intracellular pH changes in another cell line. Jurkat cells, a T-lymphoblastoid line, were induced to undergo apoptosis with anti-Fas IgM, cycloheximide, or exposure to short-wavelength UV light. We found that acidification occurred in response to treatment with these agents and that acidification preceded DNA fragmentation. Jurkat cells were also found to possess an acid endonuclease that is active below pH 6.8, compatible with a possible role for this enzyme in chromatin digestion during apoptosis. Incubation of the cells with the bases imidazole or chloroquine during treatment with anti-Fas antibody or cycloheximide or after UV exposure decreased apoptosis as assessed by nuclear morphology and DNA content. The alkalinizing effect of imidazole and chloroquine was shown by the demonstration that the percentage of cells with an intracellular pH below 6.8 after treatment with anti-Fas antibody, cycloheximide, or UV was diminished in the presence of base as compared with similarly treated cells incubated in the absence of base. We conclude that acidification is an early event in programmed cell death and may be essential for genome destruction.


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DNA-damaging agents induce accumulation of the tumor suppressor and G1 checkpoint protein p53, leading cells to either growth arrest in G1 or apoptosis (programmed cell death). The p53-dependent G1 arrest involves induction of p21 (also called WAF1/CIP1/SDI1), which prevents cyclin kinase-mediated phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein (RB). Recent studies suggest a p53-independent G1 checkpoint as well; however, little is known about its molecular mechanisms. We report that induction of a protein-serine/threonine phosphatase activity by DNA damage signals is at least one of the mechanisms responsible for p53-independent, RB-mediated G1 arrest and consequent apoptosis. When two p53-null human leukemic cell lines (HL-60 and U-937) were treated with a variety of anticancer agents, RB became hypophosphorylated, accompanied with G1 arrest. This was followed immediately (in less than 30 min) by apoptosis, as determined by the accumulation of pre-G1 apoptotic cells and the internucleosomal fragmentation of DNA. Addition of calyculin A or okadaic acid (specific serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitors) or zinc chloride (apoptosis inhibitor) prevented the G1 arrest- and apoptosis-specific RB dephosphorylation. The levels of cyclin E- and cyclin A-associated kinase activities remained high during RB dephosphorylation, supporting the involvement of a chemotherapy-induced serine/threonine phosphatase(s) rather than p21. Furthermore, the induced phosphatase activity coimmunoprecipitated with the hyperphosphorylated RB and was active in a cell-free system that reproduced the growth arrest- and apoptosis-specific RB dephosphorylation, which was inhibitable by calyculin A but not zinc. We propose that the RB phosphatase(s) might be one of the p53-independent G1 checkpoint regulators.


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Programmed cell death (apoptosis) is a normal physiological process, which could in principle be manipulated to play an important role in cancer therapy. The key importance of p53 expression in the apoptotic response to DNA-damaging agents has been stressed because mutant or deleted p53 is so common in most kinds of cancer. An important strategy, therefore, is to find ways to induce apoptosis in the absence of wild-type p53. In this paper, we compare apoptosis in normal human mammary epithelial cells, in cells immortalized with human papilloma virus (HPV), and in mammary carcinoma cell lines expressing wild-type p53, mutant p53, or no p53 protein. Apoptosis was induced with mitomycin C (MMC), a DNA cross-linking and damaging agent, or with staurosporine (SSP), a protein kinase inhibitor. The normal and HPV-transfected cells responded more strongly to SSP than did the tumor cells. After exposure to MMC, cells expressing wild-type p53 underwent extensive apoptosis, whereas cells carrying mutated p53 responded weakly. Primary breast cancer cell lines null for p53 protein were resistant to MMC. In contrast, two HPV immortalized cell lines in which p53 protein was destroyed by E6-modulated ubiquitinylation were highly sensitive to apoptosis induced by MMC. Neither p53 mRNA nor protein was induced in the HPV immortalized cells after MMC treatment, although p53 protein was elevated by MMC in cells with wild-type p53. Importantly, MMC induced p21 mRNA but not p21 protein expression in the HPV immortalized cells. Thus, HPV 16E6 can sensitize mammary epithelial cells to MMC-induced apoptosis via a p53- and p21-independent pathway. We propose that the HPV 16E6 protein modulates ubiquitin-mediated degradation not only of p53 but also of p21 and perhaps other proteins involved in apoptosis.


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Programmed cell death (apoptosis) is an intrinsic part of organismal development and aging. Here we report that many nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) cause apoptosis when applied to v-src-transformed chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs). Cell death was characterized by morphological changes, the induction of tissue transglutaminase, and autodigestion of DNA. Dexamethasone, a repressor of cyclooxygenase (COX) 2, neither induced apoptosis nor altered the NSAID effect. Prostaglandin E2, the primary eicosanoid made by CEFs, also failed to inhibit apoptosis. Expression of the protooncogene bcl-2 is very low in CEFs and is not altered by NSAID treatment. In contrast, p20, a protein that may protect against apoptosis when fibroblasts enter G0 phase, was strongly repressed. The NSAID concentrations used here transiently inhibit COXs. Nevertheless, COX-1 and COX-2 mRNAs and COX-2 protein were induced. In some cell types, then, chronic NSAID treatment may lead to increased, rather than decreased, COX activity and, thus, exacerbate prostaglandin-mediated inflammatory effects. The COX-2 transcript is a partially spliced and nonfunctional form previously described. Thus, these findings suggest that COXs and their products play key roles in preventing apoptosis in CEFs and perhaps other cell types.


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In the present study, the cardioprotective effects of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) were examined in a murine model of myocardial ischemia reperfusion (i.e., 20 min + 24 hr). IGF-I (1-10 micrograms per rat) administered 1 hr prior to ischemia significantly attenuated myocardial injury (i.e., creatine kinase loss) compared to vehicle (P < 0.001). In addition, cardiac myeloperoxidase activity, an index of neutrophil accumulation, in the ischemic area was significantly attenuated by IGF-I (P < 0.001). This protective effect of IGF-I was not observed with des-(1-3)-IGF-I. Immunohistochemical analysis of ischemic-reperfused myocardial tissue demonstrated markedly increased DNA fragmentation due to programmed cell death (i.e., apoptosis) compared to nonischemic myocardium. Furthermore, IGF-I significantly attenuated the incidence of myocyte apoptosis after myocardial ischemia and reperfusion. Therefore, IGF-I appears to be an effective agent for preserving ischemic myocardium from reperfusion injury and protects via two different mechanisms--inhibition of polymorphonuclear leukocyte-induced cardiac necrosis and inhibition of reperfusion-induced apoptosis of cardiac myocytes.


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The bclx gene has been shown to regulate programmed cell death in vitro. We now show that Bclx expression increases dramatically when T cells differentiate from CD4- CD8- (double negative) thymocytes to CD4+ CD8+ [double positive (DP)] thymocytes. In contrast single-positive (SP) thymocytes express negligible amounts of Bclx protein. This expression pattern contrasts with that of Bcl2, which is present in double-negative thymocytes, down-regulated in DP thymocytes, and reinduced upon maturation to SP thymocytes. Elimination of Bclx by gene targeting dramatically shortens the survival of DP thymocytes but not the survival of SP thymocytes or peripheral SP T cells. These data suggest that the induction of Bclx during thymic maturation plays a critical role in regulating the length of time DP thymocytes survive in the absence of selection.


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In pre-B lymphocytes, productive rearrangement of Ig light chain genes allows assembly of the B cell receptor (BCR), which selectively promotes further developmental maturation through poorly defined transmembrane signaling events. Using a novel in vitro system to study immune tolerance during development, we find that BCR reactivity to auto-antigen blocks this positive selection, preventing down-regulation of light chain gene recombination and promoting secondary light chain gene rearrangements that often alter BCR specificity, a process called receptor editing. Under these experimental conditions, self-antigen induces secondary light chain gene rearrangements in at least two-thirds of autoreactive immature B cells, but fails to accelerate cell death at this stage. These data suggest that in these cells the mechanism of immune tolerance is receptor selection rather than clonal selection.


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Mice deficient for plasminogen exhibit a variety of pathologies, all of which examined to date are reversed when the animals are also made fibrin(ogen) deficient. These results suggested that the predominant, and perhaps exclusive, physiological role of plasminogen is clearance of fibrin. Plasminogen-deficient mice also display resistance to excitotoxin-induced neurodegeneration, in contrast with wild-type mice, which are sensitive. Based on the genetic interaction between plasminogen and fibrinogen, we investigated whether resistance to neuronal cell death in the plasminogen-deficient mice is dependent on fibrin(ogen). Unexpectedly, mice lacking both plasminogen and fibrinogen are resistant to neurodegeneration to levels comparable to plasminogen-deficient mice. Therefore, plasmin acts on substrates other than fibrin during experimental neuronal degeneration, and may function similarly in other pathological settings in the central nervous system.


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The protooncogene c-abl encodes a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase whose cellular function is unknown. To study the possible involvement of c-Abl in proliferation, differentiation, and cell cycle regulation of early B cells, long-term lymphoid bone marrow cultures were established from c-abl-deficient mice and their wild-type littermates. Interleukin 7-dependent progenitor B-cell clones and lines expressing B220 and CD43 could be generated from both mutant and wild-type mice. The mutant and wild-type lines displayed no difference in their proliferative capacity as measured by thymidine incorporation in response to various concentrations of interleukin 7. Similarly, c-abl deficiency did not interfere with the ability of mutant clones to differentiate into surface IgM-positive cells in vitro. Analysis of cultures after growth factor deprivation, however, revealed a strikingly accelerated rate of cell death in c-abl mutant cells, due to apoptosis as confirmed by terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated UTP nick end labeling analysis. Furthermore, a greater susceptibility to apoptotic cell death in c-abl mutant cells was also observed after glucocorticoid treatment. These results suggest that mutant c-Abl renders the B-cell progenitors more sensitive to apoptosis, and may account for some of the phenotypes observed in c-abl-deficient animals.


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Radiation is the primary modality of therapy for all commonly occurring malignant brain tumors, including medulloblastoma and glioblastoma. These two brain tumors, however, have a distinctly different response to radiation therapy. Medulloblastoma is very sensitive to radiation therapy, whereas glioblastoma is highly resistant, and the long-term survival of medulloblastoma patients exceeds 50%, while there are few long-term survivors among glioblastoma patients. p53-mediated apoptosis is thought to be an important mechanism mediating the cytotoxic response of tumors to radiotherapy. In this study, we compared the response to radiation of five cell lines that have wild-type p53: three derived from glioblastoma and two derived from medulloblastoma. We found that the medulloblastoma-derived cell lines underwent extensive radiation-induced apoptotic cell death, while those from glioblastomas did not exhibit significant radiation-induced apoptosis. p53-mediated induction of p21BAX is thought to be a key component of the pathway mediating apoptosis after the exposure of cells to cytotoxins, and the expression of mRNA encoding p21BAX was correlated with these cell lines undergoing radiation-induced apoptosis. The failure of p53 to induce p21BAX expression in glioblastoma-derived cell lines is likely to be of biologic significance, since inhibition of p21BAX induction in medulloblastoma resulted in a loss of radiation-induced apoptosis, while forced expression of p21BAX in glioblastoma was sufficient to induce apoptosis. The failure of p53 to induce p21BAX in glioblastoma-derived cell lines suggests a distinct mechanism of radioresistance and may represent a critical factor in determining therapeutic responsiveness to radiation in glioblastomas.


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Previous studies have found conflicting associations between susceptibility to activation-induced cell death and the cell cycle in T cells. However, most of the studies used potentially toxic pharmacological agents for cell cycle synchronization. A panel of human melanoma tumor-reactive T cell lines, a CD8+ HER-2/neu-reactive T cell clone, and the leukemic T cell line Jurkat were separated by centrifugal elutriation. Fractions enriched for the G0–G1, S, and G2–M phases of the cell cycle were assayed for T cell receptor-mediated activation as measured by intracellular Ca2+ flux, cytolytic recognition of tumor targets, and induction of Fas ligand mRNA. Susceptibility to apoptosis induced by recombinant Fas ligand and activation-induced cell death were also studied. None of the parameters studied was specific to a certain phase of the cell cycle, leading us to conclude that in nontransformed human T cells, both activation and apoptosis through T cell receptor activation can occur in all phases of the cell cycle.


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Glutathione (GSH) is a major source of reducing equivalents in mammalian cells. To examine the role of GSH synthesis in development and cell growth, we generated mice deficient in GSH by a targeted disruption of the heavy subunit of γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (γGCS-HStm1), an essential enzyme in GSH synthesis. Embryos homozygous for γGCS-HStm1 fail to gastrulate, do not form mesoderm, develop distal apoptosis, and die before day 8.5. Lethality results from apoptotic cell death rather than reduced cell proliferation. We also isolated cell lines from homozygous mutant blastocysts in medium containing GSH. These cells also grow indefinitely in GSH-free medium supplemented with N-acetylcysteine and have undetectable levels of GSH; further, they show no changes in mitochondrial morphology as judged by electron microscopy. These data demonstrate that GSH is required for mammalian development but dispensable in cell culture and that the functions of GSH, not GSH itself, are essential for cell growth.


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Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine are the most abundant phospholipids in eukaryotic cells and thus have major roles in the formation and maintenance of vesicular membranes. In yeast, diacylglycerol accepts a phosphocholine moiety through a CPT1-derived cholinephosphotransferase activity to directly synthesize phosphatidylcholine. EPT1-derived activity can transfer either phosphocholine or phosphoethanolamine to diacylglcyerol in vitro, but is currently believed to primarily synthesize phosphatidylethanolamine in vivo. In this study we report that CPT1- and EPT1-derived cholinephosphotransferase activities can significantly overlap in vivo such that EPT1 can contribute to 60% of net phosphatidylcholine synthesis via the Kennedy pathway. Alterations in the level of diacylglycerol consumption through alterations in phosphatidylcholine synthesis directly correlated with the level of SEC14-dependent invertase secretion and affected cell viability. Administration of synthetic di8:0 diacylglycerol resulted in a partial rescue of cells from SEC14-mediated cell death. The addition of di8:0 diacylglycerol increased di8:0 diacylglycerol levels 20–40-fold over endogenous long-chain diacylglycerol levels. Di8:0 diacylglcyerol did not alter endogenous phospholipid metabolic pathways, nor was it converted to di8:0 phosphatidic acid.


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Longitudinal bone growth is determined by endochondral ossification that occurs as chondrocytes in the cartilaginous growth plate undergo proliferation, hypertrophy, cell death, and osteoblastic replacement. The natriuretic peptide family consists of three structurally related endogenous ligands, atrial, brain, and C-type natriuretic peptides (ANP, BNP, and CNP), and is thought to be involved in a variety of homeostatic processes. To investigate the physiological significance of CNP in vivo, we generated mice with targeted disruption of CNP (Nppc−/− mice). The Nppc−/− mice show severe dwarfism as a result of impaired endochondral ossification. They are all viable perinatally, but less than half can survive during postnatal development. The skeletal phenotypes are histologically similar to those seen in patients with achondroplasia, the most common genetic form of human dwarfism. Targeted expression of CNP in the growth plate chondrocytes can rescue the skeletal defect of Nppc−/− mice and allow their prolonged survival. This study demonstrates that CNP acts locally as a positive regulator of endochondral ossification in vivo and suggests its pathophysiological and therapeutic implication in some forms of skeletal dysplasia.