203 resultados para Mediated Expression


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The strand transferase RAD51 is a component of the homologous recombination repair pathway. To examine the contribution of RAD51 to the genotoxic effects of ionising radiation, we have used a novel ribozyme strategy. A reporter gene vector was constructed so that expression of an inserted synthetic double-stranded ribozyme-encoding oligonucleotide would be under the control of the cytomegalovirus immediate-early gene enhancer/promoter system. The prostate tumour cell line LNCaP was transfected with this vector or a control vector, and a neomycin resistance gene on the vector was used to create geneticin-resistant stable cell lines. Three stable cell lines were shown by western blot analysis to have significant down-regulation of RAD51 to 20–50% of the levels expressed in control cell lines. All three cell lines had a similar increased sensitivity to γ-irradiation by 70 and 40%, respectively, compared to normal and empty vector-transfected cells, corresponding to dose-modifying factors of ∼2.0 and 1.5 in the mid-range of the dose-response curves. The amount of RAD51 protein in transfected cell lines was shown to strongly correlate with the α parameter obtained from fitted survival curves. These results highlight the importance of RAD51 in cellular responses to radiation and are the first to indicate the potential use of RAD51-targeted ribozyme minigenes in tumour radiosensitisation.


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Seed dormancy is a trait of considerable adaptive significance because it maximizes seedling survival by preventing premature germination under unfavorable conditions. Understanding how seeds break dormancy and initiate growth is also of great agricultural and biotechnological interest. Abscisic acid (ABA) plays primary regulatory roles in the initiation and maintenance of seed dormancy. Here we report that the basic leucine zipper transcription factor ABI5 confers an enhanced response to exogenous ABA during germination, and seedling establishment, as well as subsequent vegetative growth. These responses correlate with total ABI5 levels. We show that ABI5 expression defines a narrow developmental window following germination, during which plants monitor the environmental osmotic status before initiating vegetative growth. ABI5 is necessary to maintain germinated embryos in a quiescent state thereby protecting plants from drought. As expected for a key player in ABA-triggered processes, ABI5 protein accumulation, phosphorylation, stability, and activity are highly regulated by ABA during germination and early seedling growth.


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Low concentrations of the glucose (Glc) analog mannose (Man) inhibit germination of Arabidopsis seeds. Man is phosphorylated by hexokinase (HXK), but the absence of germination was not due to ATP or phosphate depletion. The addition of metabolizable sugars reversed the Man-mediated inhibition of germination. Carbohydrate-mediated regulation of gene expression involving a HXK-mediated pathway is known to be activated by Glc, Man, and other monosaccharides. Therefore, we investigated whether Man blocks germination through this system. By testing other Glc analogs, we found that 2-deoxyglucose, which, like Man, is phosphorylated by HXK, also blocked germination; no inhibition was observed with 6-deoxyglucose or 3-O-methylglucose, which are not substrates for HXK. Since these latter two sugars are taken up at a rate similar to that of Man, uptake is unlikely to be involved in the inhibition of germination. Furthermore, we show that mannoheptulose, a specific HXK inhibitor, restores germination of seeds grown in the presence of Man. We conclude that HXK is involved in the Man-mediated repression of germination of Arabidopsis seeds, possibly via energy depletion.


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The induction of napin and oleosin gene expression in Brassica napus microspore-derived embryos (MDEs) was studied to assess the possible interaction between abscisic acid (ABA) and jasmonic acid (JA). Napin and oleosin transcripts were detected sooner following treatment with ABA than JA. Treatment of MDEs with ABA plus JA gave an additive accumulation of both napin and oleosin mRNA, the absolute amount being dependent on the concentration of each hormone. Endogenous ABA levels were reduced by 10-fold after treatment with JA, negating the possibility that the observed additive interaction was due to JA-induced ABA biosynthesis. Also, JA did not significantly increase the uptake of [3H-ABA] from the medium into MDEs. This suggests that the additive interaction was not due to an enhanced carrier-mediated ABA uptake by JA. Finally, when JA was added to MDEs that had been treated with the ABA biosynthesis inhibitor fluridone, napin mRNA did not increase. Based on these results with the MDE system, it is possible that embryos of B. napus use endogenous JA to modulate ABA effects on expression of both napin and oleosin. In addition, JA could play a causal role in the reduction of ABA that occurs during late stages of seed development.


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Previous studies of mRNA for classical glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx1) demonstrated that hepatocytes of rats fed a selenium-deficient diet have less cytoplasmic GPx1 mRNA than hepatocytes of rats fed a selenium-adequate diet. This is because GPx1 mRNA is degraded by the surveillance pathway called nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) when the selenocysteine codon is recognized as nonsense. Here, we examine the mechanism by which the abundance of phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) mRNA, another selenocysteine-encoding mRNA, fails to decrease in the hepatocytes and testicular cells of rats fed a selenium-deficient diet. We demonstrate with cultured NIH3T3 fibroblasts or H35 hepatocytes transiently transfected with PHGPx gene variants under selenium-supplemented or selenium-deficient conditions that PHGPx mRNA is, in fact, a substrate for NMD when the selenocysteine codon is recognized as nonsense. We also demonstrate that the endogenous PHGPx mRNA of untransfected H35 cells is subject to NMD. The failure of previous reports to detect the NMD of PHGPx mRNA in cultured cells is likely attributable to the expression of PHGPx cDNA rather than the PHGPx gene. We conclude that 1) the sequence of the PHGPx gene is adequate to support the NMD of product mRNA, and 2) there is a mechanism in liver and testis but not cultured fibroblasts and hepatocytes that precludes or masks the NMD of PHGPx mRNA.


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Testicular protein kinase 1 (TESK1) is a serine/threonine kinase with a structure composed of a kinase domain related to those of LIM-kinases and a unique C-terminal proline-rich domain. Like LIM-kinases, TESK1 phosphorylated cofilin specifically at Ser-3, both in vitro and in vivo. When expressed in HeLa cells, TESK1 stimulated the formation of actin stress fibers and focal adhesions. In contrast to LIM-kinases, the kinase activity of TESK1 was not enhanced by Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) or p21-activated kinase, indicating that TESK1 is not their downstream effector. Both the kinase activity of TESK1 and the level of cofilin phosphorylation increased by plating cells on fibronectin. Y-27632, a specific inhibitor of ROCK, inhibited LIM-kinase-induced cofilin phosphorylation but did not affect fibronectin-induced or TESK1-induced cofilin phosphorylation in HeLa cells. Expression of a kinase-negative TESK1 suppressed cofilin phosphorylation and formation of stress fibers and focal adhesions induced in cells plated on fibronectin. These results suggest that TESK1 functions downstream of integrins and plays a key role in integrin-mediated actin reorganization, presumably through phosphorylating and inactivating cofilin. We propose that TESK1 and LIM-kinases commonly phosphorylate cofilin but are regulated in different ways and play distinct roles in actin reorganization in living cells.


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In vivo assessment of gene expression is desirable to obtain information on the extent and duration of transduction of tissue after gene delivery. We have developed an in vivo, potentially noninvasive, method for detecting virally mediated gene transfer to the liver. The method employs an adenoviral vector carrying the gene for the brain isozyme of murine creatine kinase (CK-B), an ATP-buffering enzyme expressed mainly in muscle and brain but absent from liver, kidney, and pancreas. Gene expression was monitored by 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) using the product of the CK enzymatic reaction, phosphocreatine, as an indicator of transfection. The vector was administered into nude mice by tail vein injection, and exogenous creatine was administered in the drinking water and by i.p. injection of 2% creatine solution before 31P MRS examination, which was performed on surgically exposed livers. A phosphocreatine resonance was detected in livers of mice injected with the vector and was absent from livers of control animals. CK expression was confirmed in the injected animals by Western blot analysis, enzymatic assays, and immunofluorescence measurements. We conclude that the syngeneic enzyme CK can be used as a marker gene for in vivo monitoring of gene expression after virally mediated gene transfer to the liver.


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We show that when telencephalic neural progenitors are briefly exposed to bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) in culture, their developmental fate is changed from neuronal cells to astrocytic cells. BMP2 significantly reduced the number of cells expressing microtubule-associated protein 2, a neuronal marker, and cells expressing nestin, a marker for undifferentiated neural precursors, but BMP2 increased the number of cells expressing S100-β, an astrocytic marker. In telencephalic neuroepithelial cells, BMP2 up-regulated the expression of negative helix–loop–helix (HLH) factors Id1, Id3, and Hes-5 (where Hes is homologue of hairy and Enhancer of Split) that inhibited the transcriptional activity of neurogenic HLH transcription factors Mash1 and neurogenin. Ectopic expression of either Id1 or Id3 (where Id is inhibitor of differentiation) inhibited neurogenesis of neuroepithelial cells, suggesting an important role for these HLH proteins in the BMP2-mediated changes in the neurogenic fate of these cells. Because gliogenesis in the brain and spinal cord, derived from implanted neural stem cells or induced by injury, is responsible for much of the failure of neuronal regeneration, this work may lead to a therapeutic strategy to minimize this problem.


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Lymphocytes from blood or tumors of patients with advanced cancer did not proliferate and produced very low levels of tumor necrosis factor and IFN-γ when cultured with autologous tumor cells. Proliferation and lymphokine production dramatically increased in the presence of beads conjugated with mAbs to CD3 plus mAbs to CD28 and/or CD40, and the lymphocytes destroyed the tumor cells. Expression density of CD3 concomitantly increased from low to normal levels. Furthermore, beads providing a CD3 signal (in combination with CD28 or CD28 plus CD40) gave partial protection against the inhibitory effect of transforming growth factor type β1 on lymphocyte proliferation and production of tumor necrosis factor and IFN-γ. MHC class I-restricted cytolytic T cells lysing autologous tumor cells in a 4-h Cr51 release assay were generated when peripheral blood leukocytes were activated in the presence of autologous tumor cells and anti-CD3/CD28 or anti-CD3/CD28/CD40 beads. Experiments performed in a model system using anti-V-β1 or anti-V-β2 mAbs to activate subsets of T cells expressing restricted T cell receptor showed that lymphocytes previously activated by anti-V-β can respond to CD3 stimulation with vigorous proliferation and lymphokine production while retaining their specificity, also in the presence of transforming growth factor type β1. Our results suggest that T lymphocytes from cancer patients can proliferate and form Th1 type lymphokines in the presence of autologous tumor cell when properly activated, and that antigen released from killed tumor cells and presented by antigen-presenting cells in the cultures facilitates the selective expansion of tumor-directed, CD8+ cytolytic T cells.


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Signals that determine fast- and slow-twitch phenotypes of skeletal muscle fibers are thought to stem from depolarization, with concomitant contraction and activation of calcium-dependent pathways. We examined the roles of contraction and activation of calcineurin (CN) in regulation of slow and fast myosin heavy chain (MHC) protein expression during muscle fiber formation in vitro. Myotubes formed from embryonic day 21 rat myoblasts contracted spontaneously, and ∼10% expressed slow MHC after 12 d in culture, as seen by immunofluorescent staining. Transfection with a constitutively active form of calcineurin (CN*) increased slow MHC by 2.5-fold as determined by Western blot. This effect was attenuated 35% by treatment with tetrodotoxin and 90% by administration of the selective inhibitor of CN, cyclosporin A. Conversely, cyclosporin A alone increased fast MHC by twofold. Cotransfection with VIVIT, a peptide that selectively inhibits calcineurin-induced activation of the nuclear factor of activated T-cells, blocked the effect of CN* on slow MHC by 70% but had no effect on fast MHC. The results suggest that contractile activity-dependent expression of slow MHC is mediated largely through the CN–nuclear factor of activated T-cells pathway, whereas suppression of fast MHC expression may be independent of nuclear factor of activated T-cells.


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We investigated the feedback regulation of ethylene biosynthesis in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit with respect to the transition from system 1 to system 2 ethylene production. The abundance of LE-ACS2, LE-ACS4, and NR mRNAs increased in the ripening fruit concomitant with a burst in ethylene production. These increases in mRNAs with ripening were prevented to a large extent by treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene (MCP), an ethylene action inhibitor. Transcripts for the LE-ACS6 gene, which accumulated in preclimacteric fruit but not in untreated ripening fruit, did accumulate in ripening fruit treated with MCP. Treatment of young fruit with propylene prevented the accumulation of transcripts for this gene. LE-ACS1A, LE-ACS3, and TAE1 genes were expressed constitutively in the fruit throughout development and ripening irrespective of whether the fruit was treated with MCP or propylene. The transcripts for LE-ACO1 and LE-ACO4 genes already existed in preclimacteric fruit and increased greatly when ripening commenced. These increases in LE-ACO mRNA with ripening were also prevented by treatment with MCP. The results suggest that in tomato fruit the preclimacteric system 1 ethylene is possibly mediated via constitutively expressed LE-ACS1A and LE-ACS3 and negatively feedback-regulated LE-ACS6 genes with preexisting LE-ACO1 and LE-ACO4 mRNAs. At the onset of the climacteric stage, it shifts to system 2 ethylene, with a large accumulation of LE-ACS2, LE-ACS4, LE-ACO1, and LE-ACO4 mRNAs as a result of a positive feedback regulation. This transition from system 1 to system 2 ethylene production might be related to the accumulated level of NR mRNA.


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Two yeast genes, FRE1 and FRE2 (encoding Fe(III) reductases) were placed under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and introduced into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Homozygous lines containing FRE1, FRE2, or FRE1 plus FRE2 were generated. Northern-blot analyses revealed mRNA of two different sizes in FRE1 lines, whereas all FRE2 lines had mRNA only of the expected length. Fe(III) reduction, chlorophyll contents, and Fe levels were determined in transgenic and control plants under Fe-sufficient and Fe-deficient conditions. In a normal growth environment, the highest root Fe(III) reduction, 4-fold higher than in controls, occurred in the double transformant (FRE1 + FRE2). Elevated Fe(III) reduction was also observed in all FRE2 and some FRE1 lines. The increased Fe(III) reduction occurred along the entire length of the roots and on shoot sections. FRE2 and double transformants were more tolerant to Fe deficiency in hydroponic culture, as shown by higher chlorophyll and Fe concentrations in younger leaves, whereas FRE1 transformants did not differ from the controls. Overall, the beneficial effects of FRE2 were consistent, suggesting that FRE2 may be used to improve Fe efficiency in crop plants.


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Ripening-associated pectin disassembly in melon is characterized by a decrease in molecular mass and an increase in the solubilization of polyuronide, modifications that in other fruit have been attributed to the activity of polygalacturonase (PG). Although it has been reported that PG activity is absent during melon fruit ripening, a mechanism for PG-independent pectin disassembly has not been positively identified. Here we provide evidence that pectin disassembly in melon (Cucumis melo) may be PG mediated. Three melon cDNA clones with significant homology to other cloned PGs were isolated from the rapidly ripening cultivar Charentais (C. melo cv Reticulatus F1 Alpha) and were expressed at high levels during fruit ripening. The expression pattern correlated temporally with an increase in pectin-degrading activity and a decrease in the molecular mass of cell wall pectins, suggesting that these genes encode functional PGs. MPG1 and MPG2 were closely related to peach fruit and tomato abscission zone PGs, and MPG3 was closely related to tomato fruit PG. MPG1, the most abundant melon PG mRNA, was expressed in Aspergillus oryzae. The culture filtrate exponentially decreased the viscosity of a pectin solution and catalyzed the linear release of reducing groups, suggesting that MPG1 encodes an endo-PG with the potential to depolymerize melon fruit cell wall pectin. Because MPG1 belongs to a group of PGs divergent from the well-characterized tomato fruit PG, this supports the involvement of a second class of PGs in fruit ripening-associated pectin disassembly.


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Two important signaling systems involved in the growth and development of plants, those triggered by the photoreceptor phytochrome and the hormone abscisic acid (ABA), are involved in the regulation of expression of the NPR1 gene of Lemna gibba. We previously demonstrated that phytochrome action mediates changes in ABA levels in L. gibba, correlating with changes in gene expression evoked by stimulation of the phytochrome system. We have now further characterized phytochrome- and ABA-mediated regulation of L. gibba NPR1 gene expression using a transient particle bombardment assay, demonstrating that regulatory elements controlling responses to both stimuli reside within 156 nucleotides upstream of the transcription start. Linker scan (LS) analysis of the region from −156 to −70 was used to identify two specific requisite and nonredundant cis-acting promoter elements between −143 to −135 (LS2) and −113 to −101 (LS5). Mutation of either of these elements resulted in a coordinate loss of regulation by phytochrome and ABA. This suggests that, unlike the L. gibba Lhcb2*1 promoter, in which phytochrome and ABA regulatory elements are separable, the phytochrome response of the L. gibba NPR1 gene can be attributed to alterations in ABA levels.


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A cDNA encoding a novel, inwardly rectifying K+ (K+in) channel protein, SKT1, was cloned from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). SKT1 is related to members of the AKT family of K+in channels previously identified in Arabidopsis thaliana and potato. Skt1 mRNA is most strongly expressed in leaf epidermal fragments and in roots. In electrophysiological, whole-cell, patch-clamp measurements performed on baculovirus-infected insect (Spodoptera frugiperda) cells, SKT1 was identified as a K+in channel that activates with slow kinetics by hyperpolarizing voltage pulses to more negative potentials than −60 mV. The pharmacological inhibitor Cs+, when applied externally, inhibited SKT1-mediated K+in currents half-maximally with an inhibitor concentration (IC50) of 105 μm. An almost identical high Cs+ sensitivity (IC50 = 90 μm) was found for the potato guard-cell K+in channel KST1 after expression in insect cells. SKT1 currents were reversibly activated by a shift in external pH from 6.6 to 5.5, which indicates a physiological role for pH-dependent regulation of AKT-type K+in channels. Comparative studies revealed generally higher current amplitudes for KST1-expressing cells than for SKT1-expressing insect cells, which correlated with a higher targeting efficiency of the KST1 protein to the insect cell's plasma membrane, as demonstrated by fusions to green fluorescence protein.