170 resultados para Lysine-rich protein gene


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We describe in this study punchless, a nonpathogenic mutant from the rice blast fungus M. grisea, obtained by plasmid-mediated insertional mutagenesis. As do most fungal plant pathogens, M. grisea differentiates an infection structure specialized for host penetration called the appressorium. We show that punchless differentiates appressoria that fail to breach either the leaf epidermis or artificial membranes such as cellophane. Cytological analysis of punchless appressoria shows that they have a cellular structure, turgor, and glycogen content similar to those of wild type before penetration, but that they are unable to differentiate penetration pegs. The inactivated gene, PLS1, encodes a putative integral membrane protein of 225 aa (Pls1p). A functional Pls1p-green fluorescent protein fusion protein was detected only in appressoria and was localized in plasma membranes and vacuoles. Pls1p is structurally related to the tetraspanin family. In animals, these proteins are components of membrane signaling complexes controlling cell differentiation, motility, and adhesion. We conclude that PLS1 controls an appressorial function essential for the penetration of the fungus into host leaves.


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Both high- and low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) play the major role in determining the viscoelastic properties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) flour. To date there has been no clear correspondence between the amino acid sequences of LMW-GS derived from DNA sequencing and those of actual LMW-GS present in the endosperm. We have characterized a particular LMW-GS from hexaploid bread wheat, a major component of the glutenin polymer, which we call the 42K LMW-GS, and have isolated and sequenced the putative corresponding gene. Extensive amino acid sequences obtained directly for this 42K LMW-GS indicate correspondence between this protein and the putative corresponding gene. This subunit did not show a cysteine (Cys) at position 5, in contrast to what has frequently been reported for nucleotide-based sequences of LMW-GS. This Cys has been replaced by one occurring in the repeated-sequence domain, leaving the total number of Cys residues in the molecule the same as in various other LMW-GS. On the basis of the deduced amino acid sequence and literature-based assignment of disulfide linkages, a computer-generated molecular model of the 42K subunit was constructed.


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We found a galactose-rich basic glycoprotein (GBGP) in the cell walls of cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cells. GBGP and extensin were isolated as the major components of basic, salt-extracted cell wall glycoproteins. GBGP and extensin were separated by gel filtration in 6 m guanidine hydrochloride as 49- and 90-kD peaks, respectively, and further purified with reverse-phase chromatography. The protein moiety of GBGP constitutes about one-half of the molecule (w/w) and contains lysine (16%), proline (12%), hydroxyproline (10%), tyrosine (4%), alanine (7%), leucine (6%), and cystine (1.4%). Galactose accounted for 72% of the sugar moiety, arabinose content was low (17%), and a significant amount of mannose (7%) was found. No immunological cross-reaction was detected between GBGP and extensin. The antibody against native GBGP with sugar chains reacted with other glycoproteins on the gel blots, whereas the antibodies against deglycosylated GBGP and native extensin were highly specific. Immunolocalization analysis in tobacco stems showed that GBGP is specific to parenchyma tissue and that extensin localizes in the epidermis. This tissue-specific and exclusive distribution suggests important functions of these basic glycoproteins.


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Evidence suggests that the small chloroplast heat-shock protein (Hsp) is involved in plant thermotolerance but its site of action is unknown. Functional disruption of this Hsp using anti-Hsp antibodies or addition of purified Hsp to chloroplasts indicated that (a) this Hsp protects thermolabile photosystem II and, consequently, whole-chain electron transport during heat stress; and (b) this Hsp completely accounted for heat acclimation of electron transport in pre-heat-stressed plants. Therefore, this Hsp is a major adaptation to acute heat stress in plants.


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Hypoxia-inducible factor, a heterodimeric transcription complex, regulates cellular and systemic responses to low oxygen levels (hypoxia) during normal mammalian development or tumor progression. Here, we present evidence that a similar complex mediates response to hypoxia in Caenorhabditis elegans. This complex consists of HIF-1 and AHA-1, which are encoded by C. elegans homologs of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) α and β subunits, respectively. hif-1 mutants exhibit no severe defects under standard laboratory conditions, but they are unable to adapt to hypoxia. Although wild-type animals can survive and reproduce in 1% oxygen, the majority of hif-1-defective animals die in these conditions. We show that the expression of an HIF-1:green fluorescent protein fusion protein is induced by hypoxia and is subsequently reduced upon reoxygenation. Both hif-1 and aha-1 are expressed in most cell types, and the gene products can be coimmunoprecipitated. We conclude that the mechanisms of hypoxia signaling are likely conserved among metazoans. Additionally, we find that nuclear localization of AHA-1 is disrupted in an hif-1 mutant. This finding suggests that heterodimerization may be a prerequisite for efficient nuclear translocation of AHA-1.


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Bacteriophage T4 uses two modes of replication initiation: origin-dependent replication early in infection and recombination-dependent replication at later times. The same relatively simple complex of T4 replication proteins is responsible for both modes of DNA synthesis. Thus the mechanism for loading the T4 41 helicase must be versatile enough to allow it to be loaded on R loops created by transcription at several origins, on D loops created by recombination, and on stalled replication forks. T4 59 helicase-loading protein is a small, basic, almost completely α-helical protein whose N-terminal domain has structural similarity to high mobility group family proteins. In this paper we review recent evidence that 59 protein recognizes specific structures rather than specific sequences. It binds and loads the helicase on replication forks and on three- and four-stranded (Holliday junction) recombination structures, without sequence specificity. We summarize our experiments showing that purified T4 enzymes catalyze complete unidirectional replication of a plasmid containing the T4 ori(uvsY) origin, with a preformed R loop at the position of the R loop identified at this origin in vivo. This replication depends on the 41 helicase and is strongly stimulated by 59 protein. Moreover, the helicase-loading protein helps to coordinate leading and lagging strand synthesis by blocking replication on the ori(uvsY) R loop plasmid until the helicase is loaded. The T4 enzymes also can replicate plasmids with R loops that do not have a T4 origin sequence, but only if the R loops are within an easily unwound DNA sequence.


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The bronze (bz) locus exhibits the highest rate of recombination of any gene in higher plants. To investigate the possible basis of this high rate of recombination, we have analyzed the physical organization of the region around the bz locus. Two adjacent bacterial artificial chromosome clones, comprising a 240-kb contig centered around the Bz-McC allele, were isolated, and 60 kb of contiguous DNA spanning the two bacterial artificial chromosome clones was sequenced. We find that the bz locus lies in an unusually gene-rich region of the maize genome. Ten genes, at least eight of which are shown to be transcribed, are contained in a 32-kb stretch of DNA that is uninterrupted by retrotransposons. We have isolated nearly full length cDNAs corresponding to the five proximal genes in the cluster. The average intertranscript distance between them is just 1 kb, revealing a surprisingly compact packaging of adjacent genes in this part of the genome. At least 11 small insertions, including several previously described miniature inverted repeat transposable elements, were detected in the introns and 3′ untranslated regions of genes and between genes. The gene-rich region is flanked at the proximal and distal ends by retrotransposon blocks. Thus, the maize genome appears to have scattered regions of high gene density similar to those found in other plants. The unusually high rate of intragenic recombination seen in bz may be related to the very high gene density of the region.


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Globin genes are subject to tissue-specific and developmental stage-specific regulation. A switch from human fetal (gamma)-to adult (beta)-globin expression occurs within erythroid precursor cells of the adult lineage. Previously we and others showed by targeted gene disruption that the zinc finger gene, erythroid Krüppel-like factor (EKLF), is required for expression of the beta-globin gene in mice, presumably through interaction with a high-affinity binding site in the proximal promoter. To examine the role of EKLF in the developmental regulation of the human gamma-globin gene we interbred EKLF heterozygotes (+/-) with mice harboring a human beta-globin yeast artificial chromosome transgene. We find that in the absence of EKLF, while human beta-globin expression is dramatically reduced, gamma-globin transcripts are elevated approximately 5-fold. Impaired silencing of gamma-globin expression identifies EKLF as the first transcription factor participating quantitatively in the gamma-globin to beta-globin switch. Our findings are compatible with a competitive model of switching in which EKLF mediates an adult stage-specific interaction between the beta-globin gene promoter and the locus control region that excludes the gamma-globin gene.


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Messenger RNA transcripts of the highly pigmented murine melanoma B16-F1 cells were compared with those from their weakly pigmented derivative B16-F10 cells by differential display. A novel gene called msg1 (melanocyte-specific gene) was found to be expressed at high levels in B16-F1 cells but at low levels in B16-F10 cells. Expression of msg1 was undetectable in the amelanotic K1735 murine melanoma cells. The pigmented murine melanocyte cell line melan-a expressed msg1, as did pigmented primary cultures of murine and human melanocytes; however, seven amelanotic or very weakly pigmented human melanoma cell lines were negative. Transformation of murine melanocytes by transfection with v-Ha-ras or Ela was accompanied by depigmentation and led to complete loss of msg1 expression. The normal tissue distribution of msg1 mRNA transcripts in adult mice was confined to melanocytes and testis. Murine msg1 and human MSG1 genes encode a predicted protein of 27 kDa with 75% overall amino acid identity and 96% identity within the C-terminal acidic domain of 54 amino acids. This C-terminal domain was conserved with 76% amino acid identity in another protein product of a novel human gene, MRG1 (msg1-related gene), isolated from normal human melanocyte cDNA by 5'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends based on the homology to msg1. The msg1 protein was localized to the melanocyte nucleus by immunofluorescence cytochemistry. We conclude that msg1 encodes a nuclear protein, is melanocyte-specific, and appears to be lost in depigmented melanoma cells.


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The open reading frame P (ORF P) is located in the domain and on the DNA strand of the herpes simplex virus 1 transcribed during latent infection. ORF P is not expressed in productively infected cells as a consequence of repression by the binding of the major viral regulatory protein to its high-affinity binding site. In cells infected with a mutant virus carrying a derepressed gene, ORF P protein is extensively posttranslationally processed. We report that ORF P interacts with a component of the splicing factor SF2/ASF, pulls down a component of the SM antigens, and colocalizes with splicing factors in nuclei of infected cells. The hypothesis that ORF P protein may act to regulate viral gene expression, particularly in situations such as latently infected sensory neurons in which the major regulatory protein is not expressed, is supported by the evidence that in cells infected with a mutant in which the ORF P gene was derepressed, the products of the regulatory genes alpha 0 and alpha 22 are reduced in amounts early in infection but recover late in infection. The proteins encoded by these genes are made from spliced mRNAs, and the extent of recovery of these proteins late in infection correlates with the extent of accumulation of post-translationally processed forms of ORF P protein.


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We have isolated a new Drosophila mutant, satori (sat), the males of which do not court or copulate with female flies. The sat mutation comaps with fruitless (fru) at 91B and does not rescue the bisexual phenotype of fru, indicating that sat is allelic to fru (fru(sat)). The fru(sat) adult males lack a male-specific muscle, the muscle of Lawrence, as do adult males with other fru alleles. Molecular cloning and analyses of the genomic and complementary DNAs indicated that transcription of the fru locus yields several different transcripts. The sequence of fru cDNA clones revealed a long open reading frame that potentially encodes a putative transcription regulator with a BTB domain and two zinc finger motifs. In the 5' noncoding region, three putative transformer binding sites were identified in the female transcript but not in male transcripts. The fru gene is expressed in a population of brain cells, including those in the antennal lobe, that have been suggested to be involved in determination of male sexual orientation. We suggest that fru functions downstream of tra in the sex-determination cascade in some neural cells and that inappropriate sexual development of these cells in the fru mutants results in altered sexual orientation of the fly.


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Olfactory marker protein (OMP) is an abundant, phylogentically conserved, cytoplasmic protein of unknown function expressed almost exclusively in mature olfactory sensory neurons. To address its function, we generated OMP-deficient mice by gene targeting in embryonic stem cells. We report that these OMP-null mice are compromised in their ability to respond to odor stimull, providing insight to OMP function. The maximal electroolfactogram response of the olfactory neuroepithelium to several odorants was 20-40% smaller in the mutants compared with controls. In addition, the onset and recovery kinetics following isoamyl acetate stimulation are prolonged in the null mice. Furthermore, the ability of the mutants to respond to the second odor pulse of a pair is impaired, over a range of concentrations, compared with controls. These results imply that neural activity directed toward the olfactory bulb is also reduced. The bulbar phenotype observed in the OMP-null mouse is consistent with this hypothesis. Bulbar activity of tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate limiting enzyme of catecholamine biosynthesis, and content of the neuropeptide cholecystokinin are reduced by 65% and 50%, respectively. This similarity to postsynaptic changes in gene expression induced by peripheral olfactory deafferentation or naris blockade confirms that functional neural activity is reduced in both the olfactory neuroepithelium and the olfactory nerve projection to the bulb in the OMP-null mouse. These observations provide strong support for the conclusion that OMP is a novel modulatory component of the odor detection/signal transduction cascade.


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Ocular albinism type 1 (OA1) is an inherited disorder characterized by severe reduction of visual acuity, photophobia, and retinal hypopigmentation. Ultrastructural examination of skin melanocytes and of the retinal pigment epithelium reveals the presence of macromelanosomes, suggesting a defect in melanosome biogenesis. The gene responsible for OA1 is exclusively expressed in pigment cells and encodes a predicted protein of 404 aa displaying several putative transmembrane domains and sharing no similarities with previously identified molecules. Using polyclonal antibodies we have identified the endogenous OA1 protein in retinal pigment epithelial cells, in normal human melanocytes and in various melanoma cell lines. Two forms of the OA1 protein were identified by Western analysis, a 60-kDa glycoprotein and a doublet of 48 and 45 kDa probably corresponding to unglycosylated precursor polypeptides. Upon subcellular fractionation and phase separation with the nonionic detergent Triton X-114, the OA1 protein segregated into the melanosome-rich fraction and behaved as an authentic integral membrane protein. Immunofluorescence and immunogold analyses on normal human melanocytes confirmed the melanosomal membrane localization of the endogenous OA1 protein, consistent with its possible involvement in melanosome biogenesis. The identification of a novel melanosomal membrane protein involved in a human disease will provide insights into the mechanisms that control the cell-specific pathways of subcellular morphogenesis.