144 resultados para Kinase régulée par signal extracellulaire


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Mitogenic and stres signals results in the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) and stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun N-terminal kinases (SAPK/JNKs), respectively, which are two subgroups of the mitogen-activated protein kinases. A nuclear target of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases is the ternary complex factor Elk-1, which underlies its involvement in the regulation of c-fos gene expression by mitogenic and stress signals. A second ternary complex factor, Sap1a, is coexpressed with Elk-1 in several cell types and shares attributes of Elk-1, the significance of which is not clear. Here we show that Sap1a is phosphorylated efficiently by ERKs but not by SAPK/JNKs. Serum response factor-dependent ternary complex formation by Sap1a is stimulated by ERK phosphorylation but not by SAPK/JNKs. Moreover, Sap1a-mediated transcription is activated by mitogenic signals but not by cell stress. These results suggest that Sap1a and Elk-1 have distinct physiological functions.


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JAK2, a member of the Janus kinase superfamily was found to interact functionally with Raf-1, a central component of the ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase signal transduction pathway. Interferon-gamma and several other cytokines that are known to activate JAK2 kinase were also found to stimulate Raf-1 kinase activity toward MEK-1 in mammalian cells. In the baculovirus coexpression system, Raf-1 was activated by JAK2 in the presence of p21ras. Under these conditions, a ternary complex of p21ras, JAK2, and Raf-1 was observed. In contrast, in the absence of p21ras, coexpression of JAK2 and Raf-1 resulted in an overall decrease in the Raf-1 kinase activity. In addition, JAK2 phosphorylated Raf-1 at sites different from those phosphorylated by pp60v-src. In mammalian cells treated with either erythropoietin or interferon-gamma, a small fraction of Raf-1 coimmunoprecipitated with JAK2 in lysates of cells in which JAK2 was activated as judged by its state of tyrosine phosphorylation. Taken together, these data suggest that JAK2 and p21ras cooperate to activate Raf-1.


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Protein tyrosine phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are key regulatory events in T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling. We investigated the role of the tyrosine phosphatase SHPTP1 in TCR signaling by analysis of TCR signal transduction in motheaten (me/me) mice, which lack SHPTP1 expression. As revealed by flow cytometric analysis, thymocyte development was normal in me/me mice. However, me/me thymocytes hyperproliferated (3-to 5-fold) in response to TCR stimulation, whereas their response to interleukin 2 stimulation was unchanged compared with normal thymocytes. TCR-induced hyperproliferation of me/me thymocytes was reproduced in purified single-positive thymocytes. Moreover, me/me thymocytes produced increased amounts of interleukin 2 production upon TCR stimulation. Biochemical analysis revealed that, in response to TCR or TCR/CD4 stimulation, thymocytes lacking SHPTP1 showed increased tyrosyl phosphorylation of several cellular substrates, which correlated with increased activation of the src-family kinases Lck and Fyn. Taken together, our data suggest that SHPTP1 is an important negative regulator of TCR signaling, acting at least in part to inactivate Lck and Fyn.


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Abnormal mesoderm movement, leading to defects in axial organization, is observed in mouse and Xenopus laevis embryos deprived of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) AA signaling. However, neither the cellular response to PDGF nor the signaling pathways involved are understood. Herein we describe an in vitro assay to examine the direct effect of PDGF AA on aggregates of Xenopus embryonic mesoderm cells. We find that PDGF AA stimulates aggregates to spread on fibronectin. This behavior is similar to that of migrating mesoderm cells in vivo that spread and form lamellipodia and filipodia on contact with fibronectin-rich extracellular matrix. We go on to show two lines of evidence that implicate phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) as an important component of PDGF-induced mesoderm cell spreading. (i) The fungal metabolite wortmannin, which inhibits signaling by PI3K, blocks mesoderm spreading in response to PDGF AA. (ii) Activation of a series of receptors with specific tyrosine-to-phenylalanine mutations revealed PDGF-induced spreading of mesoderm cells depends on PI3K but not on other signaling molecules that interact with PDGF receptors including phospholipase C gamma, Ras GTPase-activating protein, and phosphotyrosine phosphatase SHPTP2. These results indicate that a PDGF signal, medicated by PI3K, can facilitate embryonic mesoderm cell spreading on fibronectin. We propose that PDGF, produced by the ectoderm, influences the adhesive properties of the adjacent mesoderm cells during gastrulation.


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A human cDNA sequence homologous to human deoxycytidine kinase (dCK; EC was identified in the GenBank sequence data base. The longest open reading frame encoded a protein that was 48% identical to dCK at the amino acid level. The cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli and shown to encode a protein with the same substrate specificity as described for the mitochondrial deoxyguanosine kinase (dGK; EC The N terminus of the deduced amino acid sequence had properties characteristic for a mitochondrial translocation signal, and cleavage at a putative mitochondrial peptidase cleavage site would give a mature protein size of 28 kDa. Northern blot analysis determined the length of dGK mRNA to 1.3 kbp with no cross-hybridization to the 2.8-kbp dCK mRNA. dGK mRNA was detected in all tissues investigated with the highest expression levels in muscle, brain, liver, and lymphoid tissues. Alignment of the dGK and herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase amino acid sequences showed that five regions, including the substrate-binding pocket and the ATP-binding glycine loop, were also conserved in dGK. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a cloned mitochondrial nucleoside kinase and the first demonstration of a general sequence homology between two mammalian deoxyribonucleoside kinases. Our findings suggest that dCK and dGK are evolutionarily related, as well as related to the family of herpes virus thymidine kinases.


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The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and p185c-neu proteins associate as dimers to create an efficient signaling assembly. Overexpression of these receptors together enhances their intrinsic kinase activity and concomitantly results in oncogenic cellular transformation. The ectodomain is able to stabilize the dimer, whereas the kinase domain mediates biological activity. Here we analyze potential interactions of the cytoplasmic kinase domains of the EGFR and p185c-neu tyrosine kinases by homology molecular modeling. This analysis indicates that kinase domains can associate as dimers and, based on intermolecular interaction calculations, that heterodimer formation is favored over homodimers. The study also predicts that the self-autophosphorylation sites located within the kinase domains are not likely to interfere with tyrosine kinase activity, but may regulate the selection of substrates, thereby modulating signal transduction. In addition, the models suggest that the kinase domains of EGFR and p185c-neu can undergo higher order aggregation such as the formation of tetramers. Formation of tetrameric complexes may explain some of the experimentally observed features of their ligand affinity and hetero-receptor internalization.


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The coding sequence of rat MEK kinase 1 (MEKK1) has been determined from multiple, independent cDNA clones. The cDNA is full-length based on the presence of stop codons in all three reading frames of the 5' untranslated region. Probes from the 5' and the 3' coding sequences both hybridize to a 7-kb mRNA. The open reading frame is 4.5 kb and predicts a protein with molecular mass of 161,225 Da, which is twice the size of the previously published MEKK1 sequence and reveals 801 amino acids of novel coding sequence. The novel sequence contains two putative pH domains, two proline-rich regions, and a cysteine-rich region. Antisera to peptides derived from this new sequence recognize an endogenous protein in human and rodent cells of 195 kDa, consistent with the size of the expressed rat MEKK1 clone. Endogenous and recombinant rat MEKK1 are enriched in membranes; little of either is found in soluble fractions. Expression of recombinant rat MEKK1 leads to activation of three mitogen-activated protein kinase modules in the order c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase > p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase = extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2.


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Various compounds that affect signal transduction regulate the relative utilization of alternative processing pathways for the beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta APP) in intact cells, increasing the production of nonamyloidogenic soluble beta APP (s beta APP) and decreasing that of amyloidogenic beta-amyloid peptide. In a recent study directed toward elucidating the mechanisms underlying phorbol ester-stimulated s beta APP secretion from cells, it was demonstrated that protein kinase C increases the formation from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) of beta APP-containing secretory vesicles. Here we present evidence that forskolin increases s beta APP production from intact PC12 cells, and protein kinase A stimulates formation from the TGN of beta APP-containing vesicles. Although protein kinase A and protein kinase C converge at the level of formation from the TGN of beta APP-containing vesicles, additional evidence indicates that the regulatory mechanisms involved are distinct.


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ERK6, a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase-related serine/threonine kinase, is highly expressed in human skeletal muscle and appears to function as a signal transducer during differentiation of myoblasts to myotubes. In transfected 293 cells, activation of the 45-kDa enzyme results in tyrosine-phosphorylated 46- and 56-kDa forms, which phosphorylate myelin basic protein. Overexpression of wild-type ERK6 or the inactive mutant Y185F has no effect on fibroblast and myoblast proliferation, but it enhances or inhibits C2C12 cell differentiation to myotubes, respectively. Our findings suggest ERK6 to be a tissue-specific, differentiation signal-transducing factor that is connected to phosphotyrosine-mediated signaling pathways distinct from those activating other members of the MAP kinase family such as LRK1 and ERK2.


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To determine if nitration of tyrosine residues by peroxynitrite (PN), which can be generated endogenously, can disrupt the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues in proteins involved in cell signaling networks, we studied the effect of PN-promoted nitration of tyrosine residues in a pentadecameric peptide, cdc2(6-20)NH2, on the ability of the peptide to be phosphorylated. cdc2(6-20)NH2 corresponds to the tyrosine phosphorylation site of p34cdc2 kinase, which is phosphorylated by lck kinase (lymphocyte-specific tyrosine kinase, p56lck). PN nitrates both Tyr-15 and Tyr-19 of the peptide in phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) at 37 degrees C. Nitration of Tyr-15. which is the phosphorylated amino acid residue, inhibits completely the phosphorylation of the peptide. The nitration reaction is enhanced by either Fe(III)EDTA or Cu(II)-Zn(II)-superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD). The kinetic data are consistent with the view that reactions of Fe(111)EDTA or Cu,Zn-SOD with the cis form of PN yield complexes in which PN decomposes more slowly to form N02+, the nitrating agent. Thus, the nitration efficiency of PN is enhanced. These results are discussed from the point of view that PN-promoted nitration will result in permanent impairment of cyclic cascades that control signal transduction processes and regulate cell cycles.


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Two-component signal transduction systems are most often found in prokaryotic organisms where they are responsible for mediating the cellular responses to many environmental stimuli. These systems are composed of an autophosphorylating histidine kinase and a response regulator. We have found evidence for the existence of two-component histidine kinases in the eukaryotic filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa based on screening with degenerate primers to conserved regions of these signaling proteins. Subsequent cloning and sequencing of one member of this newly discovered group, nik-1+, shows that the predicted protein sequence shares homology with both the kinase and response regulator modules of two-component signaling proteins. In addition, the N-terminal region of the protein has a novel repeating 90-amino acid motif. Deletion of the nik-1+ gene in N. crassa results in an organism that displays aberrant hyphal structure, which is enhanced under conditions of high osmostress. Increased osmotic pressure during growth on solid medium leads to restricted colonial growth, loss of aerial hyphae formation, and no subsequent conidiophore development. This finding may have implications for mechanisms of fungal colonization and pathogenicity.


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mSOS, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, is a positive regulator of Ras. Fyn tyrosine protein kinase is a potential mediator in T-cell antigen receptor signal transduction in subsets of T cells. We investigated the functional and physical interaction between mSOS and Fyn in T-cell hybridoma cells. Stimulation of the T-cell antigen receptor induced the activation of guanine nucleotide exchange activity in mSOS immunoprecipitates. Overexpression of Fyn mutants with an activated kinase mutation and with a Src homology 2 deletion mutation resulted in a stimulation and suppression of the mSOS activity, respectively. The complex formations of Fyn-Shc, Shc-Grb2, and Grb2-mSOS were detected in the activated Fyn-transformed cells, whereas the SH2 deletion mutant of Fyn failed to form a complex with mSOS. Moreover, tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc was induced by the overexpression of the activated Fyn. These findings support the idea that Fyn activates the activity of mSOS bound to Grb2 through tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc. Unlike the current prevailing model, Fyn-induced activation of Ras might involve the stimulation of the catalytic guanine nucleotide exchange activity of mSOS.


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To understand the mechanisms by which electrical activity may generate long-term responses in the nervous system, we examined how activation of voltage-sensitive calcium channels (VSCCs) can stimulate the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway. Calcium influx through L-type VSCCs leads to tyrosine phosphorylation of the adaptor protein Shc and its association with the adaptor protein Grb2, which is bound to the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Sos1. In response to calcium influx, Shc, Grb2, and Sos1 inducibly associate with a 180-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated protein, which was determined to be the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Calcium influx induces tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGFR to levels that can activate the MAPK signaling pathway. Thus, ion channel activation stimulates growth factor receptor signal transduction.


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Fertilization in Chlamydomonas is initiated by adhesive interactions between gametes of opposite mating types through flagellar glycoproteins called agglutinins. Interactions between these cell adhesion molecules signal for the activation of adenylyl cyclase through an interplay of protein kinases and ultimately result in formation of a diploid zygote. One of the early events during adhesion-induced signal transduction is the rapid inactivation of a flagellar protein kinase that phosphorylates a 48-kDa protein in the flagella. We report the biochemical and molecular characterization of the 48-kDa protein. Experiments using a bacterially expressed fusion protein show that the 48-kDa protein is capable of autophosphorylation on serine and tyrosine and phosphorylation of bovine beta-casein on serine, confirming that the 48-kDa protein itself has protein kinase activity. This protein kinase exhibits limited homology to members of the eukaryotic protein kinase superfamily and may be an important element in a signaling pathway in fertilization.


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The specific signal transduction function of the gamma c subunit in the interleukin (IL) 2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15 receptor complexes remains undefined. The present structure-function analyses demonstrated that the entire cytoplasmic tail of gamma c could be functionally replaced in the IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) signaling complex by a severely truncated erythropoietin receptor cytoplasmic domain lacking tyrosine residues. Heterodimerization of IL-2R beta with either gamma c or the truncated erythropoietin receptor chain led to an array of specific signals normally derived from the native IL-2R despite the substitution of Janus kinase JAK2 for JAK3 in the receptor complex. These findings thus suggest a model in which the gamma c subunit serves as a common and generic "trigger" chain by providing a nonspecific Janus kinase for signaling program initiation, while signal specificity is determined by the unique "driver" subunit in each of the gamma c- containing receptor complexes. Furthermore, these results may have important functional implications for the asymmetric design of many cytokine receptor complexes and the evolutionary design of receptor subfamilies that share common trigger or driver subunits.