112 resultados para ISLET-CELL ANTIBODIES


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Induction of immunity against antigens expressed on tumor cells might prevent or delay recurrence of the disease. Six patients operated on for colorectal carcinoma were immunized with human monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies (h-Ab2) against the mouse 17-1A anti-colon carcinoma antibody, mimicking a nominal antigen (GA733-2). All patients developed a long-lasting T-cell immunity against the extracellular domain of GA733-2 (GA733-2E) (produced in a baculovirus system) and h-Ab2. This was shown in vitro by specific cell proliferation (DNA-synthesis) assay as well as by interleukin 2 and interferon gamma production and in vivo by the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. Five patients mounted a specific humoral response (IgG) against the tumor antigen GA733-2E (ELISA) and tumor cells expressing GA733-2. Epitope mapping using 23 overlapping peptides of GA733-2E revealed that the B-cell epitope was localized close to the N terminus of GA733-2. Binding of the antibodies to the tumor antigen and to one 18-aa peptide was inhibited by h-Ab2, indicating that the antibodies were able to bind to the antigen as well as to h-Ab2. The results suggest that our h-Ab2 might be able to induce an anti-tumor immunity which may control the growth of tumor cells in vivo.


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The Ly-6 locus encodes several cell surface proteins whose functions are unknown. Although it is hypothesized that these proteins may be receptors, there is no direct evidence that they bind a ligand. Herein we present evidence that Ly-6A.2, a Ly-6 protein expressed on T lymphocytes, binds a ligand expressed on normal thymocytes and splenic B and T cells. We find that transgenic thymocytes that overexpress Ly-6A.2 spontaneously aggregate in culture. This homotypic adhesion requires the overexpression of Ly-6A.2 because it is not observed in cultures of nontransgenic thymocytes. The aggregation of Ly-6A.2 transgenic thymocytes is inhibited by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (which removes Ly-6A.2 and other glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins from the membrane). Some anti-Ly-6A.2 monoclonal antibodies, including nonactivating ones and Fab' fragments, inhibit this aggregation. In contrast, other anti-Ly-6A.2 monoclonal antibodies increase the aggregation of transgenic but not nontransgenic thymocytes. To further examine whether Ly-6A.2 mediates adhesion (versus inducing another adhesion pathway) reaggregation assays were performed with paraformaldehyde-fixed Tg+ thymocytes. Paraformaldehyde-fixed Tg+ thymocytes reaggregate in culture and this aggregation is also blocked by phosphatidyl-inositol-specific phospholipase C and anti-Ly-6A.2 monoclonal antibodies. These results indicate that the homotypic adhesion of cultured Ly-6A.2 transgenic thymocytes is directly mediated by Ly-6A.2 and, more importantly, strongly suggests that Ly-6A.2 binds a ligand that is expressed on thymocytes. Tg+ thymocytes also bind to nontransgenic thymocytes, B cells, and T cells, indicating that normal cells naturally express the Ly-6A.2 ligand.


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Two water channel homologs were cloned recently from rat kidney, mercurial-insensitive water channel (MIWC) and glycerol intrinsic protein (GLIP). Polyclonal antibodies were raised against synthetic C-terminal peptides and purified by affinity chromatography. MIWC and GLIP antibodies recognized proteins in rat kidney with an apparent molecular mass of 30 and 27 kDa, respectively, and did not cross-react. By immunofluorescence, MIWC and GLIP were expressed together on the basolateral plasma membrane of collecting duct principal cells in kidney. By immunohistochemistry, MIWC and GLIP were expressed on tracheal epithelial cells with greater expression of GLIP on the basal plasma membrane and MIWC on the lateral membrane; only MIWC was expressed in bronchial epithelia. In eye, GLIP was expressed in conjunctival epithelium, whereas MIWC was found in iris, ciliary body, and neural cell layers in retina. MIWC and GLIP colocalized on the basolateral membrane of villus epithelial cells in colon and brain ependymal cells. Expression of MIWC and GLIP was not detected in small intestine, liver, spleen, endothelia, and cells that express water channels CHIP28 or WCH-CD. These studies suggest water/solute transporting roles for MIWC and GLIP in the urinary concentrating mechanism, cerebrospinal fluid absorption, ocular fluid balance, fecal dehydration, and airway humidification. The unexpected membrane colocalization of MIWC and GLIP in several tissues suggests an interaction at the molecular and/or functional levels.


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We report characterization of a human T-cell lymphotropic virus type II (HTLV-II) isolated from an interleukin 2-dependent CD8 T-cell line derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a healthy, HTLV-II-seropositive female Bakola Pygmy, aged 59, living in a remote equatorial forest area in south Cameroon. This HTLLV-II isolate, designated PYGCAM-1, reacted in an indirect immunofluorescence assay with HTLV-II and HTLV-I polyclonal antibodies and with an HTLV-I/II gp46 monoclonal antibody but not with HTLV-I gag p19 or p24 monoclonal antibodies. The cell line produced HTLV-I/II p24 core antigen and retroviral particles. The entire env gene (1462 bp) and most of the long terminal repeat (715 bp) of the PYGCAM-1 provirus were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction using HTLV-II-specific primers. Comparison with the long terminal repeat and envelope sequences of prototype HTLV-II strains indicated that PYGCAM-1 belongs to the subtype B group, as it has only 0.5-2% nucleotide divergence from HTLV-II B strains. The finding of antibodies to HTLV-II in sera taken from the father of the woman in 1984 and from three unrelated members of the same population strongly suggests that PYGCAM-1 is a genuine HTLV-II that has been present in this isolated population for a long time. The low genetic divergence of this African isolate from American isolates raises questions about the genetic variability over time and the origin and dissemination of HTLV-II, hitherto considered to be predominantly a New World virus.


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The experimental manipulation of peptide growth hormones and their cellular receptors is central to understanding the pathways governing cellular signaling and growth control. Previous work has shown that intracellular antibodies targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) can be used to capture specific proteins as they enter the ER, preventing their transport to the cell surface. Here we have used this technology to inhibit the cell surface expression of the alpha subunit of the high-affinity interleukin 2 receptor (IL-2R alpha). A single-chain variable-region fragment of the anti-Tac monoclonal antibody was constructed with a signal peptide and a C-terminal ER retention signal. Intracellular expression of the single-chain antibody was found to completely abrogate cell surface expression of IL-2R alpha in stimulated Jurkat T cells. IL-2R alpha was detectable within the Jurkat cells as an immature 40-kDa form that was sensitive to endoglycosidase H, consistent with its retention in a pre- or early Golgi compartment. A single-chain antibody lacking the ER retention signal was also able to inhibit cell surface expression of IL-2R alpha although the mechanism appeared to involve rapid degradation of the receptor chain within the ER. These intracellular antibodies will provide a valuable tool for examining the role of IL-2R alpha in T-cell activation, IL-2 signal transduction, and the deregulated growth of leukemic cells which overexpress IL-2R alpha.


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Amplification and overexpression of the erbB-2/neu protooncogene are frequently associated with aggressive clinical course of certain human adenocarcinomas, and therefore the encoded surface glycoprotein is considered a candidate target for immunotherapy. We previously generated a series of anti-ErbB-2 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that either accelerate or inhibit the tumorigenic growth of erbB-2-transformed murine fibroblasts. The present study extended this observation to a human tumor cell line grown as xenografts in athymic mice and addressed the biochemical differences between the two classes of mAbs. We show that the inhibitory effect is dominant in an antibody mixture, and it depends on antibody bivalency. By using radiolabeled mAbs we found that all of three tumor-inhibitory mAbs became rapidly inaccessible to acid treatment when incubated with tumor cells. However, a tumor-stimulatory mAb remained accessible to extracellular treatments, indicating that it did not undergo endocytosis. In addition, intracellular fragments of the inhibitory mAbs, but not of the stimulatory mAb, were observed. Electron microscopy of colloidal gold-antibody conjugates confirmed the absence of endocytosis of the stimulatory mAb but detected endocytic vesicles containing an inhibitory mAb. We conclude that acceleration of cell growth by ErbB-2 correlates with cell surface localization, whereas inhibition of tumor growth is associated with an intrinsic ability of anti-ErbB-2 mAbs to induce endocytosis. These conclusions are relevant to the selection of optimal mAbs for immunotherapy and may have implications for the mechanism of cellular transformation by an overexpressed erbB-2 gene.


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In the present study, we define a group of natural killer (NK) clones (group 0) that fails to lyse all of the normal allogeneic target cells analyzed. Their specificity for HLA class I molecules was suggested by their ability to lyse class I-negative target cells and by the fact that they could lyse resistant target cells in the presence of selected anti-class I monoclonal antibodies. The use of appropriate target cells represented by either HLA-homozygous cell lines or cell transfectants revealed that these clones recognized all the HLA-C alleles. By the use of monoclonal antibodies directed to either GL183 or EB6 molecules, we showed that the EB6 molecules were responsible for the recognition of Cw4 and related alleles, while the GL183 molecules recognized Cw3 (and related C alleles). These data suggest that the GL183 and the EB6 molecules can function, in individual NK clones, as independent receptors for two different groups of HLA-C alleles, (which include all known alleles for locus C), thus resulting in their inability to lyse all normal HLA-C+ target cells. Indirect immunofluorescence and fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis revealed that the presently defined GL183+EB6+ group 0 NK clones brightly express EB6 molecules (EB6bright) while the GL183+EB6+ group 2 clones (unable to recognize Cw4) express an EB6dull phenotype. These data also imply that the density of EB6 receptors may be critical for the generation of an optimal negative signal upon interaction with appropriate HLA-C alleles.