198 resultados para G-coupled protein receptors


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N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) are Ca2+-permeable glutamate-gated ion channels whose physiological properties in neurons are modulated by protein kinase C (PKC). The present study was undertaken to determine the role in PKC-induced potentiation of the NR1 and NR2A C-terminal tails, which serve as targets of PKC phosphorylation [Tingley, W. G., Ehlers, M. D., Kameyama, K., Doherty, C., Ptak, J. B., Riley, C. T. & Huganir, R. L. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 5157–5166]. Serine residue 890 in the C1 cassette is a primary target of PKC phosphorylation and a critical residue in receptor clustering at the membrane. We report herein that the presence of the C1 cassette reduces PKC potentiation and that mutation of Ser-890 significantly restores PKC potentiation. Splicing out or deletion of other C-terminal cassettes singly or in combination had little or no effect on PKC potentiation. Moreover, experiments involving truncation mutants reveal the unexpected finding that NMDARs assembled from subunits lacking all known sites of PKC phosphorylation can show PKC potentiation. These results indicate that PKC-induced potentiation of NMDAR activity does not occur by direct phosphorylation of the receptor protein but rather of associated targeting, anchoring, or signaling protein(s). PKC potentiation of NMDAR function is likely to be an important mode of NMDAR regulation in vivo and may play a role in NMDA-dependent long-term potentiation.


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Etheno adducts in DNA arise from multiple endogenous and exogenous sources. Of these adducts we have reported that, 1,N6-ethenoadenine (ɛA) and 3,N4-ethenocytosine (ɛC) are removed from DNA by two separate DNA glycosylases. We later confirmed these results by using a gene knockout mouse lacking alkylpurine-DNA-N-glycosylase, which excises ɛA. The present work is directed toward identifying and purifying the human glycosylase activity releasing ɛC. HeLa cells were subjected to multiple steps of column chromatography, including two ɛC-DNA affinity columns, which resulted in >1,000-fold purification. Isolation and renaturation of the protein from SDS/polyacrylamide gel showed that the ɛC activity resides in a 55-kDa polypeptide. This apparent molecular mass is approximately the same as reported for the human G/T mismatch thymine-DNA glycosylase. This latter activity copurified to the final column step and was present in the isolated protein band having ɛC-DNA glycosylase activity. In addition, oligonucleotides containing ɛC⋅G or G/T(U), could compete for ɛC protein binding, further indicating that the ɛC-DNA glycosylase is specific for both types of substrates in recognition. The same substrate specificity for ɛC also was observed in a recombinant G/T mismatch DNA glycosylase from the thermophilic bacterium, Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum THF.


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The multitransmembrane protein Patched (PTCH) is the receptor for Sonic Hedgehog (Shh), a secreted molecule implicated in the formation of embryonic structures and in tumorigenesis. Current models suggest that binding of Shh to PTCH prevents the normal inhibition of the seven-transmembrane-protein Smoothened (SMO) by PTCH. According to this model, the inhibition of SMO signaling is relieved after mutational inactivation of PTCH in the basal cell nevus syndrome. Recently, PTCH2, a molecule with sequence homology to PTCH, has been identified. To characterize both PTCH molecules with respect to the various Hedgehog proteins, we have isolated the human PTCH2 gene. Biochemical analysis of PTCH and PTCH2 shows that they both bind to all hedgehog family members with similar affinity and that they can form a complex with SMO. However, the expression patterns of PTCH and PTCH2 do not fully overlap. While PTCH is expressed throughout the mouse embryo, PTCH2 is found at high levels in the skin and in spermatocytes. Because Desert Hedgehog (Dhh) is expressed specifically in the testis and is required for germ cell development, it is likely that PTCH2 mediates its activity in vivo. Chromosomal localization of PTCH2 places it on chromosome 1p33–34, a region deleted in some germ cell tumors, raising the possibility that PTCH2 may be a tumor suppressor in Dhh target cells.


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The irreversible proteolytic mechanism by which protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1), the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) for thrombin, is activated raises the question of how it is shut off. Like classic GPCRs, activated PAR1 is rapidly phosphorylated and internalized, but unlike classic GPCRs, which recycle, internalized PAR1 is sorted to lysosomes. A chimeric PAR1 bearing the substance P receptor’s cytoplasmic carboxyl tail sequestered and recycled like wild-type substance P receptor. In cells expressing this chimera, signaling in response to the PAR1-activating peptide SFLLRN ceased as expected upon removal of this agonist. Strikingly, however, when the chimera was activated proteolytically by thrombin, signaling persisted even after thrombin was removed. This persistent signaling was apparently due to “resignaling” by previously activated receptors that had internalized and recycled back to the cell surface. Thus the cytoplasmic carboxyl tail of PAR1 specifies an intracellular sorting pattern that is linked to its signaling properties. In striking contrast to most GPCRs, sorting of activated PAR1 to lysosomes rather than recycling is critical for terminating PAR1 signaling—a trafficking solution to a signaling problem.


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The cytoplasmic C terminus of the β2-adrenergic receptor and many other G protein-coupled receptors contains a dileucine sequence that has been implicated in endosome/lysosome targeting of diverse proteins. In the present study, we provide evidence for an essential role of this motif in the agonist-induced internalization of the β2-adrenergic receptor. Mutation of Leu-339 and/or Leu-340 to Ala caused little changes in surface expression, ligand binding, G protein coupling, and signaling to adenylyl cyclase, when these receptors were transiently or stably expressed in CHO or HEK-293 cells. However, agonist-induced receptor internalization was markedly impaired in the L339,340A double mutant and reduced in the two single mutants. This impairment in receptor internalization was seen by using various approaches to determine internalization: binding of hydrophobic vs. hydrophilic ligands, loss of surface β2-adrenergic receptor immunoreactivity, and immunofluorescence microscopy. The selective effects of these mutations suggest that the C-terminal dileucine motif is involved in agonist-induced internalization of the β2-adrenergic receptor.


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The Glu-134–Arg-135 residues in rhodopsin, located near the cytoplasmic end of the C helix, are involved in G protein binding, or activation, or both. Furthermore, the charge-neutralizing mutation Glu-134 to Gln-134 produces hyperactivity in the activated state and produces constitutive activity in opsin. The Glu/Asp-Arg charge pair is highly conserved in equivalent positions in other G protein-coupled receptors. To investigate the structural consequences of charge-neutralizing mutations at Glu-134 and Arg-135 in rhodopsin, single spin-labeled side chains were introduced at sites in the cytoplasmic domains of helices C (140), E (227), F (250), or G (316) to serve as “molecular sensors” of the local helix bundle conformation. In each of the spin-labeled rhodopsins, a Gln substitution was introduced at either Glu-134 or Arg-135, and the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of the spin label was used to monitor the structural response of the helix bundle. The results indicate that a Gln substitution at Glu-134 induces a photoactivated conformation around helices C and G even in the dark state, an observation of potential relevance to the hyperactivity and constitutive activity of the mutant. In contrast, little change is induced in helix F, which has been shown to undergo a dominant motion upon photoactivation. This result implies that the multiple helix motions accompanying photoactivation are not strongly coupled and can be induced to take place independently. Gln substitution at Arg-135 produces only minor structural changes in the dark- or light-activated conformation, suggesting that this residue is not a determinant of structure in the regions investigated, although it may be functionally important.


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Dopamine is a neuromodulator involved in the control of key physiological functions. Dopamine-dependent signal transduction is activated through the interaction with membrane receptors of the seven-transmembrane domain G protein-coupled family. Among them, dopamine D2 receptor is highly expressed in the striatum and the pituitary gland as well as by mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons. Lack of D2 receptors in mice leads to a locomotor parkinsonian-like phenotype and to pituitary tumors. The D2 receptor promoter has characteristics of a housekeeping gene. However, the restricted expression of this gene to particular neurons and cells points to a strict regulation of its expression by cell-specific transcription factors. We demonstrate here that the D2 receptor promoter contains a functional retinoic acid response element. Furthermore, analysis of retinoic acid receptor-null mice supports our finding and shows that in these animals D2 receptor expression is reduced. This finding assigns to retinoids an important role in the control of gene expression in the central nervous system.


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HLA-G is the putative natural killer (NK) cell inhibitory ligand expressed on the extravillous cytotrophoblast of the human placenta. Killing of the class I negative human B cell line 721.221 by NK cells is inhibited by the expression of HLA-G. This inhibition is dependent on a high level of HLA-G expression. In the present study, the nature of the receptors that mediate the inhibition has been studied with 140 NK cell lines from two donors and 246 NK clones from 5 donors by blocking the inhibition using monoclonal antibodies against the known NK inhibitory receptors: CD158a, CD158b, and CD94. Both CD94 and the two CD158 proteins can function as receptors, although the former clearly predominates. In many cases, a combination of antibodies to these receptors is required to achieve maximal reversal of inhibition. Moreover, in at least one-third of the NK cells that are inhibited by HLA-G, these antibodies alone or in combination do not reverse inhibition, strongly suggesting the existence of a third major unidentified receptor for HLA-G.


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N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) activation has been implicated in forms of synaptic plasticity involving long-term changes in neuronal structure, function, or protein expression. Transcriptional alterations have been correlated with NMDAR-mediated synaptic plasticity, but the problem of rapidly targeting new proteins to particular synapses is unsolved. One potential solution is synapse-specific protein translation, which is suggested by dendritic localization of numerous transcripts and subsynaptic polyribosomes. We report here a mechanism by which NMDAR activation at synapses may control this protein synthetic machinery. In intact tadpole tecta, NMDAR activation leads to phosphorylation of a subset of proteins, one of which we now identify as the eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 (eEF2). Phosphorylation of eEF2 halts protein synthesis and may prepare cells to translate a new set of mRNAs. We show that NMDAR activation-induced eEF2 phosphorylation is widespread in tadpole tecta. In contrast, in adult tecta, where synaptic plasticity is reduced, this phosphorylation is restricted to short dendritic regions that process binocular information. Biochemical and anatomical evidence shows that this NMDAR activation-induced eEF2 phosphorylation is localized to subsynaptic sites. Moreover, eEF2 phosphorylation is induced by visual stimulation, and NMDAR blockade before stimulation eliminates this effect. Thus, NMDAR activation, which is known to mediate synaptic changes in the developing frog, could produce local postsynaptic alterations in protein synthesis by inducing eEF2 phosphorylation.


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Three covalent attachments anchor heterotrimeric G proteins to cellular membranes: the α subunits are myristoylated and/or palmitoylated, whereas the γ chain is prenylated. Despite the essential role of these modifications in membrane attachment, it is not clear how they cooperate to specify G protein localization at the plasma membrane, where the G protein relays signals from cell surface receptors to intracellular effector molecules. To explore this question, we studied the effects of mutations that prevent myristoylation and/or palmitoylation of an epitope-labeled α subunit, αz. Wild-type αz (αz-WT) localizes specifically at the plasma membrane. A mutant that incorporates only myristate is mistargeted to intracellular membranes, in addition to the plasma membrane, but transduces hormonal signals as well as does αz-WT. Removal of the myristoylation site produced a mutant αz that is located in the cytosol, is not efficiently palmitoylated, and does not relay the hormonal signal. Coexpression of βγ with this myristoylation defective mutant transfers it to the plasma membrane, promotes its palmitoylation, and enables it to transmit hormonal signals. Pulse-chase experiments show that the palmitate attached to this myristoylation-defective mutant turns over much more rapidly than does palmitate on αz-WT, and that the rate of turnover is further accelerated by receptor activation. In contrast, receptor activation does not increase the slow rate of palmitate turnover on αz-WT. Together these results suggest that myristate and βγ promote stable association with membranes not only by providing hydrophobicity, but also by stabilizing attachment of palmitate. Moreover, palmitoylation confers on αz specific localization at the plasma membrane.


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We have used coexpression of a salivary basic proline-rich protein (PRP) along with a proline-rich proteoglycan (PRPg) in pituitary AtT-20 cells to examine the regulation of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) biosynthesis and the storage of these secretory products for regulated secretion. The basic PRP caused a dose-dependent increase in sulfation of PRPg and also increased the extent to which PRPg polypeptide backbones are modified by a GAG chain. The sulfation of an endogenous proteoglycan was similarly increased in the presence of basic PRP; however, other sulfated secretory products of AtT-20 cells were unaffected. These results imply that enzymes functioning in elongation and sulfation of proteoglycans are coordinately regulated and that their activities respond to a change in the milieu of the intracellular transport pathway. Analysis of the regulated secretion of both the basic PRP and PRPg has indicated that while the presence of the GAG chain improves the storage of PRPg, the presence of PRPg does not increase the storage of basic PRP. Therefore, sulfation of GAGs does not appear to be a primary factor in regulated secretory sorting.


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Rho, a member of the Rho small G protein family, regulates the formation of stress fibers and focal adhesions in various types of cultured cells. We investigated here the actions of ROCK and mDia, both of which have been identified to be putative downstream target molecules of Rho, in Madin–Darby canine kidney cells. The dominant active mutant of RhoA induced the formation of parallel stress fibers and focal adhesions, whereas the dominant active mutant of ROCK induced the formation of stellate stress fibers and focal adhesions, and the dominant active mutant of mDia induced the weak formation of parallel stress fibers without affecting the formation of focal adhesions. In the presence of C3 ADP-ribosyltransferase for Rho, the dominant active mutant of ROCK induced the formation of stellate stress fibers and focal adhesions, whereas the dominant active mutant of mDia induced only the diffuse localization of actin filaments. These results indicate that ROCK and mDia show distinct actions in reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. The dominant negative mutant of either ROCK or mDia inhibited the formation of stress fibers and focal adhesions, indicating that both ROCK and mDia are necessary for the formation of stress fibers and focal adhesions. Moreover, inactivation and reactivation of both ROCK and mDia were necessary for the 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate–induced disassembly and reassembly, respectively, of stress fibers and focal adhesions. The morphologies of stress fibers and focal adhesions in the cells expressing both the dominant active mutants of ROCK and mDia were not identical to those induced by the dominant active mutant of Rho. These results indicate that at least ROCK and mDia cooperatively act as downstream target molecules of Rho in the Rho-induced reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton.


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The mushroom-producing fungus Schizophyllum commune has thousands of mating types defined, in part, by numerous lipopeptide pheromones and their G protein-linked receptors. Compatible combinations of pheromones and receptors encoded by different mating types regulate a pathway of sexual development leading to mushroom formation and meiosis. A complex set of pheromone–receptor interactions maximizes the likelihood of outbreeding; for example, a single pheromone can activate more than one receptor and a single receptor can be activated by more than one pheromone. The current study demonstrates that the sex pheromones and receptors of Schizophyllum, when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, can substitute for endogenous pheromone and receptor and induce the yeast pheromone response pathway through the yeast G protein. Secretion of active Schizophyllum pheromone requires some, but not all, of the biosynthetic machinery used by the yeast lipopeptide pheromone a-factor. The specificity of interaction among pheromone–receptor pairs in Schizophyllum was reproduced in yeast, thus providing a powerful system for exploring molecular aspects of pheromone–receptor interactions for a class of seven-transmembrane-domain receptors common to a wide range of organisms.


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In Dictyostelium discoideum, a unique Gβ subunit is required for a G protein–coupled receptor system that mediates a variety of cellular responses. Binding of cAMP to cAR1, the receptor linked to the G protein G2, triggers a cascade of responses, including activation of adenylyl cyclase, gene induction, actin polymerization, and chemotaxis. Null mutations of the cAR1, Gα2, and Gβ genes completely impair all these responses. To dissect specificity in Gβγ signaling to downstream effectors in living cells, we screened a randomly mutagenized library of Gβ genes and isolated Gβ alleles that lacked the capacity to activate some effectors but retained the ability to regulate others. These mutant Gβ subunits were able to link cAR1 to G2, to support gene expression, and to mediate cAMP-induced actin polymerization, and some were able to mediate to chemotaxis toward cAMP. None was able to activate adenylyl cyclase, and some did not support chemotaxis. Thus, we separated in vivo functions of Gβγ by making point mutations on Gβ. Using the structure of the heterotrimeric G protein displayed in the computer program CHAIN, we examined the positions and the molecular interactions of the amino acids substituted in each of the mutant Gβs and analyzed the possible effects of each replacement. We identified several residues that are crucial for activation of the adenylyl cyclase. These residues formed an area that overlaps but is not identical to regions where bovine Gtβγ interacts with its regulators, Gα and phosducin.


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The biological effects of type I serine/threonine kinase receptors and Smad proteins were examined using an adenovirus-based vector system. Constitutively active forms of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) type I receptors (BMPR-IA and BMPR-IB; BMPR-I group) and those of activin receptor–like kinase (ALK)-1 and ALK-2 (ALK-1 group) induced alkaline phosphatase activity in C2C12 cells. Receptor-regulated Smads (R-Smads) that act in the BMP pathways, such as Smad1 and Smad5, also induced the alkaline phosphatase activity in C2C12 cells. BMP-6 dramatically enhanced alkaline phosphatase activity induced by Smad1 or Smad5, probably because of the nuclear translocation of R-Smads triggered by the ligand. Inhibitory Smads, i.e., Smad6 and Smad7, repressed the alkaline phosphatase activity induced by BMP-6 or the type I receptors. Chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5 cells was induced by the receptors of the BMPR-I group but not by those of the ALK-1 group. However, kinase-inactive forms of the receptors of the ALK-1 and BMPR-I groups blocked chondrogenic differentiation. Although R-Smads failed to induce cartilage nodule formation, inhibitory Smads blocked it. Osteoblast differentiation induced by BMPs is thus mediated mainly via the Smad-signaling pathway, whereas chondrogenic differentiation may be transmitted by Smad-dependent and independent pathways.