122 resultados para B cells


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Cytochrome b-type NAD(P)H oxidoreductases are involved in many physiological processes, including iron uptake in yeast, the respiratory burst, and perhaps oxygen sensing in mammals. We have identified a cytosolic cytochrome b-type NAD(P)H oxidoreductase in mammals, a flavohemoprotein (b5+b5R) containing cytochrome b5 (b5) and b5 reductase (b5R) domains. A genetic approach, using blast searches against dbest for FAD-, NAD(P)H-binding sequences followed by reverse transcription–PCR, was used to clone the complete cDNA sequence of human b5+b5R from the hepatoma cell line Hep 3B. Compared with the classical single-domain b5 and b5R proteins localized on endoplasmic reticulum membrane, b5+b5R also has binding motifs for heme, FAD, and NAD(P)H prosthetic groups but no membrane anchor. The human b5+b5R transcript was expressed at similar levels in all tissues and cell lines that were tested. The two functional domains b5* and b5R* are linked by an approximately 100-aa-long hinge bearing no sequence homology to any known proteins. When human b5+b5R was expressed as c-myc adduct in COS-7 cells, confocal microscopy revealed a cytosolic localization at the perinuclear space. The recombinant b5+b5R protein can be reduced by NAD(P)H, generating spectrum typical of reduced cytochrome b with alpha, beta, and Soret peaks at 557, 527, and 425 nm, respectively. Human b5+b5R flavohemoprotein is a NAD(P)H oxidoreductase, demonstrated by superoxide production in the presence of air and excess NAD(P)H and by cytochrome c reduction in vitro. The properties of this protein make it a plausible candidate oxygen sensor.


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Although vertebrate cytoplasmic dynein can move to the minus ends of microtubules in vitro, its ability to translocate purified vesicles on microtubules depends on the presence of an accessory complex known as dynactin. We have cloned and characterized a novel gene, NIP100, which encodes the yeast homologue of the vertebrate dynactin complex protein p150glued. Like strains lacking the cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain Dyn1p or the centractin homologue Act5p, nip100Δ strains are viable but undergo a significant number of failed mitoses in which the mitotic spindle does not properly partition into the daughter cell. Analysis of spindle dynamics by time-lapse digital microscopy indicates that the precise role of Nip100p during anaphase is to promote the translocation of the partially elongated mitotic spindle through the bud neck. Consistent with the presence of a true dynactin complex in yeast, Nip100p exists in a stable complex with Act5p as well as Jnm1p, another protein required for proper spindle partitioning during anaphase. Moreover, genetic depletion experiments indicate that the binding of Nip100p to Act5p is dependent on the presence of Jnm1p. Finally, we find that a fusion of Nip100p to the green fluorescent protein localizes to the spindle poles throughout the cell cycle. Taken together, these results suggest that the yeast dynactin complex and cytoplasmic dynein together define a physiological pathway that is responsible for spindle translocation late in anaphase.


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Janus kinase 2 (Jak2) protein tyrosine kinase plays an important role in interleukin-3– or granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor–mediated signal transduction pathways leading to cell proliferation, activation of early response genes, and inhibition of apoptosis. However, it is unclear whether Jak2 can activate these signaling pathways directly without the involvement of cytokine receptor phosphorylation. To investigate the specific role of Jak2 in the regulation of signal transduction pathways, we generated gyrase B (GyrB)–Jak2 fusion proteins, dimerized through the addition of coumermycin. Coumermycin induced autophosphorylation of GyrB–Jak2 fusion proteins, thus bypassing receptor activation. Using different types of chimeric Jak2 molecules, we observed that although the kinase domain of Jak2 is sufficient for autophosphorylation, the N-terminal regions are essential for the phosphorylation of Stat5 and for the induction of short-term cell proliferation. Moreover, coumermycin-induced activation of Jak2 can also lead to increased levels of c-myc and CIS mRNAs in BA/F3 cells stably expressing the Jak2 fusion protein with the intact N-terminal region. Conversely, activation of the chimeric Jak2 induced neither phosphorylation of Shc or SHP-2 nor activation of the c-fos promoter. Here, we showed that the GyrB–Jak2 system can serve as an excellent model to dissect signals of receptor-dependent and -independent events. We also obtained evidence indicating a role for the N-terminal region of Jak2 in downstream signaling events.


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The epidermal growth factor (EGF) family of receptors (EGFR) is overproduced in estrogen receptor (ER) negative (−) breast cancer cells. An inverse correlation of the level of EGFR and ER is observed between ER− and ER positive (+) breast cancer cells. A comparative study with EGFR-overproducing ER− and low-level producing ER+ breast cancer cells suggests that EGF is a major growth-stimulating factor for ER− cells. An outline of the pathway for the EGF-induced enhanced proliferation of ER− human breast cancer cells is proposed. The transmission of mitogenic signal induced by EGF–EGFR interaction is mediated via activation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB). The basal level of active NF-κB in ER− cells is elevated by EGF and inhibited by anti-EGFR antibody (EGFR-Ab), thus qualifying EGF as a NF-κB activation factor. NF-κB transactivates the cell-cycle regulatory protein, cyclin D1, which causes increased phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein, more strongly in ER− cells. An inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase, Ly294–002, blocked this event, suggesting a role of the former in the activation of NF-κB by EGF. Go6976, a well-characterized NF-κB inhibitor, blocked EGF-induced NF-κB activation and up-regulation of cell-cycle regulatory proteins. This low molecular weight compound also caused apoptotic death, predominantly more in ER− cells. Thus Go6976 and similar NF-κB inhibitors are potentially novel low molecular weight therapeutic agents for treatment of ER− breast cancer patients.


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The class B, type I scavenger receptor, SR-BI, binds high density lipoprotein (HDL) and mediates the selective uptake of HDL cholesteryl ester (CE) by cultured transfected cells. The high levels of SR-BI expression in steroidogenic cells in vivo and its regulation by tropic hormones provides support for the hypothesis that SR-BI is a physiologically relevant HDL receptor that supplies substrate cholesterol for steroid hormone synthesis. This hypothesis was tested by determining the ability of antibody directed against murine (m) SR-BI to inhibit the selective uptake of HDL CE in Y1-BS1 adrenocortical cells. Anti-mSR-BI IgG inhibited HDL CE-selective uptake by 70% and cell association of HDL particles by 50% in a dose-dependent manner. The secretion of [3H]steroids derived from HDL containing [3H]CE was inhibited by 78% by anti-mSR-BI IgG. These results establish mSR-BI as the major route for the selective uptake of HDL CE and the delivery of HDL cholesterol to the steroidogenic pathway in cultured mouse adrenal cells.


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Nontypeable Hemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is an important human pathogen in both children and adults. In children, it causes otitis media, the most common childhood infection and the leading cause of conductive hearing loss in the United States. In adults, it causes lower respiratory tract infections in the setting of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. The molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of NTHi-induced infections remain undefined, but they may involve activation of NF-κB, a transcriptional activator of multiple host defense genes involved in immune and inflammatory responses. Here, we show that NTHi strongly activates NF-κB in human epithelial cells via two distinct signaling pathways, NF-κB translocation-dependent and -independent pathways. The NF-κB translocation-dependent pathway involves activation of NF-κB inducing kinase (NIK)–IKKα/β complex leading to IκBα phosphorylation and degradation, whereas the NF-κB translocation-independent pathway involves activation of MKK3/6–p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway. Bifurcation of NTHi-induced NIK–IKKα/β-IκBα and MKK3/6–p38 MAP kinase pathways may occur at transforming growth factor-β activated kinase 1 (TAK1). Furthermore, we show that toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) is required for NTHi-induced NF-κB activation. In addition, several key inflammatory mediators including IL-1β, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor-α are up-regulated by NTHi. Finally, P6, a 16-kDa lipoprotein highly conserved in the outer membrane of all NTHi and H. influenzae type b strains, appears to also activate NF-κB via similar signaling pathways. Taken together, our results demonstrate that NTHi activates NF-κB via TLR2–TAK1-dependent NIK–IKKα/β-IκBα and MKK3/6–p38 MAP kinase signaling pathways. These studies may bring new insights into molecular pathogenesis of NTHi-induced infections and open up new therapeutic targets for these diseases.


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Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is a potent lipid molecule with complex proinflammatory and immunoregulatory properties. PGE2 can shape the immune response by stimulating the production of IgE antibody by B lymphocytes and the synthesis of T-helper type 2 cytokines [e.g., interleukin (IL)-4, IL-10], while inhibiting production of Th1 cytokines (e.g., interferon-gamma, IL-12). It is unknown what type of receptor binds PGE2 and modulates these responses. Recent analyses in nonhematopoietic cells have identified six PGE2 receptors (EP1, EP2, EP3 alpha, EP3 beta, EP3 gamma, and EP4). This investigation examines quiescent B lymphocytes and reports that these cells express mRNA encoding EP1, EP2, EP3 beta, and EP4 receptors. The immunoregulatory functions of each receptor were investigated using small molecule agonists that preferentially bind EP receptor subtypes. Unlike agonists for EP1 and EP3, agonists that bound EP2 or EP2 and EP4 receptors strongly inhibited expression of class II major histocompatibility complex and CD23 and blocked enlargement of mouse B lymphocytes stimulated with IL-4 and/or lipopolysaccharide. PGE2 promotes differentiation and synergistically enhances IL-4 and lipopolysaccharide-driven B-cell immunoglobulin class switching to IgE. Agonists that bound EP2 or EP2 and EP4 receptors also strongly stimulated class switching to IgE. Experiments employing inhibitors of cAMP metabolism demonstrate that the mechanism by which EP2 and EP4 receptors regulate B lymphocyte activity requires elevation of cAMP. In conclusion, these data suggest that antagonists to EP2 and EP4 receptors will be important for diminishing allergic and IgE-mediated asthmatic responses.


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Disruptions of the genes encoding endothelin 3 (EDN3) and its receptor endothelin-B receptor (EDNRB) in the mouse result in defects of two neural crest (NC)-derived lineages, the melanocytes, and the enteric nervous system. To assess the mechanisms through which the EDN3/EDNRB signaling pathway can selectively act on these NC derivatives, we have studied the spatiotemporal expression pattern of the EDNRB gene in the avian embryo, a model in which NC development has been extensively studied. For this purpose, we have cloned the quail homologue of the mammalian EDNRB cDNA. EDNRB transcripts are present in NC cells before and during their emigration from the neural tube at all levels of the neuraxis. At later developmental stages, the receptor remains abundantly expressed in the peripheral nervous system including the enteric nervous system. In a previous study, we have shown that EDN3 enhances dramatically the proliferation of NC cells when they are at the pluripotent stage. We propose that the selective effect of EDN3 or EDNRB gene inactivation is due to the fact that both melanocytes and enteric nervous system precursors have to colonize large embryonic areas (skin and bowel) from a relatively small population of precursors that have to expand considerably in number. It is therefore understandable that a deficit in one of the growth-promoting pathways of NC cells has more deleterious effects on long-range migrating cells than on the NC derivatives which develop close to the neural primordium like the sensory and sympathetic ganglia.


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Superantigens, such as staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), elicit a strong proliferative response in T cells when presented in the context of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. We observed a similar T-cell response, when MHC class II-negative epidermal cell lines were employed as antigen-presenting cells. Immunoprecipitation studies indicated that the ligand to which SEB bound had a molecular mass of 46 kDa. Radiolabeled SEB could be immunoprecipitated from isolated membrane proteins on the SCC13 epidermal cell line with a monoclonal antibody directed against the MHC class I molecule, and transfection of the K-562 cell line with MHC class I molecules showed a 75% increased SEB-binding capacity compared with the nontransfected MHC class I- and class II-negative counterpart. In functional studies, antibodies to the MHC class I molecule inhibited T-cell proliferation by at least 50%. From these studies, we conclude that MHC class I molecules on malignant squamous cell carcinomas serve as ligands for SEB, which, given the appropriate costimulatory signals, is sufficient to allow for superantigen-induced T-cell proliferation.


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We have isolated and characterized a novel growth factor for endothelial cells, vascular endothelial growth factor B (VEGF-B), with structural similarities to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and placenta growth factor. VEGF-B was particularly abundant in heart and skeletal muscle and was coexpressed with VEGF in these and other tissues. VEGF-B formed cell-surface-associated disulfide-linked homodimers and heterodimerized with VEGF when coexpressed. Conditioned medium from transfected 293EBNA cells expressing VEGF-B stimulated DNA synthesis in endothelial cells. Our results suggest that VEGF-B has a role in angiogenesis and endothelial cell growth, particularly in muscle.


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Signal transduction initiated by crosslinking of antigen-specific receptors on T- and B-lymphoma cells induces apoptosis. In T-lymphoma cells, such crosslinking results in upregulation of the APO-1 ligand, which then interacts with induced or constitutively expressed APO-1, thereby triggering apoptosis. Here we show that crosslinking the membrane immunoglobulin on human lymphoma cells (Daudi) (that constitutively express APO-1) does not induce synthesis of APO-1 ligand. Further, a noncytotoxic fragment of anti-APO-1 antibody that blocks T-cell-receptor-mediated apoptosis in T-lymphoma cells does not block anti-mu-induced apoptosis. Hence, in B-lymphoma cells, apoptosis induced by signaling via membrane IgM is not mediated by the APO-1 ligand.


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Anergy is a major mechanism to ensure antigen-specific tolerance in T lymphocytes in the adult. In vivo, anergy has mainly been studied at the cellular level. In this study, we used the T-cell-activating superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) to investigate molecular mechanisms of T-lymphocyte anergy in vivo. Injection of SEA to adult mice activates CD4+ T cells expressing certain T-cell receptor (TCR) variable region beta-chain families and induces strong and rapid production of interleukin 2 (IL-2). In contrast, repeated injections of SEA cause CD4+ T-cell deletion and anergy in the remaining CD4+ T cells, characterized by reduced expression of IL-2 at mRNA and protein levels. We analyzed expression of AP-1, NF-kappa B, NF-AT, and octamer binding transcription factors, which are known to be involved in the regulation of IL-2 gene promoter activity. Large amounts of AP-1 and NF-kappa B and significant quantities of NF-AT were induced in SEA-activated CD4+ spleen T cells, whereas Oct-1 and Oct-2 DNA binding activity was similar in both resting and activated T cells. In contrast, anergic CD4+ T cells contained severely reduced levels of AP-1 and Fos/Jun-containing NF-AT complexes but expressed significant amounts of NF-kappa B and Oct binding proteins after SEA stimulation. Resolution of the NF-kappa B complex demonstrated predominant expression of p50-p65 heterodimers in activated CD4+ T cells, while anergic cells mainly expressed the transcriptionally inactive p50 homodimer. These alterations of transcription factors are likely to be responsible for repression of IL-2 in anergic T cells.


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CD19 receptor is expressed at high levels on human B-lineage lymphoid cells and is physically associated with the Src protooncogene family protein-tyrosine kinase Lyn. Recent studies indicate that the membrane-associated CD19-Lyn receptor-enzyme complex plays a pivotal role for survival and clonogenicity of immature B-cell precursors from acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients, but its significance for mature B-lineage lymphoid cells (e.g., B-lineage lymphoma cells) is unknown. CD19-associated Lyn kinase can be selectively targeted and inhibited with B43-Gen, a CD19 receptor-specific immunoconjugate containing the naturally occurring protein-tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein (Gen). We now present experimental evidence that targeting the membrane-associated CD19-Lyn complex in vitro with B43-Gen triggers rapid apoptotic cell death in highly radiation-resistant p53-Bax- Ramos-BT B-lineage lymphoma cells expressing high levels of Bcl-2 protein without affecting the Bcl-2 expression level. The therapeutic potential of this membrane-directed apoptosis induction strategy was examined in a scid mouse xenograft model of radiation-resistant high-grade human B-lineage lymphoma. Remarkably, in vivo treatment of scid mice challenged with an invariably fatal number of Ramos-BT cells with B43-Gen at a dose level < 1/10 the maximum tolerated dose resulted in 70% long-term event-free survival. Taken together, these results provide unprecedented evidence that the membrane-associated anti-apoptotic CD19-Lyn complex may be at least as important as Bcl-2/Bax ratio for survival of lymphoma cells.


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Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) is a transcription factor regulating expression of genes intrinsic to inflammation and cell proliferation--features of asbestos-associated diseases. In studies here, crocidolite asbestos caused protracted and dose-responsive increases in proteins binding to nuclear NF-kappa B-binding DNA elements in hamster tracheal epithelial (HTE) cells. This binding was modulated by cellular glutathione levels. Antibodies recognizing p65 and p50 protein members of the NF-kappa B family revealed these proteins in two of the DNA complexes. Transient transfection assays with a construct containing six NF-kappa B-binding DNA consensus sites linked to a luciferase reporter gene indicated that asbestos induced transcriptional activation of NF-kappa B-dependent genes, an observation that was confirmed by northern blot analyses for c-myc mRNA levels in HTE cells. Studies suggest that NF-kappa B induction by asbestos is a key event in regulation of multiple genes involved in the pathogenesis of asbestos-related lung cancers.