109 resultados para human amnion epithelial cell transplantation


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Mammals continually confront microbes at mucosal surfaces. A current model suggests that epithelial cells contribute to defense at these sites, in part through the production of broad-spectrum antibiotic peptides. Previous studies have shown that invertebrates can mount a host defense response characterized by the induction in epithelia] cells of a variety of antibiotic proteins and peptides when they are challenged with microorganisms, bacterial cell wall/membrane components, or traumatic injury [Boman, H.G. & Hultmark, D. (1987) Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 41, 103-126J. However, factors that govern the expression of similar defense molecules in mammalian epithelial cells are poorly understood. Here, a 13-fold induction of the endogenous gene encoding tracheal antimicrobial peptide was found to characterize a host response of tracheal epithelia] cells (TECs) exposed to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Northern blot data indicated that TECs express CD14, a well-characterized LPS-binding protein known to mediate many LPS responses. A monoclonal antibody to CD14 blocked the observed tracheal antimicrobial peptide induction by LPS under serum-free conditions. Together the data support that CD14 of epithelial cell origin mediates the LPS induction of an antibiotic peptide gene in TECs, providing evidence for the active participation of epithelial cells in the host's local defense response to bacteria. Furthermore, the data allude to a conservation of this host response in evolution and suggest that a similar inducible pathway of host defense is prevalent at mucosal surfaces of mammals.


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Treatment of a human breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-435) in nude mice with a recombinant adenovirus containing the human interferon (IFN) consensus gene, IFN-con1 (ad5/IFN), resulted in tumor regression in 100% of the animals. Tumor regression occurred when virus was injected either within 24 hr of tumor cell implantation or with established tumors. However, regression of the tumor was also observed in controls in which either the wild-type virus or a recombinant virus containing the luciferase gene was used, although tumor growth was not completely suppressed. Tumor regression was accompanied by a decrease in p53 expression. Two other tumors, the human myelogenous leukemic cell line K562 and the hamster melanoma tumor RPMI 1846, also responded to treatment but only with ad5/IFN. In the case of K562 tumors, there was complete regression of the tumor, and tumors derived from RPMI 1846 showed partial regression. We propose that the complete regression of the breast cancer with the recombinant virus ad5/IFN was the result of two events: viral oncolysis in which tumor cells are being selectively lysed by the replication-competent virus and the enhanced effect of expression of the IFN-con1 gene. K562 and RPMI 1846 tumors regressed only as a result of IFN gene therapy. This was confirmed by in vitro analysis. Our results indicate that a combination of viral oncolysis with a virus of low pathogenicity, itself resistant to the effects of IFN and IFN gene therapy, might be a fruitful approach to the treatment of a variety of different tumors, in particular breast cancers.


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Adenovirus (Ad) vectors have been extensively used to deliver recombinant genes to a great variety of cell types in vitro and in vivo. Ad-based vectors are available that replace the Ad early region 1 (E1) with recombinant foreign genes. The resultant E1-deleted vectors can then be propagated on 293 cells, a human embryonal kidney cell line that constitutively expresses the E1 genes. Unfortunately, infection of cells and tissues in vivo results in low-level expression of Ad early and late proteins (despite the absence of E1 activity) resulting in immune recognition of virally infected cells. The infected cells are subsequently eliminated, resulting in only a transient expression of foreign genes in vivo. We hypothesize that a second-generation Ad vector with a deletion of viral genes necessary for Ad genome replication should block viral DNA replication and decrease viral protein production, resulting in a diminished immune response and extended duration of foreign gene expression in vivo. As a first step toward the generation of such a modified vector, we report the construction of cell lines that not only express the E1 genes but also constitutively express the Ad serotype 2 140-kDa DNA polymerase protein, one of three virally encoded proteins essential for Ad genome replication. The Ad polymerase-expressing cell lines support the replication and growth of H5ts36, an Ad with a temperature-sensitive mutation of the Ad polymerase protein. These packaging cell lines can be used to prepare Ad vectors deleted for the E1 and polymerase functions, which should facilitate development of viral vectors for gene therapy of human diseases.


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The gastric mucosa of mammalian stomach contains several differentiated cell types specialized for the secretion of acid, digestive enzymes, mucus, and hormones. Understanding whether each of these cell lineages is derived from a common stem cell has been a challenging problem. We have used a genetic approach to analyze the ontogeny of progenitor cells within mouse stomach. Herpes simplex virus 1 thymidine kinase was targeted to parietal cells within the gastric mucosa of transgenic mice, and parietal cells were ablated by treatment of animals with the antiherpetic drug ganciclovir. Ganciclovir treatment produced complete ablation of parietal cells, dissolution of gastric glands, and loss of chief and mucus-producing cells. Termination of drug treatment led to the reemergence of all major gastric epithelial cell types and restoration of glandular architecture. Our results imply the existence of a pluripotent stem cell for the gastric mucosa. Parietal cell ablation should provide a model for analyzing cell lineage relationships within the stomach as well as mechanisms underlying gastric injury and repair.


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The primary metabolic characteristic of malignant cells is an increased uptake of glucose and its anaerobic metabolism. We studied the expression and function of the glucose transporters in human breast cancer cell lines and analyzed their expression in normal and neoplastic primary human breast tissue. Hexose uptake assays and immunoblotting experiments revealed that the breast carcinoma cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-468 express the glucose transporters GLUT1 and GLUT2, isoforms expressed in both normal and neoplastic breast tissue. We also found that the breast cancer cell lines transport fructose and express the fructose transporter GLUT5. Immunolocalization studies revealed that GLUT5 is highly expressed in vivo in human breast cancer but is absent in normal human breast tissue. These findings indicate that human breast cancer cells have a specialized capacity to transport fructose, a metabolic substrate believed to be used by few human tissues. Identification of a high-affinity fructose transporter on human breast cancer cells opens opportunities to develop novel strategies for early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.


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We report the isolation and characterization of a new selenoprotein from a human lung adenocarcinoma cell line, NCI-H441. Cells were grown in RPMI-1640 medium containing 10% (vol/vol) fetal bovine serum and 0.1 microM [75Se]selenite. A 75Se-labeled protein was isolated from sonic extracts of the cells by chromatography on DE-23, phenyl-Sepharose, heparin-agarose, and butyl-Sepharose. The protein, a homodimer of 57-kDa subunits, was shown to contain selenium in the form of selenocysteine; hydrolysis of the protein alkylated with either iodoacetate or 3-bromopropionate yielded Se-carboxymethyl-selenocysteine or Se-carboxyethyl-selenocysteine, respectively. The selenoprotein showed two isoelectric points at pH 5.2 and pH 5.3. It was distinguished from selenoprotein P by N-glycosidase assay and by the periodate-dansylhydrazine test, which indicated no detectable amounts of glycosyl groups on the protein. The selenoprotein contains FAD as a prosthetic group and catalyzes NADPH-dependent reduction of 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), and reduction of insulin in the presence of thioredoxin (Trx). The specific activity was determined to be 31 units/mg by DTNB assay. Apparent Km values for DTNB, Escherichia coli Trx, and rat Trx were 116, 34, and 3.7 microM, respectively. DTNB reduction was inhibited by 0.2 mM arsenite. Although the subunit composition and catalytic properties are similar to those of mammalian thioredoxin reductase (TR), the human lung selenoprotein failed to react with anti-rat liver TR polyclonal antibody in immunoblot assays. The selenocysteine-containing TR from the adenocarcinoma cells may be a variant form distinct from rat liver TR.


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This report demonstrates that the investigational prostatic carcinoma marker known as the prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSM) possesses hydrolytic activity with the substrate and pharmacologic properties of the N-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase (NAALADase). NAALADase is a membrane hydrolase that has been characterized in the mammalian nervous system on the basis of its catabolism of the neuropeptide N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) to yield glutamate and N-acetylaspartate and that has been hypothesized to influence glutamatergic signaling processes. The immunoscreening of a rat brain cDNA expression library with anti-NAALADase antisera identified a 1428-base partial cDNA that shares 86% sequence identity with 1428 bases of the human PSM cDNA [Israeli, R. S., Powell, C. T., Fair, W. R. & Heston, W.D.W. (1993) Cancer Res. 53, 227-230]. A cDNA containing the entire PSM open reading frame was subsequently isolated by reverse transcription-PCR from the PSM-positive prostate carcinoma cell line LNCaP. Transient transfection of this cDNA into two NAALADase-negative cell lines conferred NAAG-hydrolyzing activity that was inhibited by the NAALADase inhibitors quisqualic acid and beta-NAAG. Thus we demonstrate a PSM-encoded function and identify a NAALADase-encoding cDNA. Northern analyses identify at least six transcripts that are variably expressed in NAALADase-positive but not in NAALADase-negative rat tissues and human cell lines; therefore, PSM and/or related molecular species appear to account for NAAG hydrolysis in the nervous system. These results also raise questions about the role of PSM in both normal and pathologic prostate epithelial-cell function.


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Smooth muscle cell plasticity is considered a prerequisite for atherosclerosis and restenosis following angioplasty and bypass surgery. Identification of transcription factors that specify one smooth muscle cell phenotype over another therefore may be of major importance in understanding the molecular basis of these vascular disorders. Homeobox genes exemplify one class of transcription factors that could govern smooth muscle cell phenotypic diversity. Accordingly, we screened adult and fetal human smooth muscle cell cDNA libraries with a degenerate oligonucleotide corresponding to a highly conserved region of the homeodomain with the idea that homeobox genes, if present, would display a smooth muscle cell phenotype-dependent pattern of expression. No homeobox genes were detected in the adult human smooth muscle cell library; however, five nonparalogous homeobox genes were uncovered from the fetal library (HoxA5, HoxA11, HoxB1, HoxB7, and HoxC9). Northern blotting of adult and fetal tissues revealed low and restricted expression of all five homeobox genes. No significant differences in transcripts of HoxA5, HoxA11, and HoxB1 were detected between adult or fetal human smooth muscle cells in culture. HoxB7 and HoxC9, however, showed preferential mRNA expression in fetal human smooth muscle cells that appeared to correlate with the age of the donor. This phenotype-dependent expression of homeobox genes was also noted in rat pup versus adult smooth muscle cells. While similar differences in gene expression have been reported between subsets of smooth muscle cells from rat vessels of different-aged animals or clones of rat smooth muscle, our findings represent a demonstration of a transcription factor distinguishing two human smooth muscle cell phenotypes.


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We explored the feasibility of designing retroviral vectors that can target human breast cancer cells with characteristic receptors via ligand-receptor interaction. The ecotropic Moloney murine leukemia virus envelope was modified by insertion of sequences encoding human heregulin. Ecotropic virus, which normally does not infect human cells, when pseudotyped with the modified envelope protein now crosses species to infect human breast cancer cell lines that overexpress HER-2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor; also called ERBB2) and HER-4 (also called ERBB4), while human breast cancer cell lines expressing low levels of these receptors remain resistant to infection. Since about 20% of human breast cancers overexpress HER-2 and some of breast cancer cell lines overexpress both HER-2 and HER-4, cell-specific targeting of retroviral vectors may provide a different approach for in vivo gene therapy of this type of breast cancer.


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A sequence of epithelial cell proliferation, allocation to four principal lineages, migration-associated differentiation, and cell loss occurs along the crypt-villus axis of the mouse intestine. The sequence is completed in a few days and is recapitulated throughout the life-span of the animal. We have used an intestine-specific fatty acid binding protein gene, Fabpi, as a model for studying regulation of gene expression in this unique developmental system. Promoter mapping studies in transgenic mice identified a 20-bp cis-acting element (5'-AGGTGGAAGCCATCACACTT-3') that binds small intestinal nuclear proteins and participates in the control of Fabpi's cephalocaudal, differentiation-dependent, and cell lineage-specific patterns of expression. Immunocytochemical studies using confocal and electron microscopy indicate that it does so by acting as a suppressor of gene expression in the distal small intestine/colon, as a suppressor of gene activation in proliferating and nonproliferating cells located in the crypts of Lieberkühn, and as a suppressor of expression in the growth factor and defensin-producing Paneth cell lineage. The 20-bp domain has no obvious sequence similarities to known transcription factor binding sites. The three functions modulated by this compact element represent the types of functions required to establish and maintain the intestine's remarkably complex spatial patterns of gene expression. The transgenes described in this report also appear to be useful in characterizing the crypt's stem cell hierarchy.


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A G protein-coupled receptor for the pineal hormone melatonin was recently cloned from mammals and designated the Mel1a melatonin receptor. We now report the cloning of a second G protein-coupled melatonin receptor from humans and designate it the Mel1b melatonin receptor. The Mel1b receptor cDNA encodes a protein of 362 amino acids that is 60% identical at the amino acid level to the human Mel1a receptor. Transient expression of the Mel1b receptor in COS-1 cells results in high-affinity 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding (Kd = 160 +/- 30 pM). In addition, the rank order of inhibition of specific 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding by eight ligands is similar to that exhibited by the Mel1a melatonin receptor. Functional studies of NIH 3T3 cells stably expressing the Mel1b melatonin receptor indicate that it is coupled to inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. Comparative reverse transcription PCR shows that the Mel1b melatonin receptor is expressed in retina and, to a lesser extent, brain. PCR analysis of human-rodent somatic cell hybrids maps the Mel1b receptor gene (MTNR1B) to human chromosome 11q21-22. The Mel1b melatonin receptor may mediate the reported actions of melatonin in retina and participate in some of the neurobiological effects of melatonin in mammals.


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Calcium-dependent homotypic cell-cell adhesion, mediated by molecules such as E-cadherin, guides the establishment of classical epithelial cell polarity and contributes to the control of migration, growth, and differentiation. These actions involve additional proteins, including alpha- and beta-catenin (or plakoglobin) and p120, as well as linkage to the cortical actin cytoskeleton. The molecular basis for these interactions and their hierarchy of interaction remain controversial. We demonstrate a direct interaction between F-actin and alpha (E)-catenin, an activity not shared by either the cytoplasmic domain of E-cadherin or beta-catenin. Sedimentation assays and direct visualization by transmission electron microscopy reveal that alpha 1(E)-catenin binds and bundles F-actin in vitro with micromolar affinity at a catenin/G-actin monomer ratio of approximately 1:7 (mol/mol). Recombinant human beta-catenin can simultaneously bind to the alpha-catenin/actin complex but does not bind actin directly. Recombinant fragments encompassing the amino-terminal 228 residues of alpha 1(E)-catenin or the carboxyl-terminal 447 residues individually bind actin in cosedimentation assays with reduced affinity compared with the full-length protein, and neither fragment bundles actin. Except for similarities to vinculin, neither region contains sequences homologous to established actin-binding proteins. Collectively these data indicate that alpha 1 (E)-catenin is a novel actin-binding and -bundling protein and support a model in which alpha 1(E)-catenin is responsible for organizing and tethering actin filaments at the zones of E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell contact.


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The aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of homologous water-channel proteins that can be inserted into epithelial cell plasma membranes either constitutively (AQP1) or by regulated exocytosis following vasopressin stimulation (AQP2). LLC-PK1 porcine renal epithelial cells were stably transfected with cDNA encoding AQP2 (tagged with a C-terminal c-Myc epitope) or rat kidney AQP1 cDNA in an expression vector containing a cytomegalovirus promoter. Immunofluorescence staining revealed that AQP1 was mainly localized to the plasma membrane, whereas AQP2 was predominantly located on intracellular vesicles. After treatment with vasopressin or forskolin for 10 min, AQP2 was relocated to the plasma membrane, indicating that this relocation was induced by cAMP. The location of AQP1 did not change. The basal water permeability of AQP1-transfected cells was 2-fold greater than that of nontransfected cells, whereas the permeability of AQP2-transfected cells increased significantly only after vasopressin treatment. Endocytotic uptake of fluorescein isothiocyanate-coupled dextran was stimulated 6-fold by vasopressin in AQP2-transfected cells but was only slightly increased in wild-type or AQP1-transfected cells. This vasopressin-induced endocytosis was inhibited in low-K+ medium, which selectively affects clathrin-mediated endocytosis. These water channel-transfected cells represent an in vitro system that will allow the detailed dissection of mechanisms involved in the processing, targeting, and trafficking of proteins via constitutive versus regulated intracellular transport pathways.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF), a disorder of electrolyte transport manifest in the lungs, pancreas, sweat duct, and vas deferens, is caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). The CFTR protein has been shown to function as a cAMP-activated chloride channel and also regulates a separate protein, the outwardly rectifying chloride channel (ORCC). To determine the consequence of disease-producing mutations upon these functions, mutant CFTR was transiently expressed in Xenopus oocytes and in human airway epithelial cells lacking functional CFTR. Both G551D, a mutation that causes severe lung disease, and A455E, a mutation associated with mild lung disease, altered but did not abolish CFTR's function as a chloride channel in Xenopus oocytes. Airway epithelial cells transfected with CFTR bearing either A455E or G551D had levels of chloride conductance significantly greater than those of mock-transfected and lower than those of wild-type CFTR-transfected cells, as measured by chloride efflux. A combination of channel blockers and analysis of current-voltage relationships were used to dissect the contribution of CFTR and the ORCC to whole cell currents of transfected cells. While CFTR bearing either mutation could function as a chloride channel, only CFTR bearing A455E retained the function of regulating the ORCC. These results indicate that CF mutations can affect CFTR functions differently and suggest that severity of pulmonary disease may be more closely associated with the regulatory rather than chloride channel function of CFTR.


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At least two kidney epithelial cell lines, the Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) and the murine inner medullary collecting duct line mIMCD-3, can be induced to form branching tubular structures when cultured with hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) plus serum in collagen I gels. In our studies, whereas MDCK cells remained unable to form tubules in the presence of serum alone, mIMCD-3 cells formed impressive branching tubular structures with apparent lumens, suggesting the existence of specific factors in serum that are tubulogenic for mIMCD-3 cells but not for MDCK cells. Since normal serum does not contain enough HGF to induce tubulogenesis, these factors appeared to be substances other than HGF. This was also suggested by another observation: when MDCK cells or mIMCD-3 cells were cocultured under serum-free conditions with the embryonic kidney, both cell types formed branching tubular structures similar to those induced by HGF; however, only in the case of MDCK cells could this be inhibited by neutralizing antibodies against HGF. Thus, the embryonic kidney produces growth factors other than HGF capable of inducing tubule formation in the mIMCD-3 cells. Of a number of growth factors examined, transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) were found to be tubulogenic for mIMCD-3 cells. Whereas only HGF was a potent tubulogenic factor for MDCK cells, HGF, TGF-alpha, and EGF were potent tubulogenic factors for mIMCD-3 cells. Nevertheless, there were marked differences in the capacity of these tubulogenic factors to induce tubulation as well as branching events in those tubules that did form (HGF >> TGF-alpha > EGF). Thus, at least three different growth factors can induce tubulogenesis and branching in a specific epithelial cell in vitro (though to different degrees), and different epithelial cells that are capable of forming branching tubular structures demonstrate vastly different responses to tubulogenic growth factors. The results are discussed in the context of branching morphogenesis during epithelial tissue development.