104 resultados para gene regulation


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To analyze the function of the 5' DNase I hypersensitive sites (HSs) of the locus control region (LCR) on beta-like globin gene expression, a 2.3-kb deletion of 5'HS3 or a 1.9-kb deletion of 5'HS2 was recombined into a beta-globin locus yeast artificial chromosome, and transgenic mice were produced. Deletion of 5'HS3 resulted in a significant decrease of epsilon-globin gene expression and an increase of gamma-globin gene expression in embryonic cells. Deletion of 5'HS2 resulted in only a small decrease in expression of epsilon-, gamma-, and beta-globin mRNA at all stages of development. Neither deletion affected the temporal pattern of globin gene switching. These results suggest that the LCR contains functionally redundant elements and that LCR complex formation does not require the presence of all DNase I hypersensitive sites. The phenotype of the 5'HS3 deletion suggests that individual HSs may influence the interaction of the LCR with specific globin gene promoters during the course of ontogeny.


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Expression of mitogenic basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in the central nervous system is inhibited by direct cell contact and is implicated in reactive and neoplastic transformation of astrocytes. The molecular mechanisms controlling expression of bFGF were examined in cultures of human astrocytes. Cell-density-dependent depletion of bFGF mRNA levels parallels changes in bFGF gene protein. Regulation of transcription of a bFGF luciferase reporter gene containing an upstream region (bp -1800 to +314) of the bFGF gene promoter mimicks the density-dependent regulation of the endogenous bFGF gene in transfected astrocytes. Deletion analysis has identified a fragment (bp -650 to -513) and sequences further downstream (bp -274 to +314) as the regions required for the regulation of bFGF gene activity by cell density. Unlike in astrocytes, changing the cell density of glioma cell cultures does not affect the levels of bFGF protein and mRNA. bFGF luciferase constructs were expressed at the same level in high- or low-density cultures of glioma cells, indicating altered regulation of the bFGF gene promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed binding of nuclear proteins to a fragment of bFGF gene promoter from bp -650 to -453. This binding was abolished by a deletion of the upstream cell-density-responsive region (bp -650 to -512). Binding was observed with nuclear extracts from subconfluent astrocytes but was reduced in extracts from confluent astrocytes. Our results indicate that induction of bFGF in astrocytes upon reduction of cell density is mediated transcriptionally by positive trans-acting factors interacting with bFGF promoter. In contrast, nuclear proteins from glioma cells bind to the promoter region from bp -650 to -453 independent of cell density. Thus, the constitutive binding of trans-acting factor(s) to the region of the bFGF promoter from bp -650 to -453 may be responsible for the continuous expression of bFGF that leads to the uncontrolled growth of glioma cells.


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The expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) is complex and is regulated in part by gene transcription. In this investigation we studied the regulation of NOS2 in a human liver epithelial cell line (AKN-1) which expresses high levels of NOS2 mRNA and protein in response to tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin 1 beta, and interferon gamma (cytokine mix, CM). Nuclear run-on analysis revealed that CM transcriptionally activated the human NOS2 gene. To delineate the cytokine-responsive regions of the human NOS2 promoter, we stimulated AKN-1 cells with CM following transfection of NOS2 luciferase constructs. Analysis of the first 3.8 kb upstream of the NOS2 gene demonstrated basal promoter activity but failed to show any cytokine-inducible activity. However, 3- to 5-fold inductions of luciferase activity were seen in constructs extending up to -5.8 and -7.0 kg, and a 10-fold increase was seen upon transfection of a -16 kb construct. Further analysis of various NOS2 luciferase constructs ligated upstream of the thymidine kinase promoter identified three regions containing cytokine-responsive elements in the human NOS2 gene: -3.8 to -5.8, -5.8 to -7.0, and -7.0 to -16 kb. These results are in marked contrast with the murine macrophage NOS2 promoter in which only 1 kb of the proximal 5' flanking region is necessary to confer inducibility to lipopolysaccharide and interferon gamma. These data demonstrate that the human NOS2 gene is transcriptionally regulated by cytokines and identify multiple cytokine-responsive regions in the 5' flanking region of the human NOS2 gene.


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A variety of results point to the transcription factor E2F as a critical determinant of the G1/S-phase transition during the cell cycle in mammalian cells, serving to activate the transcription of a group of genes that encode proteins necessary for DNA replication. In addition, E2F activity appears to be directly regulated by the action of retinoblastoma protein (RB) and RB-related proteins and indirectly regulated through the action of G1 cyclins and associated kinases. We now show that the accumulation of G1 cyclins is regulated by E2F1. E2F binding sites are found in both the cyclin E and cyclin D1 promoters, both promoters are activated by E2F gene products, and at least for cyclin E, the E2F sites contribute to cell cycle-dependent control. Most important, the endogenous cyclin E gene is activated following expression of the E2F1 product encoded by a recombinant adenovirus vector. These results suggest the involvement of E2F1 and cyclin E in an autoregulatory loop that governs the accumulation of critical activities affecting the progression of cells through G1.


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The hypothalamic hormone gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is released in a pulsatile fashion, with its frequency varying throughout the reproductive cycle. Varying pulse frequencies and amplitudes differentially regulate the biosynthesis and secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) by pituitary gonadotropes. The mechanism by which this occurs remains a major question in reproductive physiology. Previous studies have been limited by lack of available cell lines that express the LH and FSH subunit genes and respond to GnRH. We have overcome this limitation by transfecting the rat pituitary GH3 cell line with rat GnRH receptor (GnRHR) cDNA driven by a heterologous promoter. These cells, when cotransfected with regulatory regions of the common alpha, LH beta, or FSH beta subunit gene fused to a luciferase reporter gene, respond to GnRH with an increase in luciferase activity. Using this model, we demonstrate that different cell surface densities of the GnRHR result in the differential regulation of LH and FSH subunit gene expression by GnRH. This suggests that the differential regulation of gonadotropin subunit gene expression by GnRH observed in vivo in rats may, in turn, be mediated by varying gonadotrope cell surface GnRHR concentrations. This provides a physiologic mechanism by which a single ligand can act through a single receptor to regulate differentially the production of two hormones in the same cell.


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Plasmids encoding various external guide sequences (EGSs) were constructed and inserted into Escherichia coli. In strains harboring the appropriate plasmids, the expression of fully induced beta-galactosidase and alkaline phosphatase activity was reduced by more than 50%, while no reduction in such activity was observed in strains with non-specific EGSs. The inhibition of gene expression was virtually abolished at restrictive temperatures in strains that were temperature-sensitive for RNase P (EC Northern blot analysis showed that the steady-state copy number of EGS RNAs was several hundred per cell in vivo. A plasmid that contained a gene for M1 RNA covalently linked to a specific EGS reduced the level of expression of a suppressor tRNA that was encoded by a separate plasmid. Similar methods can be used to regulate gene expression in E. coli and to mimic the properties of cold-sensitive mutants.


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Cyclin A is involved in the control of S phase and mitosis in mammalian cells. Expression of the cyclin A gene in nontransformed cells is characterized by repression of its promoter during the G1 phase of the cell cycle and its induction at S-phase entry. We show that this mode of regulation is mediated by the transcription factor E2F, which binds to a specific site in the cyclin A promoter. It differs from the prototype E2F site in nucleotide sequence and protein binding; it is bound by E2F complexes containing cyclin E and p107 but not pRB. Ectopic expression of cyclin D1 triggers premature activation of the cyclin A promoter by E2F, and this effect is blocked by the tumor suppressor protein p16INK4.


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The eukaryotic green alga Dunaliella tertiolecta acclimates to decreased growth irradiance by increasing cellular levels of light-harvesting chlorophyll protein complex apoproteins associated with photosystem II (LHCIIs), whereas increased growth irradiance elicits the opposite response. Nuclear run-on transcription assays and measurements of cab mRNA stability established that light intensity-dependent changes in LHCII are controlled at the level of transcription. cab gene transcription in high-intensity light was partially enhanced by reducing plastoquinone with 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea (DCMU), whereas it was repressed in low-intensity light by partially inhibiting the oxidation of plastoquinol with 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB). Uncouplers of photosynthetic electron transport and inhibition of water splitting had no effect on LHCII levels. These results strongly implicate the redox state of the plastoquinone pool in the chloroplast as a photon-sensing system that is coupled to the light-intensity regulation of nuclear-encoded cab gene transcription. The accumulation of cellular chlorophyll at low-intensity light can be blocked with cytoplasmically directed phosphatase inhibitors, such as okadaic acid, microcystin L-R, and tautomycin. Gel mobility-shift assays revealed that cells grown in high-intensity light contained proteins that bind to the promoter region of a cab gene carrying sequences homologous to higher plant light-responsive elements. On the basis of these experimental results, we propose a model for a light intensity signaling system where cab gene expression is reversibly repressed by a phosphorylated factor coupled to the redox status of plastoquinone through a chloroplast protein kinase.


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The phenobarbitone-responsive minimal promoter has been shown to lie between nt -179 and nt + 1 in the 5' (upstream) region of the CYP2B1/B2 gene in rat liver, on the basis of the drug responsiveness of the sequence linked to human growth hormone gene as reporter and targeted to liver as an asialoglycoprotein-DNA complex in vivo. Competition analyses of the nuclear protein-DNA complexes formed in gel shift assays with the positive (nt -69 to -98) and negative (nt -126 to -160) cis elements (PE and NE, respectively) identified within this region earlier indicate that the same protein may be binding to both the elements. The protein species purified on PE and NE affinity columns appear to be identical based on SDS/PAGE analysis, where it migrates as a protein of 26-28 kDa. Traces of a high molecular weight protein (94-100 kDa) are also seen in the preparation obtained after one round of affinity chromatography. The purified protein stimulates transcription of a minigene construct containing the 179 nt on the 5' side of the CYP2B1/B2 gene linked to the I exon in a cell-free system from liver nuclei. The purified protein can give rise to all the three complexes (I, II, and III) with the PE, just as the crude nuclear extract, under appropriate conditions. Manipulations in vitro indicate that the NE has a significantly higher affinity for the dephosphorylated form than for the phosphorylated form of the protein. The PE binds both forms. Phenobarbitone treatment of the animal leads to a significant increase in the phosphorylation of the 26- to 28-kDa and 94-kDa proteins in nuclear labeling experiments followed by isolation on a PE affinity column. We propose that the protein binding predominantly to the NE in the dephosphorylated state characterizes the basal level of transcription of the CYP2B1/B2 gene. Phenobarbitone treatment leads to phosphorylation of the protein, shifting the equilibrium toward binding to the PE. This can promote interaction with an upstream enhancer through other proteins such as the 94-kDa protein and leads to a significant activation of transcription.


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Transcription of phospholipid biosynthetic genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is maximally derepressed when cells are grown in the absence of inositol and repressed when the cells are grown in its presence. We have previously suggested that this response to inositol may be dictated by regulating transcription of the cognate activator gene, INO2. However, it was also known that cells which harbor a mutant opi1 allele express constitutively derepressed levels of target genes (INO1 and CHO1), implicating the OPI1 negative regulatory gene in the response to inositol. These observations suggested that the response to inositol may involve both regulation of INO2 transcription as well as OPI1-mediated repression. We investigated these possibilities by examining the effect of inositol on target gene expression in a strain containing the INO2 gene under control of the GAL1 promoter. In this strain, transcription of the INO2 gene was regulated in response to galactose but was insensitive to inositol. The expression of the INO1 and CHO1 target genes was still responsive to inositol even though expression of the INO2 gene was unresponsive. However, the level of expression of the INO1 and CHO1 target genes correlated with the level of INO2 transcription. Furthermore, the effect of inositol on target gene expression was eliminated by deleting the OPI1 gene in the GAL1-INO2-containing strain. These data suggest that the OPI1 gene product is the primary target (sensor) of the inositol response and that derepression of INO2 transcription determines the degree of expression of the target genes.


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We developed a stringently regulated expression system for mammalian cells that uses (i) the RNA polymerase, phi 10 promoter, and T phi transcriptional terminator of bacteriophage T7; (ii) the lac repressor, lac operator, rho-independent transcriptional terminators and the gpt gene of Escherichia coli; (iii) the RNA translational enhancer of encephalomyocarditis virus; and (iv) the genetic background of vaccinia virus. In cells infected with the recombinant vaccinia virus, reporter beta-galactosidase synthesis was not detected in the absence of inducer. An induction of at least 10,000- to 20,000-fold occurred upon addition of isopropyl beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside or by temperature elevation from 30 to 37 degrees C using a temperature-sensitive lac repressor. Regulated synthesis of the secreted and highly glycosylated human immunodeficiency virus 1 envelope protein gp120 was also demonstrated. Yields of both proteins were approximately 2 mg per 10(8) cells in 24 hr. Plasmid transfer vectors for cloning and expression of complete or incomplete open reading frames in recombinant vaccinia viruses are described.


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In Arabidopsis thaliana, blocking histidine biosynthesis with a specific inhibitor of imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase caused increased expression of eight genes involved in the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids, histidine, lysine, and purines. A decrease in expression of glutamine synthetase was also observed. Addition of histidine eliminated the gene-regulating effects of the inhibitor, demonstrating that the changes in gene expression resulted from histidine-pathway blockage. These results show that plants are capable of cross-pathway metabolic regulation.


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In this paper, we show the conserved regulation of the homeodomain gene Distal-less-3 (Dlx-3) by analyzing the expression of a promoter from the Xenopus ortholog, Xdll-2, in transgenic mice. A 470-bp frog regulatory sequence confers appropriate expression on a lacZ reporter gene in the ectodermal component of structures derived from epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Remarkably, this includes structures absent in Xenopus, such as the hair follicle and mammary gland, suggesting that conserved regulatory elements can be used to control the formation of structures peculiar to individual species. In addition, expression of Dlx-3 in developing limbs is highest at the most distal portion. This pattern is duplicated by the Xenopus promoter, indicating that this DNA may include sequences responsive to conserved proximodistal patterning signals in the vertebrate limb.


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The renin-angiotensin system plays a critical role in sodium and fluid homeostasis. Genetic or acquired alterations in the expression of components of this system are strongly implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension. To specifically examine the physiological and genetic functions of the type 1A receptor for angiotensin II, we have disrupted the mouse gene encoding this receptor in embryonic stem cells by gene targeting. Agtr1A(-/-) mice were born in expected numbers, and the histomorphology of their kidneys, heart, and vasculature was normal. AT1 receptor-specific angiotensin II binding was not detected in the kidneys of homozygous Agtr1A(-/-) mutant animals, and Agtr1A(+/-) heterozygotes exhibited a reduction in renal AT1 receptor-specific binding to approximately 50% of wild-type [Agtr1A(+/+)] levels. Pressor responses to infused angiotensin II were virtually absent in Agtr1A(-/-) mice and were qualitatively altered in Agtr1A(+/-) heterozygotes. Compared with wild-type controls, systolic blood pressure measured by tail cuff sphygmomanometer was reduced by 12 mmHg (1 mmHg = 133 Pa) in Agtr1A(+/-) mice and by 24 mmHg in Agtr1A(-/-) mice. Similar differences in blood pressure between the groups were seen when intraarterial pressures were measured by carotid cannulation. These studies demonstrate that type 1A angiotensin II receptor function is required for vascular and hemodynamic responses to angiotensin II and that altered expression of the Agtr1A gene has marked effects on blood pressures.