116 resultados para apical pericardial adhesion
Adherence of mature Plasmodium falciparum parasitized erythrocytes (PRBCs) to microvascular endothelium contributes directly to acute malaria pathology. We affinity purified molecules from detergent extracts of surface-radioiodinated PRBCs using several endothelial cell receptors known to support PRBC adherence, including CD36, thrombospondin (TSP), and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1). All three host receptors affinity purified P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), a very large malarial protein expressed on the surface of adherent PRBCs. Binding of PfEMP1 to particular host cell receptors correlated with the binding phenotype of the PRBCs from which PfEMP1 was extracted. Preadsorption of PRBC extracts with anti-PfEMP1 antibodies, CD36, or TSP markedly reduced PfEMP1 binding to CD36 or TSP. Mild trypsinization of intact PRBCs of P. falciparum strains shown to express antigenically different PfEMP1 released different (125)I-labeled tryptic fragments of PfEMP1 that bound specifically to CD36 and TSP. In clone C5 and strain MC, these activities resided on different tryptic fragments, but a single tryptic fragment from clone ItG-ICAM bound to both CD36 and TSP. Hence, the CD36- and TSP-binding domains are distinct entities located on a single PfEMP1 molecule. PfEMP1, the malarial variant antigen on infected erythrocytes, is therefore a receptor for CD36, TSP, and ICAM-1. A therapeutic approach to block or reverse adherence of PRBCs to host cell receptors can now be pursued with the identification of PfEMP1 as a malarial receptor for PRBC adherence to host proteins.
Parasite-derived proteins expressed on the surface of erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium falciparum are important virulence factors, since they mediate binding of infected cells to diverse receptors on vascular endothelium and are targets of a protective immune response. They are difficult to study because they undergo rapid clonal antigenic variation in vitro, which precludes the derivation of phenotypically homogeneous cultures. Here we have utilized sequence-specific proteases to dissect the role of defined antigenic variants in binding to particular receptors. By selection of protease-resistant subpopulations of parasites on defined receptors we (i) confirm the high rate of antigenic variation in vitro; (ii) demonstrate that a single infected erythrocyte can bind to intercellular adhesion molecule 1, CD36, and thrombospondin; (iii) show that binding to intercellular adhesion molecule 1 and CD36 are functions of the variant antigen; and (iv) suggest that binding to thrombospondin may be mediated by other components of the infected erythrocyte surface.
Adult Schistosoma mansoni blood flukes reside in the mesenteric veins of their vertebrate hosts, where they absorb immense quantities of glucose through their tegument by facilitated diffusion. Previously, we obtained S. mansoni cDNAs encoding facilitated-diffusion schistosome glucose transporter proteins 1 and 4 (SGTP1 and SGTP4) and localized SGTP1 to the basal membranes of the tegument and the underlying muscle. In this study, we characterize the expression and localization of SGTP4 during the schistosome life cycle. Antibodies specific to SGTP4 appear to stain only the double-bilayer, apical membranes of the adult parasite tegument, revealing an asymmetric distribution relative to the basal transporter SGTP1. On living worms, SGTP4 is available to surface biotinylation, suggesting that it is exposed at the hose-parasite interface. SGTP4 is detected shortly after the transformation of free-living, infectious cercariae into schistosomula and coincides with the appearance of the double membrane. Within 15 min after transformation, anti-SGTP4 staining produces a bright, patchy distribution at the surface of schistosomula, which becomes contiguous over the entire surface of the schistosomula by 24 hr after transformation. SGTP4 is not detected in earlier developmental stages (eggs, sporocysts, and cercariae) that do not possess the specialized double membrane. Thus, SGTP4 appears to be expressed only in the mammalian stages of the parasite's life cycle and specifically localized within the host-interactive, apical membranes of the tegument.
BEN/SC1/DM-GRASP is a membrane glycoprotein of the immunoglobulin superfamily isolated in the chick by several groups, including ours. Its expression is strictly developmentally regulated in several cell types of the nervous and hemopoietic systems and in certain epithelia. Each of these cell types expresses isoforms of BEN which differ by their level of N-glycosylation and by the presence or absence of the HNK-1 carbohydrate epitope. In the present work, the influence of glycosylation on BEN homophilic binding properties was investigated by two in vitro assays. First, each BEN isoform was covalently coupled to microspheres carrying different fluorescent dyes and an aggregation test was performed. We found that homophilic aggregates form indifferently between the same or different BEN isoforms, showing that glycosylation does not affect BEN homophilic binding properties. This was confirmed in the second test, where the BEN-coated microspheres bound to the neurites of BEN- expressing neurons, irrespective of the isoform considered. The transient expression of the BEN antigen on hemopoietic progenitors prompted us to see whether it might play a role in their proliferation and differentiation. When added to hemopoietic progenitor cells in an in vitro colony formation assay anti-BEN immunoglobulin strongly inhibited myeloid, but not erythroid, colony formation although both types of precursors express the molecule.
During development of the vertebrate nervous system, the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) is expressed in a defined spatiotemporal pattern. We have proposed that the expression of N-CAM is controlled, in part, by proteins encoded by homeobox genes. This hypothesis has been supported by previous in vitro experiments showing that products of homeobox genes can both bind to and transactivate the N-CAM promoter via two homeodomain binding sites, HBS-I and HBS-II. We have now tested the hypothesis that the N-CAM gene is a target of homeodomain proteins in vivo by using transgenic mice containing native and mutated N-CAM promoter constructs linked to a beta-galactosidase reporter gene. Segments of the 5' flanking region of the mouse N-CAM gene were sufficient to direct expression of the reporter gene in the central nervous system in a pattern consistent with that of the endogenous N-CAM gene. For example, at embryonic day (E) 11, beta-galactosidase staining was found in postmitotic neurons in dorsolateral and ventrolateral regions of the spinal cord; at E14.5, staining was seen in these neurons throughout the spinal cord. In contrast, mice carrying an N-CAM promoter-reporter construct with mutations in both homeodomain binding sites (HBS-I and HBS-II) showed altered expression patterns in the spinal cord. At E11, beta-galactosidase expression was seen in the ventrolateral spinal cord, but was absent in the dorsolateral areas, and at E 14.5, beta-galactosidase expression was no longer detected in any cells of the cord. Homeodomain binding sites found in the N-CAM promoter thus appear to be important in determining specific expression patterns of N-CAM along the dorsoventral axis in the developing spinal cord. These experiments suggest that the N-CAM gene is an in vivo target of homeobox gene products in vertebrates.
Fertilization in Chlamydomonas is initiated by adhesive interactions between gametes of opposite mating types through flagellar glycoproteins called agglutinins. Interactions between these cell adhesion molecules signal for the activation of adenylyl cyclase through an interplay of protein kinases and ultimately result in formation of a diploid zygote. One of the early events during adhesion-induced signal transduction is the rapid inactivation of a flagellar protein kinase that phosphorylates a 48-kDa protein in the flagella. We report the biochemical and molecular characterization of the 48-kDa protein. Experiments using a bacterially expressed fusion protein show that the 48-kDa protein is capable of autophosphorylation on serine and tyrosine and phosphorylation of bovine beta-casein on serine, confirming that the 48-kDa protein itself has protein kinase activity. This protein kinase exhibits limited homology to members of the eukaryotic protein kinase superfamily and may be an important element in a signaling pathway in fertilization.
We investigated the role of the Salmonella typhimurium fimbrial operon formed by the genes lpfABCDE in infection of mice. A mutant in lpfC, the gene encoding the fimbrial outer membrane usher, had an approximately 5-fold increased 50% lethal dose when administered orally to mice. When mice were infected with a mixture of the lpfC mutant and isogenic wild-type S. typhimurium, the lpfC mutant was recovered in lower numbers from Peyer's patches, mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, and spleen. In an organ culture model using murine intestinal loops, lpfC mutants were shown to be associated in lower numbers than wild-type bacteria with Peyer's patches but not with villous intestine. The defect of the lpfC mutant in adhesion to Peyer's patches could be complemented by introducing lpfABCDE on a cosmid. Similarly, heterologous expression of the Salmonella lpf operon in Escherichia coli resulted in an increased adhesion to histological thin sections of Peyer's patch lymph follicles. Electron microscopic analysis of histological sections taken from Peyer's patches after intragastric infection of mice showed that, in contrast to the S. typhimurium wild type, the isogenic lpfC mutant did not destroy M cells of the follicle-associated epithelium. These data show that the Salmonella lpf operon is involved in adhesion to murine Peyer's patches.
Although the CD34 antigen is widely used in the identification and purification of hemopoietic stem and progenitor cells, its function within hemopoiesis is unknown. We have investigated this issue by ectopically expressing human (hu) CD34 on the surface of murine hemopoietic cells. Forced expression of hu-CD34 in the thymocytes of transgenic mice did not appear to affect the development, maturation, or distribution of murine T cells but did significantly increase their ability to adhere to bone marrow stromal layers of human but not mouse origin. Ectopic expression of hu-CD34 on murine 416B cells, a multipotential progenitor that expresses murine CD34, yielded similar results. In both cases hu-CD34-dependent adhesion was enhanced by molecular engagement of the hu-CD34 protein using anti-CD34 antibodies. These results provide evidence that CD34 promotes the adhesive interactions of hemopoietic cells with the stromal microenvironment of the bone marrow thereby implicating CD34 in regulation and compartmentalization of stem cells. We propose that CD34 regulates these processes in part via an indirect mechanism, signaling changes in cellular adhesion in response to molecular recognition of an as yet unidentified stromal CD34 counterreceptor or ligand.
The role of basolateral membrane Na+/H+ exchange in transepithelial HCO3- absorption (JHCO3) was examined in the isolated, perfused medullary thick ascending limb (MTAL) of the rat. In Na(+)-free solutions, addition of Na+ to the bath resulted in a rapid, amiloride-sensitive increase in intracellular pH. In MTALs perfused and bathed with solutions containing 146 mM Na+ and 25 mM HCO3-, bath addition of amiloride (1 mM) or 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride (EIPA, 50 microM) reversibly inhibited JHCO3 by 50%. Evidence that the inhibition of JHCO3 by bath amiloride was the result of inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange included the following: (i) the IC50 for amiloride was 5-10 microM, (ii) EIPA was a 50-fold more potent inhibitor than amiloride, (iii) the inhibition by bath amiloride was Na+ dependent, and (iv) significant inhibition was observed with EIPA as low as 0.1 microM. Fifty micromolar amiloride or 1 microM EIPA inhibited JHCO3 by 35% when added to the bath but had no effect when added to the tubule lumen, indicating that addition of amiloride to the bath did not directly inhibit apical membrane Na+/H+ exchange. In experiments in which apical Na+/H+ exchange was assessed from the initial rate of cell acidification following luminal EIPA addition, bath EIPA secondarily inhibited apical Na+/H+ exchange activity by 46%. These results demonstrate basolateral membrane Na+/H+ exchange enhances transepithelial HCO3- absorption in the MTAL. This effect appears to be the result of cross-talk in which an increase in basolateral membrane Na+/H+ exchange activity secondarily increases apical membrane Na+/H+ exchange activity.
Fermentation of nonabsorbed nutrients in the colon generates high concentrations of NH3/NH4+ in the colonic lumen. NH3 is a small, lipophilic neutral weak base that readily permeates almost all cell membranes, whereas its conjugate weak acid NH4+ generally crosses membranes much more slowly. It is not known how colonocytes maintain intracellular pH in the unusual acid-base environment of the colon, where permeant acid-base products of fermentation exist in high concentration. To address this issue, we hand dissected and perfused single, isolated crypts from rabbit proximal colon, adapting techniques from renal-tubule microperfusion. Crypt perfusion permits control of solutions at the apical (luminal) and basolateral (serosal) surfaces of crypt cells. We assessed apical- vs. basolateral-membrane transport of NH3/NH4+ by using fluorescent dyes and digital imaging to monitor intracellular pH of microvacuolated crypt cells as well as luminal pH. We found that, although the basolateral membranes have normal NH3/NH4+ permeability properties, there is no evidence for transport of either NH3 or NH4+ across the apical borders of these crypt cells. Disaggregating luminal mucus did not increase the transport of NH3/NH4+ across the apical border. We conclude that, compared to the basolateral membrane, the apical border of crypt colonocytes has a very low permeability-area product for NH3/NH4+. This barrier may represent an important adaptation for the survival of crypt cells in the environment of the colon.
The core proteins of large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans contain a C-type lectin domain. The lectin domain of one of these proteoglycans, versican, was expressed as a recombinant 15-kDa protein and shown to bind to insolubilized fucose and GlcNAc. The lectin domain showed strong binding in a gel blotting assay to a glycoprotein doublet in rat brain extracts. The binding was calcium dependent and abolished by chemical deglycosylation treatment of the ligand glycoprotein. The versican-binding glycoprotein was identified as the cell adhesion protein tenascin-R, and versican and tenascin-R were both found to be localized in the granular layer of rat cerebellum. These results show that the versican lectin domain is a binding domain with a highly targeted specificity. It may allow versican to assemble complexes containing proteoglycan, an adhesion protein, and hyaluronan.
The focal adhesion kinase (FAK) has been implicated in integrin-mediated signaling events and in the mechanism of cell transformation by the v-Src and v-Crk oncoproteins. To gain further insight into FAK signaling pathways, we used a two-hybrid screen to identify proteins that interact with mouse FAK. The screen identified two proteins that interact with FAK via their Src homology 3 (SH3) domains: a v-Crk-associated tyrosine kinase substrate (Cas), p130Cas, and a still uncharacterized protein, FIPSH3-2, which contains an SH3 domain closely related to that of p130Cas. These SH3 domains bind to the same proline-rich region of FAK (APPKPSR) encompassing residues 711-717. The mouse p130Cas amino acid sequence was deduced from cDNA clones, revealing an overall high degree of similarity to the recently reported rat sequence. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments confirmed that p130Cas and FAK are associated in mouse fibroblasts. The stable interaction between p130Cas and FAK emerges as a likely key element in integrin-mediated signal transduction and further represents a direct molecular link between the v-Src and v-Crk oncoproteins. The Src family kinase Fyn, whose Src homology 2 (SH2) domain binds to the major FAK autophosphorylation site (tyrosine 397), was also identified in the two-hybrid screen.
The crystal structure of the pheromone Er-1 from the unicellular eukaryotic organism Euplotes raikovi was determined at 1.6 A resolution and refined to a crystallographic R factor of 19.9%. In the tightly packed crystal, two extensive intermolecular helix-helix interactions arrange the Er-1 molecules into layers. Since the putative receptor of the pheromone is a membrane-bound protein, whose extracellular C-terminal domain is identical in amino acid sequence to the soluble pheromone, the interactions found in the crystal may mimic the pheromone-receptor interactions as they occur on a cell surface. Based on this, we propose a model for the interaction between soluble pheromone molecules and their receptors. In this model, strong pheromone-receptor binding emerges as a consequence of the cooperative utilization of several weak interactions. The model offers an explanation for the results of binding studies and may also explain the adhesion between cells that occurs during mating.
Selective lodgement or homing of transplanted hemopoietic stem cells in the recipient's bone marrow (BM) is a critical step in the establishment of long-term hemopoiesis after BM transplantation. However, despite its biologic and clinical significance, little is understood about the process of homing. In the present study, we have concentrated on the initial stages of homing and explored the functional role in vivo of some of the adhesion pathways previously found to mediate in vitro adhesion of hemopoietic cells to cultured BM stroma. We have found that homing of murine hemopoietic progenitors of the BM of lethally irradiated recipients at 3 h after transplant was significantly reduced after pretreatment of the donor cells with an antibody to the integrin very late antigen 4 (VLA4). This inhibition of marrow homing was accompanied by an increase in hemopoietic progenitors circulating in the blood and an increased uptake of these progenitors by the spleen. Similar results were obtained by treatment of the recipients with an antibody to vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), a ligand for VLA4. Furthermore, we showed that administration of the same antibodies (anti-VLA4 or anti-VCAM-1) to normal animals causes mobilization of hemopoietic progenitors into blood. These data suggest that hemopoietic cell lodgement in the BM is a regulatable process and can be influenced by VLA4/VCAM-1 adhesion pathway. Although additional molecular pathways are not excluded and may be likely, our data establish VCAM-1 as a BM endothelial addressin, analogous to the role that mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule (MAdCAM) plays in lymphocyte homing. Whether splenic uptake of hemopoietic progenitors is passive or controlled through different mechanisms remains to be clarified. In addition, we provide experimental evidence that homing and mobilization are related phenomena involving, at least partly, similar molecular pathways.
Vinculin, a major constituent of focal adhesions and zonula adherens junctions, is thought to be involved in linking the microfilaments to areas of cell-substrate and cell-cell contacts. To test the role of vinculin in cell adhesion and motility, we used homologous recombination to generate F9 embryonal carcinoma and embryonic stem cell clones homozygous for a disrupted vinculin gene. When compared to wild-type cells, vinculin-mutant cells displayed a rounder morphology and a reduced ability to adhere and spread on plastic or fibronectin. Decreased adhesion of the mutant cells was associated with a reduction in lamellipodial extensions, as observed by time-lapse video microscopy. The locomotive activities of control F9 and the vinculin-null cells were compared in two assays. Loss of vinculin resulted in a 2.4-fold increase in cell motility. These results demonstrate an important role for vinculin in determining cell shape, adhesion, surface protrusive activity, and cell locomotion.