146 resultados para VASOMOTOR NEURONS
The mesolimbic dopamine system, which arises in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), is an important neural substrate for opiate reinforcement and addiction. Chronic exposure to opiates is known to produce biochemical adaptations in this brain region. We now show that these adaptations are associated with structural changes in VTA dopamine neurons. Individual VTA neurons in paraformaldehyde-fixed brain sections from control or morphine-treated rats were injected with the fluorescent dye Lucifer yellow. The identity of the injected cells as dopaminergic or nondopaminergic was determined by immunohistochemical labeling of the sections for tyrosine hydroxylase. Chronic morphine treatment resulted in a mean approximately 25% reduction in the area and perimeter of VTA dopamine neurons. This reduction in cell size was prevented by concomitant treatment of rats with naltrexone, an opioid receptor antagonist, as well as by intra-VTA infusion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor. In contrast, chronic morphine treatment did not alter the size of nondopaminergic neurons in the VTA, nor did it affect the total number of dopaminergic neurons in this brain region. The results of these studies provide direct evidence for structural alterations in VTA dopamine neurons as a consequence of chronic opiate exposure, which could contribute to changes in mesolimbic dopamine function associated with addiction.
Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels are Ca(2+)-permeable, nonspecific cation channels that can be activated through direct interaction with cAMP and/or cGMP. Recent electrophysiological evidence for these channels in cultured hippocampal neurons prompted us to investigate the expression of CNG channel genes in hippocampus. PCR amplification detected the expression of transcripts for subunit 1 of both the rod photoreceptor (RCNGC1) and the olfactory receptor cell (OCNGC1) subtype of CNG channel in adult rat hippocampus. In situ hybridization detected expression of both channel subtypes in most principal neurons, including pyramidal cells of the CA1 through CA3 regions and granule cells of the dentate gyrus. From the hybridization patterns, we conclude that the two genes are colocalized in individual neurons. Comparison of the patterns of expression of type 1 cGMP-dependent protein kinase and the CNG channels suggests that hippocampal neurons can respond to changes in cGMP levels with both rapid changes in CNG channel activity and slower changes induced by phosphorylation. Future models of hippocampal function should include CNG channels and their effects on both electrical responses and intracellular Ca2+ levels.
Somatic sensation requires the conversion of physical stimuli into the depolarization of distal nerve endings. A single cRNA derived from sensory neurons renders Xenopus laevis oocytes mechanosensitive and is found to encode a P2Y1 purinergic receptor. P2Y1 mRNA is concentrated in large-fiber dorsal root ganglion neurons. In contrast, P2X3 mRNA is localized to small-fiber sensory neurons and produces less mechanosensitivity in oocytes. The frequency of touch-induced action potentials from frog sensory nerve fibers is increased by the presence of P2 receptor agonists at the peripheral nerve ending and is decreased by the presence of P2 antagonists. P2X-selective agents do not have these effects. The release of ATP into the extracellular space and the activation of peripheral P2Y1 receptors appear to participate in the generation of sensory action potentials by light touch.
Neurons in very low density hippocampal cultures that are physiologically identified as either GABAergic inhibitory or glutamatergic excitatory all contain mRNA for the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) synthetic enzyme, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), as detected by single cell mRNA amplification and PCR. However, consistent with the physiology, immunocytochemistry revealed that only a subset of the neurons stain for either GAD protein or GABA. A similar fraction hybridize with RNA probes for GAD65 and GAD67. Hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons in slice preparations, which are traditionally thought to be excitatory, also contain mRNA for GAD65 and GAD67. Hippocampal neurons in culture did not contain mRNA for two other neurotransmitter synthesizing enzymes, tyrosine hydroxylase, and choline acetyl transferase. These data suggest that in some neurons, presumably the excitatory neurons, GAD mRNA is selectively regulated at the level of translation. We propose that neurotransmitter phenotype may be posttranscriptionally regulated and neurons may exhibit transient phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental influences.
Olfactory marker protein (OMP) is an abundant, phylogentically conserved, cytoplasmic protein of unknown function expressed almost exclusively in mature olfactory sensory neurons. To address its function, we generated OMP-deficient mice by gene targeting in embryonic stem cells. We report that these OMP-null mice are compromised in their ability to respond to odor stimull, providing insight to OMP function. The maximal electroolfactogram response of the olfactory neuroepithelium to several odorants was 20-40% smaller in the mutants compared with controls. In addition, the onset and recovery kinetics following isoamyl acetate stimulation are prolonged in the null mice. Furthermore, the ability of the mutants to respond to the second odor pulse of a pair is impaired, over a range of concentrations, compared with controls. These results imply that neural activity directed toward the olfactory bulb is also reduced. The bulbar phenotype observed in the OMP-null mouse is consistent with this hypothesis. Bulbar activity of tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate limiting enzyme of catecholamine biosynthesis, and content of the neuropeptide cholecystokinin are reduced by 65% and 50%, respectively. This similarity to postsynaptic changes in gene expression induced by peripheral olfactory deafferentation or naris blockade confirms that functional neural activity is reduced in both the olfactory neuroepithelium and the olfactory nerve projection to the bulb in the OMP-null mouse. These observations provide strong support for the conclusion that OMP is a novel modulatory component of the odor detection/signal transduction cascade.
Cytosine arabinonucleoside (AraC) is a pyrimidine antimetabolite that kills proliferating cells by inhibiting DNA synthesis and, importantly, is also an inducer of apoptosis. We recently reported that age-induced apoptotic cell death of cultured cerebellar neurons is directly associated with an over-expression of a particulate 38-kDa protein, identified by us as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH; EC We now show that the AraC-induced neuronal death of immature cerebellar granule cells in culture is effectively delayed by actinomycin-D, cycloheximide, or aurintricarboxylic acid (a DNase inhibitor). Furthermore, two GAPDH antisense, but not their corresponding sense, oligodeoxyribonucleotides markedly arrested AraC-induced apoptosis. This protection was more effective than that induced by the above-mentioned classical inhibitors of apoptosis. Prior to AraC-induced neuronal death, GAPDH mRNA levels increased by approximately 2.5-fold, and this mRNA accumulation was blocked by actinomycin-D and the GAPDH antisense (but not sense) oligonucleotide. Like actinomycin-D, a GAPDH antisense oligonucleotide also suppressed the AraC-induced over-expression of the 38-kDa particulate protein (i.e., GAPDH), while the corresponding sense oligonucleotide was totally ineffective. Thus, the present results show that GAPDH over-expression is involved in AraC-induced apoptosis of cultured cerebellar granule cells.
Opiate alkaloids are potent analgesics that exert multiple pharmacological effects in the nervous system by activating G protein-coupled receptors. Receptor internalization upon stimulation may be important for desensitization and resensitization, which affect cellular responsiveness to ligands. Here, we investigated the agonist-induced internalization of the mu opioid receptor (MOR) in vivo by using the guinea pig ileum as a model system and immunohistochemistry with an affinity-purified antibody to the C terminus of rat MOR. Antibody specificity was confirmed by the positive staining of human embryonic kidney 293 cells transfected with epitope-tagged MOR cDNA, by the lack of staining of cells transfected with the delta or kappa receptor cDNA, and by the abolition of staining when the MOR antibody was preadsorbed with the MOR peptide fragment. Abundant MOR immunoreactivity (MOR-IR) was localized to the cell body, dendrites, and axonal processes of myenteric neurons. Immunostaining was primarily confined to the plasma membrane of cell bodies and processes. Within 15 min of an intraperitoneal injection of the opiate agonist etorphine, intense MOR-IR was present in vesicle-like structures, which were identified as endosomes by confocal microscopy. At 30 min, MOR-IR was throughout the cytoplasm and in perinuclear vesicles. MOR-IR was still internalized at 120 min. Agonist-induced endocytosis was completely inhibited by the opiate antagonist naloxone. Interestingly, morphine, a high-affinity MOR agonist, did not cause detectable internalization, but it partially inhibited the etorphine-induced MOR endocytosis. These results demonstrate the occurrence of agonist-selective MOR endocytosis in neurons naturally expressing this receptor in vivo and suggest the existence of different mechanisms regulating cellular responsiveness to ligands.
Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels are categorized as either high-voltage activated (HVA) or low-voltage activated (LVA), and a subtype (or subtypes) of HVA Ca2+ channels link the presynaptic depolarization to rapid neuro-transmitter release. Reductions in transmitter release are characteristic of the autoimmune disorder, Lambert-Eaton syndrome (LES). Because antibodies from LES patients reduce Ca2+ influx in a variety of cell types and disrupt the intramembrane organization of active zones at neuromuscular synapses, specificity of LES antibodies for the Ca2+ channels that control transmitter release has been suggested as the mechanism for disease. We tested sera from four patients with LES. Serum samples from three of the four patients reduced both the maximal LVA and HVA Ca2+ conductances in murine dorsal root ganglion neurons. Thus, even though LES is expressed as a neuromuscular and autonomic disorder, our studies suggest that Ca2+ channels may be broadly affected in LES patients. To account for the specificity of disease expression, we suggest that incapacitation of only a fraction of the Ca2+ channels clustered at active zones would severely depress transmitter release. In particular, if several Ca2+ channels in a cluster are normally required to open simultaneously before transmitter release becomes likely, the loss of a few active zone Ca2+ channels would exponentially reduce the probability of transmitter release. This model may explain why LES is expressed as a neuromuscular disorder and can account for a clinical hallmark of LES, facilitation of neuromuscular transmission produced by vigorous voluntary effort.
Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn SOD) is a key enzyme in the metabolism of oxygen free radicals. The gene resides on chromosome 21 and is overexpressed in patients with Down syndrome. Cultured neurons of transgenic Cu/Zn SOD (Tg-Cu/Zn SOD) mice with elevated activity of Cu/Zn SOD were used to determine whether constitutive overexpression of Cu/Zn SOD creates an indigenous oxidative stress that predisposes the Tg-Cu/Zn SOD neurons to added insults. Neurons from three independently derived Tg-Cu/Zn SOD strains showed higher susceptibility than nontransgenic neurons to kainic acid (KA)-mediated excitotoxicity, reflected by an earlier onset and enhanced apoptotic cell death. This higher susceptibility of transgenic neurons to KA-mediated apoptosis was associated with a chronic prooxidant state that was manifested by reduced levels of cellular glutathione and altered [Ca2+]i homeostasis. The data are compatible with the thesis that overexpression of Cu/Zn SOD creates chronic oxidative stress in the transgenic neurons, which exacerbates their susceptibility to additional insults such as KA-mediated excitotoxicity.
The membrane excitability of cholinergic (starburst) amacrine cells was studied in the rabbit retina during postnatal development. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were made from 110 displaced starburst cells in a thin retina] slice preparation of rabbits between postnatal days P1 and P56 old. We report that displaced starburst cells undergo a dramatic transition from spiking to nonspiking, caused by a loss of voltage-gated Na currents. This change in membrane excitability occurred just after eye opening (P10), such that all of the starburst cells tested before eye opening had conspicuous tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na currents and action potentials, but none tested after the first 3 postnatal weeks had detectable Na currents or spikes. Our results suggest that starburst cells use action potentials transiently during development and probably play a functional role in visual development. These cells then cease to spike as the retina matures, presumably consistent with their role in visual processing in the mature retina.
The characteristic features of a brain with Alzheimer disease (AD) include the presence of neuritic plaques composed of amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) and reductions in the levels of cholinergic markers. Neurotoxic responses to Abeta have been reported in vivo and in vitro, suggesting that the cholinergic deficit in AD brain may be secondary to the degeneration of cholinergic neurons caused by Abeta. However, it remains to be determined if Abeta contributes to the cholinergic deficit in AD brain by nontoxic effects. We examined the effects of synthetic Abeta peptides on the cholinergic properties of a mouse cell line, SN56, derived from basal forebrain cholinergic neurons. Abeta 1-42 and Abeta 1-28 reduced the acetylcholine (AcCho) content of the cells in a concentration-dependent fashion, whereas Abeta 1-16 was inactive. Maximal reductions of 43% and 33% were observed after a 48-h treatment with 100 nM of Abeta 1-42 and 50 pM of Abeta 1-28, respectively. Neither Abeta 1-28 nor Abeta 1-42 at a concentration of 100 nM and a treatment period of 2 weeks was toxic to the cells. Treatment of the cells with Abeta 25-28 (48 h; 100 nM) significantly decreased AcCho levels, suggesting that the sequence GSNK (aa 25-28) is responsible for the AcCho-reducing effect of Abeta. The reductions in AcCho levels caused by Abeta 1-42 and Abeta 1-28 were accompanied by proportional decreases in choline acetyltransferase activity. In contrast, acetylcholinesterase activity was unaltered, indicating that Abeta specifically reduces the synthesis of AcCho in SN56 cells. The reductions in AcCho content caused by Abeta 1-42 could be prevented by a cotreatment with all-trans-retinoic acid (10 nM), a compound previously shown to increase choline acetyltransferase mRNA expression in SN56 cells. These results demonstrate a nontoxic, suppressive effect of Abeta on AcCho synthesis, an action that may contribute to the cholinergic deficit in AD brain.
Huntington disease is a dominantly inherited, untreatable neurological disorder featuring a progressive loss of striatal output neurons that results in dyskinesia, cognitive decline, and, ultimately, death. Neurotrophic factors have recently been shown to be protective in several animal models of neurodegenerative disease, raising the possibility that such substances might also sustain the survival of compromised striatal output neurons. We determined whether intracerebral administration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, nerve growth factor, neurotrophin-3, or ciliary neurotrophic factor could protect striatal output neurons in a rodent model of Huntington disease. Whereas treatment with brain-derived neurotrophic factor, nerve growth factor, or neurotrophin-3 provided no protection of striatal output neurons from death induced by intrastriatal injection of quinolinic acid, an N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor agonist, treatment with ciliary neurotrophic factor afforded marked protection against this neurodegenerative insult.
Cholinergic pathways serve important functions in learning and memory processes, and deficits in cholinergic transmission occur in Alzheimer disease (AD). A subset of muscarinic cholinergic receptors are linked to G-proteins that activate phospholipase C, resulting in the liberation of inositol trisphosphate and Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. We now report that amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta), which forms plaques in the brain in AD, impairs muscarinic receptor activation of G proteins in cultured rat cortical neurons. Exposure of rodent fetal cortical neurons to Abeta25-35 and Abeta1-40 resulted in a concentration and time-dependent attenuation of carbachol-induced GTPase activity without affecting muscarinic receptor ligand binding parameters. Downstream events in the signal transduction cascade were similarly attenuated by Abeta. Carbachol-induced accumulation of inositol phosphates (IP, IP2, IP3, and IP4) was decreased and calcium imaging studies revealed that carbachol-induced release of calcium was severely impaired in neurons pretreated with Abeta. Muscarinic cholinergic signal transduction was disrupted with subtoxic levels of exposure to AP. The effects of Abeta on carbachol-induced GTPase activity and calcium release were attenuated by antioxidants, implicating free radicals in the mechanism whereby Abeta induced uncoupling of muscarinic receptors. These data demonstrate that Abeta disrupts muscarinic receptor coupling to G proteins that mediate induction of phosphoinositide accumulation and calcium release, findings that implicate Abeta in the impairment of cholinergic transmission that occurs in AD.
Dominant mutations of the SOD1 gene encoding Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase have been found in members of certain families with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). To better understand the contribution of SOD1 mutations in the pathogenesis of familial ALS, we developed transgenic mice expressing one of the mutations found in familial ALS. These animals display clinical and pathological features closely resembling human ALS. Early changes observed in these animals were intra-axonal and dendritic vacuoles due to dilatation of the endoplasmic reticulum and vacuolar degeneration of mitochondria. We have reported that the Golgi apparatus of spinal cord motor neurons in patients with sporadic ALS is fragmented and atrophic. In this study we show that spinal cord motor neurons of transgenic mice for an SOD1 mutation display a lesion of the Golgi apparatus identical to that found in humans with sporadic ALS. In these mice, the stacks of the cisternae of the fragmented Golgi apparatus are shorter than in the normal organelle, and there is a reduction in Golgi-associated vesicles and adjacent cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Furthermore, the fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus occurs in an early, presymptomatic stage and usually precedes the development of the vacuolar changes. Transgenic mice overexpressing the wild-type human superoxide dismutase are normal. In familial ALS, an early lesion of the Golgi apparatus of motor neurons may have adverse functional effects, because newly synthesized proteins destined for fast axoplasmic transport pass through the Golgi apparatus.
Despite considerable evidence that ethanol can enhance chloride flux through the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA/A/) receptor-channel complex in several central neuron types, the effect of ethanol on hippocampal GABAergic systems is still controversial. Therefore, we have reevaluated this interaction in hippocampal pyramidal neurons subjected to local monosynaptic activation combined with pharmacological isolation of the various components of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic potentials, using intracellular current- and voltage-clamp recording methods in the hippocampal slice. In accord with our previous findings, we found that ethanol had little effect on compound inhibitory postsynaptic potentials/currents (IPSP/Cs) containing both GABA/A/ and GABA/B/ components. However, after selective pharmacological blockade of the GABA/B/ component of the IPSP (GABA/B/-IPSP/C) by CGP-35348, low concentrations of ethanol (22-66 mM) markedly enhanced the peak amplitude, and especially the area, of the GABA/A/ component (GABA/A/-IPSP/C) in most CA1 pyramidal neurons. Ethanol had no significant effect on the peak amplitude or area of the pharmacologically isolated GABA/B/-inhibitory postsynaptic current (IPSC). These results provide new data showing that activation of GABAB receptors can obscure ethanol enhancement of GABA/A/ receptor function in hippocampus and suggest that similar methods of pharmacological isolation might be applied to other brain regions showing negative or mixed ethanol-GABA interactions.