163 resultados para Stable expression in insect cells
The motor protein kinesin is implicated in the intracellular transport of organelles along microtubules. Kinesin light chains (KLCs) have been suggested to mediate the selective binding of kinesin to its cargo. To test this hypothesis, we isolated KLC cDNA clones from a CHO-K1 expression library. Using sequence analysis, they were found to encode five distinct isoforms of KLCs. The primary region of variability lies at the carboxyl termini, which were identical or highly homologous to carboxyl-terminal regions of rat KLC B and C, human KLCs, sea urchin KLC isoforms 1–3, and squid KLCs. To examine whether the KLC isoforms associate with different cytoplasmic organelles, we made an antibody specific for a 10-amino acid sequence unique to B and C isoforms. In an indirect immunofluorescence assay, this antibody specifically labeled mitochondria in cultured CV-1 cells and human skin fibroblasts. On Western blots of total cell homogenates, it recognized a single KLC isoform, which copurified with mitochondria. Taken together, these data indicate a specific association of a particular KLC (B type) with mitochondria, revealing that different KLC isoforms can target kinesin to different cargoes.
Mechanically stressed cells display increased levels of fos message and protein. Although the intracellular signaling pathways responsible for FOS induction have been extensively characterized, we still do not understand the nature of the primary cell mechanotransduction event responsible for converting an externally acting mechanical stressor into an intracellular signal cascade. We now report that plasma membrane disruption (PMD) is quantitatively correlated on a cell-by-cell basis with fos protein levels expressed in mechanically injured monolayers. When the population of PMD-affected cells in injured monolayers was selectively prevented from responding to the injury, the fos response was completely ablated, demonstrating that PMD is a requisite event. This PMD-dependent expression of fos protein did not require cell exposure to cues inherent in release from cell–cell contact inhibition or presented by denuded substratum, because it also occurred in subconfluent monolayers. Fos expression also could not be explained by factors released through PMD, because cell injury conditioned medium failed to elicit fos expression. Translocation of the transcription factor NF-κB into the nucleus may also be regulated by PMD, based on a quantitative correlation similar to that found with fos. We propose that PMD, by allowing a flux of normally impermeant molecules across the plasma membrane, mediates a previously unrecognized form of cell mechanotransduction. PMD may thereby lead to cell growth or hypertrophy responses such as those that are present normally in mechanically stressed skeletal muscle and pathologically in the cardiovascular system.
The recessive mouse mutant Mpv17 is characterized by the development of early-onset glomerulosclerosis, concomitant hypertension, and structural alterations of the inner ear. The primary cause of the disease is the loss of function of the Mpv17 protein, a peroxisomal gene product involved in reactive oxygen metabolism. In our search of a common mediator exerting effects on several aspects of the phenotype, we discovered that the absence of the Mpv17 gene product causes a strong increase in matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) expression. This was seen in the kidney and cochlea of Mpv17-negative mice as well as in tissue culture cells derived from these animals. When these cells were transfected with the human Mpv17 homolog, an inverse causal relationship between Mpv17 and MMP-2 expression was established. These results indicate that the Mpv17 protein plays a crucial role in the regulation of MMP-2 and suggest that enhanced MMP-2 expression might mediate the mechanisms leading to glomerulosclerosis, inner ear disease, and hypertension in this model.
Rho and Rab Small G Proteins Coordinately Reorganize Stress Fibers and Focal Adhesions in MDCK Cells
The Rho subfamily of the Rho small G protein family (Rho) regulates formation of stress fibers and focal adhesions in many types of cultured cells. In moving cells, dynamic and coordinate disassembly and reassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions are observed, but the precise mechanisms in the regulation of these processes are poorly understood. We previously showed that 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) first induced disassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions followed by their reassembly in MDCK cells. The reassembled stress fibers showed radial-like morphology that was apparently different from the original. We analyzed here the mechanisms of these TPA-induced processes. Rho inactivation and activation were necessary for the TPA-induced disassembly and reassembly, respectively, of stress fibers and focal adhesions. Both inactivation and activation of the Rac subfamily of the Rho family (Rac) inhibited the TPA-induced reassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions but not their TPA-induced disassembly. Moreover, microinjection or transient expression of Rab GDI, a regulator of all the Rab small G protein family members, inhibited the TPA-induced reassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions but not their TPA-induced disassembly, indicating that, furthermore, activation of some Rab family members is necessary for their TPA-induced reassembly. Of the Rab family members, at least Rab5 activation was necessary for the TPA-induced reassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions. The TPA-induced, small G protein-mediated reorganization of stress fibers and focal adhesions was closely related to the TPA-induced cell motility. These results indicate that the Rho and Rab family members coordinately regulate the TPA-induced reorganization of stress fibers and focal adhesions that may cause cell motility.
Ras Pathway Activates Epithelial Na+ Channel and Decreases Its Surface Expression in Xenopus Oocytes
The small G protein K-Ras2A is rapidly induced by aldosterone in A6 epithelia. In these Xenopus sodium reabsorbing cells, aldosterone rapidly activates preexisting epithelial Na+ channels (XENaC) via a transcriptionally mediated mechanism. In the Xenopus oocytes expression system, we tested whether the K-Ras2A pathway impacts on XENaC activity by expressing XENaC alone or together with XK-Ras2A rendered constitutively active (XK-Ras2AG12V). As a second control, XENaC-expressing oocytes were treated with progesterone, a sex steroid that induces maturation of the oocytes similarly to activated Ras. Progesterone or XK-Ras2AG12V led to oocyte maturation characterized by a decrease in surface area and endogenous Na+ pump function. In both conditions, the surface expression of exogenous XENaC′s was also decreased; however, in comparison with progesterone-treated oocytes, XK-ras2AG12V-coinjected oocytes expressed a fivefold higher XENaC-mediated macroscopic Na+ current that was as high as that of control oocytes. Thus, the Na+ current per surface-expressed XENaC was increased by XK-Ras2AG12V. The chemical driving force for Na+ influx was not changed, suggesting that XK-Ras2AG12V increased the mean activity of XENaCs at the oocyte surface. These observations raise the possibility that XK-Ras2A, which is the first regulatory protein known to be transcriptionally induced by aldosterone, could play a role in the control of XENaC function in aldosterone target cells.
Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is a major source of lipid-derived second messenger molecules that function as both intracellular and extracellular signals. PC-specific phospholipase D (PLD) and phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase (PAP) are two pivotal enzymes in this signaling system, and they act in series to generate the biologically active lipids phosphatidic acid (PA) and diglyceride. The identity of the PAP enzyme involved in PLD-mediated signal transduction is unclear. We provide the first evidence for a functional role of a type 2 PAP, PAP2b, in the metabolism of PLD-generated PA. Our data indicate that PAP2b localizes to regions of the cell in which PC hydrolysis by PLD is taking place. Using a newly developed PAP2b-specific antibody, we have characterized the expression, posttranslational modification, and localization of endogenous PAP2b. Glycosylation and localization of PAP2b appear to be cell type and tissue specific. Biochemical fractionation and immunoprecipitation analyses revealed that PAP2b and PLD2 activities are present in caveolin-1–enriched detergent-resistant membrane microdomains. We found that PLD2 and PAP2b act sequentially to generate diglyceride within this specialized membrane compartment. The unique lipid composition of these membranes may provide a selective environment for the regulation and actions of enzymes involved in signaling through PC hydrolysis.
We have developed a noninvasive detection method for expression of viral-mediated gene transfer. A recombinant adenovirus was constructed by using the gene for arginine kinase (AK), which is the invertebrate correlate to the vertebrate ATP-buffering enzyme, creatine kinase. Gene expression was noninvasively monitored using 31P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS). The product of the AK enzyme, phosphoarginine (PArg), served as an MRS-visible reporter of AK expression. The recombinant adenovirus coding for arginine kinase (rAdCMVAK) was injected into the right hindlimbs of neonatal mice. Two weeks after injection of rAdCMVAK, a unique 31P-MRS resonance was observed. It was observable in all rAdCMVAK injected hindlimbs and was not present in the contralateral control or the vehicle injected limb. PArg and phosphocreatine (PCr) concentrations were calculated to be 11.6 ± 0.90 and 13.6 ± 1.1 mM respectively in rAdCMVAK injected limbs. AK activity was demonstrated in vivo by monitoring the decreases in PArg and ATP resonances during prolonged ischemia. After 1 h of ischemia intracellular pH was 6.73 ± 0.06, PCr/ATP was decreased by 77 ± 8%, whereas PArg/ATP was decreased by 50 ± 15% of basal levels. PArg and PCr returned to basal levels within 5 min of the restoration of blood flow. AK activity persisted for at least 8 mo after injection, indicating that adenoviral-mediated gene transfer can produce stable expression for long periods of time. Therefore, the cDNA encoding AK provides a useful reporter gene that allows noninvasive and repeated monitoring of gene expression after viral mediated gene transfer to muscle.
Chimeric RNA/DNA oligonucleotides (“chimeraplasts”) have been shown to induce single base alterations in genomic DNA both in vitro and in vivo. The mdx mouse strain has a point mutation in the dystrophin gene, the consequence of which is a muscular dystrophy resulting from deficiency of the dystrophin protein in skeletal muscle. To test the feasibility of chimeraplast-mediated gene therapy for muscular dystrophies, we used a chimeraplast (designated “MDX1”) designed to correct the point mutation in the dystrophin gene in mdx mice. After direct injection of MDX1 into muscles of mdx mice, immunohistochemical analysis revealed dystrophin-positive fibers clustered around the injection site. Two weeks after single injections into tibialis anterior muscles, the maximum number of dystrophin-positive fibers (approximately 30) in any muscle represented 1–2% of the total number of fibers in that muscle. Ten weeks after single injections, the range of the number of dystrophin-positive fibers was similar to that seen after 2 wk, suggesting that the expression was stable, as would be predicted for a gene-conversion event. Staining with exon-specific antibodies showed that none of these were “revertant fibers.” Furthermore, dystrophin from MDX1-injected muscles was full length by immunoblot analysis. No dystrophin was detectable by immunohistochemical or immunoblot analysis after control chimeraplast injections. Finally, reverse transcription–PCR analysis demonstrated the presence of transcripts with the wild-type dystrophin sequence only in mdx muscles injected with MDX1 chimeraplasts. These results provide the foundation for further studies of chimeraplast-mediated gene therapy as a therapeutic approach to muscular dystrophies and other genetic disorders of muscle.
The expression of the cellular form of the prion protein (PrPc) gene is required for prion replication and neuroinvasion in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. The identification of the cell types expressing PrPc is necessary to understanding how the agent replicates and spreads from peripheral sites to the central nervous system. To determine the nature of the cell types expressing PrPc, a green fluorescent protein reporter gene was expressed in transgenic mice under the control of 6.9 kb of the bovine PrP gene regulatory sequences. It was shown that the bovine PrP gene is expressed as two populations of mRNA differing by alternative splicing of one 115-bp 5′ untranslated exon in 17 different bovine tissues. The analysis of transgenic mice showed reporter gene expression in some cells that have been identified as expressing PrP, such as cerebellar Purkinje cells, lymphocytes, and keratinocytes. In addition, expression of green fluorescent protein was observed in the plexus of the enteric nervous system and in a restricted subset of cells not yet clearly identified as expressing PrP: the epithelial cells of the thymic medullary and the endothelial cells of both the mucosal capillaries of the intestine and the renal capillaries. These data provide valuable information on the distribution of PrPc at the cellular level and argue for roles of the epithelial and endothelial cells in the spread of infection from the periphery to the brain. Moreover, the transgenic mice described in this paper provide a model that will allow for the study of the transcriptional activity of the PrP gene promoter in response to scrapie infection.
Telomerase activity is developmentally regulated in mammals. Here we examine telomerase activity in plants, whose development differs in fundamental ways from that of animals. Using a modified version of the telomere repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay, we detected an activity in extracts from carrots, cauliflower, soybean, Arabidopsis, and rice with all the characteristics expected for a telomerase synthesizing the plant telomere repeat sequence TTTAGGG. The activity was dependent on RNA and protein components, required dGTP, dATP, and dTTP, but not dCTP, and generated products with a seven nucleotide periodicity. Telomerase activity was abundant in cauliflower meristematic tissue and undifferentiated cells from Arabidopsis, soybean, and carrot suspension cultures, but was low or not detectable in a sampling of differentiated tissues from mature plants. Telomerase from cauliflower meristematic tissues exhibited relaxed DNA sequence requirements, which might reflect the capacity to form telomeres on broken chromosomes in vivo. The dramatic differences in telomerase expression and their correlation with cellular proliferation capacity mirror changes in human telomerase levels during differentiation and immortalization. Hence, telomerase activation appears to be a conserved mechanism involved in conferring long-term proliferation capacity.
A strategy employing gene-trap mutagenesis and site-specific recombination (Cre/loxP) has been developed to isolate genes that are transcriptionally activated during programmed cell death. Interleukin-3 (IL-3)-dependent hematopoietic precursor cells (FDCP1) expressing a reporter plasmid that codes for herpes simplex virus–thymidine kinase, neomycin phosphotransferase, and murine IL-3 were transduced with a retroviral gene-trap vector carrying coding sequences for Cre-recombinase (Cre) in the U3 region. Activation of Cre expression from integrations into active genes resulted in a permanent switching between the selectable marker genes that converted the FDCP1 cells to factor independence. Selection for autonomous growth yielded recombinants in which Cre sequences in the U3 region were expressed from upstream cellular promoters. Because the expression of the marker genes is independent of the trapped cellular promoter, genes could be identified that were transiently induced by IL-3 withdrawal.
HMG I(Y) proteins bind to double-stranded A+T oligonucleotides longer than three base pairs. Such motifs form part of numerous NF-AT-binding sites of lymphokine promoters, including the interleukin 4 (IL-4) promoter. NF-AT factors share short homologous peptide sequences in their DNA-binding domain with NF-κB factors and bind to certain NF-κB sites. It has been shown that HMG I(Y) proteins enhance NF-κB binding to the interferon β promoter and virus-mediated interferon β promoter induction. We show that HMG I(Y) proteins exert an opposite effect on the DNA binding of NF-AT factors and the induction of the IL-4 promoter in T lymphocytes. Introduction of mutations into a high-affinity HMG I(Y)-binding site of the IL-4 promoter, which decreased HMG I(Y)-binding to a NF-AT-binding sequence, the Pu-bB (or P) site, distinctly increased the induction of the IL-4 promoter in Jurkat T leukemia cells. High concentrations of HMG I(Y) proteins are able to displace NF-ATp from its binding to the Pu-bB site. High HMG I(Y) concentrations are typical for Jurkat cells and peripheral blood T lymphocytes, whereas El4 T lymphoma cells and certain T helper type 2 cell clones contain relatively low HMG I(Y) concentrations. Our results indicate that HMG I(Y) proteins do not cooperate, but instead compete with NF-AT factors for the binding to DNA even though NF-AT factors share some DNA-binding properties with NF-kB factors. This competition between HMG I(Y) and NF-AT proteins for DNA binding might be due to common contacts with minor groove nucleotides of DNA and may be one mechanism contributing to the selective IL-4 expression in certain T lymphocyte populations, such as T helper type 2 cells.
The role of the male gamete—the sperm cell—in the process of fertilization is to recognize, adhere to, and fuse with the female gamete. These highly specialized functions are expected to be controlled by activation of a unique set of genes. However, male gametic cells traditionally have been regarded as transcriptionally quiescent because of highly condensed chromatin and a very reduced amount of cytoplasm. Here, we provide evidence for male gamete-specific gene expression in flowering plants. We identified and characterized a gene, LGC1, which was shown to be expressed exclusively in the male gametic cells. The gene product of LGC1 was localized at the surface of male gametic cells, suggesting a possible role in sperm–egg interactions. These findings represent an important step toward defining the molecular mechanisms of male gamete development and the cellular processes involved in fertilization of flowering plants.
Apical proteins are sorted and delivered from the trans-Golgi network to the plasma membrane by a mechanism involving sphingolipid–cholesterol rafts. In this paper, we report the effects of changing the levels of VIP17/MAL, a tetraspan membrane protein localized to post-Golgi transport containers and the apical cell surface in MDCK cells. Overexpression of VIP17/MAL disturbed the morphology of the MDCK cell layers by increasing apical delivery and seemingly expanding the apical cell surface domains. On the other hand, expression of antisense RNA directed against VIP17/MAL caused accumulation in the Golgi and/or impaired apical transport of different apical protein markers, i.e., influenza virus hemagglutinin, the secretory protein clusterin (gp80), the transmembrane protein gp114, and a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein. However, antisense RNA expression did not affect the distribution of E-cadherin to the basolateral surface. Because VIP17/MAL associates with sphingolipid–cholesterol rafts, these data provide functional evidence that this protein is involved in apical transport and might be a component of the machinery clustering lipid rafts with apical cargo to form apical transport carriers.
To assess the role of the Ogg1 DNA glycosylase in the transcription-coupled repair (TCR) of the mutagenic lesion, 7,8-dihydro-8oxoguanine (8-OxoG), we have investigated the removal of this lesion in wild-type and ogg1−/− null mouse embryo fibroblast (MEF) cell lines. We used nonreplicating plasmids containing a single 8-OxoG·C base pair in a different assay that allowed us to study the removal of 8-OxoG located in a transcribed sequence (TS) or in a nontranscribed sequence (NTS). The results show that the removal of 8-OxoG in a wild-type MEF cell line is faster in the TS than in the NTS, indicating TCR of 8-OxoG in murine cells. In the homozygous ogg1−/− MEF cell line, 8-OxoG was not removed from the NTS whereas there was still efficient 8-OxoG repair in the TS. Expression of the mouse Ogg1 protein in the homozygous ogg1−/− cell line restored the ability to remove 8-OxoG in the NTS. Therefore, we have demonstrated that Ogg1 is essential for the repair of 8-OxoG in the NTS but is not required in the TS. These results indicate the existence of an Ogg1-independent pathway for the TCR of 8-OxoG in vivo.