159 resultados para Photoacoustic signal
Anoxia induces a rapid elevation of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) in maize (Zea mays L.) cells, which is caused by the release of the ion from intracellular stores. This anoxic Ca2+ release is important for gene activation and survival in O2-deprived maize seedlings and cells. In this study we examined the contribution of mitochondrial Ca2+ to the anoxic [Ca2+]cyt elevation in maize cells. Imaging of intramitochondrial Ca2+ levels showed that a majority of mitochondria released their Ca2+ in response to anoxia and took up Ca2+ upon reoxygenation. We also investigated whether the mitochondrial Ca2+ release contributed to the increase in [Ca2+]cyt under anoxia. Analysis of the spatial association between anoxic [Ca2+]cyt changes and the distribution of mitochondrial and other intracellular Ca2+ stores revealed that the largest [Ca2+]cyt increases occurred close to mitochondria and away from the tonoplast. In addition, carbonylcyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenyl hydrazone treatment depolarized mitochondria and caused a mild elevation of [Ca2+]cyt under aerobic conditions but prevented a [Ca2+]cyt increase in response to a subsequent anoxic pulse. These results suggest that mitochondria play an important role in the anoxic elevation of [Ca2+]cyt and participate in the signaling of O2 deprivation.
Cultured cells of Eschscholtzia californica (Californian poppy) respond to a yeast elicitor preparation or Penicillium cyclopium spores with the production of benzophenanthridine alkaloids, which are potent phytoalexins. Confocal pH mapping with the probe carboxy-seminaphthorhodafluor-1-acetoxymethylester revealed characteristic shifts of the pH distribution in challenged cells: within a few minutes after elicitor contact a transient acidification of cytoplasmic and nuclear areas occurred in parallel with an increase of the vacuolar pH. The change of proton concentration in the vacuole and in the extravacuolar area showed a nearly constant relation, indicating an efflux of vacuolar protons into the cytosol. A 10-min treatment with 2 mm butyric or pivalic acid caused a transient acidification of the cytoplasm comparable to that observed after elicitor contact and also induced alkaloid biosynthesis. Experimental depletion of the vacuolar proton pool reversibly prevented both the elicitor-triggered pH shifts and the induction of alkaloid biosynthesis. pH shifts and induction of alkaloid biosynthesis showed a similar dependence on the elicitor concentration. Net efflux of K+, alkalinization of the outer medium, and browning of the cells were evoked only at higher elicitor concentrations. We suggest that transient acidification of the cytoplasm via efflux of vacuolar protons is both a necessary and sufficient step in the signal path toward biosynthesis of benzophenanthridine alkaloids in Californian poppy cells.
Fucoid algae release gametes into seawater following an inductive light period (potentiation), and gamete expulsion from potentiated receptacles of Pelvetia compressa began about 2 min after a light-to-dark transition. Agitation of the medium reversed potentiation, with an exponential time course completed in about 3 h. Light regulated two signaling pathways during potentiation and gamete expulsion: a photosynthetic pathway and a photosynthesis-independent pathway in which red light was active but blue light was not. Uptake of K+ appears to have an important role in potentiation, because a 50% inhibition of potentiation occurred in the presence of the tetraethylammonium ion, a K+-channel blocker. A central role of anion channels in the maintenance of potentiation is suggested by the premature release of gametes in the light when receptacles were incubated with inhibitors of slow-type anion channels. An inhibitor of tyrosine kinases, tyrphostin A63, also inhibited potentiation. A model for gamete release from P. compressa is presented that proposes that illumination results in the accumulation of ions (e.g. K+) throughout the cells of the receptacle during potentiation, which then move into the extracellular matrix during gamete expulsion to generate osmomechanical force, resulting in gamete release.
The effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on the accumulation of proteinase inhibitors I (Inh I) and II (Inh II) in young, excised tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) plants were investigated. When supplied to excised plants through the cut stems, 100 μm ABA induced the activation of the ABA-responsive le4 gene. However, under the same conditions of assay, ABA at concentrations of up to 100 μm induced only low levels of proteinase-inhibitor proteins or mRNAs, compared with levels induced by systemin or jasmonic acid over the 24 h following treatment. In addition, ABA only weakly induced the accumulation of mRNAs of several other wound-response proteins. Assays of the ABA concentrations in leaves following wounding indicated that the ABA levels increased preferentially near the wound site, suggesting that ABA may have accumulated because of desiccation. The evidence suggests that ABA is not a component of the wound-inducible signal transduction pathway leading to defense gene activation but is likely involved in the general maintenance of a healthy plant physiology that facilitates a normal wound response.
Grafting experiments between phytochrome B antisense and wild-type potato (Solanum tuberosum L. subsp. andigena [line 7540]) plants provide evidence that phytochrome B is involved in the production of a graft-transmissible inhibitor of tuberization, the level of which is reduced in the antisense plants, allowing them to tuberize in noninducing photoperiods.
The Ser/Thr kinase Raf-1 is a protooncogene product that is a central component in many signaling pathways involved in normal cell growth and oncogenic transformation. Upon activation, Raf-1 phosphorylates mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK), which in turn activates mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinases (MAPK/ERKs), leading to the propagation of signals. Depending on specific stimuli and cellular environment, the Raf-1–MEK–ERK cascade regulates diverse cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Here, we describe a MEK–ERK-independent prosurvival function of Raf-1. We found that Raf-1 interacts with the proapoptotic, stress-activated protein kinase ASK1 (apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1) in vitro and in vivo. Deletion analysis localized the Raf-1 binding site to the N-terminal regulatory fragment of ASK1. This interaction allows Raf-1 to act independently of the MEK–ERK pathway to inhibit apoptosis. Furthermore, catalytically inactive forms of Raf-1 can mimic the wild-type effect, raising the possibility of a kinase-independent function of Raf-1. Thus, Raf-1 may promote cell survival through its protein–protein interactions in addition to its established MEK kinase function.
Amino-terminal signal sequences target nascent secretory and membrane proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum for translocation. Subsequent interactions between the signal sequence and components of the translocation machinery at the endoplasmic reticulum are thought to be important for the productive engagement of the translocon by the ribosome-nascent chain complex. However, it is not clear whether all signal sequences carry out these posttargeting steps identically, or if there are differences in the interactions directed by one signal sequence versus another. In this study, we find substantial differences in the ability of signal sequences from different substrates to mediate closure of the ribosome–translocon junction early in translocation. We also show that these differences in some cases necessitate functional coordination between the signal sequence and mature domain for faithful translocation. Accordingly, the translocation of some proteins is sensitive to replacement of their signal sequences. In a particularly dramatic example, the topology of the prion protein was found to depend highly on the choice of signal sequence used to direct its translocation. Taken together, our results reveal an unanticipated degree of substrate-specific functionality encoded in N-terminal signal sequences.
The docking protein FRS2α has been implicated as a mediator of signaling via fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs). We have demonstrated that targeted disruption of FRS2α gene causes severe impairment in mouse development resulting in embryonal lethality at E7.0–E7.5. Experiments with FRS2α-deficient fibroblasts demonstrate that FRS2α plays a critical role in FGF-induced mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase stimulation, phosphatidylinositol-3 (PI-3) kinase activation, chemotactic response, and cell proliferation. Following FGF stimulation, tyrosine phosphorylated FRS2α functions as a site for coordinated assembly of a multiprotein complex that includes Gab1 and the effector proteins that are recruited by this docking protein. Furthermore, we demonstrate that different tyrosine phosphorylation sites on FRS2α are responsible for mediating different FGF-induced biological responses. These experiments establish the central role of FRS2α in signaling via FGFRs and demonstrate that FRS2α mediates multiple FGFR-dependent signaling pathways critical for embryonic development.
Glucose is the preferred carbon source for most eukaryotic cells and has profound effects on many cellular functions. How cells sense glucose and transduce a signal into the cell is a fundamental, unanswered question. Here we describe evidence that two unusual glucose transporters in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae serve as glucose sensors that generate an intracellular glucose signal. The Snf3p high-affinity glucose transporter appears to function as a low glucose sensor, since it is required for induction of expression of several hexose transporter (HXT) genes, encoding glucose transporters, by low levels of glucose. We have identified another apparent glucose transporter, Rgt2p, that is strikingly similar to Snf3p and is required for maximal induction of gene expression in response to high levels of glucose. This suggests that Rgt2p is a high glucose-sensing counterpart to Snf3p. We identified a dominant mutation in RGT2 that causes constitutive expression of several HXT genes, even in the absence of the inducer glucose. This same mutation introduced into SNF3 also causes glucose-independent expression of HXT genes. Thus, the Rgt2p and Snf3p glucose transporters appear to act as glucose receptors that generate an intracellular glucose signal, suggesting that glucose signaling in yeast is a receptor-mediated process.
Urea (200-400 milliosmolar) activates transcription, translation of, and trans-activation by the immediate-early gene transcription factor Egr-1 in a renal epithelial cell-specific fashion. The effect at the transcriptional level has been attributed to multiple serum response elements and their adjacent Ets motifs located within the Egr-1 promoter. Elk-1, a principal ternary complex factor and Ets domain-containing protein, is a substrate of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) mitogen-activated protein kinases. In the renal medullary mIMCD3 cell line, urea (200-400 milliosmolar) activated both ERK1 and ERK2 as determined by in-gel kinase assay and immune-complex kinase assay of epitope-tagged] ERK1 and ERK2. Importantly, urea did not affect abundance of either ERK. Urea-inducible Egr-1 transcription was a consequence of ERK activation because the ERK-specific inhibitor, PD98059, abrogated transcription from the murine Egr-1 promoter in a luciferase reported gene assay. In addition, activators of protein kinase A, including forskolin and 8-Br-cAMP, which are known to inhibit ERK-mediated events, also inhibited urea-inducible Egr-1 transcription. Furthermore, urea-inducible activation of the physiological ERK substrate and transcription factor, Elk-1, was demonstrated through transient cotransfection of a chimeric Elk-1/GAL4 expression plasmid and a GAL4-driven luciferase reporter plasmid. Taken together, these data indicate that, in mIMCD3 cells, urea activates ERKs and the ERK substrate, Elk-1, and that ERK inhibition abrogates urea-inducible Egr-1 transcription. These data are consistent with a model of urea-inducible renal medullary gene expression wherein sequential activation of ERKs and Elk-1 results in increased transcription of Egr-1 through serum response element/Ets motifs.
Chemotaxis in bacteria is controlled by regulating the direction of flagellar rotation. The regulation is carried out by the chemotaxis protein CheY. When phosphorylated, CheY binds to FliM, which is one of the proteins that constitute the "gear box" (or "switch") of the flagellar motor. Consequently, the motor shifts from the default direction of rotation, counterclockwise, to clockwise rotation. This biased rotation is terminated when CheY is dephosphorylated either spontaneously or, faster, by a specific phosphatase, CheZ. Logically, one might expect CheZ to act directly on FliM-bound CheY. However, here we provide direct biochemical evidence that, in contrast to this expectation, phosphorylated CheY (CheY approximately P), bound to FliM, is protected from dephosphorylation by CheZ. The complex between CheY approximately P and FliM was trapped by cross-linking with dimethylsuberimidate, and its susceptibility to CheZ was measured. CheY approximately P complexed with FliM, unlike free CheY approximately P, was not dephosphorylated by CheZ. However, it did undergo spontaneous dephosphorylation. Nonspecific cross-linked CheY dimers, measured as a control, were dephosphorylated by CheZ. No significant binding between CheZ and any of the switch proteins was detected. It is concluded that, in the termination mechanism of signal transduction in bacterial chemotaxis, CheZ acts only on free CheY approximately P. We suggest that CheZ affects switch-bound CheY approximately P by shifting the equilibrium between bound and free CheY approximately P.
The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 displays inefficient intracellular transport, which is caused by its retention in the endoplasmic reticulum. Coexpression in insect cells (Sf9) of HIV-1 gp120 with calnexin has shown that their interaction was modulated by the signal sequence of HIV-1 gp120. gp120, with its natural signal sequence, showed a prolonged association with calnexin with a t1/2 of greater than 20 min. Replacement of the natural signal sequence with the signal sequence from mellitin led to a decreased time of association of gp120 with calnexin (t1/2 < 10 min). These different times of calnexin association coincided both with the folding of gp120 as measured by the ability of bind CD4 and with endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi transport as analyzed by the acquisition of partial endoglycosidase H resistance. Using a monospecific antibody to the HIV-1 gp120 natural signal peptide, we showed that calnexin associated with N-glycosylated but uncleaved gp120. Only after dissociation from calnexin was gp120 cleaved, but very inefficiently. Only the small proportion of signal-cleaved gp120 molecules acquired transport competence and were secreted. This is the first report demonstrating the effect of the signal sequence on calnexin association.
Neurons in primary visual cortex (area 17) respond vigorously to oriented stimuli within their receptive fields; however, stimuli presented outside the suprathreshold receptive field can also influence their responses. Here we describe a fundamental feature of the spatial interaction between suprathreshold center and subthreshold surround. By optical imaging of intrinsic signals in area 17 in response to a stimulus border, we show that a given stimulus generates activity primarily in iso-orientation domains, which extend for several millimeters across the cortical surface in a manner consistent with the architecture of long-range horizontal connections in area 17. By mapping the receptive fields of single neurons and imaging responses from the same cortex to stimuli that include or exclude the aggregate suprathreshold receptive field, we show that intrinsic signals strongly reveal the subthreshold surround contribution. Optical imaging and single-unit recording both demonstrate that the relative contrast of center and surround stimuli regulates whether surround interactions are facilitative or suppressive: the same surround stimulus facilitates responses when center contrast is low, but suppresses responses when center contrast is high. Such spatial interactions in area 17 are ideally suited to contribute to phenomena commonly regarded as part of "higher-level" visual processing, such as perceptual "popout" and "filling-in."
Intercellular communication among certain cell types can occur via ATP secretion, which leads to stimulation of nucleotide receptors on target cells. In epithelial cells, however, intercellular communication is thought to occur instead via gap junctions. Here we examined whether one epithelial cell type, hepatocytes, can also communicate via nucleotide secretion. The effects on cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) of mechanical stimulation, including microinjection, were examined in isolated rat hepatocytes and in isolated bile duct units using confocal fluorescence video microscopy. Mechanical stimulation of a single hepatocyte evoked an increase in [Ca2+]i in the stimulated cell plus an unexpected [Ca2+]i rise in neighboring noncontacting hepatocytes. Perifusion with ATP before mechanical stimulation suppressed the [Ca2+]i increase, but pretreatment with phenylephrine did not. The P2 receptor antagonist suramin inhibited these intercellular [Ca2+]i signals. The ATP/ADPase apyrase reversibly inhibited the [Ca2+]i rise induced by mechanical stimulation, and did not block vasopressin-induced [Ca2+]i signals. Mechanical stimulation of hepatocytes also induced a [Ca2+]i increase in cocultured isolated bile duct units, and this [Ca2+]i increase was inhibited by apyrase as well. Finally, this form of [Ca2+]i signaling could be elicited in the presence of propidium iodide without nuclear labeling by that dye, indicating that this phenomenon does not depend on disruption of the stimulated cell. Thus, mechanical stimulation of isolated hepatocytes, including by microinjection, can evoke [Ca2+]i signals in the stimulated cell as well as in neighboring noncontacting hepatocytes and bile duct epithelia. This signaling is mediated by release of ATP or other nucleotides into the extracellular space. This is an important technical consideration given the widespread use of microinjection techniques for examining mechanisms of signal transduction. Moreover, the evidence provided suggests a novel paracrine signaling pathway for epithelia, which previously were thought to communicate exclusively via gap junctions.