143 resultados para Impairs Endocytosis


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Activation of the p53 tumor suppressor protein has been demonstrated to block cell growth by inducing either a transient cell cycle arrest or programmed cell death (apoptosis). Although evidence exists linking p53’s function as an activator of transcription to its ability to effect cell cycle arrest, the role of this activity in the induction of apoptosis remains unclear. To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying p53-mediated antiproliferative pathways, a study was initiated to explore the functions of a putative p53 signaling domain. This region of the human p53 protein is localized between amino acids 61 and 94 (out of 393) and is noteworthy in that it contains five repeats of the sequence PXXP (where P represents proline and X any amino acid). This motif has been shown to play a role in signal transduction via its SH3 domain binding activity. A p53 cDNA deletion mutant (ΔproAE), which lacks this entire proline-rich domain (deleted for amino acids 62–91), was created and characterized for a variety of p53 functions. The entire domain has been shown to be completely dispensable for transcriptional activation. On the other hand, this deletion of the p53 proline-rich domain impairs p53’s ability to suppress tumor cell growth in culture. Amino acid substitution mutations at residues 22 and 23 of p53 (eliminates transcriptional activity) also impair p53-mediated inhibition of cell growth in culture. Unlike wild-type p53, the ΔproAE mutant cDNA can be stably expressed in tumor derived cell lines with few immediate detrimental effects. These cells express physiologic levels of p53 protein that are induced normally in response to DNA damage, indicating that removal of the proline-rich domain does not disrupt p53’s upstream regulation by DNA damage. These data indicate that, in addition to the transcriptional activation domain, the p53 proline-rich domain plays a critical role in the transmission of antiproliferative signals downstream of the p53 protein and may link p53 to a direct signal transduction pathway.


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CD26 is a T cell activation antigen known to bind adenosine deaminase and have dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity. Cross-linking of CD26 and CD3 with immobilized mAbs can deliver a costimulatory signal that contributes to T cell activation. Our earlier studies revealed that cross-linking of CD26 induces its internalization, the phosphorylation of a number of proteins involved in the signaling pathway, and subsequent T cell proliferation. Although these findings suggest the importance of internalization in the function of CD26, CD26 has only 6 aa residues in its cytoplasmic region with no known motif for endocytosis. In the present study, we have identified the mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor II receptor (M6P/IGFIIR) as a binding protein for CD26 and that mannose 6-phosphate (M6P) residues in the carbohydrate moiety of CD26 are critical for this binding. Activation of peripheral blood T cells results in the mannose 6 phosphorylation of CD26. In addition, the cross-linking of CD26 with an anti-CD26 antibody induces not only capping and internalization of CD26 but also colocalization of CD26 with M6P/IGFIIR. Finally, both internalization of CD26 and the T cell proliferative response induced by CD26-mediated costimulation were inhibited by the addition of M6P, but not by glucose 6-phosphate or mannose 1-phosphate. These results indicate that internalization of CD26 after cross-linking is mediated in part by M6P/IGFIIR and that the interaction between mannose 6-phosphorylated CD26 and M6P/IGFIIR may play an important role in CD26-mediated T cell costimulatory signaling.


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Early experiences such as prenatal stress significantly influence the development of the brain and the organization of behavior. In particular, prenatal stress impairs memory processes but the mechanism for this effect is not known. Hippocampal granule neurons are generated throughout life and are involved in hippocampal-dependent learning. Here, we report that prenatal stress in rats induced lifespan reduction of neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus and produced impairment in hippocampal-related spatial tasks. Prenatal stress blocked the increase of learning-induced neurogenesis. These data strengthen pathophysiological hypotheses that propose an early neurodevelopmental origin for psychopathological vulnerabilities in aging.


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A requirement for scaffolding complexes containing internalized G protein-coupled receptors and β-arrestins in the activation and subcellular localization of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) has recently been proposed. However, the composition of these complexes and the importance of this requirement for function of ERK1/2 appear to differ between receptors. Here we report that substance P (SP) activation of neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1R) stimulates the formation of a scaffolding complex comprising internalized receptor, β-arrestin, src, and ERK1/2 (detected by gel filtration, immunoprecipitation, and immunofluorescence). Inhibition of complex formation, by expression of dominant-negative β-arrestin or a truncated NK1R that fails to interact with β-arrestin, inhibits both SP-stimulated endocytosis of the NK1R and activation of ERK1/2, which is required for the proliferative and antiapoptotic effects of SP. Thus, formation of a β-arrestin-containing complex facilitates the proliferative and antiapoptotic effects of SP, and these effects of SP could be diminished in cells expressing truncated NK1R corresponding to a naturally occurring variant.


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The infectious agent of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies is believed to consist of an oligomeric isoform, PrPSc, of the monomeric cellular prion protein, PrPC. The conversion of PrPC to PrPSc is characterized by a decrease in α-helical structure, an increase in β-sheet content, and the formation of PrPSc amyloid. Whereas the N-terminal part of PrPC comprising residues 23–120 is flexibly disordered, its C-terminal part, PrP(121–231), forms a globular domain with three α-helices and a small β-sheet. Because the segment of residues 90–231 is protease-resistant in PrPSc, it is most likely structured in the PrPSc form. The conformational change of the segment containing residues 90–120 thus constitutes the minimal structural difference between PrPC and a PrPSc monomer. To test whether PrP(121–231) is also capable to undergo conformational transitions, we analyzed its urea-dependent unfolding transitions at neutral and acidic pH. We identified an equilibrium unfolding intermediate of PrP(121–231) that is exclusively populated at acidic pH and shows spectral characteristics of a β-sheet protein. The intermediate is in rapid equilibrium with native PrP(121–231), significantly populated in the absence of urea at pH 4.0, and may have important implications for the presumed formation of PrPSc during endocytosis.


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Heterotrimeric G proteins mediate the earliest step in cell responses to external events by linking cell surface receptors to intracellular signaling pathways. Gz is a member of the Gi family of G proteins that is prominently expressed in platelets and brain. Here, we show that deletion of the α subunit of Gz in mice: (i) impairs platelet aggregation by preventing the inhibition of cAMP formation normally seen at physiologic concentrations of epinephrine, and (ii) causes the mice to be more resistant to fatal thromboembolism. Loss of Gzα also results in greatly exaggerated responses to cocaine, reduces the analgesic effects of morphine, and abolishes the effects of widely used antidepressant drugs that act as catecholamine reuptake inhibitors. These changes occur despite the presence of other Giα family members in the same cells and are not accompanied by detectable compensatory changes in the level of expression of other G protein subunits. Therefore, these results provide insights into receptor selectivity among G proteins and a model for understanding platelet function and the effects of psychoactive drugs.


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Mucolipidosis, type IV (ML-IV) is an autosomal recessive storage disease that is characterized by lysosomal accumulation of sphingolipids, phospholipids, and acid mucopolysaccharides. Unlike most other storage diseases, the lysosomal hydrolases participating in the catabolism of the stored molecules appear to be normal. In the present study, we examined the hypothesis that the ML-IV phenotype might arise from abnormal transport along the lysosomal pathway. By using various markers for endocytosis, we found that plasma membrane internalization and recycling were nearly identical in ML-IV and normal fibroblasts. A fluorescent analog of lactosylceramide (LacCer) was used to study plasma membrane lipid internalization and subsequent transport. Lipid internalization at 19°C was similar in both cell types; however, 40–60 min after raising the temperature to 37°C, the fluorescent lipid accumulated in the lysosomes of ML-IV cells but was mainly concentrated at the Golgi complex of normal fibroblasts. Biochemical studies demonstrated that at these time points, hydrolysis of the lipid analog was minimal (∼7%) in both cell types. A fluorescence ratio imaging assay was developed to monitor accumulation of fluorescent LacCer in the lysosomes and showed that the apparent concentration of the lipid increased more rapidly and to a greater extent in ML-IV cells than in normal fibroblasts. By 60 min, LacCer apparently decreased in the lysosomes of normal fibroblasts but not in ML-IV cells, suggesting that lipid efflux from the lysosomes was also impaired. These results demonstrate that there is a defect in ML-IV fibroblasts that affects membrane sorting and/or late steps of endocytosis.


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The PTEN/MMAC1 phosphatase is a tumor suppressor gene implicated in a wide range of human cancers. Here we provide biochemical and functional evidence that PTEN/MMAC1 acts a negative regulator of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3-kinase)/Akt pathway. PTEN/MMAC1 impairs activation of endogenous Akt in cells and inhibits phosphorylation of 4E-BP1, a downstream target of the PI3-kinase/Akt pathway involved in protein translation, whereas a catalytically inactive, dominant negative PTEN/MMAC1 mutant enhances 4E-BP1 phosphorylation. In addition, PTEN/MMAC1 represses gene expression in a manner that is rescued by Akt but not PI3-kinase. Finally, higher levels of Akt activation are observed in human prostate cancer cell lines and xenografts lacking PTEN/MMAC1 expression when compared with PTEN/MMAC1-positive prostate tumors or normal prostate tissue. Because constitutive activation of either PI3-kinase or Akt is known to induce cellular transformation, an increase in the activation of this pathway caused by mutations in PTEN/MMAC1 provides a potential mechanism for its tumor suppressor function.


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Remnants of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins containing apolipoprotein (apo) B-48 accumulate in apo E-deficient mice, causing pronounced hypercholesterolemia. Mice doubly deficient in apo E and hepatic lipase have more pronounced hypercholesterolemia, even though remnants do not accumulate appreciably in mice deficient in hepatic lipase alone. Here we show that the doubly deficient mice manifest a unique lamellar hyperlipoproteinemia, characterized by vesicular particles 600 Å–1,300 Å in diameter. As seen by negative-staining electron microscopy, these lipoproteins also contain an electron-lucent region adjacent to the vesicle wall, similar to the core of typical lipoproteins. Correlative chemical analysis indicates that the vesicle wall is composed of a 1:1 molar mixture of cholesterol and phospholipids, whereas the electron-lucent region appears to be composed of cholesteryl esters (about 12% of the particle mass). Like the spherical lipoproteins of doubly deficient mice, the vesicular particles contain apo B-48, but they are particularly rich in apo A-IV. We propose that cholesteryl esters are removed from spherical lipoproteins of these mice by scavenger receptor B1, leaving behind polar lipid-rich particles that fuse to form vesicular lipoproteins. Hepatic lipase may prevent such vesicular lipoproteins from accumulating in apo E-deficient mice by hydrolyzing phosphatidyl choline as scavenger receptor B1 removes the cholesteryl esters and by gradual endocytosis of lipoproteins bound to hepatic lipase on the surface of hepatocytes.


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The U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein (snoRNP) is required for three cleavage events that generate the mature 18S rRNA from the pre-rRNA. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, depletion of Mpp10, a U3 snoRNP-specific protein, halts 18S rRNA production and impairs cleavage at the three U3 snoRNP-dependent sites: A0, A1, and A2. We have identified truncation mutations of Mpp10 that affect 18S rRNA synthesis and confer cold-sensitivity and slow growth. However, distinct from yeast cells depleted of Mpp10, the mutants carrying these truncated Mpp10 proteins accumulate a novel precursor, resulting from cleavage at only A0. The Mpp10 truncations do not alter association of Mpp10 with the U3 snoRNA, nor do they affect snoRNA or protein stability. Thus, the role in processing of the U3 snoRNP can be separated into cleavage at the A0 site, which occurs in the presence of truncated Mpp10, and cleavage at the A1/A2 sites, which occurs only with intact Mpp10. These results strongly argue for a role for Mpp10 in processing at the A1/A2 sites.


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Objective: To investigate whether asthma or its treatment impairs children’s growth, after allowing for socioeconomic group.


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The two widely coexpressed isoforms of β-arrestin (termed βarrestin 1 and 2) are highly similar in amino acid sequence. The β-arrestins bind phosphorylated heptahelical receptors to desensitize and target them to clathrin-coated pits for endocytosis. To better define differences in the roles of β-arrestin 1 and 2, we prepared mouse embryonic fibroblasts from knockout mice that lack one of the β-arrestins (βarr1-KO and βarr2-KO) or both (βarr1/2-KO), as well as their wild-type (WT) littermate controls. These cells were analyzed for their ability to support desensitization and sequestration of the β2-adrenergic receptor (β2-AR) and the angiotensin II type 1A receptor (AT1A-R). Both βarr1-KO and βarr2-KO cells showed similar impairment in agonist-stimulated β2-AR and AT1A-R desensitization, when compared with their WT control cells, and the βarr1/2-KO cells were even further impaired. Sequestration of the β2-AR in the βarr2-KO cells was compromised significantly (87% reduction), whereas in the βarr1-KO cells it was not. Agonist-stimulated internalization of the AT1A-R was only slightly reduced in the βarr1-KO but was unaffected in the βarr2-KO cells. In the βarr1/2-KO cells, the sequestration of both receptors was dramatically reduced. Comparison of the ability of the two β-arrestins to sequester the β2-AR revealed β-arrestin 2 to be 100-fold more potent than β-arrestin 1. Down-regulation of the β2-AR was also prevented in the βarr1/2-KO cells, whereas no change was observed in the single knockout cells. These findings suggest that sequestration of various heptahelical receptors is regulated differently by the two β-arrestins, whereas both isoforms are capable of supporting receptor desensitization and down-regulation.


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The small GTPase Rab4 is implicated in endocytosis in all cell types, but also plays a specific role in some regulated processes. To better understand the role of Rab4 in regulation of vesicular trafficking, we searched for an effector(s) that specifically recognizes its GTP-bound form. We cloned a ubiquitous 69-kDa protein, Rabip4, that behaves as a Rab4 effector in the yeast two-hybrid system and in the mammalian cell. Rabip4 contains two coiled-coil domains and a FYVE-finger domain. When expressed in CHO cells, Rabip4 is present in early endosomes, because it is colocated with endogenous Early Endosome Antigen 1, although it is absent from Rab11-positive recycling endosomes and Rab-7 positive late endosomes. The coexpression of Rabip4 with active Rab4, but not with inactive Rab4, leads to an enlargement of early endosomes. It strongly increases the degree of colocalization of markers of sorting (Rab5) and recycling (Rab11) endosomes with Rab4. Furthermore, the expression of Rabip4 leads to the intracellular retention of a recycling molecule, the glucose transporter Glut 1. We propose that Rabip4, an effector of Rab4, controls early endosomal traffic possibly by activating a backward transport step from recycling to sorting endosomes.


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Thioredoxin (Trx) is an intracellular redox protein with extracellular cytokine-like and chemokine-like activities. We show here that, although plasma Trx levels are unrelated to survival of HIV-infected individuals with CD4 cell counts above 200/μl blood, survival is significantly impaired (P = 0.003) when plasma Trx is chronically elevated in HIV-infected subjects with CD4 T cell counts below this level (i.e., with Centers for Disease Control (CDC)-defined AIDS). Relevant to the mechanism potentially underlying this finding, we also present data from experimental studies in mice showing that elevated plasma Trx efficiently blocks lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced chemotaxis, an innate immune mechanism that is particularly crucial when adaptive immunity is compromised. Thus, we propose that elevated plasma Trx in HIV-infected individuals with low CD4 T cell counts directly impairs survival by blocking pathogen-induced chemotaxis, effectively eliminating the last (innate) barrier against establishment of opportunistic and other infections in these immunodeficient individuals.


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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, clathrin is necessary for localization of trans-Golgi network (TGN) membrane proteins, a process that involves cycling of TGN proteins between the TGN and endosomes. To characterize further TGN protein localization, we applied a screen for mutations that cause severe growth defects in combination with a temperature-sensitive clathrin heavy chain. This screen yielded a mutant allele of RIC1. Cells carrying a deletion of RIC1 (ric1Δ) mislocalize TGN membrane proteins Kex2p and Vps10p to the vacuole. Delivery to the vacuole occurs in ric1Δ cells also harboring end3Δ to block endocytosis, indicative of a defect in retrieval to the TGN rather than sorting to endosomes. SYS1, originally discovered as a multicopy suppressor of defects caused by the absence of the Rab GTPase YPT6, was identified as a multicopy suppressor of ric1Δ. Further comparison of ric1Δ and ypt6Δ cells demonstrated identical phenotypes. Multicopy plasmids expressing v-SNAREs Gos1p or Ykt6p, but not other v- and t-SNAREs, partially suppressed phenotypes of ric1Δ and ypt6Δ cells. SLY1–20, a dominant activator of the cis-Golgi network t-SNARE Sed5p, also functioned as a multicopy suppressor. Because Gos1p and Ykt6p interact with Sed5p, these results raise the possibility that TGN membrane protein localization requires Ric1p- and Ypt6p-dependent retrieval to the cis-Golgi network.