106 resultados para Duplex circulator


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We have previously reported an enhanced version of sequencing by hybridization (SBH), termed positional SBH (PSBH). PSBH uses partially duplex probes containing single-stranded 3' overhangs, instead of simple single-stranded probes. Stacking interactions between the duplex probe and a single-stranded target allow us to reduce the probe sizes required to 5-base single-stranded overhangs. Here we demonstrate the use of PSBH to capture relatively long single-stranded DNA targets and perform standard solid-state Sanger sequencing on these primer-template complexes without ligation. Our results indicate that only 5 bases of known terminal sequence are required for priming. In addition, the partially duplex probes have the ability to capture their specific target from a mixture of five single-stranded targets with different 3'-terminal sequences. This indicates the potential utility of the PSBH approach to sequence mixtures of DNA targets without prior purification.


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Escherichia coli RecA protein, in the presence of ATP or its analog adenosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate, polymerizes on single-stranded DNA to form nucleoprotein filaments that can then bind to homologous sequences on duplex DNA. The three-stranded joint molecule formed as a result of this binding event is a key intermediate in general recombination. We have used affinity cleavage to examine this three-stranded joint by incorporating a single thymidine-EDTA.Fe (T*) into the oligonucleotide part of the filament. Our analysis of the cleavage patterns from the joint molecule reveals that the nucleoprotein filament binds in the minor groove of an extended Watson-Crick duplex.


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A yeast gene has been identified by screening for DNA replication mutants using a permeabilized cell replication assay. The mutant is temperature sensitive for growth and shows a cell cycle phenotype typical of DNA replication mutants. RNA synthesis is normal in the mutant but DNA synthesis ceases upon shift to the nonpermissive temperature. The DNA2 gene was cloned by complementation of the dna2ts gene phenotype. The gene is essential for viability. The gene encodes a 172-kDa protein with characteristic DNA helicase motifs. A hemagglutinin epitope-Dna2 fusion protein was prepared and purified by conventional and immunoaffinity chromatography. The purified protein is a DNA-dependent ATPase and has 3' to 5' DNA helicase activity specific for forked substrates. A nuclease activity that endonucleolytically cleaves DNA molecules having a single-stranded 5' tail adjacent to a duplex region copurifies through all steps with the fusion protein.


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Molecular modeling has been used to predict that 2,6-disubstituted amidoanthraquinones, and not the 1,4 series, should preferentially interact with and stabilize triple-stranded DNA structures over duplex DNA. This is due to marked differences in the nature of chromophore-base stacking and groove accessibility for the two series. A DNA foot-printing method that monitors the extent of protection from DNase I cleavage on triplex formation has been used to examine the effects of a number of synthetic isomer compounds in the 1,4 and 2,6 series. The experimental results are in accord with the predicted behavior and confirm that the 1,4 series bind preferentially to double- rather than triple-stranded DNA, whereas the isomeric 2,6 derivatives markedly favor binding to triplex DNA.


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A combination of transient kinetic and equilibrium titration methods has been used to show that both primer/template and nucleotide binding to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase are two-step processes. In both cases, after initial formation of relatively weakly bound states, isomerization reactions lead to tightly bound states. In the case of deoxynucleotide binding to the reverse transcriptase-primer/template complex, the second step in the interaction is rate-limiting in the overall reaction during processive polymerization. Discrimination against incorrect nucleotides occurs both in the initial weak binding and in the second step but is purely kinetic in the second step (as opposed to thermodynamic in the first step). Nonnucleoside inhibitors have a relatively small effect on nucleotide-binding steps (overall affinity is reduced by a factor of ca. 10), while the affinity of the primer/template duplex is increased by at least a factor of 10. The major effect of nonnucleoside inhibitors is on the chemical step (nucleotide transfer).


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The products of the recB and recC genes are necessary for conjugal recombination and for repair of chromosomal double-chain breaks in Escherichia coli. The recD gene product combines with the RecB and RecC proteins to comprise RecBCD enzyme but is required for neither recombination nor repair. On the contrary, RecBCD enzyme is an exonuclease that inhibits recombination by destroying linear DNA. The RecD ejection model proposes that RecBCD enzyme enters a DNA duplex at a double-chain end and travels destructively until it encounters the recombination hot spot sequence chi. Chi then alters the RecBCD enzyme by weakening the affinity of the RecD subunit for the RecBC heterodimer. With the loss of the RecD subunit, the resulting protein, RecBC(D-), becomes deficient for exonuclease activity and proficient as a recombinagenic helicase. To test the model, genetic crosses between lambda phage were conducted in cells containing chi on a nonhomologous plasmid. Upon delivering a double-chain break to the plasmid, lambda recombined as if the cells had become recD mutants. The ability of chi to alter lambda recombination in trans was reversed by overproducing the RecD subunit. These results indicate that chi can influence a recombination act without directly participating in it.


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The RecBCD enzyme of Escherichia coli promotes recombination preferentially at chi nucleotide sequences and has in vivo helicase and strong duplex DNA exonuclease (exoV) activities. The enzyme without the RecD subunit, as in a recD null mutant, promotes recombination efficiently but independently of chi and has no nucleolytic activity. Employing phage lambda red gam crosses, phage T4 2- survival measurements, and exoV assays, it is shown that E. coli cells in which RecBCD has extensive opportunity to interact with linear chi-containing DNA (produced by rolling circle replication of a plasmid with chi or by bleomycin-induced fragmentation of the cellular chromosome) acquire the phenotype of a recD mutant and maintain this for approximately 2 h. It is concluded that RecBCD is converted into RecBC during interaction with chi by irreversible inactivation of RecD. After conversion, the enzyme is released and initiates recombination on other DNA molecules in a chi-independent fashion. Overexpression of recD+ (from a plasmid) prevented the phenotypic change and providing RecD after the change restored chi-stimulated recombination. The observed recA+ dependence of the downregulation of exoV could explain the previously noted "reckless" DNA degradation of recA mutants. It is proposed that chi sites are regulatory elements for the RecBCD to RecBC switch and thereby function as cis- and trans-acting stimulators of RecBC-dependent recombination.


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The ability of DNA polymerases (pols) to catalyze the template-directed synthesis of duplex oligonucleotides containing a nonstandard Watson-Crick base pair between a nucleotide bearing a 5-(2,4-diaminopyrimidine) heterocycle (d kappa) and a nucleotide bearing either deoxyxanthosine (dX) or N1-methyloxoformycin B (pi) has been investigated. The kappa-X and kappa-pi base pairs are jointed by a hydrogen bonding pattern different from and exclusive of those joining the AT and GC base pairs. Reverse transcriptase from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) incorporates dXTP into an oligonucleotide opposite d kappa in a template with good fidelity. With lower efficiency and fidelity, HIV-1 reverse transcriptase also incorporates d kappa TP opposite dX in the template. With d pi in the template, no incorporation of d kappa TP was observed with HIV reverse transcriptase. The Klenow fragment of DNA pol I from Escherichia coli does not incorporate d kappa TP opposite dX in a template but does incorporate dXTP opposite d kappa. Bovine DNA pols alpha, beta, and epsilon accept neither dXTP opposite d kappa nor d kappa TP opposite d pi. DNA pols alpha and epsilon (but not beta) incorporate d kappa TP opposite dX in a template but discontinue elongation after incorporating a single additional base. These results are discussed in light of the crystal structure for pol beta and general considerations of how polymerases must interact with an incoming base pair to faithfully copy genetic information.


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The ability to predict macromolecular conformations from sequence and thermodynamic principles has long been coveted but generally has not been achieved. We show that differences in the hydration of DNA surfaces can be used to distinguish between sequences that form A- and B-DNA. From this, a "triplet code" of A-DNA propensities was derived as energetic rules for predicting A-DNA formation. This code correctly predicted > 90% of A- and B-DNA sequences in crystals and correlates with A-DNA formation in solution. Thus, with our previous studies on Z-DNA, we now have a single method to predict the relative stability of sequences in the three standard DNA duplex conformations.


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Synthetic oligonucleotides and their analogs have attracted considerable interest recently. These compounds may lead to highly specific therapeutic agents, as well as to powerful diagnostic tools. Here, we present the synthesis of uniformly modified oligodeoxyribonucleotide N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates containing 3'-NHP(O)(O-)O-5' internucleoside linkages and the study of their hybridization properties. Thermal dissociation experiments show that these compounds form very stable duplexes with single-stranded DNA, RNA, and with themselves following Watson-Crick base pairing. The duplex thermal stability was enhanced by 2.2-2.6 degrees C per modified linkage compared with phosphodiesters. The structure of complexes formed by phosphoramidates closely resembles that of RNA oligomers and corresponds to an A form, as judged by CD spectroscopy. N3'-->P5' phosphoramidates also form stable triplexes with double-stranded DNA under near-physiological conditions when natural phosphodiesters fail to do so. Physicochemical characteristics of the amidates are similar to those of RNA oligomers, even though they are composed of 2'-deoxyfuranose-based nucleosides.


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Because of variations in tRNA sequences in evolution, tRNA synthetases either do not acylate their cognate tRNAs from other organisms or execute misacylations which can be deleterious in vivo. We report here the cloning and primary sequence of a 958-aa Saccharomyces cerevisiae alanyl-tRNA synthetase. The enzyme is a close homologue of the human and Escherichia coli enzymes, particularly in the region of the primary structure needed for aminoacylation of RNA duplex substrates based on alanine tRNA acceptor stems with a G3.U70 base pair. An ala1 disrupted allele demonstrated that the gene is essential and that, therefore, ALA1 encodes an enzyme required for cytoplasmic protein synthesis. Growth of cells harboring the ala1 disrupted allele was restored by a cDNA clone encoding human alanyl-tRNA synthetase, which is a serum antigen for many polymyositis-afflicted individuals. The human enzyme in extracts from rescued yeast was detected with autoimmune antibodies from a polymyositis patient. We conclude that, in spite of substantial differences between human and yeast tRNA sequences in evolution, strong conservation of the G3.U70 system of recognition is sufficient to yield accurate aminoacylation in vivo across wide species distances.


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Female moths often become depleted of sex pheromone after mating as the various components of virgin behavior are switched off. In examining a potential male contribution to these events in the corn earworm moth Helicoverpa zea, we have characterized a basic polypeptide from the tissues producing (accessory glands) and storing (duplex) the seminal fluids. The peptide evokes the depletion of sex pheromone when injected into virgin females. This pheromonostatic peptide (PSP) is 57 amino acids long and contains a single disulfide bridge. It is blocked at the N terminus with pyroglutamate and at the C terminus by amidation. As little as 23 ng of peptide evokes the near-complete depletion of pheromone in decapitated (neck-ligated) females that had been injected with pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide. Activity is approximately 15-fold less in intact virgins, showing that the head limits the expression of activity in these injected females. Females mated to surgically impaired males, capable of producing a spermatophore but not transferring spermatozoa or seminal fluids, are depleted of pheromone by injected peptide. Females whose abdominal nerve cords have been severed are not depleted of pheromone after mating. Thus, neural signals either descending or ascending via the nerve cord are required for the depletion of pheromone after mating. PSP, from the seminal fluids, may participate in this process by direct or indirect action on the glandular tissue; if so, it represents an unusual mechanism in insects for the regulation by seminal fluids of postmating reproductive behavior.


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Inordinate expansion and hypermethylation of the fragile X DNA triplet repeat, (GGC)n.(GCC)n, are correlated with the ability of the individual G- and C-rich single strands to form hairpin structures. Two-dimensional NMR and gel electrophoresis studies show that both the G- and C-rich single strands form hairpins under physiological conditions. This propensity of hairpin formation is more pronounced for the C-rich strand than for the G-rich strand. This observation suggests that the C-rich strand is more likely to form hairpin or "slippage" structure and show asymmetric strand expansion during replication. NMR data also show that the hairpins formed by the C-rich strands fold in such a way that the cytosine at the CpG step of the stem is C.C paired. The presence of a C.C mismatch at the CpG site generates local flexibility, thereby providing analogs of the transition to the methyltransferase. In other words, the hairpins of the C-rich strand act as better substrates for the human methyltransferase than the Watson-Crick duplex or the G-rich strand. Therefore, hairpin formation could account for the specific methylation of the CpG island in the fragile X repeat that occurs during inactivation of the FMR1 gene during the onset of the disease.


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Key studies defining the DNA alkylation properties and selectivity of a new class of exceptionally potent, naturally occurring antitumor antibiotics including CC-1065, duocarmycin A, and duocarmycin SA are reviewed. Recent studies conducted with synthetic agents containing deep-seated structural changes and the unnatural enantiomers of the natural products and related analogs have defined the structural basis for the sequence-selective alkylation of duplex DNA and fundamental relationships between chemical structure, functional reactivity, and biological properties. The agents undergo a reversible, stereoelectronically controlled adenine-N3 addition to the least substituted carbon of the activated cyclopropane within selected AT-rich sites. The preferential AT-rich non-covalent binding selectivity of the agents within the narrower, deeper AT-rich minor groove and the steric accessibility to the alkylation site that accompanies deep AT-rich minor groove penetration control the sequence-selective DNA alkylation reaction and stabilize the resulting adduct. For the agents that possess sufficient reactivity to alkylate DNA, a direct relationship between chemical or functional stability and biological potency has been defined.


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In most metazoans, the telomeric cytosine-rich strand repeating sequence is d(TAACCC). The crystal structure of this sequence was solved to 1.9-A resolution. Four strands associate via the cytosine-containing parts to form a four-stranded intercalated structure held together by C.C+ hydrogen bonds. The base-paired strands are parallel to each other, and the two duplexes are intercalated into each other in opposite orientations. One TAA end forms a highly stabilized loop with the 5' thymine Hoogsteen-base-paired to the third adenine. The 5' end of this loop is in close proximity to the 3' end of one of the other intercalated cytosine strands. Instead of being entirely in a DNA duplex, this structure suggests the possibility of an alternative conformation for the cytosine-rich telomere strands.