148 resultados para Dna-sequence


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Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) is a conserved component of the highly compact chromatin of higher eukaryotic centromeres and telomeres. Cytogenetic experiments in Drosophila have shown that HP1 localization into this chromatin is perturbed in mutants for the origin recognition complex (ORC) 2 subunit. ORC has a multisubunit DNA-binding activity that binds origins of DNA replication where it is required for origin firing. The DNA-binding activity of ORC is also used in the recruitment of the Sir1 protein to silence nucleation sites flanking silent copies of the mating-type genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A fraction of HP1 in the maternally loaded cytoplasm of the early Drosophila embryo is associated with a multiprotein complex containing Drosophila melanogaster ORC subunits. This complex appears to be poised to function in heterochromatin assembly later in embryonic development. Here we report the identification of a novel component of this complex, the HP1/ORC-associated protein. This protein contains similarity to DNA sequence-specific HMG proteins and is shown to bind specific satellite sequences and the telomere-associated sequence in vitro. The protein is shown to have heterochromatic localization in both diploid interphase and mitotic chromosomes and polytene chromosomes. Moreover, the gene encoding HP1/ORC-associated protein was found to display reciprocal dose-dependent variegation modifier phenotypes, similar to those for mutants in HP1 and the ORC 2 subunit.


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Bacteriophage T4 uses two modes of replication initiation: origin-dependent replication early in infection and recombination-dependent replication at later times. The same relatively simple complex of T4 replication proteins is responsible for both modes of DNA synthesis. Thus the mechanism for loading the T4 41 helicase must be versatile enough to allow it to be loaded on R loops created by transcription at several origins, on D loops created by recombination, and on stalled replication forks. T4 59 helicase-loading protein is a small, basic, almost completely α-helical protein whose N-terminal domain has structural similarity to high mobility group family proteins. In this paper we review recent evidence that 59 protein recognizes specific structures rather than specific sequences. It binds and loads the helicase on replication forks and on three- and four-stranded (Holliday junction) recombination structures, without sequence specificity. We summarize our experiments showing that purified T4 enzymes catalyze complete unidirectional replication of a plasmid containing the T4 ori(uvsY) origin, with a preformed R loop at the position of the R loop identified at this origin in vivo. This replication depends on the 41 helicase and is strongly stimulated by 59 protein. Moreover, the helicase-loading protein helps to coordinate leading and lagging strand synthesis by blocking replication on the ori(uvsY) R loop plasmid until the helicase is loaded. The T4 enzymes also can replicate plasmids with R loops that do not have a T4 origin sequence, but only if the R loops are within an easily unwound DNA sequence.


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The life history of Candida albicans presents an enigma: this species is thought to be exclusively asexual, yet strains show extensive phenotypic variation. To address the population genetics of C. albicans, we developed a genetic typing method for codominant single-locus markers by screening randomly amplified DNA for single-strand conformation polymorphisms. DNA fragments amplified by arbitrary primers were initially screened for single-strand conformation polymorphisms and later sequenced using locus-specific primers. A total of 12 single base mutations and insertions were detected from six out of eight PCR fragments. Patterns of sequence-level polymorphism observed for individual strains detected considerable heterozygosity at the DNA sequence level, supporting the view that most C. albicans strains are diploid. Population genetic analyses of 52 natural isolates from Duke University Medical Center provide evidence for both clonality and recombination in C. albicans. Evidence for clonality is supported by the presence of several overrepresented genotypes, as well as by deviation of genotypic frequencies from random (Hardy-Weinberg) expectations. However, tests for nonrandom association of alleles across loci reveal less evidence for linkage disequilibrium than expected for strictly clonal populations. Although C. albicans populations are primarily clonal, evidence for recombination suggests that sexual reproduction or some other form of genetic exchange occurs in this species.


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Environmental perturbations that increase plasma thyroid hormone (T3) concentrations also profoundly affect female reproductive behavior and physiology. We explored whether these effects were mediated by interactions between T3 receptor (TR) and estrogen receptor (ER). This hypothesis was of interest because the half-site of a consensus T3 response element DNA sequence is identical to an ER response element (ERE), and TRs bind to a consensus ERE. Molecular data presented in the accompanying paper [Zhu, Y.-S., Yen, P.M., Chin, W.W.& Pfaff, D.W. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 12587-12592] demonstrate that TRs and ERs are both present in rat hypothalamic nuclear extracts and that both can bind to the promoter the hypothalamic gene preproenkephalin and that interations between liganded TRs and ERs affect preproenkephalin transcription. In this paper, we show that molecular interactions between TRs and ERs are sufficient to mediate environmental effects on estrogen-controlled reproductive behavior. Ovariectomized (OVX) rats treated with high doses of T3 showed significantly lower levels of lordosis behavior in response to estradiol benzoate (EB) compared with OVX females treated with EB alone. Conversely, thyroidectomized/OVX females treated with EB showed significantly greater levels of lordosis behavior compared with OVX females treated with EB, showing the effect of endogenous T3. Thyroid hormone interference with EB-induced behavior could not be explained by a reduction in plasma E2 concentrations or by a general reduction in responsiveness of EB-sensitive tissues. Moreover, numbers of hypothalamic ER-immunoreactive cells increased dramatically following T3 treatment. These data suggest that T3 may reduce EB-dependent sexual behavior through interactions between TR and ER in the nuclei of behaviorally relevant hypothalamic neurons, envisioning for the first time a functional consequence of interactions between two nuclear hormone receptors in brain. These results also open up the possibility of molecular interactions on DNA encoding environmental signals, a new field for the study of neuronal integration.


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In higher plants, dominant mitochondrial mutations are associated with pollen sterility. This phenomenon is known as cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). It is thought that the disruption in pollen development is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction. To provide definitive evidence that expression of an abnormal mitochondrial gene can interrupt pollen development, a CMS-associated mitochondrial DNA sequence from common bean, orf239, was introduced into the tobacco nuclear genome. Several transformants containing the orf239 gene constructs, with or without a mitochondrial targeting sequence, exhibited a semi sterile or male-sterile phenotype. Expression of the gene fusions in transformed anthers was confirmed using RNA gel blotting, ELISA, and light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. Immunocytological analysis showed that the ORF239 protein could associate with the cell wall of aberrant developing microspores. This pattern of extracellular localization was earlier observed in the CMS common bean line containing orf239 in the mitochondrial genome. Results presented here demonstrate that ORF239 causes pollen disruption in transgenic tobacco plants and may do so without targeting of the protein to the mitochondrion.


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We have investigated genetic differences between the closely related pathogenic Neisseria species, Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, as a novel approach to the elucidation of the genetic basis for their different pathogenicities. N. meningitidis is a major cause of cerebrospinal meningitis, whereas N. gonorrhoeae is the agent of gonorrhoea. The technique of representational difference analysis was adapted to the search for genes present in the meningococcus but absent from the gonococcus. The libraries achieved are comprehensive and specific in that they contain sequences corresponding to the presently identified meningococcus-specific genes (capsule, frp, rotamase, and opc) but lack genes more or less homologous between the two species, e.g., ppk and pilC1. Of 35 randomly chosen clones specific to N. meningitidis, DNA sequence analysis has confirmed that the large majority have no homology with published neisserial sequences. Mapping of the cloned DNA fragments onto the chromosome of N. meningitidis strain Z2491 has revealed a nonrandom distribution of meningococcus-specific sequences. Most of the genetic differences between the meningococcus and gonococcus appear to be clustered in three distinct regions, one of which (region 1) contains the capsule-related genes. Region 3 was found only in strains of serogroup A, whereas region 2 is present in a variety of meningococci belonging to different serogroups. At a time when bacterial genomes are being sequenced, we believe that this technique is a powerful tool for a rapid and directed analysis of the genetic basis of inter- or intraspecific phenotypic variations.


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The avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strain (chi)7122 (serotype O78:K80:H9) causes airsacculitis and colisepticemia in chickens. To identify genes associated with avian disease, a genomic subtraction technique was performed between strain (chi)7122 and the E. coli K-12 strain (chi)289. The DNA isolated using this method was found only in strain (chi)7122 and was used to identify cosmid clones carrying unique DNA from a library of (chi)7122 that were then used to map the position of unique DNA on the E. coli chromosome. A total of 12 unique regions were found, 5 of which correspond to previously identified positions for unique DNA sequence in E. coli strains. To assess the role each unique region plays in virulence, mutants of (chi)7122 were constructed in which a segment of unique DNA was replaced with E. coli K-12 DNA by cotransduction of linked transposon insertions in DNA flanking the unique sequence. The resulting replacement mutants were assessed for inability to colonize the air sac and cause septicemia in 2-week-old white Leghorn chickens. Two mutants were found to be avirulent when injected into the right caudal air sac of 2-week-old chickens. One avirulent mutant, designated (chi)7145, carries a replacement of the rfb locus at 44 min, generating a rough phenotype. The second mutant is designated (chi)7146, and carries a replacement at position 0.0 min on the genetic map. Both mutants could be complemented to partial virulence by cosmids carrying sequences unique to (chi)7122.


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Crohn disease (CD) is a chronic, panenteric intestinal inflammatory disease. Its etiology is unknown. Analogous to the tuberculoid and lepromatous forms of leprosy, CD may have two clinical manifestations. One is aggressive and fistulizing (perforating), and the other is contained, indolent, and obstructive (nonperforating) [Gi]-berts, E. C. A. M., Greenstein, A. J., Katsel, P., Harpaz, N. & Greenstein, R. J. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 12721-127241. The etiology, if infections, may be due to Mycobacterium paratuberculosis. We employed reverse transcription PCR using M. paratuberculosis subspecies-specific primers (IS 900) on total RNA from 12 ileal mucosal specimens (CD, n = 8; controls, n = 4, 2 with ulcerative colitis and 2 with colonic cancer). As a negative control, we used Myobacterium avium DNA, originally cultured from the drinking water of a major city in the United States. cDNA sequence analysis shows that all eight cases of Crohn's disease and both samples from the patients with ulcerative colitis contained M. paratuberculosis RNA. Additionally, the M. avium control has the DNA sequence of M. paratuberculosis. We demonstrate the DNA sequence of M. paratuberculosis from mucosal specimens from humans with CD. The potable water supply may be a reservoir of infection. Although M. paratuberculosis signal in CD has been previously reported, a cause and effect relationship has not been established. In part, this is due to conflicting data from studies with empirical antimycobacterial therapy. We conclude that clinical trials with anti-M. paratuberculosis therapy are indicated in patients with CD who have been stratified into the aggressive (perforating) and contained (nonperforating) forms.


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Expression of the Bacillus subtilis nrgAB operon is derepressed during nitrogen-limited growth. We have identified a gene, tnrA, that is required for the activation of nrgAB expression under these growth conditions. Analysis of the DNA sequence of the tnrA gene revealed that it encodes a protein with sequence similarity to GlnR, the repressor of the B. subtilis glutamine synthetase operon. The tnrA mutant has a pleiotropic phenotype. Compared with wild-type cells, the tnrA mutant is impaired in its ability to utilize allantoin, gamma-aminobutyrate, isoleucine, nitrate, urea, and valine as nitrogen sources. During nitrogen-limited growth, transcription of the nrgAB, nasB, gabP, and ure genes is significantly reduced in the tnrA mutant compared with the levels seen in wild-type cells. In contrast, the level of glnRA expression is 4-fold higher in the, tnrA mutant than in wild-type cells during nitrogen restriction. The phenotype of the tnrA mutant indicates that a global nitrogen regulatory system is present in B. subtilis and that this system is distinct from the Ntr regulatory system found in enteric bacteria.


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The green fluorescent protein (GFP) of the jellyfish Aequorea Victoria has attracted widespread interest since the discovery that its chromophore is generated by the autocatalytic, posttranslational cyclization and oxidation of a hexapeptide unit. This permits fusion of the DNA sequence of GFP with that of any protein whose expression or transport can then be readily monitored by sensitive fluorescence methods without the need to add exogenous fluorescent dyes. The excited state dynamics of GFP were studied following photo-excitation of each of its two strong absorption bands in the visible using fluorescence upconversion spectroscopy (about 100 fs time resolution). It is shown that excitation of the higher energy feature leads very rapidly to a form of the lower energy species, and that the excited state interconversion rate can be markedly slowed by replacing exchangeable protons with deuterons. This observation and others lead to a model in which the two visible absorption bands correspond to GFP in two ground-state conformations. These conformations can be slowly interconverted in the ground state, but the process is much faster in the excited state. The observed isotope effect suggests that the initial excited state process involves a proton transfer reaction that is followed by additional structural changes. These observations may help to rationalize and motivate mutations that alter the absorption properties and improve the photo stability of GFP.


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Many basic-helix-loop-helix-leucine zipper (b-HLH-LZ) proteins, including the Myc family and non-Myc family, bind a common DNA sequence CACGTG, yet have quite different biological actions. Myc binds this sequence as a heterodimer with Max in the activation of both transcription and transformation. The Myc family members Mad and Mxi1 are known to suppress Myc-induced transcription and transformation and to dimerize with Max to form ternary complexes with the mammalian Sin3 transcriptional corepressor (mSin3). The b-HLH-LZ domain of TFEB, which cannot heterodimerize within the Myc family, does not suppress Myc-induced transcription or transformation. However, transfer of a 25- to 36-aa region from Mad or Mxi1, which interacts with mSin3, to the b-HLH-LZ of TFEB, mediated profound suppression of Myc-induced transcription and transformation. These results suggest that the DNA binding specificities of the Myc family and non-Myc family b-HLH-LZ proteins, in the context of the cellular genes involved in Myc-induced transformation, are shared. The results also demonstrate that targeting mSin3 to CACGTG sites via a non-Myc family DNA binding domain is sufficient to oppose Myc activity in growth regulation.


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Mature female sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) live in socially cohesive groups of 10-30, which include immature animals of both sexes, and within which there is communal care of the young. We examined kinship in such groups using analyses of microsatellite DNA, mitochondrial DNA sequence, and sex-linked markers on samples of sloughed skin collected noninvasively from animals in three groups off the coast of Ecuador. Social groups were defined through photographic identification of individuals. Each group contained about 26 members, mostly female (79%). Relatedness was greater within groups, as compared to between groups. Particular mitochondrial haplotypes were characteristic of groups, but all groups contained more than one haplotype. The data are generally consistent with each group being comprised of several matrillines from which males disperse at about the age of 6 years. There are indications of paternal relatedness among grouped individuals with different mitochondrial haplotypes, suggesting long-term associations between different matrilines.


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Since most of the examples of "exon shuffling" are between vertebrate genes, the view is often expressed that exon shuffling is limited to the evolutionarily recent lineage of vertebrates. Although exon shuffling in plants has been inferred from the analysis of intron phases of plant genes [Long, M., Rosenberg, C. & Gilbert, W. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 12495-12499] and from the comparison of two functionally unknown sunflower genes [Domon, C. & Steinmetz, A. (1994) Mol. Gen. Genet. 244, 312-317], clear cases of exon shuffling in plant genes remain to be uncovered. Here, we report an example of exon shuffling in two important nucleus-encoded plant genes: cytosolic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (cytosolic GAPDH or GapC) and cytochrome c1 precursor. The intron-exon structures of the shuffled region indicate that the shuffling event took place at the DNA sequence level. In this case, we can establish a donor-recipient relationship for the exon shuffling. Three amino terminal exons of GapC have been donated to cytochrome c1, where, in a new protein environment, they serve as a source of the mitochondrial targeting function. This finding throws light upon an old important but unsolved question in gene evolution: the origin of presequences or transit peptides that generally exist in nucleus-encoded organelle genes.


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The adeno-associated virus (AAV) genome integrates site specifically into a defined region of human chromosome 19 (termed AAVS1). Using a functional assay for AAV integration into AAVS1 DNA propagated as an episome, we obtained evidence that a 33-nucleotide AAVS1 DNA sequence contains the minimum signal required for targeted integration. The recombination signal comprises a DNA-binding motif for the AAV regulatory Rep protein [Rep binding site (RBS)] separated by an eight-nucleotide spacer from a sequence that can act as a substrate for Rep endonucleolytic activity [terminal resolution site (TRS)]. Mutations in either the AAVS1-encoded RBS or TRS elements abort targeted integration. Since both the RBS and TRS elements are present in the viral origin of replication and are required for AAV replication, targeted integration into chromosome 19 AAVS1 DNA may involve a replicative type of recombination that is discussed. An additional chromosome 19 element, which is responsible for DNA rearrangements in episomes propagating AAVS1 DNA, was identified and shown not to be required for AAV episomal integration, despite its location adjacent to the recombination signal.


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Type II restriction endonucleases are dimers of two identical subunits that together form one binding site for the double-stranded DNA substrate. Cleavage within the palindromic recognition site occurs in the two strands of the duplex in a concerted manner, due to the action of two catalytic centers, one per subunit. To investigate how the two identical subunits of the restriction endonuclease EcoRV cooperate in binding and cleaving their substrate, heterodimeric versions of EcoRV with different amino acid substitutions in the two subunits were constructed. For this purpose, the ecorV gene was fused to the coding region for the glutathione-binding domain of the glutathione S-transferase and a His6-tag, respectively. Upon cotransformation of Escherichia coli cells with both gene fusions stable homo- and heterodimers of the EcoRV variants are produced, which can be separated and purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatography over Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid and glutathione columns. A steady-state kinetic analysis shows that the activity of a heterodimeric variant with one inactive catalytic center is decreased by 2-fold, demonstrating that the two catalytic centers operate independently from each other. In contrast, heterodimeric variants with a defect in one DNA-binding site have a 30- to 50-fold lower activity, indicating that the two subunits of EcoRV cooperate in the recognition of the palindromic DNA sequence. By combining a subunit with an inactive catalytic center with a subunit with a defect in the DNA-binding site, EcoRV heterodimers were produced that only nick DNA specifically within the EcoRV recognition sequence.