198 resultados para DROSOPHILA OOGENESIS


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Mutational and biophysical analysis suggests that an intracellular COOH-terminal domain of the large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel (BK channel) contains Ca2+-binding site(s) that are allosterically coupled to channel opening. However the structural basis of Ca2+ binding to BK channels is unknown. To pursue this question, we overexpressed the COOH-terminal 280 residues of the Drosophila slowpoke BK channel (Dslo-C280) as a FLAG- and His6-tagged protein in Escherichia coli. We purified Dslo-C280 in soluble form and used a 45Ca2+-overlay protein blot assay to detect Ca2+ binding. Dslo-C280 exhibits specific binding of 45Ca2+ in comparison with various control proteins and known EF-hand Ca2+-binding proteins. A mutation (D5N5) of Dslo-C280, in which five consecutive Asp residues of the “Ca-bowl” motif are changed to Asn, reduces 45Ca2+-binding activity by 56%. By electrophysiological assay, the corresponding D5N5 mutant of the Drosophila BK channel expressed in HEK293 cells exhibits lower Ca2+ sensitivity for activation and a shift of ≈+80 mV in the midpoint voltage for activation. This effect is associated with a decrease in the Hill coefficient (N) for activation by Ca2+ and a reduction in apparent Ca2+ affinity, suggesting the loss of one Ca2+-binding site per monomer. These results demonstrate a functional correlation between Ca2+ binding to a specific region of the BK protein and Ca2+-dependent activation, thus providing a biochemical approach to study this process.


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The discovery that several inherited human diseases are caused by mtDNA depletion has led to an increased interest in the replication and maintenance of mtDNA. We have isolated a new mutant in the lopo (low power) gene from Drosophila melanogaster affecting the mitochondrial single-stranded DNA-binding protein (mtSSB), which is one of the key components in mtDNA replication and maintenance. lopo1 mutants die late in the third instar before completion of metamorphosis because of a failure in cell proliferation. Molecular, histochemical, and physiological experiments show a drastic decrease in mtDNA content that is coupled with the loss of respiration in these mutants. However, the number and morphology of mitochondria are not greatly affected. Immunocytochemical analysis shows that mtSSB is expressed in all tissues but is highly enriched in proliferating tissues and in the developing oocyte. lopo1 is the first mtSSB mutant in higher eukaryotes, and its analysis demonstrates the essential function of this gene in development, providing an excellent model to study mitochondrial biogenesis in animals.


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Dorsoventral patterning of the Drosophila embryo is initiated by a ventralizing signal. Production of this signal requires the serine proteases Gastrulation Defective (GD), Snake, and Easter, which genetic studies suggest act sequentially in a cascade that is activated locally in response to a ventral cue provided by the pipe gene. Here, we demonstrate biochemically that GD activates Snake, which in turn activates Easter. We also provide evidence that GD zymogen cleavage is important for triggering this cascade but is not spatially localized by pipe. Our results suggest that a broadly, rather than locally, activated protease cascade produces the ventralizing signal, so a distinct downstream step in this cascade must be spatially regulated to restrict signaling to the ventral side of the embryo.


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neuralized (neur) is a neurogenic mutant of Drosophila in which many signaling events mediated by the Notch (N) receptor are disrupted. Here, we analyze the role of neur during eye development. Neur is required in a cell-autonomous fashion to restrict R8 and other photoreceptor fates and is involved in lateral inhibition of interommatidial bristles but is not required for induction of the cone cell fate. The latter contrasts with the absolute requirement for Suppressor of Hairless and the Enhancer of split-Complex for cone cell induction. Using gain-of-function experiments, we further demonstrate that ectopic wild-type and truncated Neur proteins can interfere with multiple N-controlled aspects of eye development, including both neur-dependent and neur-independent processes.


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In many species, the Y (or W) chromosome carries relatively few functional genes. This observation motivates the null hypothesis that the Y will be a minor contributor to genetic variation for fitness. Previous data and theory supported the null hypothesis, but evidence presented here shows that the Y of Drosophila melanogaster is a major determinant of a male's total fitness, with standing genetic variation estimated to be 68% of that of an entire X/autosome genomic haplotype. Most Y-linked genes are expressed during spermatogenesis, and correspondingly, we found that the Y influences fitness primarily through its effect on a male's reproductive success (sperm competition and/or mating success) rather than his egg-to-adult viability. But the fitness of a Y highly depended on the genetic makeup of its bearer, reverting from high to low in different genetic backgrounds. This pattern leads to large epistatic (inconsistent among backgrounds) but no additive (consistent among backgrounds) Y-linked genetic variance for fitness. On a microevolutionary scale, the observed large epistatic variation on the Y substantially reduces heritable variation for fitness among males, and on a macroevolutionary scale, the Y produces strong selection for genomic rearrangements that move interacting genes onto the nonrecombining region of the Y.


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The recurrent t(1;22)(p13;q13) translocation is exclusively associated with infant acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. We have identified the two genes involved in this translocation. Both genes possess related sequences in the Drosophila genome. The chromosome 22 gene (megakaryocytic acute leukemia, MAL) product is predicted to be involved in chromatin organization, and the chromosome 1 gene (one twenty-two, OTT) product is related to the Drosophila split-end (spen) family of proteins. Drosophila genetic experiments identified spen as involved in connecting the Raf and Hox pathways. Because almost all of the sequences and all of the identified domains of both OTT and MAL proteins are included in the predicted fusion protein, the OTT-MAL fusion could aberrantly modulate chromatin organization, Hox differentiation pathways, or extracellular signaling.


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Phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 (PDK-1) is a central mediator of the cell signaling between phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and various intracellular serine/threonine kinases including Akt/protein kinase B (PKB), p70 S6 kinases, and protein kinase C. Recent studies with cell transfection experiments have implied that PDK-1 may be involved in various cell functions including cell growth and apoptosis. However, despite its pivotal role in cellular signalings, the in vivo functions of PDK-1 in a multicellular system have rarely been investigated. Here, we have isolated Drosophila PDK-1 (dPDK-1) mutants and characterized the in vivo roles of the kinase. Drosophila deficient in the dPDK-1 gene exhibited lethality and an apoptotic phenotype in the embryonic stage. Conversely, overexpression of dPDK-1 increased cell and organ size in a Drosophila PI3K-dependent manner. dPDK-1 not only could activate Drosophila Akt/PKB (Dakt1), but also substitute the in vivo functions of its mammalian ortholog to activate Akt/PKB. This functional interaction between dPDK-1 and Dakt1 was further confirmed through genetic analyses in Drosophila. On the other hand, cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which has been proposed as a possible target of dPDK-1, did not interact with dPDK-1. In conclusion, our findings provide direct evidence that dPDK-1 regulates cell growth and apoptosis during Drosophila development via the PI3K-dependent signaling pathway and demonstrate our Drosophila system to be a powerful tool for elucidating the in vivo functions and targets of PDK-1.


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There are at least three short-range gap repressors in the precellular Drosophila embryo: Krüppel, Knirps, and Giant. Krüppel and Knirps contain related repression motifs, PxDLSxH and PxDLSxK, respectively, which mediate interactions with the dCtBP corepressor protein. Here, we present evidence that Giant might also interact with dCtBP. The misexpression of Giant in ventral regions of transgenic embryos results in the selective repression of eve stripe 5. A stripe5-lacZ transgene exhibits an abnormal staining pattern in dCtBP mutants that is consistent with attenuated repression by Giant. The analysis of Gal4-Giant fusion proteins identified a minimal repression domain that contains a sequence motif, VLDLS, which is conserved in at least two other sequence-specific repressors. Removal of this sequence from the native Giant protein does not impair its repression activity in transgenic embryos. We propose that Giant-dCtBP interactions might be indirect and mediated by an unknown bZIP subunit that forms a heteromeric complex with Giant. We also suggest that the VLDLS motif recruits an as yet unidentified corepressor protein.


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Wolbachia are bacteria that live in the cells of various invertebrate species to which they cause a wide range of effects on physiology and reproduction. We investigated the effect of Wolbachia infection in the parasitic wasp, Asobara tabida Nees (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). In the 13 populations tested, all individuals proved to be infected by Wolbachia. The removal of Wolbachia by antibiotic treatment had a totally unexpected effect—aposymbiotic female wasps were completely incapable of producing mature oocytes and therefore could not reproduce. In contrast, oogenesis was not affected in treated Asobara citri, a closely related species that does not harbor Wolbachia. No difference between natural symbiotic and cured individuals was found for other adult traits including male fertility, locomotor activity, and size, indicating that the effect on oogenesis is highly specific. We argue that indirect effects of the treatments used in our study (antibiotic toxicity or production of toxic agents) are very unlikely to explain the sterility of females, and we present results showing a direct relationship between oocyte production and Wolbachia density in females. We conclude that Wolbachia is necessary for oogenesis in these A. tabida strains, and this association would seem to be the first example of a transition from facultative to obligatory symbiosis in arthropod–Wolbachia associations.


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Chromosome-specific gene regulation is known thus far only as a mechanism to equalize the transcriptional activity of the single male X chromosome with that of the two female X chromosomes. In Drosophila melanogaster, a complex including the five Male-Specific Lethal (MSL) proteins, “paints” the male X chromosome, mediating its hypertranscription. Here, with the molecular cloning of Painting of fourth (Pof), we describe a previously uncharacterized gene encoding a chromosome-specific protein in Drosophila. Unlike the MSL proteins, POF paints an autosome, the fourth chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. Chromosome translocation analysis shows that the binding depends on an initiation site in the proximal region of chromosome 4 and spreads in cis to involve the entire chromosome. The spreading depends on sequences or structures specific to chromosome 4 and cannot extend to parts of other chromosomes translocated to the fourth. Spreading can also occur in trans to a paired homologue that lacks the initiation region. In the related species Drosophila busckii, POF paints the entire X chromosome exclusively in males, suggesting relationships between the fourth chromosome and the X and between POF complexes and dosage-compensation complexes.


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Patterns of variation at the Sod locus of Drosophila melanogaster suggest that the protein polymorphism at this locus has very recently arisen. In addition, it appears that a previously rare DNA variant has been recently and rapidly driven to intermediate frequency. From the size of the region (>20 kb) that has been swept along with this rare variant, and patterns of linkage disequilibrium in the region, it is inferred that strength of selection was large (s > 0.01) and that the sweep occurred more than 25,000 generations ago. In addition, there are striking similarities to patterns of variation observed at the Est6 and Est-P loci, which are located approximately 1,000 kb from Sod.


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The regulatory regions of homologous genes encoding esterase 6 (Est-6) of Drosophila melanogaster and esterase 5B (Est-5B) of Drosophila pseudoobscura show very little similarity. We have undertaken a comparative study of the pattern of expression directed by the Est-5B and Est-6 5′-flanking DNA to attempt to reveal conserved elements regulating tissue-specific expression in adults. Esterase regulatory sequences were linked to a lacZ reporter gene and transformed into D. melanogaster embryos. Est-5B, 5′ upstream elements, give rise to a β-galactosidase expression pattern that coincides with the wild-type expression of Est-5B in D. pseudoobscura. The expression patterns of the Est-5B/lacZ construct are different from those of a fusion gene containing the upstream region of Est-6. Common sites of expression for both kinds of constructs are the third segment of antenna, the maxillary palps, and salivary glands. In vitro deletion mutagenesis has shown that the two genes have a different organization of regulatory elements controlling expression in both the third segment of antenna and maxillary palps. The results suggest that the conservation of the expression pattern in genes that evolved from a common ancestor may not be accompanied by preservation of the corresponding cis-regulatory elements.


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The concept of gametic isolation has its origins in the 1937 edition of T. Dobzhansky’s Genetics and the Origin of Species. Involving either positive assortative fertilization (as opposed to self-incompatibility) or negative assortative fertilization, it occurs after mating but prior to fertilization. Gametic isolation is generally subsumed under either prezygotic or postmating isolation and thus has not been the subject of extensive investigation. Examples of assortative fertilization in Drosophila are reviewed and compared with those of other organisms. Potential mechanisms leading to assortative fertilization are discussed, as are their evolutionary implications.


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We first review what is known about patterns of codon usage bias in Drosophila and make the following points: (i) Drosophila genes are as biased or more biased than those in microorganisms. (ii) The level of bias of genes and even the particular pattern of codon bias can remain phylogenetically invariant for very long periods of evolution. (iii) However, some genes, even very tightly linked genes, can change very greatly in codon bias across species. (iv) Generally G and especially C are favored at synonymous sites in biased genes. (v) With the exception of aspartic acid, all amino acids contribute significantly and about equally to the codon usage bias of a gene. (vi) While most individual amino acids that can use G or C at synonymous sites display a preference for C, there are exceptions: valine and leucine, which prefer G. (vii) Finally, smaller genes tend to be more biased than longer genes. We then examine possible causes of these patterns and discount mutation bias on three bases: there is little evidence of regional mutation bias in Drosophila, mutation bias is likely toward A+T (the opposite of codon usage bias), and not all amino acids display the preference for the same nucleotide in the wobble position. Two lines of evidence support a selection hypothesis based on tRNA pools: highly biased genes tend to be highly and/or rapidly expressed, and the preferred codons in highly biased genes optimally bind the most abundant isoaccepting tRNAs. Finally, we examine the effect of bias on DNA evolution and confirm that genes with high codon usage bias have lower rates of synonymous substitution between species than do genes with low codon usage bias. Surprisingly, we find that genes with higher codon usage bias display higher levels of intraspecific synonymous polymorphism. This may be due to opposing effects of recombination.