126 resultados para Calcitonin-like receptor


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The cysteinyl leukotrienes (cys-LTs) LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4 are a class of peptide-conjugated lipids formed from arachidonic acid and released during activation of mast cells (MCs). We now report that human cord-blood-derived MCs (hMCs) express the CysLT1 receptor, which responds not only to inflammation-derived cys-LTs, but also to a pyrimidinergic ligand, UDP. hMCs express both CysLT1 protein and transcript, and respond to LTC4, LTD4, and UDP with concentration-dependent calcium fluxes, each of which is blocked by a competitive CysLT1 receptor antagonist, MK571. Stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing the CysLT1 receptor also exhibit MK571-sensitive calcium flux to all three agonists. Both hMCs and CysLT1 transfectants stimulated with UDP are desensitized to LTC4, but only partially to LTD4. Priming of hMCs with IL-4 for 5 days enhances their sensitivity to each agonist, but preferentially lowers their threshold for activation by LTC4 and UDP (≈3 log10-fold shifts in dose-response for each agonist) over LTD4 (1.3 log10-fold shift), without altering CysLT1 receptor mRNA or surface protein expression, implying the likely induction of a second receptor with CysLT1-like dual ligand specificity. hMCs thus express the CysLT1 receptor, and possibly a closely related IL-4-inducible receptor, which mediate dual activation responses to cys-LTs and UDP, providing an apparent intersection linking the inflammatory and neurogenic elements of bronchial asthma.


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Three isoforms of calcitonin (CT) exist in salmonids. Isohormones I and II are expressed in the pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha. We report here the existence in this species of a CT gene and of its transcripts, which encode for a fourth isohormone, the salmon CT (sCT) IV. This new CT gene was identified by PCR from genomic DNA and by sequencing the amplified DNA. The expression of this CT gene was established in ultimobranchial body and brain, by reverse transcription-PCR, hybridization and sequencing. The sCT IV gene, like the sCT I gene, is a complex transcription unit, containing exons encoding for a CT as a calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) molecule. The predicted peptide, sCT IV, has a greater homology with the eel CT and the sCT II than with the sCT I. Alignment of the sCT IV with other fish and chicken CT showed amino acid modifications in similar positions as those found during evolution. The predicted salmon CGRP IV peptide is highly homologous to the known CGRP molecules in other species, confirming the high conservation of the molecule during evolution. This identification of a new salmon CT gene is interesting both for the therapeutic potential represented by the new molecules encoded by this gene and for phylogenetic studies.


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The interaction of poliovirus with its cell receptor initiates conformational changes that lead to uncoating of the viral RNA. Three types of genetic analyses have been used to study the poliovirus-receptor interaction: (i) mutagenesis of the poliovirus receptor (PVR), (ii) selection of viral mutants resistant to neutralization with soluble PVR, and (iii) selection of viral variants adapted to use mutant PVRs. The results of these studies show that a small portion of the first immunoglobulin-like domain of PVR contacts viral residues within a deep depression on the surface of the capsid that encircles the fivefold axis of symmetry. Viral capsid residues that influence the interaction with PVR are also found in locations such as the capsid interior that cannot directly contact PVR. These mutations might influence the ability of the capsid to undergo receptor-mediated conformational transitions that are necessary for high-affinity interactions with PVR.


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The 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25-(OH)2vitamin D3] analog KH1060 exerts very potent effects on cell proliferation and cell differentiation via the vitamin D receptor (VDR). However, the activities of KH1060 are not associated with an increased affinity for the VDR. We now show that increased stabilization of the VDR-KH1060 complex could be an explanation for its high potencies. VDR half-life studies performed with cycloheximide-translational blocked rat osteoblast-like ROS 17/2.8 cells demonstrated that, in the absence of ligand, VDR levels rapidly decreased. After 2 hr, less than 10% of the initial VDR level could be measured. In the presence of 1,25-(OH)2vitamin D3, the VDR half-life was 15 hr. After 24 hr. less than 20% of the initial VDR content was detectable, whereas, at this time-point, when the cells were incubated with KH1060 80% of the VDR was still present. Differences in 1,25-(OH)2vitamin D3- and KH1060-induced conformational changes of the VDR could underlie the increased VDR stability. As assessed by limited proteolytic digestion analysis, both 1,25-(OH)2vitamin D3 and KH1060 caused a specific conformational change of the VDR. Compared with 1,25-(OH)2vitamin D3, KH1060 induced a conformational change that led to a far more dramatic protection of the VDR against proteolytic degradation. In conclusion, the altered VDR stability and the possibly underlying change in VDR conformation caused by KH1060 could be an explanation for its enhanced bioactivity.


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Disruptions of the genes encoding endothelin 3 (EDN3) and its receptor endothelin-B receptor (EDNRB) in the mouse result in defects of two neural crest (NC)-derived lineages, the melanocytes, and the enteric nervous system. To assess the mechanisms through which the EDN3/EDNRB signaling pathway can selectively act on these NC derivatives, we have studied the spatiotemporal expression pattern of the EDNRB gene in the avian embryo, a model in which NC development has been extensively studied. For this purpose, we have cloned the quail homologue of the mammalian EDNRB cDNA. EDNRB transcripts are present in NC cells before and during their emigration from the neural tube at all levels of the neuraxis. At later developmental stages, the receptor remains abundantly expressed in the peripheral nervous system including the enteric nervous system. In a previous study, we have shown that EDN3 enhances dramatically the proliferation of NC cells when they are at the pluripotent stage. We propose that the selective effect of EDN3 or EDNRB gene inactivation is due to the fact that both melanocytes and enteric nervous system precursors have to colonize large embryonic areas (skin and bowel) from a relatively small population of precursors that have to expand considerably in number. It is therefore understandable that a deficit in one of the growth-promoting pathways of NC cells has more deleterious effects on long-range migrating cells than on the NC derivatives which develop close to the neural primordium like the sensory and sympathetic ganglia.


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Opiate alkaloids are potent analgesics that exert multiple pharmacological effects in the nervous system by activating G protein-coupled receptors. Receptor internalization upon stimulation may be important for desensitization and resensitization, which affect cellular responsiveness to ligands. Here, we investigated the agonist-induced internalization of the mu opioid receptor (MOR) in vivo by using the guinea pig ileum as a model system and immunohistochemistry with an affinity-purified antibody to the C terminus of rat MOR. Antibody specificity was confirmed by the positive staining of human embryonic kidney 293 cells transfected with epitope-tagged MOR cDNA, by the lack of staining of cells transfected with the delta or kappa receptor cDNA, and by the abolition of staining when the MOR antibody was preadsorbed with the MOR peptide fragment. Abundant MOR immunoreactivity (MOR-IR) was localized to the cell body, dendrites, and axonal processes of myenteric neurons. Immunostaining was primarily confined to the plasma membrane of cell bodies and processes. Within 15 min of an intraperitoneal injection of the opiate agonist etorphine, intense MOR-IR was present in vesicle-like structures, which were identified as endosomes by confocal microscopy. At 30 min, MOR-IR was throughout the cytoplasm and in perinuclear vesicles. MOR-IR was still internalized at 120 min. Agonist-induced endocytosis was completely inhibited by the opiate antagonist naloxone. Interestingly, morphine, a high-affinity MOR agonist, did not cause detectable internalization, but it partially inhibited the etorphine-induced MOR endocytosis. These results demonstrate the occurrence of agonist-selective MOR endocytosis in neurons naturally expressing this receptor in vivo and suggest the existence of different mechanisms regulating cellular responsiveness to ligands.


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Recently, a large family of transducer proteins in the Archaeon Halobacterium salinarium was identified. On the basis of the comparison of the predicted structural domains of these transducers, three distinct subfamilies of transducers were proposed. Here we report isolation, complete gene sequences, and analysis of the encoded primary structures of transducer gene htrII, a member of family B, and its blue light receptor gene (sopII) of sensory rhodopsin II (SRII). The start codon ATG of the 714-bp sopII gene is one nucleotide beyond the termination codon TGA of the 2298-bp htrII gene. The deduced protein sequence of HtrII predicts a eubacterial chemotaxis transducer type with two hydrophobic membrane-spanning segments connecting sizable domains in the periplasm and cytoplasm. HtrII has a common feature with HtrI, the sensory rhodopsin I transducer; like HtrI, HtrII possesses a hydrophilic loop structure just after the second transmembrane segment. The C-terminal 299 residues (765 amino acid residues total) of HtrII show strong homology to the signaling and methylation domain of eubacterial transducer Tsr. The hydropathy plot of the primary structure of SRII indicates seven membrane-spanning alpha-helical segments, a characteristic feature of retinylidene proteins ("rhodopsins") from a widespread family of photoactive pigments. SRII shows high identity with SRI (42%), bacteriorhodopsin (BR) (32%), and halorhodopsin (24%). The crucial positions for retinal binding sites in these proteins are nearly identical, with the exception of Met-118 (numbering according to the mature BR sequence), which is replaced by Val in SRII. In BR, residues Asp-85 and Asp-96 are crucial in proton pumping. In SRII, the position corresponding to Asp-85 in BR is conserved, but the corresponding position of Asp-96 is replaced by an aromatic Tyr. Coexpression of the htrII and sopII genes restores SRII phototaxis to a mutant (Pho81) that contains a deletion in the htrI/sopI and insertion in htrII/sopII regions. This paper describes the first example that both HtrI and HtrII exist in the same halobacterial cell, confirming that different sensory rhodopsins SRI and SRII in the same organism have their own distinct transducers.


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The three-dimensional structures of human parvovirus B19 VP2 capsids, alone and complexed with its cellular receptor, globoside, have been determined to 26 resolution. The B19 capsid structure, reconstructed from cryo-electron micrographs of vitrified specimens, has depressions on the icosahedral 2-fold and 3-fold axes, as well as a canyon-like region around the 5-fold axes. Similar results had previously been found in an 8 angstrom resolution map derived from x-ray diffraction data. Other parvoviral structures have a cylindrical channel along the 5-fold icosahedral axes, whereas density covers the 5-fold axes in B19. The glycolipid receptor molecules bind into the depressions on the 3-fold axes of the B19:globoside complex. A model of the tetrasaccharide component of globoside, organized as a trimeric fiber, fits well into the difference density representing the globoside receptor. Escape mutations to neutralizing antibodies map onto th capsid surface at regions immediately surrounding the globoside attachment sites. The proximity of the antigenic epitopes to the receptor site suggests that neutralization of virus infectivity is caused by preventing attachment of viruses to cells.


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Guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein (G protein)-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) constitute a family of serine/threonine kinases that play a major role in the agonist-induced phosphorylation and desensitization of G-protein-coupled receptors. Herein we describe the generation of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that specifically react with GRK2 and GRK3 or with GRK4, GRK5, and GRK6. They are used in several different receptor systems to identify the kinases that are responsible for receptor phosphorylation and desensitization. The ability of these reagents to inhibit GRK- mediated receptor phosphorylation is demonstrated in permeabilized 293 cells that overexpress individual GRKs and the type 1A angiotensin II receptor. We also use this approach to identify the endogenous GRKs that are responsible for the agonist-induced phosphorylation of epitope-tagged beta2- adrenergic receptors (beta2ARs) overexpressed in rabbit ventricular myocytes that are infected with a recombinant adenovirus. In these myocytes, anti-GRK2/3 mAbs inhibit isoproterenol-induced receptor phosphorylation by 77%, while GRK4-6-specific mAbs have no effect. Consistent with the operation of a betaAR kinase-mediated mechanism, GRK2 is identified by immunoblot analysis as well as in a functional assay as the predominant GRK expressed in these cells. Microinjection of GRK2/3-specific mAbs into chicken sensory neurons, which have been shown to express a GRK3-like protein, abolishes desensitization of the alpha2AR-mediated calcium current inhibition. The intracellular inhibition of endogenous GRKs by mAbs represents a novel approach to the study of receptor specificities among GRKs that should be widely applicable to many G-protein-coupled receptors.


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Neuregulins are ligands for the erbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases and mediate growth and differentiation of neural crest, muscle, breast cancer, and Schwann cells. Neuregulins contain an epidermal growth factor-like domain located C-terminally to either an Ig-like domain or a cysteine-rich domain specific to the sensory and motor neuron-derived isoform. Here it is shown that elimination of the Ig-like domain-containing neuregulins by homologous recombination results in embryonic lethality associated with a deficiency of ventricular myocardial trabeculation and impairment of cranial ganglion development. The erbB receptors are expressed in myocardial cells and presumably mediate the neuregulin signal originating from endocardial cells. The trigeminal ganglion is reduced in size and lacks projections toward the brain stem and mandible. We conclude that IgL-domain-containing neuregulins play a major role in cardiac and neuronal development.


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Baculovirus inhibitors of apoptosis (IAPs) act in insect cells to prevent cell death. Here we describe three mammalian homologs of IAP, MIHA, MIHB, and MIHC, and a Drosophila IAP homolog, DIHA. Each protein bears three baculovirus IAP repeats and an N-terminal ring finger motif. Apoptosis mediated by interleukin 1beta converting enzyme (ICE), which can be inhibited by Orgyia pseudotsugata nuclear polyhedrosis virus IAP (OpIAP) and cowpox virus crmA, was also inhibited by MIHA and MIHB. As MIHB and MIHC were able to bind to the tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factors TRAF1 and TRAF2 in yeast two-hybrid assays, these results suggest that IAP proteins that inhibit apoptosis may do so by regulating signals required for activation of ICE-like proteases.


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Pax3 is a transcription factor whose expression has been used as a marker of myogenic precursor cells arising in the lateral somite destined to migrate to and populate the limb musculature. Accruing evidence indicates that the embryologic origins of axial and appendicular muscles are distinct, and limb muscle abnormalities in both mice and humans harboring Pax3 mutations support this distinction. The mechanisms by which Pax3 affects limb muscle development are unknown. The tyrosine kinase receptor for hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor encoded by the c-met protooncogene is also expressed in limb muscle progenitors and, like Pax-3, is required in the mouse for limb muscle development. Here, we show that c-met expression is markedly reduced in the lateral dermomyotome of Splotch embryos lacking Pax3. We show that Pax3 can stimulate c-met expression in cultured cells, and we identify a potential Pax3 binding site in the human c-MET promoter that may contribute to direct transcriptional regulation. In addition, we have found that several cell lines derived from patients with rhabdomyosarcomas caused by a t(2;13) chromosomal translocation activating PAX3 express c-MET, whereas those rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines examined without the translocation do not. These results are consistent with a model in which Pax3 modulates c-met expression in the lateral dermomyotome, a function that is required for the appropriate migration of these myogenic precursors to the limb where the ligand for c-met (hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor) is expressed at high levels.


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An expression-cloning strategy was used to isolate a cDNA that encodes a protein that confers calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) responsiveness to Xenopus laevis oocytes. A guinea pig organ of Corti (the mammalian hearing organ) cDNA library was screened by using an assay based on the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). The CFTR is a chloride channel that is activated upon phosphorylation; this channel activity was used as a sensor for CGRP-induced activation of intracellular kinases. A cDNA library from guinea pig organ of Corti was screened by using this oocyte-CFTR assay. A cDNA was identified that contained an open reading frame coding for a small hydrophilic protein that is presumed to be either a CGRP receptor or a component of a CGRP receptor complex. This CGRP receptor component protein confers CGRP-specific activation to the CFTR assay, as no activation was detected upon application of calcitonin, amylin, neuropeptide Y, vasoactive intestinal peptide, or beta-endorphin. In situ hybridization demonstrated that the CGRP receptor component protein is expressed in outer hair cells of the organ of Corti and is colocalized with CGRP-containing efferent nerve terminals.


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The uterine expression of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is essential for embryo implantation in the mouse. Here, we describe the expression of LIF, related members of this group of cytokines, oncostatin M and ciliary neurotrophic factor, and the LIF receptor beta and glycoprotein gp130 in normal human tissues and in the endometrium of fertile women. Our results show that LIF is the only one of these factors expressed at detectable levels in the endometrium of women of proven fertility. LIF expression is restricted to the endometrial glands during the secretory/postovulatory phase but is not present in the endometrium during the proliferative/preovulatory phase. The LIF receptor beta is expressed during the proliferative and secretory phases of the cycle and is restricted to the luminal epithelium. The associated signal-transducing component of the LIF receptor, gp130, is also expressed in both the luminal and glandular epithelium throughout the cycle. These results suggest that uterine expression of LIF in humans, like mice, may have a role in regulating embryo implantation, possibly through an autocrine/paracrine interaction between LIF and its receptor at the luminal epithelium.


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Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) have been shown to migrate in response to insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I). However, the mechanism mediating this response has not been determined. The migration rates of porcine and human vascular SMCs were assessed in a monolayer wounding assay. IGF-I and IGF-II induced increases of 141% and 97%, respectively, in the number of cells that migrated in 4 days. The presence of 0.2% fetal bovine serum in the culture medium was necessary for the IGFs to stimulate migration over uncoated plastic surfaces. However, if vitronectin was used as the substratum, IGF-I stimulated migration by 162% even in the absence of serum. To determine the role of integrins in mediating this migration, SMC surface proteins were labeled with 125I and immunoprecipitated with specific anti-integrin antibodies. Integrins containing alpha-V (vitronectin receptor), alpha5 (fibronectin receptor), and alpha3 (collagen/laminin receptor) subunits were the most abundant. IGF-I treatment caused a 73% reduction in alpha5-integrin subunit protein and a 25% increase in alpha-V subunit. More importantly, ligand binding of alpha-V-beta3 was increased by 2.4-fold. We therefore examined whether the function of the alpha-V-beta3 integrin was important for IGF-I-mediated migration. The disintegrin kistrin was shown by affinity crosslinking to specifically bind with high affinity to alpha-V-beta3 and not to alpha5-beta1 or other abundant integrins. The related disintegrin echistatin specifically inhibited 125I-labeled kistrin binding to alpha-V-beta3, while a structurally distinct disintegrin, decorsin, had 1000-fold lower affinity. The addition of increasing concentrations of either kistrin or echistatin inhibited IGF-I-induced migration, whereas decorsin had a minimal effect. The potency of these disintegrins in inhibiting IGF-I-induced migration paralleled their apparent affinity for the alpha-V integrin. Furthermore, an alpha-V-beta3 blocking antibody inhibited SMC migration by 80%. In summary, vitronectin receptor activation is a necessary component of IGF-I-mediated stimulation of smooth muscle migration, and alpha-V-beta3 integrin antagonists appear to be important reagents for modulating this process.