79 resultados para rna analysis


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Elucidating the relevant genomic changes mediating development and evolution of prostate cancer is paramount for effective diagnosis and therapy. A putative dominant-acting nude mouse prostatic carcinoma tumor-inducing gene, PTI-1, has been cloned that is expressed in patient-derived human prostatic carcinomas but not in benign prostatic hypertrophy or normal prostate tissue. PTI-1 was detected by cotransfecting human prostate carcinoma DNA into CREF-Trans 6 cells, inducing tumors in nude mice, and isolating genes displaying increased expression in tumor-derived cells by using differential RNA display (DD). Screening a human prostatic carcinoma (LNCaP) cDNA library with a 214-bp DNA fragment found by DD permitted the cloning of a full-length 2.0-kb PTI-1 cDNA. Sequence analysis indicates that PTI-1 is a gene containing a 630-bp 5' sequence and a 3' sequence homologous to a truncated and mutated form of human elongation factor 1 alpha. In vitro translation demonstrates that the PTI-1 cDNA encodes a predominant approximately 46-kDa protein. Probing Northern blots with a DNA fragment corresponding to the 5' region of PTI-1 identifies multiple PTI-1 transcripts in RNAs from human carcinoma cell lines derived from the prostate, lung, breast, and colon. In contrast, PTI-1 RNA is not detected in human melanoma, neuroblastoma, osteosarcoma, normal cerebellum, or glioblastoma multiforme cell lines. By using a pair of primers recognizing a 280-bp region within the 630-bp 5' PTI-1 sequence, reverse transcription-PCR detects PTI-1 expression in patient-derived prostate carcinomas but not in normal prostate or benign hypertrophic prostate tissue. In contrast, reverse transcription-PCR detects prostate-specific antigen expression in all of the prostate tissues. These results indicate that PTI-1 may be a member of a class of oncogenes that could affect protein translation and contribute to carcinoma development in human prostate and other tissues. The approaches used, rapid expression cloning with the CREF-Trans 6 system and the DD strategy, should prove widely applicable for identifying and cloning additional human oncogenes.


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The maturation of 5S RNA in Escherichia coli is poorly understood. Although it is known that large precursors of 5S RNA accumulate in mutant cells lacking the endoribonuclease-RNase E, almost nothing is known about how the mature 5' and 3' termini of these molecules are generated. We have examined 5S RNA maturation in wild-type and single- or multiple-exoribonuclease-deficient cells by Northern blot and primer-extension analysis. Our results indicate that no mature 5S RNA is made in RNase T-deficient strains. Rather, 5S RNA precursors containing predominantly 2 extra nucleotides at the 3' end accumulate. Apparently, these 5S RNAs are functional inasmuch as mutant cells are viable, growing only slightly slower than wild type. Purified RNase T can remove the extra 3' residues, showing that it is directly involved in the trimming reaction. In contrast, mutations affecting other 3' exoribonucleases have no effect on 5S RNA maturation. Approximately 90% of the 5S RNAs in both wild-type and RNase T- cells contain mature 5' termini, indicating that 5' processing is independent of RNase T action. These data identify the enzyme responsible for generating the mature 3' terminus of 5S RNA molecules and also demonstrate that a completely processed 5S RNA molecule is not essential for cell survival.


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The C4 repressor of the temperate bacteriophages P1 and P7 inhibits antirepressor (Ant) synthesis and is essential for establishment and maintenance of lysogeny. C4 is an antisense RNA acting on a target, Ant mRNA, which is transcribed from the same promoter. The antisense-target RNA interaction requires processing of C4 RNA from a precursor RNA. Here we show that 5' maturation of C4 RNA in vivo depends on RNase P. In vitro, Escherichia coli RNase P and its catalytic RNA subunit (M1 RNA) can generate the mature 5' end of C4 RNA from P1 by a single endonucleolytic cut, whereas RNase P from the E. coli rnpA49 mutant, carrying a missense mutation in the RNase P protein subunit, is defective in the 5' maturation of C4 RNA. Primer extension analysis of RNA transcribed in vivo from a plasmid carrying the P1 c4 gene revealed that 5'-mature C4 RNA was the predominant species in rnpA+ bacteria, whereas virtually no mature C4 RNA was found in the temperature-sensitive rnpA49 strain at the restrictive temperature. Instead, C4 RNA molecules carrying up to five extra nucleotides beyond the 5' end accumulated. The same phenotype was observed in rnpA+ bacteria which harbored a plasmid carrying a P7 c4 mutant gene with a single C-->G base substitution in the structural homologue to the CCA 3' end of tRNAs. Implications of C4 RNA processing for the lysis/lysogeny decision process of bacteriophages P1 and P7 are discussed.


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By using taxonomic characters derived from EcoRI restriction endonuclease digestion of genomic DNA and hybridization with a labeled rRNA operon from Escherichia coli, a polymorphic structure of Listeria monocytogenes, characterized by fragments with different frequencies of occurrence, was observed. This structure was expanded by creating predicted patterns through a recursive process of observation, expectation, prediction, and assessment of completeness. This process was applied, in turn, to normalized strain patterns, fragment bands, and positions of EcoRI recognition sites relative to rRNA regions. Analysis of 1346 strains provided observed patterns, fragment sizes, and their frequencies of occurrence in the patterns. Fragment size statistics led to the creation of unobserved combinations of bands, predicted pattern types. The observed fragment bands revealed positions of EcoRI sites relative to rRNA sequences. Each EcoRI site had a frequency of occurrence, and unobserved fragment sizes were postulated on the basis of knowing the restriction site locations. The result of the recursion process applied to the components of the strain data was an extended classification with observed and predicted members.