251 resultados para natural killer cell receptor


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Predominant usage of V beta 8.2 gene segments, encoding a T-cell receptor (TCR) beta chain variable region, has been reported for pathogenic Lewis rat T cells reactive to myelin basic protein (MBP). However, up to 75% of the alpha/beta T cells in a panel of MBP-specific T-cell lines did not display TCR V beta 8.2, V beta 8.5, V beta 10, or V beta 16 elements. To further investigate TCR usage, we sorted the T-cell lines for V beta 8.2- and V beta 10-positive T cells or depleted the lines of cells with these TCRs. V beta 8.2-positive T cells and one of the depleted T-cell lines strongly reacted against the MBP peptide MBP-(68-88). The depleted T-cell line caused marked experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) even in Lewis rats in which endogenous V beta 8.2-positive T cells had been eliminated by neonatal treatment with anti-V beta 8.2 monoclonal antibodies. T-cell hybridomas generated from this line predominantly used V beta 3 TCR genes coexpressed with TCR V alpha 2 transcripts, which were also used by V beta 8.2-positive T cells. Furthermore, V beta 10-positive T cells reactive to MBP-(44-67) were encephalitogenic when injected immediately after positive selection. After induction of EAE by sorted V beta 8.2- or V beta 10-positive T-cell lines, immunocytochemical analysis of the spinal cord tissue showed a predominance of the injected TCR or of nontypable alpha/beta T cells after injection of the depleted line. Our results demonstrate heterogeneity of TCR beta-chain usage even for a single autoantigen in an inbred strain. Moreover, V beta 8.2-positive T cells are not essential for the induction and progression of adoptive-transfer EAE.


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Antigen-specific activation of T lymphocytes, via stimulation of the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) complex, is marked by a rapid and sustained increase in the concentration of cytoplasmic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i). It has been suggested that the second messenger inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) produced after TCR stimulation binds to the IP3 receptor (IP3R), an intracellular Ca(2+)-release channel, and triggers the increase in [Ca2+]i that activates transcription of the gene for T-cell growth factor interleukin 2 (IL-2). However, the role of the IP3R in T-cell signaling and possibly in plasma membrane Ca2+ influx in T cells remains unproven. Stable transfection of T cells (Jurkat) with antisense type 1 IP3R cDNA prevented type 1 IP3R expression, providing a tool for dissecting the role of IP3 signaling during T-cell activation. T cells lacking type 1 IP3R failed to increase [Ca2+]i or produce IL-2 after TCR stimulation. Moreover, depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores without TCR activation stimulated Ca2+ influx in cells lacking the type 1 IP3R. These results establish that the type 1 IP3R is required for intracellular Ca2+ release that triggers antigen-specific T-cell proliferation but not for plasma membrane Ca2+ influx.


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To determine whether T-cell-receptor (TCR) usage by T cells recognizing a defined human tumor antigen in the context of the same HLA molecule is conserved, we analyzed the TCR diversity of autologous HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) clones derived from five patients with metastatic melanoma and specific for the common melanoma antigen Melan-A/MART-1. These clones were first identified among HLA-A2-restricted anti-melanoma CTL clones by their ability to specifically release tumor necrosis factor in response to HLA-A2.1+ COS-7 cells expressing this tumor antigen. A PCR with variable (V)-region gene subfamily-specific primers was performed on cDNA from each clone followed by DNA sequencing. TCRAV2S1 was the predominant alpha-chain V region, being transcribed in 6 out of 9 Melan-A/MART-1-specific CTL clones obtained from the five patients. beta-chain V-region usage was also restricted, with either TCRBV14 or TCRBV7 expressed by all but one clone. In addition, a conserved TCRAV2S1/TCRBV14 combination was expressed in four CTL clones from three patients. None of these V-region genes was found in a group of four HLA-A2-restricted CTL clones recognizing different antigens (e.g., tyrosinase) on the autologous tumor. TCR joining regions were heterogeneous, although conserved structural features were observed in the complementarity-determining region 3 sequences. These results indicate that a selective repertoire of TCR genes is used in anti-melanoma responses when the response is narrowed to major histocompatibility complex-restricted antigen-specific interactions.


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Like other cell-surface receptors with intrinsic or associated protein-tyrosine kinase activity, the T-cell receptor complex undergoes a number of modifications, including tyrosine phosphorylation steps, after ligand binding but before transmitting a signal. The requirement for these modifications introduces a temporal lag between ligand binding and receptor signaling. A model for the T-cell receptor is proposed in which this feature greatly enhances the receptor's ability to discriminate between a foreign antigen and self-antigens with only moderately lower affinity. The proposed scheme is a form of kinetic proofreading, known to be essential for the fidelity of protein and DNA synthesis. A variant of this scheme is also described in which a requirement for formation of large aggregates may lead to a further enhancement of the specificity of T-cell activation. Through these mechanisms, ligands of different affinity potentially may elicit qualitatively different signals.


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IL-18 is a proinflammatory cytokine that plays an important role in natural killer cell activation and T helper 1 (Th1) cell responses. Mast cells and basophils are major inducers and effectors of allergic inflammation. Here we show that basophils and mast cells derived by culture of bone marrow cells with IL-3 for 10 days express IL-18Rα chain and that basophils produce large amounts of IL-4 and IL-13 in response to stimulation with IL-3 and IL-18. Injection of IL-12 and IL-18 inhibits IgE production in helminth-infected wild-type mice and abolishes the capacity of their basophils to produce IL-4 and IL-13 in response to stimulation either with IL-3 and IL-18 or with FcɛR cross-linkage. By contrast, this combination of cytokines actually increases IgE levels in helminth-infected IFN-γ−/− mice and enhances IL-4 and IL-13 production by their basophils. Furthermore, injection of IL-18 alone enhances basophil production of IL-4 and histamine both in wild-type and IFN-γ−/− mice. Thus, IL-18 has the potential to stimulate basophils but, when given with IL-12, exhibits an antiallergic action in vivo.


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Immunodeficiency typically appears many years after initial HIV infection. This long, essentially asymptomatic period contributes to the transmission of HIV in human populations. In rare instances, clearance of HIV-1 infection has been observed, particularly in infants. There are also reports of individuals who have been frequently exposed to HIV-1 but remain seronegative for the virus, and it has been hypothesized that these individuals are resistant to infection by HIV-1. However, little is known about the mechanism of immune clearance or protection against HIV-1 in these high-risk individuals because it is difficult to directly demonstrate in vivo protective immunity. Although most of these high-risk individuals show an HIV-1-specific cell-mediated immune response using in vitro assays, their peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) are still susceptible to HIV infection in tissue culture. To study this further in vivo, we have established a humanized SCID mouse infection model whereby T-, B-, and natural killer-cell defective SCID/beige mice that have been reconstituted with normal human PBLs can be infected with HIV-1. When the SCID/beige mice were reconstituted with PBLs from two different multiply exposed HIV-1 seronegative individuals, the mice showed resistance to infection by two strains of HIV-1 (macrophage tropic and T cell tropic), although the same PBLs were easily infected in vitro. Mice reconstituted with PBLs from non-HIV-exposed controls were readily infected. When the same reconstituted mice were depleted of human CD8 T cells, however, they became susceptible to HIV-1 infection, indicating that the in vivo protection required CD8 T cells. This provides clear experimental evidence that some multiply exposed, HIV-1-negative individuals have in vivo protective immunity that is CD8 T cell-dependent. Understanding the mechanism of such protective immunity is critical to the design and testing of effective prophylactic vaccines and immunotherapeutic regimens.


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We inoculated BALB/c mice deficient in STAT6 (STAT6−/−) and their wild-type (wt) littermates (STAT6+/+) with the natural mouse pathogen, ectromelia virus (EV). STAT6−/− mice exhibited increased resistance to generalized infection with EV when compared with STAT6+/+ mice. In the spleens and lymph nodes of STAT6−/− mice, T helper 1 (Th1) cytokines were induced at earlier time points and at higher levels postinfection when compared with those in STAT6+/+ mice. Elevated levels of NO were evident in plasma and splenocyte cultures of EV-infected STAT6−/− mice in comparison with STAT6+/+ mice. The induction of high levels of Th1 cytokines in the mutant mice correlated with a strong natural killer cell response. We demonstrate in genetically susceptible BALB/c mice that the STAT6 locus is critical for progression of EV infection. Furthermore, in the absence of this transcription factor, the immune system defaults toward a protective Th1-like response, conferring pronounced resistance to EV infection and disease progression.


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A small percentage of human T lymphocytes, predominantly CD8+ T cells, express receptors for HLA class 1 molecules of natural killer type (NK-R) that are inhibitory for T-cell antigen receptor (TCR)-mediated functions. In the present study, it is demonstrated that the various NK-R molecules typically expressed by NK cells are also expressed on periheral blood T lymphocytes. These CD3+ NK-R+ cells have a cell surface phenotype typical of memory cells as indicated by the expression of CD45RO and CD29 and by the lack of CD28 and CD45RA. Furthermore, by the combined use of anti-TCR V beta-specific antibodies and a semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction assay, the TCR repertoire in this CD3+ NK-R+ cell subset was found to be skewed; in fact, one or two V beta families were largely represented, and most of the other V beta s were barely detected. In addition, analysis of recombinant clones of the largely represented V beta families demonstrated that these V beta s were oligoclonally or monoclonally expanded.


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The interleukin 7 receptor (IL-7R) plays a crucial role in early B- and T-cell development. It consists of a unique a chain and a common gamma chain [IL-2 receptor gamma chain (IL-2Rgamma)]. Gene inactivation of IL-7, IL-7R, and IL-2Rgamma resulted in severe impairment of B and T lymphopoiesis in mice. In addition, IL-2Rgamma-deficient mice lack gammadelta T cells in the skin and have the impaired development of natural killer (NK) cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes. To explore the role of IL-7/IL-7R system in gammadelta T- and NK-cell development, we have generated and analyzed IL-7R-deficient mice. gammadelta T cells were absent from skin, gut, liver, and spleen in the deficient mice. In contrast, alphabeta T and B cells were detected in reduced, but certain, numbers, and NK cells developed normally. The gammadelta T-cell development in fetal and adult thymus was also completely blocked. These results clearly demonstrate that the signal from IL-7R is indispensable for gammadelta T-cell development in both thymic and extrathymic pathways. On the contrary, it is suggested that NK-cell development requires cytokine(s) other than IL-7.


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In pre-B lymphocytes, productive rearrangement of Ig light chain genes allows assembly of the B cell receptor (BCR), which selectively promotes further developmental maturation through poorly defined transmembrane signaling events. Using a novel in vitro system to study immune tolerance during development, we find that BCR reactivity to auto-antigen blocks this positive selection, preventing down-regulation of light chain gene recombination and promoting secondary light chain gene rearrangements that often alter BCR specificity, a process called receptor editing. Under these experimental conditions, self-antigen induces secondary light chain gene rearrangements in at least two-thirds of autoreactive immature B cells, but fails to accelerate cell death at this stage. These data suggest that in these cells the mechanism of immune tolerance is receptor selection rather than clonal selection.


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IL-4 receptor α chain (IL-4Rα)-deficient mice were generated by gene-targeting in BALB/c embryonic stem cells. Mutant mice showed a loss of IL-4 signal transduction and functional activity. The lack of IL-4Rα resulted in markedly diminished, but not absent, TH2 responses after infection with the helminthic parasite Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. CD4+, CD62L-high, and CD62L-low T cell populations from uninfected IL-4Rα−/− mice were isolated by cell sorting. Upon primary stimulation by T cell receptor cross-linkage, the CD62L-low, but not the CD62L-high, cells secreted considerable amounts of IL-4, which was strikingly enhanced upon 4-day culture with anti-CD3 in the presence or absence of IL-4. CD62L-low cells isolated from IL-4Rα−/−, β2-microglobulin−/− double homozygous mice produced less IL-4 than did either IL-4Rα−/− or wild-type mice. These results indicate that an IL-4-independent, β2-microglobulin-dependent pathway exists through which the CD62L-low CD4+ population has acquired IL-4-producing capacity in vivo, strongly suggesting that these cells are NK T cells.


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Mutations in Btk result in the B cell immunodeficiencies X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) in humans and X-linked immunodeficiency (xid) in mice. Btk is a critical component of signaling pathways regulating B cell development and function. We used a genetic approach to determine whether Btk is also limiting for these processes. One allele of a murine Btk transgene expressed a dosage of Btk (25% of endogenous levels in splenic B cells) sufficient to restore normal numbers of phenotypically mature conventional B cells in xid mice. 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl–Ficoll response, anti-IgM-induced proliferation, B1 cell development, and serum IgM and IgG3 levels remained significantly impaired in these animals. B cells from Btk −/− transgenic mice also responded poorly to anti-IgM, indicating that the xid mutation does not create a dominant negative form of Btk. Response to 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl–Ficoll and B cell receptor cross-linking were increased 3- to 4-fold in xid mice homozygous for the transgene. These results demonstrate that Btk is a limiting component of B cell antigen receptor signaling pathways and suggest that B cell development and response to antigen may require different levels of Btk activity.


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Antigen recognition in the adaptive immune response by Ig and T-cell antigen receptors (TCRs) is effected through patterned differences in the peptide sequence in the V regions. V-region specificity forms through genetically programmed rearrangement of individual, diversified segmental elements in single somatic cells. Other Ig superfamily members, including natural killer receptors that mediate cell-surface recognition, do not undergo segmental reorganization, and contain type-2 C (C2) domains, which are structurally distinct from the C1 domains found in Ig and TCR. Immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs that transduce negative regulatory signals through the cell membrane are found in certain natural killer and other cell surface inhibitory receptors, but not in Ig and TCR. In this study, we employ a genomic approach by using the pufferfish (Spheroides nephelus) to characterize a nonrearranging novel immune-type receptor gene family. Twenty-six different nonrearranging genes, which each encode highly diversified V as well as a V-like C2 extracellular domain, a transmembrane region, and in most instances, an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif-containing cytoplasmic tail, are identified in an ≈113 kb P1 artificial chromosome insert. The presence in novel immune-type receptor genes of V regions that are related closely to those found in Ig and TCR as well as regulatory motifs that are characteristic of inhibitory receptors implies a heretofore unrecognized link between known receptors that mediate adaptive and innate immune functions.


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Mature immunologically competent dendritic cells are the most efficient antigen-presenting cells that powerfully activate T cells and initiate and sustain immune responses. Indeed, dendritic cells are able to efficiently capture antigens, express high levels of costimulatory molecules, and produce the combination of cytokines required to create a powerful immune response. They are also considered to be important in initiating autoimmune disease by efficiently presenting autoantigens to self-reactive T cells that, in this case, will mount a pathogenic autoimmune reaction. Triggering T cells is not a simple on–off procedure, as T cell receptor responds to minor changes in ligand with gradations of T cell activation and effector functions. These “misfit” peptides have been called Altered Peptide Ligands, and have been shown to have important biological significance. Here, we show that fully capable dendritic cells may present, upon natural antigen processing, a self-epitope with Altered Peptide Ligands features that can unexpectedly induce anergy in a human autoreactive T cell clone. These results indicate that presentation of a self-epitope by immunologically competent dendritic cells does not always mean “danger” and show a mechanism involved in the fine balance between activation and tolerance induction in humans.


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Opiates are potent analgesic and addictive compounds. They also act on immune responses, and morphine, the prototypic opiate, has been repeatedly described as an immunosuppressive drug. Pharmacological studies have suggested that the inhibitory action of opiates on immunity is mediated by multiple opioid receptor sites but molecular evidence has remained elusive. Recently, three genes encoding μ- (MOR), δ-, and κ-opioid receptors have been cloned. To investigate whether the μ-opioid receptor is functionally implicated in morphine immunosuppression in vivo, we have examined immune responses of mice with a genetic disruption of the MOR gene. In the absence of drug, there was no difference between wild-type and mutant mice with regard to a large number of immunological endpoints, suggesting that the lack of MOR-encoded protein has little consequence on immune status. Chronic morphine administration induced lymphoid organ atrophy, diminished the ratio of CD4+CD8+ cells in the thymus and strongly reduced natural killer activity in wild-type mice. None of these effects was observed in MOR-deficient mice after morphine treatment. This demonstrates that the MOR gene product represents a major molecular target for morphine action on the immune system. Because our previous studies of MOR-deficient mice have shown that this receptor protein is also responsible for morphine analgesia, reward, and physical dependence, the present results imply that MOR-targeted therapeutic drugs that are developed for the treatment of pain or opiate addiction may concomitantly influence immune responses.