171 resultados para Sequence Homology, Amino Acid


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MLN64 is a protein that is highly expressed in certain breast carcinomas. The C terminus of MLN64 shares significant homology with the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), which plays a key role in steroid hormone biosynthesis by enhancing the intramitochondrial translocation of cholesterol to the cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme. We tested the ability of MLN64 to stimulate steroidogenesis by using COS-1 cells cotransfected with plasmids expressing the human cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme system and wild-type and mutant MLN64 proteins. Wild-type MLN64 increased pregnenolone secretion in this system 2-fold. The steroidogenic activity of MLN64 was found to reside in the C terminus of the protein, because constructs from which the C-terminal StAR homology domain was deleted had no steroidogenic activity. In contrast, removal of N-terminal sequences increased MLN64’s steroidogenesis-enhancing activity. MLN64 mRNA was found in many human tissues, including the placenta and brain, which synthesize steroid hormones but do not express StAR. Western blot analysis revealed the presence of lower molecular weight immunoreactive MLN64 species that contain the C-terminal sequences in human tissues. Homologs of both MLN64 and StAR were identified in Caenorhabditis elegans, indicating that the two proteins are ancient. Mutations that inactivate StAR were correlated with amino acid residues that are identical or similar among StAR and MLN64, indicating that conserved motifs are important for steroidogenic activity. We conclude that MLN64 stimulates steroidogenesis by virtue of its homology to StAR.


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A cDNA from a novel Ca2+-dependent member of the mitochondrial solute carrier superfamily was isolated from a rabbit small intestinal cDNA library. The full-length cDNA clone was 3,298 nt long and coded for a protein of 475 amino acids, with four elongation factor-hand motifs located in the N-terminal half of the molecule. The 25-kDa N-terminal polypeptide was expressed in Escherichia coli, and it was demonstrated that it bound Ca2+, undergoing a reversible and specific conformational change as a result. The conformation of the polypeptide was sensitive to Ca2+ which was bound with high affinity (Kd ≈ 0.37 μM), the apparent Hill coefficient for Ca2+-induced changes being about 2.0. The deduced amino acid sequence of the C-terminal half of the molecule revealed 78% homology to Grave disease carrier protein and 67% homology to human ADP/ATP translocase; this sequence homology identified the protein as a new member of the mitochondrial transporter superfamily. Northern blot analysis revealed the presence of a single transcript of about 3,500 bases, and low expression of the transporter could be detected in the kidney but none in the liver. The main site of expression was the colon with smaller amounts found in the small intestine proximal to the ileum. Immunoelectron microscopy localized the transporter in the peroxisome, although a minor fraction was found in the mitochondria. The Ca2+ binding N-terminal half of the transporter faces the cytosol.


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The mouse p53 protein generated by alternative splicing (p53as) has amino acid substitutions at its C terminus that result in constitutively active sequence-specific DNA binding (active form), whereas p53 protein itself binds inefficiently (latent form) unless activated by C-terminal modification. Exogenous p53as expression activated transcription of reporter plasmids containing p53 binding sequences and inhibited growth of mouse and human cells lacking functional endogenous p53. Inducible p53as in stably transfected p53 null fibroblasts increased p21WAF1/Cip-1/Sdi and decreased bcl-2 protein steady-state levels. Endogenous p53as and p53 proteins differed in response to cellular DNA damage. p53 protein was induced transiently in normal keratinocytes and fibroblasts whereas p53as protein accumulation was sustained in parallel with induction of p21WAF1/Cip-1/Sdi protein and mRNA, in support of p53as transcriptional activity. Endogenous p53 and p53as proteins in epidermal tumor cells responded to DNA damage with different kinetics of nuclear accumulation and efficiencies of binding to a p53 consensus DNA sequence. A model is proposed in which C-terminally distinct p53 protein forms specialize in functions, with latent p53 forms primarily for rapid non-sequence-specific binding to sites of DNA damage and active p53 forms for sustained regulation of transcription and growth.


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Drosophila shibire and its mammalian homologue dynamin regulate an early step in endocytosis. We identified a Caenorhabditis elegans dynamin gene, dyn-1, based upon hybridization to the Drosophila gene. The dyn-1 RNA transcripts are trans-spliced to the spliced leader 1 and undergo alternative splicing to code for either an 830- or 838-amino acid protein. These dyn-1 proteins are highly similar in amino acid sequence, structure, and size to the Drosophila and mammalian dynamins: they contain an N-terminal GTPase, a pleckstrin homology domain, and a C-terminal proline-rich domain. We isolated a recessive temperature-sensitive dyn-1 mutant containing an alteration within the GTPase domain that becomes uncoordinated when shifted to high temperature and that recovers when returned to lower temperatures, similar to D. shibire mutants. When maintained at higher temperatures, dyn-1 mutants become constipated, egg-laying defective, and produce progeny that die during embryogenesis. Using a dyn-1::lacZ gene fusion, a high level of dynamin expression was observed in motor neurons, intestine, and pharyngeal muscle. Our results suggest that dyn-1 function is required during development and for normal locomotion.


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Yeast splicing factor Prp43, a DEAH box protein of the putative RNA helicase/RNA-dependent NTPase family, is a splicing factor that functions late in the pre-mRNA splicing pathway to facilitate spliceosome disassembly. In this paper we report cDNA cloning and characterization of mDEAH9, an apparent mammalian homologue of Prp43. Amino acid sequence comparison revealed that the two proteins are ≈65% identical over a 500-aa region spanning the central helicase domain and the C-terminal region. Expression of mDEAH9 in S. cerevisiae bearing a temperature-sensitive mutation in prp43 was sufficient to restore growth at the nonpermissive temperature. This functional complementation was specific, as mouse mDEAH9 failed to complement mutations in related splicing factor genes prp16 or prp22. Finally, double label immunofluorescence experiments performed with mammalian cells revealed colocalization of mDEAH9 and splicing factor SC35 in punctate nuclear speckles. Thus, the hypothesis that mDEAH9 represents the mammalian homologue of yeast Prp43 is supported by its high sequence homology, functional complementation, and colocalization with a known splicing factor in the nucleus. Our results provide additional support for the hypothesis that the spliceosomal machinery that mediates regulated, dynamic changes in conformation of pre-mRNA and snRNP RNAs has been highly conserved through evolution.


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Two RNases H of mammalian tissues have been described: RNase HI, the activity of which was found to rise during DNA replication, and RNase HII, which may be involved in transcription. RNase HI is the major mammalian enzyme representing around 85% of the total RNase H activity in the cell. By using highly purified calf thymus RNase HI we identified the sequences of several tryptic peptides. This information enabled us to determine the sequence of the cDNA coding for the large subunit of human RNase HI. The corresponding ORF of 897 nt defines a polypeptide of relative molecular mass of 33,367, which is in agreement with the molecular mass obtained earlier by SDS/PAGE. Expression of the cloned ORF in Escherichia coli leads to a polypeptide, which is specifically recognized by an antiserum raised against calf thymus RNase HI. Interestingly, the deduced amino acid sequence of this subunit of human RNase HI displays significant homology to RNase HII from E. coli, an enzyme of unknown function and previously judged as a minor activity. This finding suggests an evolutionary link between the mammalian RNases HI and the prokaryotic RNases HII. The idea of a mammalian RNase HI large subunit being a strongly conserved protein is substantiated by the existence of homologous ORFs in the genomes of other eukaryotes and of all eubacteria and archaebacteria that have been completely sequenced.


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The influenza C virus CM2 protein is a small glycosylated integral membrane protein (115 residues) that spans the membrane once and contains a cleavable signal sequence at its N terminus. The coding region for CM2 (CM2 ORF) is located at the C terminus of the 342-amino acid (aa) ORF of a colinear mRNA transcript derived from influenza C virus RNA segment 6. Splicing of the colinear transcript introduces a translational stop codon into the ORF and the spliced mRNA encodes the viral matrix protein (CM1) (242 aa). The mechanism of CM2 translation was investigated by using in vitro and in vivo translation of RNA transcripts. It was found that the colinear mRNA derived from influenza C virus RNA segment 6 serves as the mRNA for CM2. Furthermore, CM2 translation does not depend on any of the three in-frame methionine residues located at the beginning of CM2 ORF. Rather, CM2 is a proteolytic cleavage product of the p42 protein product encoded by the colinear mRNA: a cleavage event that involves the recognition and cleavage of an internal signal peptide presumably by signal peptidase resident in the endoplasmic reticulum. Alteration of the predicted signal peptidase cleavage site by mutagenesis blocked generation of CM2. The other polypeptide species resulting from the cleavage of p42, designated p31, contains the CM1 coding region and an additional C-terminal 17 aa (formerly the CM2 signal peptide). Protein p31, in comparison to CM1, displays characteristics of an integral membrane protein.


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Multiprotein bridging factor 1 (MBF1) is a transcriptional cofactor that bridges between the TATA box-binding protein (TBP) and the Drosophila melanogaster nuclear hormone receptor FTZ-F1 or its silkworm counterpart BmFTZ-F1. A cDNA clone encoding MBF1 was isolated from the silkworm Bombyx mori whose sequence predicts a basic protein consisting of 146 amino acids. Bacterially expressed recombinant MBF1 is functional in interactions with TBP and a positive cofactor MBF2. The recombinant MBF1 also makes a direct contact with FTZ-F1 through the C-terminal region of the FTZ-F1 DNA-binding domain and stimulates the FTZ-F1 binding to its recognition site. The central region of MBF1 (residues 35–113) is essential for the binding of FTZ-F1, MBF2, and TBP. When the recombinant MBF1 was added to a HeLa cell nuclear extract in the presence of MBF2 and FTZ622 bearing the FTZ-F1 DNA-binding domain, it supported selective transcriptional activation of the fushi tarazu gene as natural MBF1 did. Mutations disrupting the binding of FTZ622 to DNA or MBF1, or a MBF2 mutation disrupting the binding to MBF1, all abolished the selective activation of transcription. These results suggest that tethering of the positive cofactor MBF2 to a FTZ-F1-binding site through FTZ-F1 and MBF1 is essential for the binding site-dependent activation of transcription. A homology search in the databases revealed that the deduced amino acid sequence of MBF1 is conserved across species from yeast to human.


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Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI 3-kinases) have been implicated in membrane trafficking in the secretory and endocytic pathways of yeast and mammalian cells, but the molecular mechanisms by which these lipid kinases operate are not known. Here we identify a protein of 170 kDa that is rapidly released from cell membranes in response to wortmannin, a potent inhibitor of mammalian PI 3-kinases. The amino acid sequence of peptides from p170 reveal its identity to early endosomal antigen (EEA) 1, an endosomal antigen with homology to several yeast proteins genetically implicated in membrane trafficking. Immunofluorescence analysis of 3T3-L1 adipocytes with antisera against p170/EEA1 reveal a punctate peripheral pattern that becomes diffuse in response to wortmannin. In vitro, p170/EEA1 binds specifically to liposomes containing PIns(3)P, suggesting that the effect of wortmannin on cells is due to inhibition of PIns(3)P production. Thus, p170/EEA1 may define a family of proteins that mediate the regulatory effects of 3′-phosphoinositides on membrane trafficking in yeast and mammalian cells.


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Three different cDNAs, Prh-19, Prh-26, and Prh-43 [3′-phosphoadenosine-5′-phosphosulfate (PAPS) reductase homolog], have been isolated by complementation of an Escherichia coli cysH mutant, defective in PAPS reductase activity, to prototrophy with an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA library in the expression vector λYES. Sequence analysis of the cDNAs revealed continuous open reading frames encoding polypeptides of 465, 458, and 453 amino acids, with calculated molecular masses of 51.3, 50.5, and 50.4 kDa, respectively, that have strong homology with fungal, yeast, and bacterial PAPS reductases. However, unlike microbial PAPS reductases, each PRH protein has an N-terminal extension, characteristic of a plastid transit peptide, and a C-terminal extension that has amino acid and deduced three-dimensional homology to thioredoxin proteins. Adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (APS) was shown to be a much more efficient substrate than PAPS when the activity of the PRH proteins was tested by their ability to convert 35S-labeled substrate to acid-volatile 35S-sulfite. We speculate that the thioredoxin-like domain is involved in catalytic function, and that the PRH proteins may function as novel “APS reductase” enzymes. Southern hybridization analysis showed the presence of a small multigene family in the Arabidopsis genome. RNA blot hybridization with gene-specific probes revealed for each gene the presence of a transcript of ≈1.85 kb in leaves, stems, and roots that increased on sulfate starvation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the cloning and characterization of plant genes that encode proteins with APS reductase activity and supports the suggestion that APS can be utilized directly, without activation to PAPS, as an intermediary substrate in reductive sulfate assimilation.


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An RNA transcribed from the antisense strand of the FGF-2 gene has been implicated in the regulation of FGF-2 mRNA stability in amphibian oocytes. We have now cloned and characterized a novel 1.1-kb mRNA (fgf-as) from neonatal rat liver. In non-central nervous system (CNS) tissues the fgf-as RNA is abundantly expressed in a developmentally regulated manner. The FGF-AS cDNA contains a consensus polyadenylylation signal and a long open reading frame (ORF) whose deduced amino acid sequence predicts a 35-kDa protein with homology to the MutT family of nucleotide hydrolases. Western blot analysis with antibodies against the deduced peptide sequence demonstrates that the FGF-AS protein is expressed in a broad range of non-CNS tissue in the postnatal period. In the developing brain, the abundance of sense and antisense transcripts are inversely related, suggesting a role for the antisense RNA in posttranscriptional regulation of FGF-2 expression in this tissue.The FGF-AS is complementary to two widely separated regions in the long 3′ untranslated region of the FGF-2 mRNA, in the vicinity of the proximal and distal polyadenylylation sites. These findings demonstrate that the FGF-2 and fgf-as RNAs are coordinately transcribed on a tissue-specific and developmentally regulated basis and suggest that interaction of the sense and antisense RNAs may result in posttranscriptional regulation of FGF-2 in some tissues.


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The molten globule, a widespread protein-folding intermediate, can attain a native-like backbone topology, even in the apparent absence of rigid side-chain packing. Nonetheless, mutagenesis studies suggest that molten globules are stabilized by some degree of side-chain packing among specific hydrophobic residues. Here we investigate the importance of hydrophobic side-chain diversity in determining the overall fold of the α-lactalbumin molten globule. We have replaced all of the hydrophobic amino acids in the sequence of the helical domain with a representative amino acid, leucine. Remarkably, the minimized molecule forms a molten globule that retains many structural features characteristic of a native α-lactalbumin fold. Thus, nonspecific hydrophobic interactions may be sufficient to determine the global fold of a protein.


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The 67-amino acid cytoplasmic tail of the cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CD-MPR) contains a signal(s) that prevents the receptor from entering lysosomes where it would be degraded. To identify the key residues required for proper endosomal sorting, we analyzed the intracellular distribution of mutant forms of the receptor by Percoll density gradients. A receptor with a Trp19 → Ala substitution in the cytoplasmic tail was highly missorted to lysosomes whereas receptors with either Phe18 → Ala or Phe13 → Ala mutations were partially defective in avoiding transport to lysosomes. Analysis of double and triple mutants confirmed the key role of Trp19 for sorting of the CD-MPR in endosomes, with Phe18, Phe13, and several neighboring residues contributing to this function. The addition of the Phe18-Trp19 motif of the CD-MPR to the cytoplasmic tail of the lysosomal membrane protein Lamp1 was sufficient to partially impair its delivery to lysosomes. Replacing Phe18 and Trp19 with other aromatic amino acids did not impair endosomal sorting of the CD-MPR, indicating that two aromatic residues located at these positions are sufficient to prevent the receptor from trafficking to lysosomes. However, alterations in the spacing of the diaromatic amino acid sequence relative to the transmembrane domain resulted in receptor accumulation in lysosomes. These findings indicate that the endosomal sorting of the CD-MPR depends on the correct presentation of a diaromatic amino acid-containing motif in its cytoplasmic tail. Because a diaromatic amino acid sequence is also present in the cytoplasmic tail of other receptors known to be internalized from the plasma membrane, this feature may prove to be a general determinant for endosomal sorting.


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An mAb was raised to the C5 phagosomal antigen in Paramecium multimicronucleatum. To determine its function, the cDNA and genomic DNA encoding C5 were cloned. This antigen consisted of 315 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular weight of 36,594, a value similar to that determined by SDS-PAGE. Sequence comparisons uncovered a low but significant homology with a Schizosaccharomyces pombe protein and the C-terminal half of the β-fructofuranosidase protein of Zymomonas mobilis. Lacking an obvious transmembrane domain or a possible signal sequence at the N terminus, C5 was predicted to be a soluble protein, whereas immunofluorescence data showed that it was present on the membranes of vesicles and digestive vacuoles (DVs). In cells that were minimally permeabilized but with intact DVs, C5 was found to be located on the cytosolic surface of the DV membranes. Immunoblotting of proteins from the purified and KCl-washed DVs showed that C5 was tightly bound to the DV membranes. Cryoelectron microscopy also confirmed that C5 was on the cytosolic surface of the discoidal vesicles, acidosomes, and lysosomes, organelles known to fuse with the membranes of the cytopharynx, the DVs of stages I (DV-I) and II (DV-II), respectively. Although C5 was concentrated more on the mature than on the young DV membranes, the striking observation was that the cytopharyngeal membrane that is derived from the discoidal vesicles was almost devoid of C5. Approximately 80% of the C5 was lost from the discoidal vesicle-derived membrane after this membrane fused with the cytopharyngeal membrane. Microinjection of the mAb to C5 greatly inhibited the fusion of the discoidal vesicles with the cytopharyngeal membrane and thus the incorporation of the discoidal vesicle membranes into the DV membranes. Taken together, these results suggest that C5 is a membrane protein that is involved in binding and/or fusion of the discoidal vesicles with the cytopharyngeal membrane that leads to DV formation.


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Drosophila Enabled (Ena) was initially identified as a dominant genetic suppressor of mutations in the Abelson tyrosine kinase and, more recently, as a member of the Ena/human vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) family of proteins. We have used genetic, biochemical, and cell biological approaches to demonstrate the functional relationship between Ena and human VASP. In addition, we have defined the roles of Ena domains identified as essential for its activity in vivo. We have demonstrated that VASP rescues the embryonic lethality associated with loss of Ena function in Drosophila and have shown that Ena, like VASP, is associated with actin filaments and focal adhesions when expressed in cultured cells. To define sequences that are central to Ena function, we have characterized the molecular lesions present in two lethal ena mutant alleles that affected the Ena/VASP homology domain 1 (EVH1) and EVH2. A missense mutation that resulted in an amino acid substitution in the EVH1 domain eliminated in vitro binding of Ena to the cytoskeletal protein zyxin, a previously reported binding partner of VASP. A nonsense mutation that resulted in a C-terminally truncated Ena protein lacking the EVH2 domain failed to form multimeric complexes and exhibited reduced binding to zyxin and the Abelson Src homology 3 domain. Our analysis demonstrates that Ena and VASP are functionally homologous and defines the conserved EVH1 and EVH2 domains as central to the physiological activity of Ena.