106 resultados para Repetitive DNA sequences


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The tobacco N and Arabidopsis RPS2 genes, among several recently cloned disease-resistance genes, share highly conserved structure, a nucleotide-binding site (NBS). Using degenerate oligonucleotide primers for the NBS region of N and RPS2, we have amplified and cloned the NBS sequences from soybean. Each of these PCR-derived NBS clones detected low-or moderate-copy soybean DNA sequences and belongs to 1 of 11 different classes. Sequence analysis showed that all PCR clones encode three motifs (P-loop, kinase-2, and kinase-3a) of NBS nearly identical to those in N and RPS2. The intervening region between P-loop and kinase-3a of the 11 classes has high (26% average) amino acid sequence similarity to the N gene although not as high (19% average) to RPS2. These 11 classes represent a superfamily of NBS-containing soybean genes that are homologous to N and RPS2. Each class or subfamily was assessed for its positional association with known soybean disease-resistance genes through near-isogenic line assays, followed by linkage analysis in F2 populations using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Five of the 11 subfamilies have thus far been mapped to the vicinity of known soybean genes for resistance to potyviruses (Rsv1 and Rpv), Phytophthora root rot (Rps1, Rps2, and Rps3), and powdery mildew (rmd). The conserved N- or RPS2-homologous NBS sequences and their positional associations with mapped soybean-resistance genes suggest that a number of the soybean disease-resistance genes may belong to this superfamily. The candidate subfamilies of NBS-containing genes identified by genetic mapping should greatly facilitate the molecular cloning of disease-resistance genes.


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Phylogenetic analyses are increasingly used in attempts to clarify transmission patterns of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), but there is a continuing discussion about their validity because convergent evolution and transmission of minor HIV variants may obscure epidemiological patterns. Here we have studied a unique HIV-1 transmission cluster consisting of nine infected individuals, for whom the time and direction of each virus transmission was exactly known. Most of the transmissions occurred between 1981 and 1983, and a total of 13 blood samples were obtained approximately 2-12 years later. The p17 gag and env V3 regions of the HIV-1 genome were directly sequenced from uncultured lymphocytes. A true phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the knowledge about when the transmissions had occurred and when the samples were obtained. This complex, known HIV-1 transmission history was compared with reconstructed molecular trees, which were calculated from the DNA sequences by several commonly used phylogenetic inference methods [Fitch-Margoliash, neighbor-joining, minimum-evolution, maximum-likelihood, maximum-parsimony, unweighted pair group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA), and a Fitch-Margoliash method assuming a molecular clock (KITSCH)]. A majority of the reconstructed trees were good estimates of the true phylogeny; 12 of 13 taxa were correctly positioned in the most accurate trees. The choice of gene fragment was found to be more important than the choice of phylogenetic method and substitution model. However, methods that are sensitive to unequal rates of change performed more poorly (such as UPGMA and KITSCH, which assume a constant molecular clock). The rapidly evolving V3 fragment gave better reconstructions than p17, but a combined data set of both p17 and V3 performed best. The accuracy of the phylogenetic methods justifies their use in HIV-1 research and argues against convergent evolution and selective transmission of certain virus variants.


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Type 1 fimbriae are adhesion organelles expressed by many Gram-negative bacteria. They facilitate adherence to mucosal surfaces and inflammatory cells in vitro, but their contribution to virulence has not been defined. This study presents evidence that type 1 fimbriae increase the virulence of Escherichia coli for the urinary tract by promoting bacterial persistence and enhancing the inflammatory response to infection. In a clinical study, we observed that disease severity was greater in children infected with E. coli O1:K1:H7 isolates expressing type 1 fimbriae than in those infected with type 1 negative isolates of the same serotype. The E. coli O1:K1:H7 isolates had the same electrophoretic type, were hemolysin-negative, expressed P fimbriae, and carried the fim DNA sequences. When tested in a mouse urinary tract infection model, the type 1-positive E. coli O1:K1:H7 isolates survived in higher numbers, and induced a greater neutrophil influx into the urine, than O1:K1:H7 type 1-negative isolates. To confirm a role of type 1 fimbriae, a fimH null mutant (CN1016) was constructed from an O1:K1:H7 type 1-positive parent. E. coli CN1016 had reduced survival and inflammatogenicity in the mouse urinary tract infection model. E. coli CN1016 reconstituted with type 1 fimbriae (E. coli CN1018) had restored virulence similar to that of the wild-type parent strain. These results show that type 1 fimbriae in the genetic background of a uropathogenic strain contribute to the pathogenesis of E. coli in the urinary tract.


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The nucleotide sequence of the human alpha-albumin gene, including 887 bp of the 5'-flanking region and 1311 bp of the 3-flanking region (24,454 in total), was determined from three overlapping lambda phage clones. The sequence spans 22,256 bp from the cap site to the polyadenylylation site, revealing a gene structure of 15 exons separated by 14 introns. The methionine initiation codon ATG is within exon 1; the termination codon TGA is within exon 14. Exon 15 is entirely untranslated and contains the polyadenylylation signal AATAAA. The deduced polypeptide chain is composed of a 21-amino-acid leader peptide, followed by 578 amino acids of the mature protein. There are seven repetitive DNA elements (Alu and Kpn) in the introns and 3-flanking region. The sizes of the 15 alpha-albumin exons match closely those of the albumin, alpha-fetoprotein, and vitamin D-binding protein genes. The exons are symmetrically placed within the three domains of the individual proteins, and they share a characteristic codon splitting pattern that is conserved among members of the gene family. The results provide strong evidence that alpha-albumin belongs to, and most likely completes with, the serum albumin gene family. Based on structural similarity, alpha-albumin appears to be most closely related to alpha-fetoprotein. The complete structure of this family of four tandemly linked genes provides a well-characterized approximately 200 kb locus in the 4q subcentromeric region of the human genome.


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The Wilms tumor suppressor gene WT1 is implicated in the ontogeny of genito-urinary abnormalities, including Denys-Drash syndrome and Wilms tumor of the kidney. WT1 encodes Kruppel-type zinc finger proteins that can regulate the expression of several growth-related genes, apparently by binding to specific DNA sites located within 5' untranslated leader regions as well as 5' promoter sequences. Both WT1 and a closely related early growth response factor, EGR1, can bind the same DNA sequences from the mouse gene encoding insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf-2). We report that WT1, but not EGR1, can bind specific Igf-2 exonic RNA sequences, and that the zinc fingers are required for this interaction. WT1 zinc finger 1, which is not represented in EGR1, plays a more significant role in RNA binding than zinc finger 4, which does have a counterpart in EGR1. Furthermore, the normal subnuclear localization of WT1 proteins is shown to be RNase, but not DNase, sensitive. Therefore, WT1 might, like the Kruppel-type zinc finger protein TFIIIA, regulate gene expression by both transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms.


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A purine-rich splicing enhancer from a constitutive exon has been shown to shift the alternative splicing of calcitonin/CGRP pre-mRNA in vivo. Here, we demonstrate that the native repetitive GAA sequence comprises the optimal enhancer element and specifically binds a saturable complex of proteins required for general splicing in vitro. This complex contains a 37-kDa protein that directly binds the repetitive GAA sequence and SRp40, a member of the SR family of non-snRNP splicing factors. While purified SR proteins do not stably bind the repetitive GAA element, exogenous SR proteins become associated with the GAA element in the presence of nuclear extracts and stimulate GAA-dependent splicing. These results suggest that repetitive GAA sequences enhance splicing by binding a protein complex containing a sequence-specific RNA binding protein and a general splicing activator that, in turn, recruit additional SR proteins. This type of mechanism resembles the tra/tra-2-dependent recruitment of SR proteins to the Drosophila doublesex alternative splicing regulatory element.


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Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is the leading neoplasm of HIV-infected patients and is also found in several HIV-negative populations. Recently, DNA sequences from a novel herpesvirus, termed KS-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), or human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) have been identified within KS tissue from both HIV-positive and HIV-negative cases; infection with this agent has been proposed as a possible factor in the etiology or pathogenesis of the tumor. Here we have examined the pattern of KSHV/HHV-8 gene expression in KS and find it to be highly restricted. We identify and characterize two small transcripts that represent the bulk of the virus-specific RNA transcribed from over 120 kb of the KSHV genome in infected cells. One transcript is predicted to encode a small membrane protein; the other is an unusual polyadenylylated RNA that accumulates in the nucleus to high copy number. This pattern of viral gene expression suggests that most infected cells in KS are latently infected, with lytic viral replication likely restricted to a much smaller subpopulation of cells. These findings have implications for the therapeutic utility of currently available antiviral drugs targeted against the lytic replication cycle.


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Primer extension and RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) assays were used to identify and sequence the 5' terminus of mouse ob mRNA. This sequence was used to obtain a recombinant bacteriophage containing the first exon of the encoding gene. DNA sequence analysis of the region immediately upstream of the first exon of the mouse ob gene revealed DNA sequences corresponding to presumptive cis-regulatory elements. A canonical TATA box was observed 30-34 base pairs upstream from the start site of transcription and a putative binding site for members of the C/EBP family of transcription factors was identified immediately upstream from the TATA box. Nuclear extracts prepared from primary adipocytes contained a DNA binding activity capable of avid and specific interaction with the putative C/EBP response element; antibodies to C/EBP alpha neutralized the DNA binding activity present in adipocyte nuclear extracts. When linked to a firefly luciferase reporter and transfected into primary adipocytes, the presumptive promoter of the mouse ob gene facilitated luciferase expression. When transfected into HepG2 cells, which lack C/EBP alpha, the mouse ob promoter was only weakly active. Supplementation of C/EBP alpha by cotransfection with a C/EBP alpha expression vector markedly stimulated luciferase expression. Finally, an ob promoter variant mutated at the C/EBP response element was inactive in both primary adipocytes and HepG2 cells. These observations provide evidence for identification of a functional promoter capable of directing expression of the mouse ob gene.


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The amino acid sequences of a number of closely related proteins ("napin") isolated from Brassica napus were determined by mass spectrometry without prior separation into individual components. Some of these proteins correspond to those previously deduced (napA, BngNAP1, and gNa), chiefly from DNA sequences. Others were found to differ to a varying extent (BngNAP1', BngNAP1A, BngNAP1B, BngNAP1C, gNa', and gNaA). The short chains of gNa and gNa' and of BngNAP1 and BngNAP1' differ by the replacement of N-terminal proline by pyroglutamic acid; the long chains of gNaA and BngNAP1B contain a six amino acid stretch, MQGQQM, which is present in gNa (according to its DNA sequence) but absent from BngNAP1 and BngNAP1C. These alternations of sequences between napin isoforms are most likely due to homologous recombination of the genetic material, but some of the changes may also be due to RNA editing. The amino acids that follow the untruncated C termini of those napin chains for which the DNA sequences are known (napA, BngNAP1, and gNa) are aromatic amino acids. This suggests that the processing of the proprotein leading to the C termini of the two chains is due to the action of a protease that specifically cleaves a G/S-F/Y/W bond.


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The biological function of the retinoblastoma protein (RB) in the cell division cycle has been extensively documented, but its apparent role in differentiation remains largely unexplored. To investigate how RB is involved in differentiation, the U937 large-cell lymphoma line was induced to differentiate along a monocyte/macrophage lineage. During differentiation RB was found to interact directly through its simian virus 40 large tumor antigen (T antigen)-binding domain with NF-IL6, a member of the CAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) family of transcription factors. NF-IL6 utilizes two distinct regions to bind to the hypophosphorylated form of RB in vitro and in cells. Wild-type but not mutant RB enhanced both binding activity of NF-IL6 to its cognate DNA sequences in vitro and promoter transactivation by NF-IL6 in cells. These findings indicate a novel biochemical function of RB: it activates, by an apparent chaperone-like activity, specific transcription factors important for differentiation. This contrasts with its sequestration and inactivation of other transcription factors, such as E2F-1, which promote progression of the cell cycle. Such disparate mechanisms may help to explain the dual role of RB in cell differentiation and the cell division cycle.


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The characterization of 4a-carbinolamine dehydratase with the enzymatically synthesized natural substrate revealed non-Michaelis-Menten kinetics. A Hill coefficient of 1.8 indicates that the dehydratase exists as a multisubunit enzyme that shows cooperativity. A mild form of hyperphenylalaninemia with high 7-biopterin levels has been linked to mutations in the human 4a-carbinolamine dehydratase gene. We have now cloned and expressed two mutant forms of the protein based on a patient's DNA sequences. The kinetic parameters of the mutant C82R reveal a 60% decrease in Vmax but no change in Km (approximately 5 microM), suggesting that the cysteine residue is not involved in substrate binding. Its replacement by arginine possibly causes a conformational change in the active center. Like the wild-type enzyme, this mutant is heat stable and forms a tetramer. The susceptibility to proteolysis of C82R, however, is markedly increased in vitro compared with the wild-type protein. We have also observed a decrease in the expression levels of C82R protein in transfected mammalian cells, which could be due to proteolytic instability. The 18-amino acid-truncated mutant GLu-87--> termination could not be completely purified and characterized due to minute levels of expression and its extremely low solubility as a fusion protein. No dehydratase activity was detected in crude extracts from transformed bacteria or transfected mammalian cells. Considering the decrease in specific activity and stability of the mutants, we conclude that the patient probably has less than 10% residual dehydratase activity, which could be responsible for the mild hyperphenylalaninemia and the high 7-biopterin levels.


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Arabidopsis thaliana is a small flowering plant that is a member of the family cruciferae. It has many characteristics--diploid genetics, rapid growth cycle, relatively low repetitive DNA content, and small genome size--that recommend it as the model for a plant genome project. The current status of the genetic and physical maps, as well as efforts to sequence the genome, are presented. Examples are given of genes isolated by using map-based cloning. The importance of the Arabidopsis project for plant biology in general is discussed.


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Recently many exciting advances have been achieved in our understanding of Drosophila meiosis due to combined cytological and genetic approaches. New techniques have permitted the characterization of chromosome position and spindle formation in female meiosis I. The proteins encoded by the nod and ncd genes, two genes known to be needed for the proper partitioning of chromosomes lacking exchange events, have been identified and found to be kinesin-like motors. The effects of mutations in these genes on the spindle and chromosomes, together with the localization of the proteins, have yielded a model for the mechanism of female meiosis I. In male meiosis I, the chromosomal regions responsible for homolog pairing have been resolved to the level of specific DNA sequences. This provides a foundation for elucidating the molecular basis of meiotic pairing. The cytological techniques available in Drosophila also have permitted inroads into the regulation of sister-chromatid segregation. The products of two genes (mei-S332 and ord) essential for sister-chromatid cohesion have been identified recently. Additional advances in understanding Drosophila meiosis are the delineation of a functional centromere by using minichromosome derivatives and the identification of several regulatory genes for the meiotic cell cycle.


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A transposon based on the transposable element Minos from Drosophila hydei was introduced into the genome of Drosophila melanogaster using transformation mediated by the Minos transposase. The transposon carries a wild-type version of the white gene (w) of Drosophila inserted into the second exon of Minos. Transformation was obtained by injecting the transposon into preblastoderm embryos that were expressing transposase either from a Hsp70-Minos fusion inserted into the genome via P-element-mediated transformation or from a coinjected plasmid carrying the Hsp70-Minos fusion. Between 1% and 6% of the fertile injected individuals gave transformed progeny. Four of the insertions were cloned and the DNA sequences flanking the transposon ends were determined. The "empty" sites corresponding to three of the insertions were amplified from the recipient strain by PCR, cloned, and sequenced. In all cases, the transposon has inserted into a TA dinucleotide and has created the characteristic TA target site duplication. In the absence of transposase, the insertions were stable in the soma and the germ line. However, in the presence of the Hsp70-Minos gene the Minos-w transposon excises, resulting in mosaic eyes and germ-line reversion to the white phenotype. Minos could be utilized as an alternative to existing systems for transposon tagging and enhancer trapping in Drosophila; it might also be of use as a germ-line transformation vector for non-Drosophila insects.


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The biological nature of carnation small viroid-like RNA (CarSV RNA), a 275-nt circular molecule with self-cleaving hammerhead structures in its strands of both polarities, was investigated. The lack of infectivity observed in a series of transmission assays in carnation indicates that CarSV RNA, in spite of sharing structural similarities with viroid and viroid-like satellite RNAs from plants, does not belong to either of these two groups. Additional evidence in this direction comes from the observation that CarSV RNA also exists in carnation plants as DNA tandem repeats. In this respect, CarSV RNA is similar to a small transcript of a tandemly repeated DNA sequence of the newt genome. Moreover, CarSV and newt RNAs have similarities in their sequences as well as in some characteristics of their corresponding hammerhead structures. Further analyses have revealed that CarSV DNA is found directly fused to DNA sequences of carnation etched ring caulimovirus, a pararetrovirus, most likely in the form of an extrachromosomal element. The properties of the CarSV RNA/DNA system are those of a retroviroid-like element having some features in common with viroid and viroid-like satellite RNAs from plants and others with the newt transcript.