99 resultados para PROTEASES


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Emerging evidence suggests that an amplifiable protease cascade consisting of multiple aspartate specific cysteine proteases (ASCPs) is responsible for the apoptotic changes observed in mammalian cells undergoing programmed cell death. Here we describe the cloning of two novel ASCPs from human Jurkat T-lymphocytes. Like other ASCPs, the new proteases, named Mch4 and Mch5, are derived from single chain proenzymes. However, their putative active sites contain a QACQG pentapeptide instead of the QACRG present in ail known ASCPs. Also, their N termini contain FADD-like death effector domains, suggesting possible interaction with FADD. Expression of Mch4 in Escherichia coli produced an active protease that, like other ASCPs, was potently inhibited (Kj = 14 nM) by the tetrapeptide aldehyde DEVD-CHO. Interestingly, both Mch4 and the serine protease granzyme B cleave recombinant proCPP32 and proMch3 at a conserved IXXD-S sequence to produce the large and small subunits of the active proteases. Granzyme B also cleaves proMch4 at a homologous IXXD-A processing sequence to produce mature Mch4. These observations suggest that CPP32 and Mch3 are targets of mature Mch4 protease in apoptotic cells. The presence of the FADD-like domains in Mch4 and Mch5 suggests a role for these proteases in the Fas-apoptotic pathway. In addition, these proteases could participate in the granzyme B apoptotic pathways.


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Production of infectious HIV-1 virions is dependent on the processing of envelope glycoprotein gp160 by a host cell protease. The protease in human CD4+ T lymphocytes has not been unequivocally identified, yet members of the family of mammalian subtilisin-like protein convertases (SPCs), which are soluble or membrane-bound proteases of the secretory pathway, best fulfill the criteria. These proteases are required for proprotein maturation and cleave at paired basic amino acid motifs in numerous cellular and viral glycoprotein precursors, both in vivo and in vitro. To identify the gp160 processing protease, we have used reverse transcription-PCR and Northern blot analyses to ascertain the spectrum of SPC proteases in human CD4+ T cells. We have cloned novel members of the SPC family, known as the human PC6 genes. Two isoforms of the hPC6 protease are expressed in human T cells, hPC6A and the larger hPC6B. The patterns of SPC gene expression in human T cells has been compared with the furin-defective LoVo cell line, both of which are competent in the production of infectious HIV virions. This comparison led to the conclusion that the hPC6 gene products are the most likely candidates for the host cell protease responsible for HIV-1 gp160 processing in human CD4+ T cells.


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Cleavage of membrane-associated proteins with the release of biologically active macromolecules is an emerging theme in biology. However, little is known about the nature and regulation of the involved proteases or about the physiological inducers of the shedding process. We here report that rapid and massive shedding of the interleukin 6 receptor (IL-6R) and the lipopolysaccharide receptor (CD14) occurs from primary and transfected cells attacked by two prototypes of pore-forming bacterial toxins, streptolysin O and Escherichia coli hemolysin. Shedding is not induced by an streptolysin O toxin mutant which retains cell binding capacity but lacks pore-forming activity. The toxin-dependent cleavage site of the IL-6R was mapped to a position close to, but distinct from, that observed after stimulation with phorbol myristate acetate. Soluble IL-6R that was shed from toxin-treated cells bound its ligand and induced an IL-6-specific signal in cells that primarily lacked the IL-6R. Transsignaling by soluble IL-6R and soluble CD14 is known to dramatically broaden the spectrum of host cells for IL-6 and lipopolysaccharide, and is thus an important mechanism underlying their systemic inflammatory effects. Our findings uncover a novel mechanism that can help to explain the long-range detrimental action of pore-forming toxins in the host organism.


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Pancreatic proteases in the duodenum inhibit the release of cholecystokinin (CCK) and thus exert feedback control of pancreatic exocrine secretion. Exclusion of proteases from the duodenum either by the diversion of bile-pancreatic juice or by the addition of protease inhibitors stimulates exocrine pancreatic secretion. The mechanism by which pancreatic proteases in the duodenum regulate CCK secretion is unknown. In this study, we isolated a trypsin-sensitive peptide that is secreted intraduodenally, releases CCK, and stimulates pancreatic enzyme secretion in rats. This peptide was found to be identical to the porcine diazepam binding inhibitor by peptide sequencing and mass spectrometry analysis. Intraduodenal infusion of 200 ng of synthetic porcine diazepam binding inhibitor1-86 in rats significantly stimulated pancreatic amylase output. Infusion of the CCK antagonist MK-329 completely blocked the diazepam binding inhibitor-stimulated amylase secretion. Similarly, diazepam binding inhibitor33-52 [corrected] also stimulated CCK release and pancreatic secretion in a dose-dependent manner although it was 100 times less potent than the whole peptide. Using a perfusion system containing isolated mucosal cells from the proximal intestine of rats, porcine diazepam binding inhibitor 10(-12) M) dose dependently stimulated CCK secretion. In separate studies, it was demonstrated that luminal secretion of the diazepam binding inhibitor immunoreactivity (7.5 X 10(11) M) could be detected in rat's intestinal washing following the diversion of bile-pancreatic juice. The secretion of this peptide was inhibited by atropine. In conclusion, we have isolated and characterized a CCK-releasing peptide that has a sequence identical to the porcine diazepam binding inhibitor from pig intestinal mucosa and that stimulates CCK release when administered intraduodenally in rat. This peptide may mediate feedback regulation of pancreatic enzyme secretion.


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A 69-kDa proteinase (P69), a member of the pathogenesis-related proteins, is induced and accumulates in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants as a consequence of pathogen attack. We have used the polymerase chain reaction to identify and clone a cDNA from tomato plants that represent the pathogenesis-related P69 proteinase. The nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that P69 is synthesized in a preproenzyme form, a 745-amino acid polypeptide with a 22-amino acid signal peptide, a 92-amino acid propolypeptide, and a 631-amino acid mature polypeptide. Within the mature region the most salient feature was the presence of domains homologous to the subtilisin serine protease family. The amino acid sequences surrounding Asp-146, His-203, and Ser-532 of P69 are closely related to the catalytic sites (catalytic triad) of the subtilisin-like proteases. Northern blot analysis revealed that the 2.4-kb P69 mRNA accumulates abundantly in leaves and stem tissues from viroid-infected plants, whereas the mRNA levels in tissues from healthy plants were undetectable. Our results indicate that P69, a secreted calcium-activated endopeptidase, is a plant pathogenesis-related subtilisin-like proteinase that may collaborate with other defensive proteins in a general mechanism of active defense against attacking pathogens.


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The present study addresses the assembly in the chloroplast thylakoid membranes of PsaD, a peripheral membrane protein of the photosystem I complex. Located on the stromal side of the thylakoids, PsaD was found to assemble in vitro into the membranes in its precursor (pre-PsaD) and also in its mature (PsaD) form. Newly assembled unprocessed pre-PsaD was resistant to NaBr and alkaline wash. Yet it was sensitive to proteolytic digestion. In contradistinction, when the assembled precursor was processed, the resulting mature PsaD was resistant to proteases to the same extent as endogenous [correction of endogeneous] PsaD. The accumulation of protease-resistant PsaD in the thylakoids correlated with the increase of mature-PsaD in the membranes. This protection of mature PsaD from proteolysis could not be observed when PsaD was in a soluble form-i.e. not assembled within the thylakoids. The data suggest that pre-PsaD assembles to the membranes and only in a second step processing takes place. The observation that the assembly of pre-PsaD is affected by salts to a much lesser extent than that of mature-PsaD supports a two-step assembly of pre-PsaD.


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Overactivation of calcium-activated neutral protease (calpain) has been implicated in the pathophysiology of several degenerative conditions, including stroke, myocardial ischemia, neuromuscular degeneration, and cataract formation. Alpha-mercaptoacrylate derivatives (exemplified by PD150606), with potent and selective inhibitory actions against calpain, have been identified. PD150606 exhibits the following characteristics: (i) Ki values for mu- and m-calpains of 0.21 microM and 0.37 microM, respectively, (ii) high specificity for calpains relative to other proteases, (iii) uncompetitive inhibition with respect to substrate, and (iv) it does not shield calpain against inactivation by the active-site inhibitor trans-(epoxysuccinyl)-L-leucyl-amido-3-methylbutane, suggesting a nonactive site action for PD150606. The recombinant calcium-binding domain from each of the large or small subunits of mu-calpain was found to interact with PD150606. In low micromolar range, PD15O6O6 inhibited calpain activity in two intact cell systems. The neuroprotective effects of this class of compound were also demonstrated by the ability of PD150606 to attenuate hypoxic/hypoglycemic injury to cerebrocortical neurons in culture and excitotoxic injury to Purkinje cells in cerebellar slices.


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We have isolated a new type of ATP-dependent protease from Escherichia coli. It is the product of the heat-shock locus hslVU that encodes two proteins: HslV, a 19-kDa protein similar to proteasome beta subunits, and HslU, a 50-kDa protein related to the ATPase ClpX. In the presence of ATP, the protease hydrolyzes rapidly the fluorogenic peptide Z-Gly-Gly-Leu-AMC and very slowly certain other chymotrypsin substrates. This activity increased 10-fold in E. coli expressing heat-shock proteins constitutively and 100-fold in cells expressing HslV and HslU from a high copy plasmid. Although HslV and HslU could be coimmunoprecipitated from cell extracts of both strains with an anti-HslV antibody, these two components were readily separated by various types of chromatography. ATP stimulated peptidase activity up to 150-fold, whereas other nucleoside triphosphates, a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog, ADP, or AMP had no effect. Peptidase activity was blocked by the anti-HslV antibody and by several types of inhibitors of the eukaryotic proteasome (a threonine protease) but not by inhibitors of other classes of proteases. Unlike eukaryotic proteasomes, the HslVU protease lacked tryptic-like and peptidyl-glutamyl-peptidase activities. Electron micrographs reveal ring-shaped particles similar to en face images of the 20S proteasome or the ClpAP protease. Thus, HslV and HslU appear to form a complex in which ATP hydrolysis by HslU is essential for peptide hydrolysis by the proteasome-like component HslV.


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We describe a method that can be used to produce equimolar amounts of two or more specific proteins in a cell. In this approach, termed the ubiquitin/protein/reference (UPR) technique, a reference protein and a protein of interest are synthesized as a polyprotein separated by a ubiquitin moiety. This tripartite fusion is cleaved, cotranslationally or nearly so, by ubiquitin-specific processing proteases after the last residue of ubiquitin, producing equimolar amounts of the protein of interest and the reference protein bearing a C-terminal ubiquitin moiety. In applications such as pulse-chase analysis, the UPR technique can compensate for the scatter of immunoprecipitation yields, sample volumes, and other sources of sample-to-sample variation. In particular, this method allows a direct comparison of proteins' metabolic stabilities from the pulse data alone. We used UPR to examine the N-end rule (a relation between the in vivo half-life of a protein and the identity of its N-terminal residue) in L cells, a mouse cell line. The increased accuracy afforded by the UPR technique underscores insufficiency of the current "half-life" terminology, because in vivo degradation of many proteins deviates from first-order kinetics. We consider this problem and discuss other applications of UPR.


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Baculovirus inhibitors of apoptosis (IAPs) act in insect cells to prevent cell death. Here we describe three mammalian homologs of IAP, MIHA, MIHB, and MIHC, and a Drosophila IAP homolog, DIHA. Each protein bears three baculovirus IAP repeats and an N-terminal ring finger motif. Apoptosis mediated by interleukin 1beta converting enzyme (ICE), which can be inhibited by Orgyia pseudotsugata nuclear polyhedrosis virus IAP (OpIAP) and cowpox virus crmA, was also inhibited by MIHA and MIHB. As MIHB and MIHC were able to bind to the tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factors TRAF1 and TRAF2 in yeast two-hybrid assays, these results suggest that IAP proteins that inhibit apoptosis may do so by regulating signals required for activation of ICE-like proteases.


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Cholecystokinin (CCK) secretion in rats and humans is inhibited by pancreatic proteases and bile acids in the intestine. It has been hypothesized that the inhibition of CCK release caused by pancreatic proteases is due to proteolytic inactivation of a CCK-releasing peptide present in intestinal secretion. To purify the putative luminal CCK-releasing factor (LCRF), intestinal secretions were collected by perfusing a modified Thiry-Vella fistula of jejunum in conscious rats. From these secretions, the peptide was concentrated by ultrafiltration followed by low-pressure reverse-phase chromatography and purified by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. Purity was confirmed by high-performance capillary electrophoresis. Fractions were assayed for CCK-releasing activity by their ability to stimulate pancreatic protein secretion when infused into the proximal small intestine of conscious rats. Partially purified fractions strongly stimulated both pancreatic secretion and CCK release while CCK receptor blockade abolished the pancreatic response. Amino acid analysis and mass spectral analysis showed that the purified peptide is composed of 70-75 amino acid residues and has a mass of 8136 Da. Microsequence analysis of LCRF yielded an amino acid sequence for 41 residues as follows: STFWAYQPDGDNDPTDYQKYEHTSSPSQLLAPGDYPCVIEV. When infused intraduodenally, the purified peptide stimulated pancreatic protein and fluid secretion in a dose-related manner in conscious rats and significantly elevated plasma CCK levels. Immunoaffinity chromatography using antisera raised to synthetic LCRF-(1-6) abolished the CCK releasing activity of intestinal secretions. These studies demonstrate, to our knowledge, the first chemical characterization of a luminally secreted enteric peptide functioning as an intraluminal regulator of intestinal hormone release.


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Parasite-derived proteins expressed on the surface of erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium falciparum are important virulence factors, since they mediate binding of infected cells to diverse receptors on vascular endothelium and are targets of a protective immune response. They are difficult to study because they undergo rapid clonal antigenic variation in vitro, which precludes the derivation of phenotypically homogeneous cultures. Here we have utilized sequence-specific proteases to dissect the role of defined antigenic variants in binding to particular receptors. By selection of protease-resistant subpopulations of parasites on defined receptors we (i) confirm the high rate of antigenic variation in vitro; (ii) demonstrate that a single infected erythrocyte can bind to intercellular adhesion molecule 1, CD36, and thrombospondin; (iii) show that binding to intercellular adhesion molecule 1 and CD36 are functions of the variant antigen; and (iv) suggest that binding to thrombospondin may be mediated by other components of the infected erythrocyte surface.


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The serine protease granzyme B, which is secreted by cytotoxic cells, is one of the major effectors of apoptosis in susceptible targets. To examine the apoptotic mechanism of granzyme B, we have analyzed its effect on purified proteins that are thought to be components of death pathways inherent to cells. We demonstrate that granzyme B processes interleukin 1beta-converting enzyme (ICE) and the ICE-related protease Yama (also known as CPP32 or apopain) by limited proteolysis. Processing of ICE does not lead to activation. However, processing by granzyme B leads directly to the activation of Yama, which is now able to bind inhibitors and cleave the substrate poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase whose proteolysis is a marker of apoptosis initiated by several other stimuli. Thus ICE-related proteases can be activated by serine proteases that possess the correct specificity. Activation of pro-Yama by granzyme B is within the physiologic range. Thus the cytotoxic effect of granzyme B can be explained by its activation of an endogenous protease component of a programmed cell death pathway.


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The observed in vitro and in vivo benefit of combination treatment with anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) agents prompted us to examine the potential of resistance development when two protease inhibitors are used concurrently. Recombinant HIV-1 (NL4-3) proteases containing combined resistance mutations associated with BMS-186318 and A-77003 (or saquinavir) were either inactive or had impaired enzyme activity. Subsequent construction of HIV-1 (NL4-3) proviral clones containing the same mutations yielded viruses that were severely impaired in growth or nonviable, confirming that combination therapy may be advantageous. However, passage of BMS-186318-resistant HIV-1 (RF) in the presence of either saquinavir or SC52151, which represented sequential drug treatment, produced viable viruses resistant to both BMS-186318 and the second compound. The predominant breakthrough virus contained the G48V/A71T/V82A protease mutations. The clone-purified RF (G48V/A71T/V82A) virus, unlike the corresponding defective NL4-3 triple mutant, grew well and displayed cross-resistance to four distinct protease inhibitors. Chimeric virus and in vitro mutagenesis studies indicated that the RF-specific protease sequence, specifically the Ile at residue 10, enabled the NL4-3 strain with the triple mutant to grow. Our results clearly indicate that viral genetic background will play a key role in determining whether cross-resistance variants will arise.


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Low pH enhances tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF)-induced cytolysis of cancer cells and TNF-membrane interactions that include binding, insertion, and ion-channel formation. We have also found that TNF increases Na+ influx in cells. Here, we examined the structural features of the TNF-membrane interaction pathway that lead to channel formation. Fluorometric studies link TNF's acid-enhanced membrane interactions to rapid but reversible acquisition of hydrophobic surface properties. Intramembranous photolabeling shows that (i) protonation of TNF promotes membrane insertion, (ii) the physical state of the target bilayer affects the kinetics and efficiency of TNF insertion, and (iii) binding and insertion of TNF are two distinct events. Acidification relaxes the trimeric structure of soluble TNF so that the cryptic carboxyl termini, centrally located at the base of the trimer cone, become susceptible to carboxypeptidase Y. After membrane insertion, TNF exhibits a trimeric configuration in which the carboxyl termini are no longer exposed; however, the proximal salt-bridged Lys-11 residues as well as regional surface amino acids (Glu-23, Arg-32, and Arg-44) are notably more accessible to proteases. The sequenced cleavage products bear the membrane-restricted photoreactive probe, proof that surface-cleaved TNF has an intramembranous disposition. In summary, the trimer's structural plasticity is a major determinant of its channel-forming ability. Channel formation occurs when cracked or partially splayed trimers bind and penetrate the bilayer. Reannealing leads to a slightly relaxed trimeric structure. The directionality of bilayer penetration conforms with x-ray data showing that receptor binding to the monomer interfaces of TNF poises the tip of the trimeric cone directly above the target cell membrane.