87 resultados para Oxoketenimine Rearrangement
Intrathymic T-cell development requires temporally regulated rearrangement and expression of T-cell receptor (TCR) genes. To assess the role of the TCR beta gene transcriptional enhancer (Ebeta) in this process, mouse strains in which Ebeta is deleted were generated using homologous recombination techniques. We report that mice homozygous for the Ebeta deletion, whether a selectable marker gene is present or not, show a block in alphabeta T-cell development at the CD4-CD8- double-negative cell stage, whereas the number of gammadelta+ T cells is normal, few CD4+CD8+ double-positive thymocytes and no alphabeta+ T cells are produced. DNA-PCR and RNA-PCR analyses of thymic cells from homozygous mutants showed no evidence of TCR beta gene rearrangement although germ-line Vbeta transcripts were detected at a low level, in heterozygous T cells, the targeted allele is not rearranged. Thus, deletion of Ebeta totally prevents rearrangement, but not transcription, of the targeted beta locus. These data formally establish the critical role played by Ebeta in cis-activation of the TCR beta locus for V(D)J recombination during alphabeta T-cell development.
A cell culture of Taxus chinensis was established to produce the diterpene 2alpha,5alpha,10beta,14beta-tetra-acetoxy4 ++ +(20),11-taxadiene (taxuyunnanine C) in 2.6% (dry weight) yield. The incorporation of [U-13C6]glucose, [1-13C]glucose, and [1,2-13C2]acetate into this diterpene was analyzed by NMR spectroscopy. Label from [1,2-13C2]acetate was diverted to the four acetyl groups of taxuyunnanine C, but not to the taxane ring system. Label from [1-13C]glucose and [U-13C6]glucose was efficiently incorporated into both the taxane ring system and the acetyl groups. The four isoprenoid moieties of the diterpene showed identical labeling patterns. The analysis of long-range 13C13C couplings in taxuyunnanine C obtained from an experiment with [U-13C6]glucose documents the involvement of an intramolecular rearrangement in the biosynthesis of the isoprenoid precursor. The labeling patterns are inconsistent with the mevalonate pathway. The taxoid data share important features with the alternative pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis operating in certain eubacteria Rohmer, M., Knani, M., Simonin, P., Sutter, B. & Sahm, H. (1993) Biochem. J. 295, 517-524].
Mice carrying an ovine beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) transgene secrete BLG protein into their milk. To explore transgene expression stability, we studied expression levels in three BLG transgenic mouse lines. Unexpectedly, two lines exhibited variable levels of transgene expression. Copy number within lines appeared to be stable and there was no evidence of transgene rearrangement. In the most variable line, BLG production levels were stable within individual mice in two successive lactations. Backcrossing demonstrated that genetic background did not contribute significantly to variable expression. Tissue in situ hybridization revealed mosaicism of transgene expression within individual mammary glands from the two variable lines; in low expressors, discrete patches of cells expressing the transgene were observed. Transgene protein concentrations in milk reflected the proportion of epithelial cells expressing BLG mRNA. Furthermore, chromosomal in situ hybridization revealed that transgene arrays in both lines are situated close to the centromere. We propose that mosaicism of transgene expression is a consequence of the chromosomal location and/or the nature of the primary transgene integration event.
Chorismate mutase (EC catalyzes the intramolecular rearrangement of chorismate to prephenate. Arg-90 in the active site of the enzyme from Bacillus subtilis is in close proximity to the substrate's ether oxygen and may contribute to efficient catalysis by stabilizing the presumed dipolar transition state that would result upon scission of the C--O bond. To test this idea, we have developed a novel complementation system for chorismate mutase activity in Escherichia coli by reengineering parts of the aromatic amino acid biosynthetic pathway. The codon for Arg-90 was randomized, alone and in combination with that for Cys-88, and active clones were selected. The results show that a positively charged residue either at position 88 (Lys) or 90 (Arg or Lys) is essential. Our data provide strong support for the hypothesis that the positive charge is required for stabilization of the transition state of the enzymatic chorismate rearrangement. The new selection system, in conjunction with combinatorial mutagenesis, renders the mechanism of the natural enzyme(s) accessible to further exploration and opens avenues for the improvement of first generation catalytic antibodies with chorismate mutase activity.
A main function attributed to the BCL2 protein is its ability to confer resistance against apoptosis. In addition to the constitutively high expression of BCL2, caused by gene rearrangement in follicular lymphomas, elevated expression of the BCL2 gene has been found in differentiating hematopoietic, neural, and epithelial tissues. To address the question of whether the expression of BCL2 is a cause or consequence of cell differentiation, we used a human neural-crest-derived tumor cell line, Paju, that undergoes spontaneous neural differentiation in vitro. The Paju cell line displays moderate expression of BCL2, the level of which increases in parallel with further neural differentiation induced by treatment with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Transfection of normal human BCL2 cDNA in sense and antisense orientations had a dramatic impact on the differentiation of the Paju cells. Overexpression of BCL2 cDNA induced extensive neurite outgrowth, even in low serum concentrations, together with an increased expression of neuron-specific enolase. Paju cells expressing the anti-sense BCL2 cDNA construct, which reduced the endogenous levels of BCL2, did not undergo spontaneous neural differentiation. These cells acquired an epithelioid morphology and up-regulated the intermediate filament protein nestin, typically present in primitive neuroectodermal cells. The manipulated levels of BCL2 did not have appreciable impact on cell survival in normal culture. Our findings demonstrate that the BCL2 gene product participates in the regulation of neural differentiation.
The ribonucleolytic activity of angiogenin (Ang) is essential to Ang's capacity to induce blood vessel formation. Previous x-ray diffraction and mutagenesis results have shown that the active site of the human protein is obstructed by Gln-117 and imply that the C-terminal region of Ang must undergo a conformational rearrangement to allow substrate binding and catalysis. As a first step toward structural characterization of this conformational change, additional site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic analysis have been used to examine the intramolecular interactions that stabilize the inactive conformation of the protein. Two residues of this region, Ile-119 and Phe-120, are found to make hydrophobic interactions with the remainder of the protein and thereby help to keep Gln-117 in its obstructive position. Furthermore, the suppression of activity by the intramolecular interactions of Ile-119 and Phe-120 is counterbalanced by an effect of the adjacent residues, Arg-121, Arg-122, and Pro-123 which do not appear to form contacts with the rest of the protein structure. They contribute to enzymatic activity, probably by constituting a peripheral subsite for binding polymeric substrates. The results reveal the nature of the conformational change in human Ang and assign a key role to the C-terminal region both in this process and, presumably, in the regulation of human Ang function.
The pre-T-cell receptor, composed of the T-cell receptor (TCR) beta chain (TCRbeta), pre-Talpha (pTalpha) chain, and CD3 molecules, has been postulated to be a transducer of signals during the early stages of T-cell development. To examine the function of the transmembrane pTalpha chain during tbymocyte development, we generated pTalpha-/- embryonic stem cells and assayed their ability to differentiate into lymphoid cells in vivo after injection into recombination-activating gene (RAG)-2-deficient blastocysts. Thymocytes representing all stages of T-cell differentiation were detected in the thymus of pTalpha-/- chimeric mice, indicating that thymocyte development can occur without pTalpha. However, greatly reduced thymocyte numbers and substantially increased percentages of both CD4-CD8- thymocytes and TCRgammadelta+ thymocytes suggest that pTalpha plays a critical role in thymocyte expansion. To investigate the role of the pTalpha chain in allelic exclusion at the TCRbeta locus, a functionally rearranged TCRbeta minigene was introduced into pTalpha-/- and pTalpha+/- embryonic stem cells, which were subsequently assayed by RAG-2-deficient blastocyst complementation. In the absence of pTalpha, expression of the transgenic TCRbeta inhibited rearrangement of the endogenous TCRbeta locus to an extent similar to that seen in normal TCRbeta transgenic mice, suggesting that pTalpha may not be required for signaling allelic exclusion at the TCRbeta locus.
Olfactory neuroblastoma (ONB) is a malignant tumor of the nasal mucosa whose histogenesis is unclear. A relationship to neuroblastoma (NB), a pediatric tumor of the sympathetic nervous system, is based on morphologic similarities and the expression of similar neural antigens. However, the clinical presentation of ONB differs from that of NB, and MYCN amplification characteristic of NB is not observed. We have therefore examined the relationship of this malignancy to other classes of neural tumors. In previous studies, two ONB cell lines demonstrated cytogenetic features and patterns of protooncogene expression suggestive of a relationship to the Ewing sarcoma family of childhood peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumors (pPNETs). The pPNETs show t(11;22)(q24;q12) or t(21;22)(q22;q12) chromosomal translocations fusing the EWS gene from 22q12 with either the FL11 gene on 11q24 or the ERG gene on 21q22. We therefore analyzed ONBs for the presence of pPNET-associated gene fusions. Both cell lines showed rearrangement of the EWS gene, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of each case demonstrated fusion of EWS and FL11 genomic sequences. Moreover, both lines expressed EWS/FL11 fusion transcripts with in-frame junctions between exon 7 of EWS and exon 6 of FL11 as described for pPNETs. We identified similar gene fusions in four of six primary ONB cases. None of the cases expressed tyrosine hydroxylase, a catecholamine biosynthetic enzyme widely expressed in NB. Our studies indicate that ONB is not a NB but is a member of the pPNET family.
The consequences of Helicobacter pylori attachment to human gastric cells were examined by transmission electron microscopy and immunofluorescence microscopy. H. pylori attachment resulted in (i) effacement of microvilli at the site of attachment, (ii) cytoskeletal rearrangement directly beneath the bacterium, and (iii) cup/pedestal formation at the site of attachment. Double-immunofluorescence studies revealed that the cytoskeletal components actin, alpha-actinin, and talin are involved in the process. Immunoblot analysis showed that binding of H. pylori to AGS cells induced tyrosine phosphorylation of two host cell proteins of 145 and 105 kDa. These results indicate that attachment of H. pylori to gastric epithelial cells resembles that of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. Coccoid H. pylori, which are thought to be terminally differentiated bacterial forms, are capable of binding and inducing cellular changes of the same sort as spiral H. pylori, including tyrosine phosphorylation of host proteins.
GTP cyclohydrolase I of Escherichia coli is a torus-shaped homodecamer with D5 symmetry and catalyzes a complex ring expansion reaction conducive to the formation of dihydroneopterin triphosphate from GTP. The x-ray structure of a complex of the enzyme with the substrate analog, dGTP, bound at the active site was determined at a resolution of 3 A. In the decamer, 10 equivalent active sites are present, each of which contains a 10-A deep pocket formed by surface areas of 3 adjacent subunits. The substrate forms a complex hydrogen bond network with the protein. Active site residues were modified by site-directed mutagenesis, and enzyme activities of the mutant proteins were measured. On this basis, a mechanism of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction is proposed. Cleavage of the imidazole ring is initiated by protonation of N7 by His-179 followed by the attack of water at C8 of the purine system. Cystine Cys-110 Cys-181 may be involved in this reaction step. Opening of the imidazole ring may be in concert with cleavage of the furanose ring to generate a Schiff's base from the glycoside. The gamma-phosphate of GTP may be involved in the subsequent Amadori rearrangement of the carbohydrate side chain by activating the hydroxyl group of Ser-135.
V(D)J rearrangement is the molecular mechanism by which an almost infinite array of specific immune receptors are generated. Defects in this process result in profound immunodeficiency as is the case in the C.B-17 SCID mouse or in RAG-1 (recombination-activating gene 1) or RAG-2 deficient mice. It has recently become clear that the V(D)J recombinase most likely consists of both lymphoid-specific factors and ubiquitously expressed components of the DNA double-strand break repair pathway. The deficit in SCID mice is in a factor that is required for both of these pathways. In this report, we show that the factor defective in the autosomal recessive severe combined immunodeficiency of Arabian foals is required for (i) V(D)J recombination, (ii) resistance to ionizing radiation, and (iii) DNA-dependent protein kinase activity.
Translocations involving chromosome band 11q23, found in 5-10% of human acute leukemias, disrupt the ALL-1 gene. This gene is fused by reciprocal translocation with a variety of other genes in acute lymphoblastic and myelogenous leukemias, and it undergoes self-fusion in acute myeloid leukemias with normal karyotype or trisomy 11. Here we report an alteration of the ALL-1 gene in a gastric carcinoma cell line (Mgc80-3). Characterization of this rearrangement revealed a three-way complex translocation, involving chromosomes 1 and 11, resulting in a partial duplication of the ALL-1 gene. Sequencing of reverse transcription-PCR products and Northern blot analysis showed that only the partially duplicated ALL-1 gene was transcribed, producing an mRNA with exon 8 fused to exon 2. This report of ALL-1 gene rearrangement in a solid tumor suggests that ALL-1 plays a role in the pathogenesis of some solid malignancies. The absence of the normal transcript in this cell line, in association with the loss-of-heterozygosity studies on chromosome 11q23 seen in solid tumors, suggests that ALL-1 is involved in tumorigenesis by a loss-of-function mechanism.