130 resultados para Major Gene


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The cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) has a unipinnate compound leaf. In the developing leaf primordium, major leaflet initiation is basipetal, and lobe formation and early vascular differentiation are acropetal. We show that engineered alterations in the expression of a tomato homeobox gene, LeT6, can cause dramatic changes in leaf morphology. The morphological states are variable and unstable and the phenotypes produced indicate that the tomato leaf has an inherent level of indeterminacy. This is manifested by the production of multiple orders of compounding in the leaf, by numerous shoot, inflorescence, and floral meristems on leaves, and by the conversion of rachis-petiolule junctions into “axillary” positions where floral buds can arise. Overexpression of a heterologous homeobox transgene, kn1, does not produce such phenotypic variability. This indicates that LeT6 may differ from the heterologous kn1 gene in the effects manifested on overexpression, and that 35S-LeT6 plants may be subject to alterations in expression of both the introduced and endogenous LeT6 genes. The expression patterns of LeT6 argue in favor of a fundamental role for LeT6 in morphogenesis of leaves in tomato and also suggest that variability in homeobox gene expression may account for some of the diversity in leaf form seen in nature.


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In the dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae, photoadaptation involves changes in the transcription of genes encoding both of the major classes of light-harvesting proteins, the peridinin chlorophyll a proteins (PCPs) and the major a/c-containing intrinsic light-harvesting proteins (LHCs). PCP and LHC transcript levels were increased up to 86- and 6-fold higher, respectively, under low-light conditions relative to cells grown at high illumination. These increases in transcript abundance were accompanied by decreases in the extent of methylation of CpG and CpNpG motifs within or near PCP- and LHC-coding regions. Cytosine methylation levels in A. carterae are therefore nonstatic and may vary with environmental conditions in a manner suggestive of involvement in the regulation of gene expression. However, chemically induced undermethylation was insufficient in activating transcription, because treatment with two methylation inhibitors had no effect on PCP mRNA or protein levels. Regulation of gene activity through changes in DNA methylation has traditionally been assumed to be restricted to higher eukaryotes (deuterostomes and green plants); however, the atypically large genomes of dinoflagellates may have generated the requirement for systems of this type in a relatively “primitive” organism. Dinoflagellates may therefore provide a unique perspective on the evolution of eukaryotic DNA-methylation systems.


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The gene encoding type II DNA topoisomerase from the kinetoplastid hemoflagellated protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani (LdTOP2) was isolated from a genomic DNA library of this parasite. DNA sequence analysis revealed an ORF of 3711 bp encoding a putative protein of 1236 amino acids with no introns. The deduced amino acid sequence of LdTOP2 showed strong homologies to TOP2 sequences from other kinetoplastids, namely Crithidia and Trypanosoma spp. with estimated identities of 86 and 68%, respectively. LdTOP2 shares a much lower identity of 32% with its human homologue. LdTOP2 is located as a single copy on a chromosome in the 0.7 Mb region in the L.donovani genome and is expressed as a 5 kb transcript. 5′-Mapping studies indicate that the LdTOP2 gene transcript is matured post-transcriptionally with the trans-splicing of the mini-exon occurring at –639 from the predicted initiation site. Antiserum raised in rabbit against glutathione S-transferase fusion protein containing the major catalytic portion of the recombinant L.donovani topoisomerase II protein could detect a band on western blots at ∼132 kDa, the expected size of the entire protein. Use of the same antiserum for immunolocalisation analysis led to the identification of nuclear, as well as kinetoplast, antigens for L.donovani topoisomerase II. The in vitro biochemical properties of the full-length recombinant LdTOP2 when overexpressed in E.coli were similar to the Mg(II) and ATP-dependent activity found in cell extracts of L.donovani.


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Reactive oxygen species cause damage to all of the major cellular constituents, including peroxidation of lipids. Previous studies have revealed that oxidative stress, including exposure to oxidation products, affects the progression of cells through the cell division cycle. This study examined the effect of linoleic acid hydroperoxide, a lipid peroxidation product, on the yeast cell cycle. Treatment with this peroxide led to accumulation of unbudded cells in asynchronous populations, together with a budding and replication delay in synchronous ones. This observed modulation of G1 progression could be distinguished from the lethal effects of the treatment and may have been due to a checkpoint mechanism, analogous to that known to be involved in effecting cell cycle arrest in response to DNA damage. By examining several mutants sensitive to linoleic acid hydroperoxide, the YNL099c open reading frame was found to be required for the arrest. This gene (designated OCA1) encodes a putative protein tyrosine phosphatase of previously unknown function. Cells lacking OCA1 did not accumulate in G1 on treatment with linoleic acid hydroperoxide, nor did they show a budding, replication, or Start delay in synchronous cultures. Although not essential for adaptation or immediate cellular survival, OCA1 was required for growth in the presence of linoleic acid hydroperoxide, thus indicating that it may function in linking growth, stress responses, and the cell cycle. Identification of OCA1 establishes cell cycle arrest as an actively regulated response to oxidative stress and will enable further elucidation of oxidative stress-responsive signaling pathways in yeast.


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Two major pathways of recombination-dependent DNA replication, “join-copy” and “join-cut-copy,” can be distinguished in phage T4: join-copy requires only early and middle genes, but two late proteins, endonuclease VII and terminase, are uniquely important in the join-cut-copy pathway. In wild-type T4, timing of these pathways is integrated with the developmental program and related to transcription and packaging of DNA. In primase mutants, which are defective in origin-dependent lagging-strand DNA synthesis, the late pathway can bypass the lack of primers for lagging-strand DNA synthesis. The exquisitely regulated synthesis of endo VII, and of two proteins from its gene, explains the delay of recombination-dependent DNA replication in primase (as well as topoisomerase) mutants, and the temperature-dependence of the delay. Other proteins (e.g., the single-stranded DNA binding protein and the products of genes 46 and 47) are important in all recombination pathways, but they interact differently with other proteins in different pathways. These homologous recombination pathways contribute to evolution because they facilitate acquisition of any foreign DNA with limited sequence homology during horizontal gene transfer, without requiring transposition or site-specific recombination functions. Partial heteroduplex repair can generate what appears to be multiple mutations from a single recombinational intermediate. The resulting sequence divergence generates barriers to formation of viable recombinants. The multiple sequence changes can also lead to erroneous estimates in phylogenetic analyses.


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We have analyzed the developmental molecular programs of the mouse hippocampus, a cortical structure critical for learning and memory, by means of large-scale DNA microarray techniques. Of 11,000 genes and expressed sequence tags examined, 1,926 showed dynamic changes during hippocampal development from embryonic day 16 to postnatal day 30. Gene-cluster analysis was used to group these genes into 16 distinct clusters with striking patterns that appear to correlate with major developmental hallmarks and cellular events. These include genes involved in neuronal proliferation, differentiation, and synapse formation. A complete list of the transcriptional changes has been compiled into a comprehensive gene profile database (http://BrainGenomics.Princeton.edu), which should prove valuable in advancing our understanding of the molecular and genetic programs underlying both the development and the functions of the mammalian brain.


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The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) early glycoprotein products of the US11 and US2 open reading frames cause increased turnover of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I heavy chains. Since US2 is homologous to another HCMV gene (US3), we hypothesized that the US3 gene product also may affect MHC class I expression. In cells constitutively expressing the HCMV US3 gene, MHC class I heavy chains formed a stable complex with beta 2-microglobulin. However, maturation of the N-linked glycan of MHC class I heavy chains was impaired in US3+ cells. The glycoprotein product of US3 (gpUS3) occurs mostly in a high-mannose form and coimmunoprecipitates with beta 2-microglobulin associated class I heavy chains. Mature class I molecules were detected at steady state on the surface of US3+ cells, as in control cells. Substantial perinuclear accumulation of heavy chains was observed in US3+ cells. The data suggest that gpUS3 impairs egress of MHC class I heavy chains from the endoplasmic reticulum.


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The Brn-3 subfamily of POU domain genes are expressed in sensory neurons and in select brainstem nuclei. Earlier work has shown that targeted deletion of the Brn-3b and Brn-3c genes produce, respectively, defects in the retina and in the inner ear. We show herein that targeted deletion of the Brn-3a gene results in defective suckling and in uncoordinated limb and trunk movements, leading to early postnatal death. Brn-3a (-/-) mice show a loss of neurons in the trigeminal ganglia, the medial habenula, the red nucleus, and the caudal region of the inferior olivary nucleus but not in the retina and dorsal root ganglia. In the trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia, but not in the retina, there is a marked decrease in the frequency of neurons expressing Brn-3b and Brn-3c, suggesting that Brn-3a positively regulates Brn-3b and Brn-3c expression in somatosensory neurons. Thus, Brn-3a exerts its major developmental effects in somatosensory neurons and in brainstem nuclei involved in motor control. The pheno-types of Brn-3a, Brn-3b, and Brn-3c mutant mice indicate that individual Brn-3 genes have evolved to control development in the auditory, visual, or somatosensory systems and that despite differences between these systems in transduction mechanisms, sensory organ structures, and central information processing, there may be fundamental homologies in the genetic regulatory events that control their development.


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Gangliosides, sialic acid-containing glycosphingolipids, are abundant in the vertebrate (mammalian) nervous system. Their composition is spatially and developmentally regulated, and gangliosides have been widely believed to lay essential roles in establishment of the nervous system, especially in neuritogenesis and synaptogenesis. However, this has never been tested directly. Here we report the generation of mice with a disrupted beta 1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (GM2/GD2 synthase; EC gene. The mice lacked all complex gangliosides. Nevertheless, they did not show any major histological defects in their nervous systems or in gross behavior. Just a slight reduction in the neural conduction velocity from the tibial nerve to the somatosensory cortex, but not to the lumbar spine, was detected. These findings suggest that complex gangliosides are required in neuronal functions but not in the morphogenesis and organogenesis of the brain. The higher levels of GM3 and GD3 expressed in the brains of these mutant mice may be able to compensate for the lack of complex gangliosides.


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Following infection with cytomegalovirus, human granulocyte-macrophage progenitors carry the viral genome but fail to support productive replication. Viral transcripts arise from a region encompassing the major regulatory gene locus; however, their structure differs significantly from productive phase transcripts. One class, sense transcripts, is encoded in the same direction as productive phase transcripts but uses two novel start sites in the ie1/ie2 promoter/enhancer region. These transcripts have the potential to encode a novel 94 aa protein. The other class, antisense transcript, is unspliced and complimentary to ie1 exons 2-4, and has the potential to encode novel 154 and 152 aa proteins. Consistent with a role in latency, these transcripts are present in bone marrow aspirates from naturally infected, healthy seropositive donors but are not present in seronegative controls. Sense latent transcripts are present in a majority of seropositive individuals. Consistent with the expression of latent transcripts, antibody to the 94 aa and 152 aa proteins is detectable in the serum of seropositive individuals. Thus, latent infection by cytomegalovirus is accompanied by the presence of latency-associated transcripts and expression of immunogenic proteins. Overall, these results suggest that bone marrow-derived myeloid progenitors are an important natural site of viral latency.


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The open reading frame P (ORF P) is located in the domain and on the DNA strand of the herpes simplex virus 1 transcribed during latent infection. ORF P is not expressed in productively infected cells as a consequence of repression by the binding of the major viral regulatory protein to its high-affinity binding site. In cells infected with a mutant virus carrying a derepressed gene, ORF P protein is extensively posttranslationally processed. We report that ORF P interacts with a component of the splicing factor SF2/ASF, pulls down a component of the SM antigens, and colocalizes with splicing factors in nuclei of infected cells. The hypothesis that ORF P protein may act to regulate viral gene expression, particularly in situations such as latently infected sensory neurons in which the major regulatory protein is not expressed, is supported by the evidence that in cells infected with a mutant in which the ORF P gene was derepressed, the products of the regulatory genes alpha 0 and alpha 22 are reduced in amounts early in infection but recover late in infection. The proteins encoded by these genes are made from spliced mRNAs, and the extent of recovery of these proteins late in infection correlates with the extent of accumulation of post-translationally processed forms of ORF P protein.


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Cells infected with herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) undergo productive or latent infection without exhibiting features characteristic of apoptosis. In this report, we show that HSV-1 induces apoptosis but has evolved a function that blocks apoptosis induced by infection as well as by other means. Specifically, (i) Vero cells infected with a HSV-1 mutant deleted in the regulatory gene alpha 4 (that encodes repressor and transactivating functions), but not those infected with wild-type HSV-1(F), exhibit cytoplasmic blebbing, chromatin condensation, and fragmented DNA detected as a ladder in agarose gels or by labeling free DNA ends with terminal transferase; (ii) Vero cells infected with wild-type HSV-1(F) or cells expressing the alpha 4 gene and infected with the alpha 4- virus did not exhibit apoptosis; (iii) fragmentation of cellular DNA was observed in Vero cells that were mock-infected or infected with the alpha 4- virus and maintained at 39.5 degrees C, but not in cells infected with wild-type virus and maintained at the same temperature. Wild-type strains of HSV-1 with limited extrahuman passages, such as HSV-1 (F), carry a temperature-sensitive lesion in the alpha 4 gene and at 39.5 degrees C only alpha genes are expressed. These results indicate that the product of the alpha 4 gene is able to suppress apoptosis induced by the virus as well by other means.


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Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (MPS VI) is a lysosomal storage disease with autosomal recessive inheritance caused by a deficiency of the enzyme arylsulfatase B (ASB), which is involved in degradation of dermatan sulfate and chondroitin 4-sulfate. A MPS VI mouse model was generated by targeted disruption of the ASB gene. Homozygous mutant animals exhibit ASB enzyme deficiency and elevated urinary secretion of dermatan sulfate. They develop progressive symptoms resembling those of MPS VI in humans. Around 4 weeks of age facial dysmorphia becomes overt, long bones are shortened, and pelvic and costal abnormalities are observed. Major alterations in bone formation with perturbed cartilaginous tissues in newborns and widened, perturbed, and persisting growth plates in adult animals are seen. All major parenchymal organs show storage of glycosaminoglycans preferentially in interstitial cells and macrophages. Affected mice are fertile and mortality is not elevated up to 15 months of age. This mouse model will be a valuable tool for studying pathogenesis of MPS VI and may help to evaluate therapeutical approaches for lysosomal storage diseases.


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The threonyl-tRNA synthetase gene, thrS, is a member of a family of Gram-positive genes that are induced following starvation for the corresponding amino acid by a transcriptional antitermination mechanism involving the cognate uncharged tRNA. Here we show that an additional level of complexity exists in the control of the thrS gene with the mapping of an mRNA processing site just upstream of the transcription terminator in the thrS leader region. The processed RNA is significantly more stable than the full-length transcript. Under nonstarvation conditions, or following starvation for an amino acid other than threonine, the full-length thrS mRNA is more abundant than the processed transcript. However, following starvation for threonine, the thrS mRNA exists primarily in its cleaved form. This can partly be attributed to an increased processing efficiency following threonine starvation, and partly to a further, nonspecific increase in the stability of the processed transcript under starvation conditions. The increased stability of the processed RNA contributes significantly to the levels of functional RNA observed under threonine starvation conditions, previously attributed solely to antitermination. Finally, we show that processing is likely to occur upstream of the terminator in the leader regions of at least four other genes of this family, suggesting a widespread conservation of this phenomenon in their control.


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Human gene MAGE-1 encodes tumor-specific antigens that are recognized on melanoma cells by autologous cytolytic T lymphocytes. This gene is expressed in a significant proportion of tumors of various histological types, but not in normal tissues except male germ-line cells. We reported previously that reporter genes driven by the MAGE-1 promoter are active not only in the tumor cell lines that express MAGE-1 but also in those that do not. This suggests that the critical factor causing the activation of MAGE-1 in certain tumors is not the presence of the appropriate transcription factors. The two major MAGE-1 promoter elements have an Ets binding site, which contains a CpG dinucleotide. We report here that these CpG are demethylated in the tumor cell lines that express MAGE-1, and are methylated in those that do not express the gene. Methylation of these CpG inhibits the binding of transcription factors, as seen by mobility shift assay. Treatment with the demethylating agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine activated gene MAGE-1 not only in tumor cell lines but also in primary fibroblasts. Finally, the overall level of CpG methylation was evaluated in 20 different tumor cell lines. It was inversely correlated with the expression of MAGE-1. We conclude that the activation of MAGE-1 in cancer cells is due to the demethylation of the promoter. This appears to be a consequence of a genome-wide demethylation process that occurs in many cancers and is correlated with tumor progression.