130 resultados para Localization of functions.
Many genes involved in cell division and DNA replication and their protein products have been identified in bacteria; however, little is known about the cell cycle regulation of the intracellular concentration of these proteins. It has been shown that the level of the tubulin-like GTPase FtsZ is critical for the initiation of cell division in bacteria. We show that the concentration of FtsZ varies dramatically during the cell cycle of Caulobacter crescentus. Caulobacter produce two different cell types at each cell division: (i) a sessile stalked cell that can initiate DNA replication immediately after cell division and (ii) a motile swarmer cell in which DNA replication is blocked. After cell division, only the stalked cell contains FtsZ. FtsZ is synthesized slightly before the swarmer cells differentiate into stalked cells and the intracellular concentration of FtsZ is maximal at the beginning of cell division. Late in the cell cycle, after the completion of chromosome replication, the level of FtsZ decreases dramatically. This decrease is probably mostly due to the degradation of FtsZ in the swarmer compartment of the predivisional cell. Thus, the variation of FtsZ concentration parallels the pattern of DNA synthesis. Constitutive expression of FtsZ leads to defects in stalk biosynthesis suggesting a role for FtsZ in this developmental process in addition to its role in cell division.
The renal urea transporter (RUT) is responsible for urea accumulation in the renal medulla, and consequently plays a central role in the urinary concentrating mechanism. To study its cellular and subcellular localization, we prepared affinity-purified, peptide-derived polyclonal antibodies against rat RUT based on the cloned cDNA sequence. Immunoblots using membrane fractions from rat renal inner medulla revealed a solitary 97-kDa band. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated RUT labeling of the apical and subapical regions of inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) cells, with no labeling of outer medullary or cortical collecting ducts. Immunoelectron microscopy directly demonstrated labeling of the apical plasma membrane and of subapical intracellular vesicles of IMCD cells, but no labeling of the basolateral plasma membrane. Immunoblots demonstrated RUT labeling in both plasma membrane and intracellular vesicle-enriched membrane fractions from inner medulla, a subcellular distribution similar to that of the vasopressin-regulated water channel, aquaporin-2. In the outer medulla, RUT labeling was seen in terminal portions of short-loop descending thin limbs. Aside from IMCD and descending thin limbs, no other structures were labeled in the kidney. These results suggest that: (i) the RUT provides the apical pathway for rapid, vasopressin-regulated urea transport in the IMCD, (ii) collecting duct urea transport may be increased by vasopressin by stimulation of trafficking of RUT-containing vesicles to the apical plasma membrane, and (iii) the rat urea transporter may provide a pathway for urea entry into the descending limbs of short-loop nephrons.
Whole-cell voltage clamp was used to investigate the properties and spatial distribution of fast-deactivating (FD) Ca channels in squid giant fiber lobe (GFL) neurons. Squid FD Ca channels are reversibly blocked by the spider toxin omega-Agatoxin IVA with an IC50 of 240-420 nM with no effect on the kinetics of Ca channel gating. Channels with very similar properties are expressed in both somatic and axonal domains of cultured GFL neurons, but FD Ca channel conductance density is higher in axonal bulbs than in cell bodies at all times in culture. Channels presumably synthesized during culture are preferentially expressed in the growing bulbs, but bulbar Ca conductance density remains constant while Na conductance density increases, suggesting that processes determining the densities of Ca and Na channels in this extrasomatic domain are largely independent. These observations suggest that growing axonal bulbs in cultured GFL neurons are not composed entirely of "axonal" membranes because FD Ca channels are absent from the giant axon in situ but, rather, suggest a potential role for FD Ca channels in mediating neurotransmitter release at the motor terminals of the giant axon.
Peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase (MsrA; EC is a ubiquitous protein that can reduce methionine sulfoxide residues in proteins as well as in a large number of methyl sulfoxide compounds. The expression of MsrA in various rat tissues was determined by using immunocytochemical staining. Although the protein was found in all tissues examined, it was specifically localized to renal medulla and retinal pigmented epithelial cells, and it was prominent in neurons and throughout the nervous system. In addition, blood and alveolar macrophages showed high expression of the enzyme. The msrA gene was mapped to the central region of mouse chromosome 14, in a region of homology with human chromosomes 13 and 8p21.
Localization of the central rhythm generator (CRG) of spontaneous consummatory licking was studied in freely moving rats by microinjection of tetrodotoxin (TTX) into the pontine reticular formation. Maximum suppression of spontaneous water consumption was elicited by TTX (1 ng) blockade of the oral part of the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis (NRG), whereas TTX injections into more caudal or rostral locations caused significantly weaker disruption of drinking. To verify the assumption that TTX blocked the proper CRG of licking rather than some relay in its output, spontaneously drinking thirsty rats were intracranially stimulated via electrodes chronically implanted into the oral part of the NRG. Lick-synchronized stimulation (a 100-ms train of 0.1-ms-wide rectangular pulses at 100 Hz and 25-150 microA) applied during continuous licking (after eight regular consecutive licks) caused a phase shift of licks emitted after stimulus delivery. The results suggest that the stimulation has reset the CRG of licking without changing its frequency. The reset-inducing threshold current was lowest during the tongue retraction and highest during the tongue protrusion period of the lick cycle. It is concluded that the CRG of licking is located in the oral part of NRG.
A methodology has been developed for the study of molecular recognition at the level of single events and for the localization of sites on biosurfaces, in combining force microscopy with molecular recognition by specific ligands. For this goal, a sensor was designed by covalently linking an antibody (anti-human serum albumin, polyclonal) via a flexible spacer to the tip of a force microscope. This sensor permitted detection of single antibody-antigen recognition events by force signals of unique shape with an unbinding force of 244 +/- 22 pN. Analysis revealed that observed unbinding forces originate from the dissociation of individual Fab fragments from a human serum albumin molecule. The two Fab fragments of the antibody were found to bind independently and with equal probability. The flexible linkage provided the antibody with a 6-nm dynamical reach for binding, rendering binding probability high, 0.5 for encounter times of 60 ms. This permitted fast and reliable detection of antigenic sites during lateral scans with a positional accuracy of 1.5 nm. It is indicated that this methodology has promise for characterizing rate constants and kinetics of molecular recognition complexes and for molecular mapping of biosurfaces such as membranes.
The product of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene, the gene inactivated in VHL disease and in sporadic clear-cell renal carcinomas, has recently been shown to have as a functional target the transcription elongation complex, elongin (also called SIII). Here it is shown that there is a tightly regulated, cell-density-dependent transport of VHL into and/or out of the nucleus. In densely grown cells, the VHL protein is predominantly in the cytoplasm, whereas in sparse cultures, most of the protein can be detected in the nucleus. We have identified a putative nuclear localization signal in the first 60 and first 28 amino acids of the human and rat VHL protein, respectively. Sequences in the C-terminal region of the VHL protein may also be required for localization to the cytosol. These findings provide the initial indication of a novel cell density-dependent pathway that is responsible for the regulation of VHL cellular localization.
Several enzymes involved in the formation of steroids of the pregnene and pregnane series have been identified in the brain, but the biosynthesis of testosterone has never been reported in the central nervous system. In the present study, we have investigated the distribution and bioactivity of 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17beta-HSD) (EC; a key enzyme that is required for the formation of testosterone and estradiol) in the brain of the male frog Rana ridibunda. By using an antiserum against human type I placental 17beta-HSD, immunoreactivity was localized in a discrete group of ependymal glial cells bordering the telencephalic ventricles. HPLC analysis of telencephalon and hypothalamus extracts combined with testosterone radioimmunoassay revealed the existence of two peaks coeluting with testosterone and 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone. After HPLC purification, testosterone was identified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Incubation of telencephalon slices with [3H]pregnenolone resulted in the formation of metabolites which coeluted with progesterone, 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, testosterone, and 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone. The newly synthesized steroid comigrating with testosterone was selectively immunodetected by using testosterone antibodies. These data indicate that 17beta-HSD is expressed in a subpopulation of gliocytes in the frog telencephalon and that telencephalic cells are capable of synthesizing various androgens, including dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, testosterone, and 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone.
Quinolinate (Quin), a metabolite in the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan degradation and a neurotoxin that appears to act through the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor system, was localized in cultured human peripheral blood monocytes/macrophages (PBMOs) by using a recently developed immunocytochemical method. Quin immunoreactivity (Quin-IR) was increased in gamma interferon (IFN-gamma)-stimulated monocytes/macrophages (MOs). In addition, the precursors, tryptophan and kynurenine, significantly increased Quin-IR. Infection of MOs by human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) in vitro substantially increased both the number of Quin-IR cells and the intensity of Quin-IR. At the peak of the Quin-IR response, about 40% of the cells were Quin-IR positive. In contrast, only about 2-5% of the cells were positive for HTLV-I, as detected by both immunofluorescence for the HTLV-I antigens and PCR techniques for the HTLV-I Tax gene. These results suggest that HTLV-I-induced Quin production in MOs occurs by an indirect mechanism, perhaps via cytokines produced by the infection but not directly by the virus infection per se. The significance of these findings to the neuropathology of HTLV-I infection is discussed.
To probe genetic variation in the regulation of sexual dimorphism, we have characterized the mouse protein Slp, coded by the gene sex-limited protein (Slp). Slp expression in many strains is limited to males and is androgen-dependent. However, female expression is also observed in rare strains, due to nonlinked gene(s) termed regulator of sex-limitation (rsl). In this report we demonstrate that female expression of Slp results from homozygous recessive allele(s) at a single autosomal locus that maps to a 2.2-centimorgan interval on chromosome 13. This conclusion was supported by extensive genetic analyses including the use of polymorphic microsatellites to type numerous backcross progeny and a recombinant inbred series and to identify the congenic interval in three independently derived congenic strains. Four attractive candidate genes were identified by the localization of rsl. Interestingly, rsl was found not only to enable expression in females but to also increase expression in males. The findings suggest that the expression of Slp and perhaps other sexually dimorphic proteins is regulated by two pathways, one that is dependent upon rsl but not androgens and another that is rsl-independent but requires androgens.
WT1 encodes a zinc-finger protein, expressed as distinct isoforms, that is inactivated in a subset of Wilms tumors. Both constitutional and somatic mutations disrupting the DNA-binding domain of WT1 result in a potentially dominant-negative phenotype. In generating inducible cell lines expressing wild-type isoforms of WT1 and WT1 mutants, we observed dramatic differences in the subnuclear localization of the induced proteins. The WT1 isoform that binds with high affinity to a defined DNA target, WT1(-KTS), was diffusely localized throughout the nucleus. In contrast, expression of an alternative splicing variant with reduced DNA binding affinity, WT1 (+KTS), or WT1 mutants with a disrupted zinc-finger domain resulted in a speckled pattern of expression within the nucleus. Although similar in appearance, the localization of WT1 variants to subnuclear clusters was clearly distinct from that of the essential splicing factor SC35, suggesting that WT1 is not directly involved in pre-mRNA splicing. Localization to subnuclear clusters required the N terminus of WT1, and coexpression of a truncated WT1 mutant and wild-type WT1(-KTS) resulted in their physical association, the redistribution of WT1(-KTS) from a diffuse to a speckled pattern, and the inhibition of its transactivational activity. These observations suggest that different WT1 isoforms and WT1 mutants have distinct subnuclear compartments. Dominant-negative WT1 proteins physically associate with wild-type WT1 in vivo and may result in its sequestration within subnuclear structures.
We have identified an amino acid sequence in the Drosophila Transformer (Tra) protein that is capable of directing a heterologous protein to nuclear speckles, regions of the nucleus previously shown to contain high concentrations of spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs and splicing factors. This sequence contains a nucleoplasmin-like bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) and a repeating arginine/serine (RS) dipeptide sequence adjacent to a short stretch of basic amino acids. Sequence comparisons from a number of other splicing factors that colocalize to nuclear speckles reveal the presence of one or more copies of this motif. We propose a two-step subnuclear localization mechanism for splicing factors. The first step is transport across the nuclear envelope via the nucleoplasmin-like NLS, while the second step is association with components in the speckled domain via the RS dipeptide sequence.
Indirect immunofluorescence methods using a mouse monoclonal antibody raised to rat choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) revealed dense networks of ChAT-immunoreactive fibers in the superior cervical ganglion, the stellate ganglion, and the celiac superior mesenteric ganglion of the rat. Numerous and single ChAT-immunoreactive cell bodies were observed in the stellate and superior cervical ganglia, respectively. The majority of ChAT-immunoreactive fibers in the stellate and superior cervical ganglia were nitric oxide synthase (NOS) positive. Some ChAT-immunoreactive fibers contained enkephalin-like immunoreactivity. Virtually all ChAT-positive cell bodies in the stellate ganglion were vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-positive, and some were calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-positive. After transection of the cervical sympathetic trunk almost all ChAT- and NOS-positive fibers and most enkephalin- and CGRP-positive fibers disappeared in the superior cervical ganglion. The results suggest that most preganglionic fibers are cholinergic and that the majority of these in addition can release nitric oxide, some enkephalin, and a few CGRP. Acetylcholine, VIP, and CGRP are coexisting messenger molecules in some postganglionic sympathetic neurons.
The presence of [arginine] vasopressin (AVP) mRNA and AVP immunoreactivity in pituicytes of the neural lobe (NL) of intact and pituitary stalk-transected rats, with and without osmotic stimulation, was examined. AVP mRNA was analyzed by Northern blotting, as well as by in situ hybridization in combination with immunocytochemistry using anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) as a marker for pituicytes. In intact rats, a poly(A) tail-truncated 0.62-kb AVP mRNA was detected in the NL and was found to increase 10-fold with 7 days of continuous salt loading. Morphological analysis of the NL of 7-day salt-loaded rats revealed the presence of AVP mRNA in a significant number of GFAP-positive pituicytes in the NL and in areas most probably containing nerve fibers. Eight days after pituitary stalk transection the NL AVP mRNA diminished in animals given water to drink, whereas in those given 2% saline for 18 h followed by 6 h of water, a treatment repeated on 6 successive days beginning 2 days after surgery, the 0.62-kb AVP mRNA was present. The AVP mRNA in the pituitary stalk-transected, salt-loaded rats showed an exclusive cellular distribution in the NL, indicative of localization in pituicytes. Immunoelectron microscopy showed the presence of AVP immunoreactivity in a subpopulation of pituicytes 7 and 10 days after pituitary stalk transection in salt-loaded animals, when almost all AVP fibers had disappeared from the NL. These data show that a subset of pituicytes in the NL is activated to synthesize AVP mRNA and AVP in response to osmotic stimulation.
Drosophila melanogaster is sexually dimorphic for cuticular hydrocarbons, with males and females having strikingly different profiles of the long-chain compounds that act as contact pheromones. Gas-chromatographic analysis of sexual mosaics reveals that the sex specificity of hydrocarbons is located in the abdomen. This explains previous observations that D. melanogaster males display the strongest courtship toward mosaics with female abdomens. We also show that males of the sibling species Drosophila simulans preferentially court D. melanogaster mosaics with male abdomens. Because the primary male hydrocarbon in D. melanogaster is also the primary female hydrocarbon in D. simulans, this supports the idea that interspecific differences in cuticular hydrocarbons contribute to sexual isolation.