91 resultados para IMMUNOGLOBULIN


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The effect of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2)D3], a steroid hormone with immunomodulating properties, on nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) proteins was examined in in vitro activated normal human lymphocytes by Western blot analysis. Over a 72-hr period of activation, the expression of the 50-kDa NF-kappa B, p50, and its precursor, p105, was increased progressively. When cells were activated in the presence of 1,25(OH)2D3, the levels of the mature protein as well as its precursor were decreased. The effect of the hormone on the levels of p50 was demonstrable in the cytosolic and nuclear compartments; it required between 4 and 8 hr and was specific, as 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 were ineffective. Besides p50, 1,25(OH)2D3 decreased the levels of another NF-kappa B protein, namely c-rel. In addition, 1,25(OH)2D3 decreased the abundance of a specific DNA-protein complex formed upon incubation of nuclear extracts from activated lymphocytes with a labeled NF-kappa B DNA binding motif. Further, 1,25(OH)2D3 inhibited the transcriptional activity of NF-kappa B in Jurkat cells transiently transfected with a construct containing four tandem repeats of the NF-kappa B binding sequence of the immunoglobulin kappa light chain gene linked to the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene. These observations demonstrate directly that there is de novo synthesis of NF-kappa B during human lymphocyte activation and suggest that this process is hormonally regulated.


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Thy-1, a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, is one of the most abundant glycoproteins on mammalian neurons. Nevertheless, its role in the peripheral or central nervous system is poorly understood. Certain monoclonal antibodies to Thy-1 promote neurite outgrowth by rodent central nervous system neurons in vitro, suggesting that Thy-1 functions, in part, by modulating neurite outgrowth. We describe a binding site for Thy-1 on astrocytes. This Thy-1-binding protein has been characterized by immunofluroesence with specific anti-idiotype monoclonal antibodies and by three competitive binding assays using (i) anti-idiotype antibodies, (ii) purified Thy-1, and (iii) Thy-1-transfected cells. The Thy-1-binding protein may participate in axonal or dendritic development in the nervous system.


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CD27, a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor family, binds to its ligand CD70, a member of the TNF family, and subsequently induces T-cell costimulation and B-cell activation. CD27 is expressed on resting T and B cells, whereas CD70 is expressed on activated T and B cells. Utilizing transfected murine pre-B-cell lines expressing human CD27 or CD70, we have examined the effect of such transfectant cells on human B-cell IgG production and B-cell proliferation. We show that the addition of CD27-transfected cells to a T-cell-dependent, pokeweed mitogen-driven B-cell IgG synthesis system resulted in marked inhibition of IgG production, whereas the addition of CD70-transfected cells enhanced IgG production. The inhibition and enhancement of pokeweed mitogen-driven IgG production by CD27 and CD70 transfectants were abrogated by pretreatment with anti-CD27 and anti-CD70 monoclonal antibodies, respectively. In contrast, little or no inhibition of IgG production and B-cell proliferation was noted with CD27-transfected cells or either anti-CD27 or CD70 monoclonal antibody in a T-cell-independent Staphylococcus aureus/interleukin 2-driven B-cell activation system. In this same system CD70-transfected cells enhanced B-cell IgG production and B-cell proliferation, and this enhancement could be gradually abrogated by addition of increasing numbers of CD27-transfected cells. These results clearly demonstrate that interactions among subsets of T cells expressing CD27 and CD70 play a key role in regulating B-cell activation and immunoglobulin synthesis.


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During the last 15 years several laboratories have attempted to generate rabbit monoclonal antibodies, mainly because rabbits recognize antigens and epitopes that are not immunogenic in mice or rats, two species from which monoclonal antibodies are usually generated. Monoclonal antibodies from rabbits could not be generated, however, because a plasmacytoma fusion partner was not available. To obtain a rabbit plasmacytoma cell line that could be used as a fusion partner we generated transgenic rabbits carrying two transgenes, c-myc and v-abl. These rabbits developed plasmacytomas, and we obtained several plasmacytoma cell lines from which we isolated hypoxanthine/aminopterin/thymidine-sensitive clones. One of these clones, when fused with spleen cells of immunized rabbits, produced stable hybridomas that secreted antibodies specific for the immunogen. The hybridomas can be cloned and propagated in nude mice, and they can be frozen without change in their ability to secrete specific monoclonal antibodies. These rabbit-rabbit hybridomas will be useful not only for production of monoclonal antibodies but also for studies of immunoglobulin gene rearrangements and isotype switching.


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When expressed as part of a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein the NH2-terminal domain of the lymphocyte cell adhesion molecule CD2 is shown to adopt two different folds. The immunoglobulin superfamily structure of the major (85%) monomeric component has previously been determined by both x-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. We now describe the structure of a second, dimeric, form present in about 15% of recombinant CD2 molecules. After denaturation and refolding in the absence of the fusion partner, dimeric CD2 is converted to monomer, illustrating that the dimeric form represents a metastable folded state. The crystal structure of this dimeric form, refined to 2.0-A resolution, reveals two domains with overall similarity to the IgSF fold found in the monomer. However, in the dimer each domain is formed by the intercalation of two polypeptide chains. Hence each domain represents a distinct folding unit that can assemble in two different ways. In the dimer the two domains fold around a hydrophilic interface believed to mimic the cell adhesion interaction at the cell surface, and the formation of dimer can be regulated by mutating single residues at this interface. This unusual misfolded form of the protein, which appears to result from inter- rather than intramolecular interactions being favored by an intermediate structure formed during the folding process, illustrates that evolution of protein oligomers is possible from the sequence for a single protein domain.


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The Fc gamma receptor-associated gamma and zeta subunits contain a conserved cytoplasmic motif, termed the immunoglobulin gene tyrosine activation motif, which contains a pair of YXXL sequences. The tyrosine residues within these YXXL sequences have been shown to be required for transduction of a phagocytic signal. We have previously reported that the gamma subunit of the type IIIA Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma RIIIA) is approximately 6 times more efficient in mediating phagocytosis than the zeta subunit of Fc gamma RIIIA. By exchanging regions of the cytoplasmic domains of the homologous gamma and zeta chains, we observed that the cytoplasmic area of the gamma chain bearing a pair of the conserved YXXL sequences is important in phagocytic signaling. Further specificity of phagocytic signaling is largely determined by the two internal XX amino acids in the YXXL sequences. In contrast, the flanking amino acids of the YXXL sequences including the seven intervening amino acids between the two YXXL sequences do not significantly affect the phagocytic signal. Furthermore, the protein-tyrosine kinase Syk, but not the related kinase ZAP-70, stimulated Fc gamma RIIIA-mediated phagocytosis. ZAP-70, however, increased phagocytosis when coexpressed with the Src family kinase Fyn. These data demonstrate the importance of the two specific amino acids within the gamma subunit YXXL cytoplasmic sequences in phagocytic signaling and explain the difference in phagocytic efficiency of the gamma and zeta chains. These results indicate the importance of Syk in Fc gamma RIIIA-mediated phagocytosis and demonstrate that ZAP-70 and syk differ in their requirement for a Src-related kinase in signal transduction.


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Cell-cell adhesion in zonula adherens and desmosomal junctions is mediated by cadherins, and recent crystal structures of the first domain from murine N-cadherin provide a plausible molecular basis for this adhesive action. A structure-based sequence analysis of this adhesive domain indicates that its fold is common to all extracellular cadherin domains. The cadherin folding topology is also shown to be similar to immunoglobulin-like domains and to other Greek-key beta-sandwich structures, as diverse as domains from plant cytochromes, bacterial cellulases, and eukaryotic transcription factors. Sequence similarities between cadherins and these other molecules are very low, however, and intron patterns are also different. On balance, independent origins for a favorable folding topology seem more likely than evolutionary divergence from an ancestor common to cadherins and immunoglobulins.


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B cells with a rearranged heavy-chain variable region VHa allotype-encoding VH1 gene segment predominate throughout the life of normal rabbits and appear to be the source of the majority of serum immunoglobulins, which thus bear VHa allotypes. The functional role(s) of these VH framework region (FR) allotypic structures has not been defined. We show here that B cells expressing surface immunoglobulin with VHa2 allotypic specificities are preferentially expanded and positively selected in the appendix of young rabbits. By flow cytometry, a higher proportion of a2+ B cells were progressing through the cell cycle (S/G2/M) compared to a2- B cells, most of which were in the G1/G0 phase of the cell cycle. The majority of appendix B cells in dark zones of germinal centers of normal 6-week-old rabbits were proliferating and very little apoptosis were observed. In contrast, in 6-week-old VH-mutant ali/ali rabbits, little cell proliferation and extensive apoptosis were observed. Nonetheless even in the absence of VH1, B cells with a2-like surface immunoglobulin had developed and expanded in the appendix of 11-week-old mutants. The numbers and tissue localization of B cells undergoing apoptosis then appeared similar to those found in 6-week-old normal appendix. Thus, B cells with immunoglobulin receptors lacking the VHa2 allotypic structures were less likely to undergo clonal expansion and maturation. These data suggest that "positive" selection of B lymphocytes through FR1 and FR3 VHa allotypic structures occurs during their development in the appendix.


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In an effort to determine whether proteins with structures other than the immunoglobulin fold can be used to mimic the ligand binding properties of antibodies, we generated a library from the four-helix bundle protein cytochrome b562 in which the two loops were randomized. Panning of this library against the bovine serum albumin (BSA) conjugate of N-methyl-p-nitrobenzylamine derivative 1 by phage display methods yielded cytochromes in which residues Trp-20, Arg-21, and Ser-22 in loop A and Arg-83 and Trp-84 in loop B were conserved. The individual mutants, which fold into native-like structure, bind selectively to the BSA-1 conjugate with micromolar dissociation constants (Kd), in comparison to a monoclonal antibody that binds selectively to 1 with a Kd of 290 nM. These and other antibody-like receptors may prove useful as therapeutic agents or as reagents for both intra- and extracellular studies.


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Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) represents a structurally and functionally distinct class of immunoglobulin superfamily molecules that bind leukocyte integrins and are involved in inflammatory and immune functions. X-ray crystallography defines the three-dimensional structure of the N-terminal two-domain fragment that participates in ligand binding. Residues in domain 1 important for ligand binding reside in the C-D loop, which projects markedly from one face of the molecule near the contact between domains 1 and 2. A cyclic peptide that mimics this loop inhibits binding of alpha 4 beta 1 integrin-bearing cells to VCAM-1. These data demonstrate how crystallographic structural information can be used to design a small molecule inhibitor of biological function.


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IgM antibodies are secreted as multisubunit polymers that consist of as many as three discrete polypeptides: mu heavy chains, light (L) chains, and joining (J) chains. We wished to determine whether L chains that are required to confer secretory competence on immunoglobulin molecules must be present for IgM to polymerize--that is, for intersubunit disulfide bonds to form between mu chains. Using a L-chain-loss variant of an IgM-secreting hybridoma, we demonstrated that mu chains were efficiently polymerized independent of L chains, in a manner similar to that observed for conventional microL complexes, and that the mu polymers incorporated J chain. These mu polymers were not secreted but remained associated with the endoplasmic reticulum-resident chaperone BiP (GRP78). This finding is consistent with the endoplasmic reticulum being the subcellular site of IgM polymerization. We conclude that mu chain alone has the potential to direct the polymerization of secreted IgM, a process necessary but not sufficient for IgM to attain secretory competence.


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By screening a cDNA library constructed from aortic total RNA derived from Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic (WHHL) rabbits by differential hybridization, we have obtained a cDNA encoding the kappa light chain of immunoglobulin. Northern blot analysis of total RNA prepared from aortas of WHHL and normal rabbits of various ages revealed that this light-chain mRNA accumulates gradually with age in aortas in WHHL rabbits. Northern blotting and in situ hybridization with an antisense oligonucleotide specific to rabbit immunoglobulin gamma heavy-chain mRNA also detected accumulation of this heavy-chain mRNA in advanced lesions of WHHL rabbit aortas. Moreover, immunohistochemical and electron microscopic analyses demonstrated the presence of plasma cells in the atherosclerotic lesions.


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Recombinant antibodies capable of sequence-specific interactions with nucleic acids represent a class of DNA- and RNA-binding proteins with potential for broad application in basic research and medicine. We describe the rational design of a DNA-binding antibody, Fab-Ebox, by replacing a variable segment of the immunoglobulin heavy chain with a 17-amino acid domain derived from TFEB, a class B basic helix-loop-helix protein. DNA-binding activity was studied by electrophoretic mobility-shift assays in which Fab-Ebox was shown to form a specific complex with DNA containing the TFEB recognition motif (CACGTG). Similarities were found in the abilities of TFEB and Fab-Ebox to discriminate between oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing altered recognition sequences. Comparable interference of binding by methylation of cytosine residues indicated that Fab-Ebox and TFEB both contact DNA through interactions along the major groove of double-stranded DNA. The results of this study indicate that DNA-binding antibodies of high specificity can be developed by using the modular nature of both immunoglobulins and transcription factors.


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After a penetrating lesion in the central nervous system, astrocytes enlarge, divide, and participate in creating an environment that adversely affects neuronal regeneration. We have recently shown that the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) partially inhibits the division of early postnatal rat astrocytes in vitro. In the present study, we demonstrate that addition of N-CAM, the third immunoglobulin-like domain of N-CAM, or a synthetic decapeptide corresponding to a putative homophilic binding site in N-CAM partially inhibits astrocyte proliferation after a stab lesion in the adult rat brain. Animals were lesioned in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, or striatum with a Hamilton syringe and needle at defined stereotaxic positions. On one side, the lesions were concomitantly infused with N-CAM or with one of the N-CAM-related molecules. As a control, a peptide of the same composition as the N-CAM decapeptide but of random sequence was infused on the contralateral side of the brain. We consistently found that the population of dividing astrocytes was significantly smaller on the side in which N-CAM or one of the N-CAM-related molecules was infused than on the opposite side. The inhibition was greatest in the cortical lesion sites (approximately 50%) and was less pronounced in the hippocampus (approximately 25%) and striatum (approximately 20%). Two weeks after the lesion, the cerebral cortical sites infused with N-CAM continued to exhibit a significantly smaller population of dividing astrocytes than the sites on the opposite side. When N-CAM and basic fibroblast growth factor, which is known to stimulate astrocyte division in vitro, were coinfused into cortical lesion sites, astrocyte proliferation was still inhibited. These results suggest the hypothesis that, by reducing glial proliferation, N-CAM or its peptides may help create an environment that is more suitable for neuronal regeneration.


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The B-cell receptor CD22 binds sialic acid linked alpha-2-6 to terminal galactose residues on N-linked oligosaccharides associated with several cell-surface glycoproteins. The first of these sialoglycoproteins to be identified was the receptor-linked phosphotyrosine phosphatase CD45, which is required for antigen/CD3-induced T-cell activation. In the present work, we examine the effect of interaction between the extracellular domain of CD45 and CD22 on T-cell activation. Using soluble CD22-immunoglobulin fusion proteins and T cells expressing wild-type and chimeric CD45 forms, we show that engagement of CD45 by soluble CD22 can modulate early T-cell signals in antigen receptor/CD3-mediated stimulation. We also show that addition of sialic acid by beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase to the CD22 molecule abrogates interactions between CD22 and its ligands. Together, these observations provide direct evidence for a functional role of the interaction between the extracellular domain of CD45 and a natural ligand and suggest another regulatory mechanism for CD22-mediated ligand engagement.