94 resultados para Human Dna
Exposure to exogenous alkylating agents, particularly N-nitroso compounds, has been associated with increased incidence of primary human brain tumors, while intrinsic risk factors are currently unknown. The DNA repair protein O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) is a major defense against the carcinogenicity of N-nitroso compounds and other alkylators. We report here that in 55% (64/117) of cases, histologically normal brain tissue adjacent to primary human brain tumors lacked detectable MGMT activity [methyl excision repair-defective (Mer-) status]. The incidence of Mer- status in normal brain tissue from brain tumor patients was age-dependent, increasing from 21% in children 0.25-19 years of age to 75% in adults over 50. In contrast, Mer- status was found in 12% (5/43) of normal brain specimens from patients operated for conditions other than primary brain tumors and was not age-dependent. The 4.6-fold elevation in incidence of Mer- status in brain tumor patients is highly significant (chi2 = 24; p < or = 0.001). MGMT activity was independent of age in the lymphocytes of brain tumor patients and was present in lymphocytes from six of nine tumor patients whose normal brain specimen was Mer-. DNA polymerase beta, apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease, and lactate dehydrogenase activities were present in all specimens tested, including Mer- specimens from brain tumor patients. Our data are consistent with a model of carcinogenesis in human brain in which epigenetically regulated lack of MGMT is a predisposing factor and alkylation-related mutagenesis is a driving force.
Bacterial and mammalian mismatch repair systems have been implicated in the cellular response to certain types of DNA damage, and genetic defects in this pathway are known to confer resistance to the cytotoxic effects of DNA-methylating agents. Such observations suggest that in addition to their ability to recognize DNA base-pairing errors, members of the MutS family may also respond to genetic lesions produced by DNA damage. We show that the human mismatch recognition activity MutSalpha recognizes several types of DNA lesion including the 1,2-intrastrand d(GpG) crosslink produced by cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II), as well as base pairs between O6-methylguanine and thymine or cytosine, or between O4-methylthymine and adenine. However, the protein fails to recognize 1,3-intrastrand adduct produced by trans-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) at a d(GpTpG) sequence. These observations imply direct involvement of the mismatch repair system in the cytotoxic effects of DNA-methylating agents and suggest that recognition of 1,2-intrastrand cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) adducts by MutSalpha may be involved in the cytotoxic action of this chemotherapeutic agent.
Two human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) molecular clones, K30p and K34p were derived from HTLV-I-infected rabbit cell lines. K30p and K34p differ by 18 bp with changes in the long terminal repeats (LTRs) as well as in the gag, pol, and rex but not tax or env gene products. Cells transfected with clone K30p were infectious in vitro and injection of the K30p transfectants or naked K30p DNA into rabbits leads to chronic infection. In contrast, K34p did not mediate infection in vitro or in vivo, although the cell line from which it was derived is fully infectious and K34p transfectants produce intact virus particles. To localize differences involved in the ability of the clones to cause infection, six chimeric HTLV-I clones were constructed by shuffling corresponding fragments containing the substitutions in the LTRs, the gag/pol region and the rex region between K30p and K34p. Cells transfected with any of the six chimeras produced virus, but higher levels of virus were produced by cells transfected with those constructs containing the K30p rex region. Virus production was transient except in cells transfected with K30p or with a chimera consisting of the entire protein coding region of K30p flanked by K34p LTRs; only the transfectants showing persistent virus production mediated in vitro infection. In vivo infection in rabbits following intramuscular DNA injection was mediated by K30p as well as by a chimera of K30p containing the K34p rex gene. Comparisons revealed that virus production was greater and appeared earlier in rabbits injected with K30p. These data suggest that several defects in the K34p clone preclude infectivity and furthermore, provide systems to explore functions of HTLV-I genes.
DNA sequences of neutral nuclear autosomal loci, compared across diverse human populations, provide a previously untapped perspective into the mode and tempo of the emergence of modern humans and a critical comparison with published clonally inherited mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosome measurements of human diversity. We obtained over 55 kilobases of sequence from three autosomal loci encompassing Alu repeats for representatives of diverse human populations as well as orthologous sequences for other hominoid species at one of these loci. Nucleotide diversity was exceedingly low. Most individuals and populations were identical. Only a single nucleotide difference distinguished presumed ancestral alleles from descendants. These results differ from those expected if alleles from divergent archaic populations were maintained through multiregional continuity. The observed virtual lack of sequence polymorphism is the signature of a recent single origin for modern humans, with general replacement of archaic populations.
A human cDNA encoding a protein homologous to the Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I subfamily of enzymes has been identified through cloning and sequencing. Expressing the cloned human cDNA in yeast (delta)top1 cells lacking endogenous DNA topoisomerase I yielded an activity in cell extracts that specifically reduces the number of supercoils in a highly negatively supercoiled DNA. On the basis of these results, the human gene containing the cDNA sequence has been denoted TOP3, and the protein it encodes has been denoted DNA topoisomerase III. Screening of a panel of human-rodent somatic hybrids and fluorescence in situ hybridization of cloned TOP3 genomic DNA to metaphase chromosomes indicate that human TOP3 is a single-copy gene located at chromosome 17p11.2-12.
The intron of the corticotropin-releasing hormone (corticoliberin; CRH) gene contains a sequence of over 100 bp of alternating purine/pyrimidine residues. We have used binding of a Z-DNA-specific antibody in metabolically active, permeabilized nuclei to study the formation of Z-DNA in this sequence at various levels of transcription. In the NPLC human primary liver carcinoma cell line, activation of cAMP-dependent pathways increased the level of transcription, while adding glucocorticoids inhibited transcription of the CRH gene. These cells respond in a manner similar to hypothalamic cells. Z-DNA formation in this sequence was detected at the basal level of transcription, as well as after stimulation with forskolin. Inhibition of transcription by dexamethasone abolished Z-DNA formation. Z-DNA formation in the WC gene (c-myc) was affected differently in the same experiment. Thus, changes in Z-DNA formation in the CRH gene are gene specific and are linked to the transcription of the gene.
Hydroxyl radical damage in metastatic tumor DNA was elucidated in women with breast cancer, and a comparison was made with nonmetastatic tumor DNA. The damage was identified by using statistical models of modified base and Fourier transform-infrared spectral data. The modified base models revealed a greater than 2-fold increase in hydroxyl radical damage in the metastatic tumor DNA compared with the nonmetastatic tumor DNA. The metastatic tumor DNA also exhibited substantially greater base diversity than the nonmetastatic DNA, and a progression of radical-induced base damage was found to be associated with the growth of metastatic tumors. A three-dimensional plot of principal components from factor analysis, derived from infrared spectral data, also showed that the metastatic tumor DNA was substantially more diverse than the tightly grouped nonmetastatic tumor DNA. These cohesive, independently derived findings suggest that the hydroxyl radical generates DNA phenotypes with various metastatic potentials that likely contribute to the diverse physiological properties and heterogeneity characteristic of metastatic cell populations.
We report several classes of human interspersed repeats that resemble fossils of DNA transposons, elements that move by excision and reintegration in the genome, whereas previously characterized mammalian repeats all appear to have accumulated by retrotransposition, which involves an RNA intermediate. The human genome contains at least 14 families and > 100,000 degenerate copies of short (180-1200 bp) elements that have 14- to 25-bp terminal inverted repeats and are flanked by either 8 bp or TA target site duplications. We describe two ancient 2.5-kb elements with coding capacity, Tigger1 and -2, that closely resemble pogo, a DNA transposon in Drosophila, and probably were responsible for the distribution of some of the short elements. The deduced pogo and Tigger proteins are related to products of five DNA transposons found in fungi and nematodes, and more distantly, to the Tc1 and mariner transposases. They also are very similar to the major mammalian centromere protein CENP-B, suggesting that this may have a transposase origin. We further identified relatively low-copy-number mariner elements in both human and sheep DNA. These belong to two subfamilies previously identified in insect genomes, suggesting lateral transfer between diverse species.
Agarose-encapsulated, metabolically active, permeabilized nuclei from human hematopoietic cell lines were tested for Z-DNA formation in the beta-globin gene cluster. Biotinylated monoclonal antibodies against Z-DNA were diffused into the nuclei and cross-linked to DNA with a 10-ns laser exposure at 266 nm. Following digestion with restriction enzymes, fragments that had formed Z-DNA were isolated. Seventeen regions with Z-DNA sequence motifs in the 73-kb region were studied by PCR amplification, and five were found in the Z conformation.
In the replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), gag MA (matrix), a major structural protein of the virus, carries out opposing targeting functions. During virus assembly, gag MA is cotranslationally myristoylated, a modification required for membrane targeting of gag polyproteins. During virus infection, however, gag MA, by virtue of a nuclear targeting signal at its N terminus, facilitates the nuclear localization of viral DNA and establishment of the provirus. We now show that phosphorylation of gag MA on tyrosine and serine prior to and during virus infection facilitates its dissociation from the membrane, thus allowing it to translocate to the nucleus. Inhibition of gag MA phosphorylation either on tyrosine or on serine prevents gag MA-mediated nuclear targeting of viral nucleic acids and impairs virus infectivity. The requirement for gag MA phosphorylation in virus infection is underscored by our finding that a serine/threonine kinase is associated with virions of HIV-1. These results reveal a novel level of regulation of primate lentivirus infectivity.
An assay that allows measurement of absolute induction frequencies for DNA double-strand breaks (dsbs) in defined regions of the genome and that quantitates rejoining of correct DNA ends has been used to study repair of dsbs in normal human fibroblasts after x-irradiation. The approach involves hybridization of single-copy DNA probes to Not I restriction fragments separated according to size by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Induction of dsbs is quantitated from the decrease in the intensity of the hybridizing restriction fragment and an accumulation of a smear below the band. Rejoining of dsbs results in reconstitution of the intact restriction fragment only if correct DNA ends are joined. By comparing results from this technique with results from a conventional electrophoresis assay that detects all rejoining events, it is possible to quantitate the misrejoining frequency. Three Not I fragments on the long arm of chromosome 21 were investigated with regard to dsb induction, yielding an identical induction rate of 5.8 X 10(-3) break per megabase pair per Gy. Correct dsb rejoining was measured for two of these Not I fragments after initial doses of 80 and 160 Gy. The misrejoining frequency was about 25% for both fragments and was independent of dose. This result appears to be representative for the whole genome as shown by analysis of the entire Not I fragment distribution. The correct rejoining events primarily occurred within the first 2 h, while the misrejoining kinetics included a much slower component, with about half of the events occurring between 2 and 24 h. These misrejoining kinetics are similar to those previously reported for production of exchange aberrations in interphase chromosomes.
A plant lignan, 3'-O-methyl nordihydroguaiaretic acid (3'-O-methyl NDGA, denoted Malachi 4:5-6 or Mal.4; molecular weigth 316), was isolated from Larrea tridentata and found to be able to inhibit human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Tat-regulated transactivation in vivo, induce protection of lymphoblastoid CEM-SS cells from HIV (strain IIIB) killing, and suppress the replication of five HIV-1 strains (WM, MN, VS, JR-CSF, and IIIB) in mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells, all in a dose-dependent manner. Mal.4 inhibits both basal transcription and Tat-regulated transactivation in vitro. The target of Mal.4 has been localized to nucleotides -87 to -40 of the HIV long terminal repeat. Mal.4 directly and specifically interferes with the binding of Sp1 to Sp1 sites in the HIV long terminal repeat. By inhibiting proviral expression, Mal.4 may be able to interrupt the life cycles of both wild-type and reverse transcriptase or protease mutant viruses in HIV-infected patients.
Programmed cell death (apoptosis) is a normal physiological process, which could in principle be manipulated to play an important role in cancer therapy. The key importance of p53 expression in the apoptotic response to DNA-damaging agents has been stressed because mutant or deleted p53 is so common in most kinds of cancer. An important strategy, therefore, is to find ways to induce apoptosis in the absence of wild-type p53. In this paper, we compare apoptosis in normal human mammary epithelial cells, in cells immortalized with human papilloma virus (HPV), and in mammary carcinoma cell lines expressing wild-type p53, mutant p53, or no p53 protein. Apoptosis was induced with mitomycin C (MMC), a DNA cross-linking and damaging agent, or with staurosporine (SSP), a protein kinase inhibitor. The normal and HPV-transfected cells responded more strongly to SSP than did the tumor cells. After exposure to MMC, cells expressing wild-type p53 underwent extensive apoptosis, whereas cells carrying mutated p53 responded weakly. Primary breast cancer cell lines null for p53 protein were resistant to MMC. In contrast, two HPV immortalized cell lines in which p53 protein was destroyed by E6-modulated ubiquitinylation were highly sensitive to apoptosis induced by MMC. Neither p53 mRNA nor protein was induced in the HPV immortalized cells after MMC treatment, although p53 protein was elevated by MMC in cells with wild-type p53. Importantly, MMC induced p21 mRNA but not p21 protein expression in the HPV immortalized cells. Thus, HPV 16E6 can sensitize mammary epithelial cells to MMC-induced apoptosis via a p53- and p21-independent pathway. We propose that the HPV 16E6 protein modulates ubiquitin-mediated degradation not only of p53 but also of p21 and perhaps other proteins involved in apoptosis.
Coiled bodies (CBs) are nuclear organelles whose structures appear to be highly conserved in evolution. In rapidly cycling cells, they are typically located in the nucleoplasm but are often found in contact with the nucleolus. The CBs in human cells contain a unique protein, called p80-coilin. Studies on amphibian oocyte nuclei have revealed a protein within the "sphere" organelle that shares significant structural similarity to p80-coilin. Spheres and CBs are also highly enriched in small nuclear ribonucleoproteins and other RNA-processing components. We present evidence that, like spheres, CBs contain U7 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) and associate with specific chromosomal loci. Using biotinylated 2'-O-methyl oligonucleotides complementary to the 5' end of U7 snRNA and fluorescence in situ hybridization, we show that U7 is distributed throughout the nucleoplasm, excluding nucleoli, and is concentrated in CBs. Interestingly, we found that CBs often associate with subsets of the histone, U1, and U2 snRNA gene loci in interphase HeLa-ATCC and HEp-2 monolayer cells. However, in a strain of suspension-grown HeLa cells, called HeLa-JS1000, we found a much lower rate of association between CBs and snRNA genes. Possible roles for CBs in the metabolism of these various histone and snRNAs are discussed.
Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase [PARP; NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase; NAD+:poly(adenosine-diphosphate-D-ribosyl)-acceptor ADP-D-ribosyltransferase, EC] is a zinc-dependent eukaryotic DNA-binding protein that specifically recognizes DNA strand breaks produced by various genotoxic agents. To study the biological function of this enzyme, we have established stable HeLa cell lines that constitutively produce the 46-kDa DNA-binding domain of human PARP (PARP-DBD), leading to the trans-dominant inhibition of resident PARP activity. As a control, a cell line was constructed, producing a point-mutated version of the DBD, which has no affinity for DNA in vitro. Expression of the PARP-DBD had only a slight effect on undamaged cells but had drastic consequences for cells treated with genotoxic agents. Exposure of cell lines expressing the wild-type (wt) or the mutated PARP-DBD, with low doses of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) resulted in an increase in their doubling time, a G2 + M accumulation, and a marked reduction in cell survival. However, UVC irradiation had no preferential effect on the cell growth or viability of cell lines expressing the PARP-DBD. These PARP-DBD-expressing cells treated with MNNG presented the characteristic nucleosomal DNA ladder, one of the hallmarks of cell death by apoptosis. Moreover, these cells exhibited chromosomal instability as demonstrated by higher frequencies of both spontaneous and MNNG-induced sister chromatid exchanges. Surprisingly, the line producing the mutated DBD had the same behavior as those producing the wt DBD, indicating that the mechanism of action of the dominant-negative mutant involves more than its DNA-binding function. Altogether, these results strongly suggest that PARP is an element of the G2 checkpoint in mammalian cells.