183 resultados para Heavy-chain Gene


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We have identified partial loss of function mutations in class VI unconventional myosin, 95F myosin, which results in male sterility. During spermatogenesis the germ line precursor cells undergo mitosis and meiosis to form a bundle of 64 spermatids. The spermatids remain interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges until individualization. The process of individualization involves the formation of a complex of cytoskeletal proteins and membrane, the individualization complex (IC), around the spermatid nuclei. This complex traverses the length of each spermatid resolving the shared membrane into a single membrane enclosing each spermatid. We have determined that 95F myosin is a component of the IC whose function is essential for individualization. In wild-type testes, 95F myosin localizes to the leading edge of the IC. Two independent mutations in 95F myosin reduce the amount of 95F myosin in only a subset of tissues, including the testes. This reduction of 95F myosin causes male sterility as a result of defects in spermatid individualization. Germ line transformation with the 95F myosin heavy chain cDNA rescues the male sterility phenotype. IC movement is aberrant in these 95F myosin mutants, indicating a critical role for 95F myosin in IC movement. This report is the first identification of a component of the IC other than actin. We propose that 95F myosin is a motor that participates in membrane reorganization during individualization.


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We isolated a Dictyostelium cytokinesis mutant with a defect in a novel locus called large volume sphere A (lvsA). lvsA mutants exhibit an unusual phenotype when attempting to undergo cytokinesis in suspension culture. Early in cytokinesis, they initiate furrow formation with concomitant myosin II localization at the cleavage furrow. However, the furrow is later disrupted by a bulge that forms in the middle of the cell. This bulge is bounded by furrows on both sides, which are often enriched in myosin II. The bulge can increase and decrease in size multiple times as the cell attempts to divide. Interestingly, this phenotype is similar to the cytokinesis failure of Dictyostelium clathrin heavy-chain mutants. Furthermore, both cell lines cap ConA receptors but form only a C-shaped loose cap. Unlike clathrin mutants, lvsA mutants are not defective in endocytosis or development. The LvsA protein shares several domains in common with the molecules beige and Chediak–Higashi syndrome proteins that are important for lysosomal membrane traffic. Thus, on the basis of the sequence analysis of the LvsA protein and the phenotype of the lvsA mutants, we postulate that LvsA plays an important role in a membrane-processing pathway that is essential for cytokinesis.


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Staphylococcus aureus produces a virulence factor, protein A (SpA), that contains five homologous Ig-binding domains. The interactions of SpA with the Fab region of membrane-anchored Igs can stimulate a large fraction of B cells, contributing to lymphocyte clonal selection. To understand the molecular basis for this activity, we have solved the crystal structure of the complex between domain D of SpA and the Fab fragment of a human IgM antibody to 2.7-Å resolution. In the complex, helices II and III of domain D interact with the variable region of the Fab heavy chain (VH) through framework residues, without the involvement of the hypervariable regions implicated in antigen recognition. The contact residues are highly conserved in human VH3 antibodies but not in other families. The contact residues from domain D also are conserved among all SpA Ig-binding domains, suggesting that each could bind in a similar manner. Features of this interaction parallel those reported for staphylococcal enterotoxins that are superantigens for many T cells. The structural homology between Ig VH regions and the T-cell receptor Vβ regions facilitates their comparison, and both types of interactions involve lymphocyte receptor surface remote from the antigen binding site. However, T-cell superantigens reportedly interact through hydrogen bonds with T-cell receptor Vβ backbone atoms in a primary sequence-independent manner, whereas SpA relies on a sequence-restricted conformational binding with residue side chains, suggesting that this common bacterial pathogen has adopted distinct molecular recognition strategies for affecting large sets of B and T lymphocytes.


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Mutant alleles at the dilute unconventional myosin heavy chain locus cause diluted coat color, opisthotonic seizures, and death. The dilute coat color phenotype is caused by irregular clumping of pigment in the hair, but amounts of melanin are unchanged from wild-type controls. The melanocyte phenotype has been described as adendritic, since hair bulb and Harderian gland melanocytes appear to be rounded in tissue sections. These observations do not exclude the possibility that the processes lack pigment, since the melanocyte shape was judged by the distribution of melanin. We have tested this hypothesis by culturing primary melanocytes from dilute mutant and wild-type mice. The mutant melanocytes do not lack processes; instead, they exhibit a concentrated perinuclear distribution of melanosomes, while wild-type melanocytes have a very uniform cytoplasmic distribution of melanosomes. Electron micrographs show no detectable differences in melanosome morphology or maturation between dilute and wild-type melanocytes. Immunofluorescence experiments indicate that the dilute protein is concentrated in regions of the cytoplasm that contain melanosomes. These experiments show that the dilute myosin is necessary for the localization of melanosomes, either by active transport or tethering.


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The oncogene p3k, coding for a constitutively active form of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), strongly activates myogenic differentiation. Inhibition of endogenous PI 3-kinase activity with the specific inhibitor LY294002, or with dominant-negative mutants of PI 3-kinase, interferes with myotube formation and with the expression of muscle-specific proteins. Here we demonstrate that a downstream target of PI 3-kinase, serine-threonine kinase Akt, plays an important role in myogenic differentiation. Expression of constitutively active forms of Akt dramatically enhances myotube formation and expression of the muscle-specific proteins MyoD, creatine kinase, myosin heavy chain, and desmin. Transdominant negative forms of Akt inhibit myotube formation and the expression of muscle-specific proteins. The inhibition of myotube formation and the reduced expression of muscle-specific proteins caused by the PI 3-kinase inhibitor LY294002 are completely reversed by constitutively active forms of Akt. Wild-type cellular Akt effects a partial reversal of LY294002-induced inhibition of myogenic differentiation. This result suggests that Akt can substitute for PI 3-kinase in the stimulation of myogenesis; Akt may be an essential downstream component of PI 3-kinase-induced muscle differentiation.


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How do secretory proteins and other cargo targeted to post-Golgi locations traverse the Golgi stack? We report immunoelectron microscopy experiments establishing that a Golgi-restricted SNARE, GOS 28, is present in the same population of COPI vesicles as anterograde cargo marked by vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein, but is excluded from the COPI vesicles containing retrograde-targeted cargo (marked by KDEL receptor). We also report that GOS 28 and its partnering t-SNARE heavy chain, syntaxin 5, reside together in every cisterna of the stack. Taken together, these data raise the possibility that the anterograde cargo-laden COPI vesicles, retained locally by means of tethers, are inherently capable of fusing with neighboring cisternae on either side. If so, quanta of exported proteins would transit the stack in GOS 28–COPI vesicles via a bidirectional random walk, entering at the cis face and leaving at the trans face and percolating up and down the stack in between. Percolating vesicles carrying both post-Golgi cargo and Golgi residents up and down the stack would reconcile disparate observations on Golgi transport in cells and in cell-free systems.


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The actin-activated ATPase activity of Acanthamoeba myosin IC is stimulated 15- to 20-fold by phosphorylation of Ser-329 in the heavy chain. In most myosins, either glutamate or aspartate occupies this position, which lies within a surface loop that forms part of the actomyosin interface. To investigate the apparent need for a negative charge at this site, we mutated Ser-329 to alanine, asparagine, aspartate, or glutamate and coexpressed the Flag-tagged wild-type or mutant heavy chain and light chain in baculovirus-infected insect cells. Recombinant wild-type myosin IC was indistinguishable from myosin IC purified from Acanthamoeba as determined by (i) the dependence of its actin-activated ATPase activity on heavy-chain phosphorylation, (ii) the unusual triphasic dependence of its ATPase activity on the concentration of F-actin, (iii) its Km for ATP, and (iv) its ability to translocate actin filaments. The Ala and Asn mutants had the same low actin-activated ATPase activity as unphosphorylated wild-type myosin IC. The Glu mutant, like the phosphorylated wild-type protein, was 16-fold more active than unphosphorylated wild type, and the Asp mutant was 8-fold more active. The wild-type and mutant proteins had the same Km for ATP. Unphosphorylated wild-type protein and the Ala and Asn mutants were unable to translocate actin filaments, whereas the Glu mutant translocated filaments at the same velocity, and the Asp mutant at 50% the velocity, as phosphorylated wild-type proteins. These results demonstrate that an acidic amino acid can supply the negative charge in the surface loop required for the actin-dependent activities of Acanthamoeba myosin IC in vitro and indicate that the length of the side chain that delivers this charge is important.


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The major histocompatibility complex class I complex consists of a heavy chain and a light chain (β2-microglobulin, β2m), which assemble with a short endogenously derived peptide in the endoplasmic reticulum. The class I peptide can be directly exchanged, either at the cell surface or, as recently described, in vesicles of the endocytic compartments, thus allowing exogenous peptides to enter the class I presentation pathway. To probe the interactions between the components of the class I molecule, we analyzed the exchange of peptide and β2m by using purified, recombinant H2-Kb/peptide complexes in a cell-free in vitro system. The exchange of competitor peptide was primarily dependent on the off-rate of the original peptide in the class I binding groove. Peptide exchange was not enhanced by the presence of exogenous β2m, as exchange occurred to the same extent in its absence. Thus, the exchange of peptide and β2m are independent events. The exchange rate of β2m also was not affected by the dissociation rates of the original peptides. Furthermore, peptides could substantially exchange into class I molecules over a pH range of 5.5 to 7.5, conditions prevalent in certain endocytic compartments. We conclude that the dynamic properties of the components of class I molecules explain its function as a highly peptide-receptive molecule. The major histocompatibility complex class I can readily receive peptides independent of the presence of exogenous β2m, even at a low pH. Such properties are relevant to class I peptide acquisition, which can occur at the cell surface, as well as in specialized endosomes.


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The assembly of a pre-B cell receptor (pre-BCR) composed of an Ig μ heavy chain (μH-chain), the surrogate light (SL) chain, and the Igα/β dimer is critical for late pro-B cells to advance to the pre-B cell stage. By using a transgenic mouse model, in which μH-chain synthesis is solely driven by a tetracycline-controlled transactivator, we show that de novo synthesis of μH-chain in transgenic pro-B cells not only induces differentiation but also proliferation. This positive effect of μH-chain synthesis on proliferation requires the presence of SL chain and costimulatory signals provided by stromal cells or IL-7. We conclude that pre-BCR signaling induces clonal expansion of early pre-B cells.


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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, clathrin is necessary for localization of trans-Golgi network (TGN) membrane proteins, a process that involves cycling of TGN proteins between the TGN and endosomes. To characterize further TGN protein localization, we applied a screen for mutations that cause severe growth defects in combination with a temperature-sensitive clathrin heavy chain. This screen yielded a mutant allele of RIC1. Cells carrying a deletion of RIC1 (ric1Δ) mislocalize TGN membrane proteins Kex2p and Vps10p to the vacuole. Delivery to the vacuole occurs in ric1Δ cells also harboring end3Δ to block endocytosis, indicative of a defect in retrieval to the TGN rather than sorting to endosomes. SYS1, originally discovered as a multicopy suppressor of defects caused by the absence of the Rab GTPase YPT6, was identified as a multicopy suppressor of ric1Δ. Further comparison of ric1Δ and ypt6Δ cells demonstrated identical phenotypes. Multicopy plasmids expressing v-SNAREs Gos1p or Ykt6p, but not other v- and t-SNAREs, partially suppressed phenotypes of ric1Δ and ypt6Δ cells. SLY1–20, a dominant activator of the cis-Golgi network t-SNARE Sed5p, also functioned as a multicopy suppressor. Because Gos1p and Ykt6p interact with Sed5p, these results raise the possibility that TGN membrane protein localization requires Ric1p- and Ypt6p-dependent retrieval to the cis-Golgi network.


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Transport of proteins through the ALP (alkaline phosphatase) pathway to the vacuole requires the function of the AP-3 adaptor complex and Vps41p. However, unlike other adaptor protein–dependent pathways, the ALP pathway has not been shown to require additional accessory proteins or coat proteins, such as membrane recruitment factors or clathrin. Two independent genetic approaches have been used to identify new mutants that affect transport through the ALP pathway. These screens yielded new mutants in both VPS41 and the four AP-3 subunit genes. Two new VPS41 alleles exhibited phenotypes distinct from null mutants of VPS41, which are defective in vacuolar morphology and protein transport through both the ALP and CPY sorting pathways. The new alleles displayed severe ALP sorting defects, normal vacuolar morphology, and defects in ALP vesicle formation at the Golgi complex. Sequencing analysis of these VPS41 alleles revealed mutations encoding amino acid changes in two distinct domains of Vps41p: a conserved N-terminal domain and a C-terminal clathrin heavy-chain repeat (CHCR) domain. We demonstrate that the N-terminus of Vps41p is required for binding to AP-3, whereas the C-terminal CHCR domain directs homo-oligomerization of Vps41p. These data indicate that a homo-oligomeric form of Vps41p is required for the formation of ALP containing vesicles at the Golgi complex via interactions with AP-3.


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CD1 is an MHC class I-like antigen-presenting molecule consisting of a heavy chain and β2-microglobulin light chain. The in vitro refolding of synthetic MHC class I molecules has always required the presence of ligand. We report here the use of a folding method using an immobilized chaperone fragment, a protein disulphide isomerase, and a peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (oxidative refolding chromatography) for the fast and efficient assembly of ligand-free and ligand-associated CD1a and CD1b, starting with material synthesized in Escherichia coli. The results suggest that “empty” MHC class I-like molecules can assemble and remain stable at physiological temperatures in the absence of ligand. The use of oxidative refolding chromatography thus is extended to encompass complex multisubunit proteins and specifically to members of the extensive, functionally diverse and important immunoglobulin supergene family of proteins, including those for which a ligand has yet to be identified.


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Myosin isolated from the pollen tubes of lily (Lilium longiflorum) is composed of a 170-kD heavy chain (E. Yokota and T. Shimmen [1994] Protoplasma 177: 153–162). Both the motile activity in vitro and the F-actin-stimulated ATPase activity of this myosin were inhibited by Ca2+ at concentrations higher than 10−6 m. In the Ca2+ range between 10−6 and 10−5 m, inhibition of the motile activity was reversible. In contrast, inhibition by more than 10−5 m Ca2+ was not reversible upon Ca2+ removal. An 18-kD polypeptide that showed the same mobility in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as that of spinach calmodulin (CaM) was present in this myosin fraction. This polypeptide showed a mobility shift in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Furthermore, this polypeptide was recognized by antiserum against spinach CaM. By immunoprecipitation using antiserum against the 170-kD heavy chain, the 18-kD polypeptide was coprecipitated with the 170-kD heavy chain, provided that the Ca2+ concentration was low, indicating that this 18-kD polypeptide is bound to the 170-kD myosin heavy chain. However, the 18-kD polypeptide was dissociated from the 170-kD heavy chain at high Ca2+ concentrations, which irreversibly inhibited the motile activity of this myosin. From these results, it is suggested that the 18-kD polypeptide, which is likely to be CaM, is associated with the 170-kD heavy chain as a light chain. It is also suggested that this polypeptide is involved in the regulation of this myosin by Ca2+. This is the first biochemical basis, to our knowledge, for Ca2+ regulation of cytoplasmic streaming in higher plants.


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The actin cytoskeleton plays a significant role in changes of cell shape and motility, and interactions between the actin filaments and the cell membrane are crucial for a variety of cellular processes. Several adaptor proteins, including talin, maintain the cytoskeleton-membrane linkage by binding to integral membrane proteins and to the cytoskeleton. Layilin, a recently characterized transmembrane protein with homology to C-type lectins, is a membrane-binding site for talin in peripheral ruffles of spreading cells. To facilitate studies of layilin's function, we have generated a layilin-Fc fusion protein comprising the extracellular part of layilin joined to human immunoglobulin G heavy chain and used this chimera to identify layilin ligands. Here, we demonstrate that layilin-Fc fusion protein binds to hyaluronan immobilized to Sepharose. Microtiter plate-binding assays, coprecipitation experiments, and staining of sections predigested with different glycosaminoglycan-degrading enzymes and cell adhesion assays all revealed that layilin binds specifically to hyaluronan but not to other tested glycosaminoglycans. Layilin's ability to bind hyaluronan, a ubiquitous extracellular matrix component, reveals an interesting parallel between layilin and CD44, because both can bind to cytoskeleton-membrane linker proteins through their cytoplasmic domains and to hyaluronan through their extracellular domains. This parallelism suggests a role for layilin in cell adhesion and motility.


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We have recently demonstrated that thrombin induces expression of the platelet-derived growth factor B-chain gene in endothelial cells (EC) through activation of the Y-box binding protein DNA-binding protein B (dbpB). We now present evidence that dbpB is activated by a novel mechanism: proteolytic cleavage leading to release from mRNA, nuclear translocation, and induction of thrombin-responsive genes. Cytosolic, full-length dbpB (50 kDa) was rapidly cleaved to a 30-kDa species upon thrombin stimulation of EC. This truncated, “active” dbpB exhibited nuclear localization and binding affinity for the thrombin response element sequence, which is distinct from the Y-box sequence. Oligo(dT) affinity chromatography revealed that cytosolic dbpB from control EC, but not active dbpB from thrombin-treated EC, was bound to mRNA. Latent dbpB immunoprecipitated from cytosolic extracts of control EC was activated by ribonuclease treatment. Furthermore, when EC cytosolic extracts were subjected to Nycodenz gradient centrifugation, latent dbpB fractionated with mRNA, whereas active dbpB fractionated with free proteins. The cytosolic retention domain of dbpB, which we localized to the region 247–267, was proteolytically cleaved during its activation. In contrast to full-length dbpB, truncated dbpB stimulated platelet-derived growth factor B-chain and tissue factor promoter activity by over 5-fold when transiently cotransfected with reporter constructs. These results suggest a novel mode of transcription factor activation in which an agonist causes release from mRNA of a latent transcription factor leading to its transport to the nucleus and its regulation of target gene expression.