193 resultados para Gene mutations


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Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is the most common autosomal recessive disorder known in humans. A candidate gene for HH called HFE has recently been cloned that encodes a novel member of the major histocompatibility complex class I family. Most HH patients are homozygous for a Cys-282→Tyr (C282Y) mutation in HFE gene, which has been shown to disrupt interaction with β2-microglobulin; a second mutation, His-63→Asp (H63D), is enriched in HH patients who are heterozygous for C282Y mutation. The aims of this study were to determine the effects of the C282Y and H63D mutations on the cellular trafficking and degradation of the HFE protein in transfected COS-7 cells. The results indicate that, while the wild-type and H63D HFE proteins associate with β2-microglobulin and are expressed on the cell surface of COS-7 cells, these capabilities are lost by the C282Y HFE protein. We present biochemical and immunofluorescence data that indicate that the C282Y mutant protein: (i) is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum and middle Golgi compartment, (ii) fails to undergo late Golgi processing, and (iii) is subject to accelerated degradation. The block in intracellular transport, accelerated turnover, and failure of the C282Y protein to be presented normally on the cell surface provide a possible basis for impaired function of this mutant protein in HH.


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The development of two major subdivisions of the vertebrate nervous system, the midbrain and the cerebellum, is controlled by signals emanating from a constriction in the neural primordium called the midbrain/hindbrain organizer (Joyner, A. L. (1996) Trends Genet. 12, 15–201). The closely related transcription factors Pax-2 and Pax-5 exhibit an overlapping expression pattern very early in the developing midbrain/hindbrain junction. Experiments carried out in fish (Krauss, S., Maden, M., Holder, N. & Wilson, S. W. (1992) Nature (London) 360, 87–89) with neutralizing antibodies against Pax-b, the orthologue of Pax-2 in mouse, placed this gene family in an regulatory cascade necessary for the development of the midbrain and the cerebellum. The targeted mutation of Pax-5 has been reported to have only slight effects in the development of structures derived from the isthmic constriction, whereas the Pax-2 null mutant mice show a background-dependent phenotype with varying penetrance. To test a possible redundant function between Pax-2 and Pax-5 we analyzed the brain phenotypes of mice expressing different dosages of both genes. Our results demonstrate a conserved biological function of both proteins in midbrain/hindbrain regionalization. Additionally, we show that one allele of Pax-2, but not Pax-5, is necessary and sufficient for midbrain and cerebellum development in C57BL/6 mice.


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Nuclear-localized mtDNA pseudogenes might explain a recent report describing a heteroplasmic mtDNA molecule containing five linked missense mutations dispersed over the contiguous mtDNA CO1 and CO2 genes in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients. To test this hypothesis, we have used the PCR primers utilized in the original report to amplify CO1 and CO2 sequences from two independent ρ° (mtDNA-less) cell lines. CO1 and CO2 sequences amplified from both of the ρ° cells, demonstrating that these sequences are also present in the human nuclear DNA. The nuclear pseudogene CO1 and CO2 sequences were then tested for each of the five “AD” missense mutations by restriction endonuclease site variant assays. All five mutations were found in the nuclear CO1 and CO2 PCR products from ρ° cells, but none were found in the PCR products obtained from cells with normal mtDNA. Moreover, when the overlapping nuclear CO1 and CO2 PCR products were cloned and sequenced, all five missense mutations were found, as well as a linked synonymous mutation. Unlike the findings in the original report, an additional 32 base substitutions were found, including two in adjacent tRNAs and a two base pair deletion in the CO2 gene. Phylogenetic analysis of the nuclear CO1 and CO2 sequences revealed that they diverged from modern human mtDNAs early in hominid evolution about 770,000 years before present. These data would be consistent with the interpretation that the missense mutations proposed to cause AD may be the product of ancient mtDNA variants preserved as nuclear pseudogenes.


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The XPD/ERCC2/Rad3 gene is required for excision repair of UV-damaged DNA and is an important component of nucleotide excision repair. Mutations in the XPD gene generate the cancer-prone syndrome, xeroderma pigmentosum, Cockayne’s syndrome, and trichothiodystrophy. XPD has a 5′- to 3′-helicase activity and is a component of the TFIIH transcription factor, which is essential for RNA polymerase II elongation. We present here the characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster XPD gene (DmXPD). DmXPD encodes a product that is highly related to its human homologue. The DmXPD protein is ubiquitous during development. In embryos at the syncytial blastoderm stage, DmXPD is cytoplasmic. At the onset of transcription in somatic cells and during gastrulation in germ cells, DmXPD moves to the nuclei. Distribution analysis in polytene chromosomes shows that DmXPD is highly concentrated in the interbands, especially in the highly transcribed regions known as puffs. UV-light irradiation of third-instar larvae induces an increase in the signal intensity and in the number of sites where the DmXPD protein is located in polytene chromosomes, indicating that the DmXPD protein is recruited intensively in the chromosomes as a response to DNA damage. This is the first time that the response to DNA damage by UV-light irradiation can be visualized directly on the chromosomes using one of the TFIIH components.


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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Mps1p protein kinase is critical for both spindle pole body (SPB) duplication and the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint. The mps1–1 mutation causes failure early in SPB duplication, and because the spindle assembly checkpoint is also compromised, mps1–1 cells proceed with a monopolar mitosis and rapidly lose viability. Here we report the genetic and molecular characterization of mps1–1 and five new temperature-sensitive alleles of MPS1. Each of the six alleles contains a single point mutation in the region of the gene encoding the protein kinase domain. The mutations affect several residues conserved among protein kinases, most notably the invariant glutamate in subdomain III. In vivo and in vitro kinase activity of the six epitope-tagged mutant proteins varies widely. Only two display appreciable in vitro activity, and interestingly, this activity is not thermolabile under the assay conditions used. While five of the six alleles cause SPB duplication to fail early, yielding cells with a single SPB, mps1–737 cells proceed into SPB duplication and assemble a second SPB that is structurally defective. This phenotype, together with the observation of intragenic complementation between this unique allele and two others, suggests that Mps1p is required for multiple events in SPB duplication.


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In Dictyostelium discoideum, a unique Gβ subunit is required for a G protein–coupled receptor system that mediates a variety of cellular responses. Binding of cAMP to cAR1, the receptor linked to the G protein G2, triggers a cascade of responses, including activation of adenylyl cyclase, gene induction, actin polymerization, and chemotaxis. Null mutations of the cAR1, Gα2, and Gβ genes completely impair all these responses. To dissect specificity in Gβγ signaling to downstream effectors in living cells, we screened a randomly mutagenized library of Gβ genes and isolated Gβ alleles that lacked the capacity to activate some effectors but retained the ability to regulate others. These mutant Gβ subunits were able to link cAR1 to G2, to support gene expression, and to mediate cAMP-induced actin polymerization, and some were able to mediate to chemotaxis toward cAMP. None was able to activate adenylyl cyclase, and some did not support chemotaxis. Thus, we separated in vivo functions of Gβγ by making point mutations on Gβ. Using the structure of the heterotrimeric G protein displayed in the computer program CHAIN, we examined the positions and the molecular interactions of the amino acids substituted in each of the mutant Gβs and analyzed the possible effects of each replacement. We identified several residues that are crucial for activation of the adenylyl cyclase. These residues formed an area that overlaps but is not identical to regions where bovine Gtβγ interacts with its regulators, Gα and phosducin.


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B-type cyclins are rapidly degraded at the transition between metaphase and anaphase and their ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis is required for cells to exit mitosis. We used a novel enrichment to isolate new budding mutants that arrest the cell cycle in mitosis. Most of these mutants lie in the CDC16, CDC23, and CDC27 genes, which have already been shown to play a role in cyclin proteolysis and encode components of a 20S complex (called the cyclosome or anaphase promoting complex) that ubiquitinates mitotic cyclins. We show that mutations in CDC26 and a novel gene, DOC1, also prevent mitotic cyclin proteolysis. Mutants in either gene arrest as large budded cells with high levels of the major mitotic cyclin (Clb2) protein at 37°C and cannot degrade Clb2 in G1-arrested cells. Cdc26 associates in vivo with Doc1, Cdc16, Cdc23, and Cdc27. In addition, the majority of Doc1 cosediments at 20S with Cdc27 in a sucrose gradient, indicating that Cdc26 and Doc1 are components of the anaphase promoting complex.


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Cockayne syndrome (CS) is a human genetic disorder characterized by UV sensitivity, developmental abnormalities, and premature aging. Two of the genes involved, CSA and CSB, are required for transcription-coupled repair (TCR), a subpathway of nucleotide excision repair that removes certain lesions rapidly and efficiently from the transcribed strand of active genes. CS proteins have also been implicated in the recovery of transcription after certain types of DNA damage such as those lesions induced by UV light. In this study, site-directed mutations have been introduced to the human CSB gene to investigate the functional significance of the conserved ATPase domain and of a highly acidic region of the protein. The CSB mutant alleles were tested for genetic complementation of UV-sensitive phenotypes in the human CS-B homologue of hamster UV61. In addition, the CSB mutant alleles were tested for their ability to complement the sensitivity of UV61 cells to the carcinogen 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4-NQO), which introduces bulky DNA adducts repaired by global genome repair. Point mutation of a highly conserved glutamic acid residue in ATPase motif II abolished the ability of CSB protein to complement the UV-sensitive phenotypes of survival, RNA synthesis recovery, and gene-specific repair. These data indicate that the integrity of the ATPase domain is critical for CSB function in vivo. Likewise, the CSB ATPase point mutant failed to confer cellular resistance to 4-NQO, suggesting that ATP hydrolysis is required for CSB function in a TCR-independent pathway. On the contrary, a large deletion of the acidic region of CSB protein did not impair the genetic function in the processing of either UV- or 4-NQO-induced DNA damage. Thus the acidic region of CSB is likely to be dispensable for DNA repair, whereas the ATPase domain is essential for CSB function in both TCR-dependent and -independent pathways.


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Genes located on the mammalian Y chromosome outside of the pseudoautosomal region do not recombine with those on the X and are predicted to either undergo selection for male function or gradually degenerate because of an accumulation of deleterious mutations. Here, phylogenetic analyses of X-Y homologues, Zfx and Zfy, among 26 felid species indicate two ancestral episodes of directed genetic exchange (ectopic gene conversion) from X to Y: once during the evolution of pallas cat and once in a common predecessor of ocelot lineage species. Replacement of the more rapidly evolving Y homologue with the evolutionarily constrained X copy may represent a mechanism for adaptive editing of functional genes on the nonrecombining region of the mammalian Y chromosome.


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We present an approach to map large numbers of Tc1 transposon insertions in the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans. Strains have been described that contain up to 500 polymorphic Tc1 insertions. From these we have cloned and shotgun sequenced over 2000 Tc1 flanks, resulting in an estimated set of 400 or more distinct Tc1 insertion alleles. Alignment of these sequences revealed a weak Tc1 insertion site consensus sequence that was symmetric around the invariant TA target site and reads CAYATATRTG. The Tc1 flanking sequences were compared with 40 Mbp of a C. elegans genome sequence. We found 151 insertions within the sequenced area, a density of ≈1 Tc1 insertion in every 265 kb. As the rest of the C. elegans genome sequence is obtained, remaining Tc1 alleles will fall into place. These mapped Tc1 insertions can serve two functions: (i) insertions in or near genes can be used to isolate deletion derivatives that have that gene mutated; and (ii) they represent a dense collection of polymorphic sequence-tagged sites. We demonstrate a strategy to use these Tc1 sequence-tagged sites in fine-mapping mutations.


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Type 1 von Willebrand disease (VWD), characterized by reduced levels of plasma von Willebrand factor (VWF), is the most common inherited bleeding disorder in humans. Penetrance of VWD is incomplete, and expression of the bleeding phenotype is highly variable. In addition, plasma VWF levels vary widely among normal individuals. To identify genes that influence VWF level, we analyzed a genetic cross between RIIIS/J and CASA/Rk, two strains of mice that exhibit a 20-fold difference in plasma VWF level. DNA samples from F2 progeny demonstrating either extremely high or extremely low plasma VWF levels were pooled and genotyped for 41 markers spanning the autosomal genome. A novel locus accounting for 63% of the total variance in VWF level was mapped to distal mouse chromosome 11, which is distinct from the murine Vwf locus on chromosome 6. We designated this locus Mvwf for “modifier of VWF.” Additional genotyping of as many as 2407 meioses established a high resolution genetic map with gene order Cola1-Itg3a-Ngfr-Mvwf/Gip-Hoxb9-Hoxb1-Cbx·rs2-Cox5a-Gfap. The Mvwf candidate interval between Ngfr and Hoxb9 is ≈0.5 centimorgan (cM). These results demonstrate that a single dominant gene accounts for the low VWF phenotype of RIIIS/J mice in crosses with several other strains. The pattern of inheritance suggests a gain-of-function mutation in a unique component of VWF biosynthesis or processing. Characterization of the human homologue for Mvwf may have relevance for a subset of type 1 VWD cases and may define an important genetic factor modifying penetrance and expression of mutations at the VWF locus.


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The regulatory regions surrounding many genes may be large and difficult to study using standard transgenic approaches. Here we describe the use of bacterial artificial chromosome clones to rapidly survey hundreds of kilobases of DNA for potential regulatory sequences surrounding the mouse bone morphogenetic protein-5 (Bmp5) gene. Simple coinjection of large insert clones with lacZ reporter constructs recapitulates all of the sites of expression observed previously with numerous small constructs covering a large, complex regulatory region. The coinjection approach has made it possible to rapidly survey other regions of the Bmp5 gene for potential control elements, to confirm the location of several elements predicted from previous expression studies using regulatory mutations at the Bmp5 locus, to test whether Bmp5 control regions act similarly on endogenous and foreign promoters, and to show that Bmp5 control elements are capable of rescuing phenotypic effects of a Bmp5 deficiency. This rapid approach has identified new Bmp5 control regions responsible for controlling the development of specific anatomical structures in the vertebrate skeleton. A similar approach may be useful for studying complex control regions surrounding many other genes important in embryonic development and human disease.


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Escherichia coli muk mutants are temperature-sensitive and produce anucleate cells. A spontaneously occurring mutation was found in a ΔmukB∷kan mutant strain that suppressed the temperature-sensitive phenotype and mapped in or near topA, the gene that encodes topoisomerase I. Previously characterized topA mutations, topA10 and topA66, were found to be general suppressors of muk mutants: they suppressed temperature sensitivity and anucleate cell production of cells containing null or point mutations in mukB and null mutations in mukE or mukF. The suppression correlated with excess negative supercoiling by DNA gyrase, and the gyrase inhibitor, coumermycin, reversed it. Defects in topA allow 99% of cell division events in muk null mutants to proceed without chromosome loss or loss of cell viability. This observation imposes important limitations on models for Muk activity and is consistent with a role for MukBEF in chromosome folding and DNA condensation.


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In the nuclear genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, simple, repetitive DNA sequences (microsatellites) mutate at rates much higher than nonrepetitive sequences. Most of these mutations are deletions or additions of repeat units. The yeast mitochondrial genome also contains many microsatellites. To examine the stability of these sequences, we constructed a reporter gene (arg8m) containing out-of-frame insertions of either poly(AT) or poly(GT) tracts within the coding sequence. Yeast strains with this reporter gene inserted within the mitochondrial genome were constructed. Using these strains, we showed that poly(GT) tracts were considerably less stable than poly(AT) tracts and that alterations usually involved deletions rather than additions of repeat units. In contrast, in the nuclear genome, poly(GT) and poly(AT) tracts had similar stabilities, and alterations usually involved additions rather than deletions. Poly(GT) tracts were more stable in the mitochondria of diploid cells than in haploids. In addition, an msh1 mutation destabilized poly(GT) tracts in the mitochondrial genome.


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Reduced penetrance in genetic disorders may be either dependent or independent of the genetic background of gene carriers. Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) demonstrates a complex pattern of inheritance with ≈50% of familial cases being heterozygous for mutations in the receptor tyrosine kinase RET. Even when identified, the penetrance of RET mutations is only 50–70%, gender-dependent, and varies with the extent of aganglionosis. We searched for additional susceptibility genes which, in conjunction with RET, lead to phenotypic expression by studying 12 multiplex HSCR families. Haplotype analysis and extensive mutation screening demonstrated three types of families: six families harboring severe RET mutations (group I); and the six remaining families, five of which are RET-linked families with no sequence alterations and one RET-unlinked family (group II). Although the presence of RET mutations in group I families is sufficient to explain HSCR inheritance, a genome scan reveals a new susceptibility locus on 9q31 exclusively in group II families. As such, the gene at 9q31 is a modifier of HSCR penetrance. These observations imply that identification of new susceptibility factors in a complex disease may depend on classification of families by mutational type at known susceptibility genes.