234 resultados para GTP-Binding Proteins


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Yeast telomere DNA consists of a continuous, ≈330-bp tract of the heterogeneous repeat TG1-3 with irregularly spaced, high affinity sites for the protein Rap1p. Yeast monitor, or count, the number of telomeric Rap1p C termini in a negative feedback mechanism to modulate the length of the terminal TG1-3 repeats, and synthetic telomeres that tether Rap1p molecules adjacent to the TG1-3 tract cause wild-type cells to maintain a shorter TG1-3 tract. To identify trans-acting proteins required to count Rap1p molecules, these same synthetic telomeres were placed in two short telomere mutants: yku70Δ (which lack the yeast Ku70 protein) and tel1Δ (which lack the yeast ortholog of ATM). Although both mutants maintain telomeres with ≈100 bp of TG1-3, only yku70Δ cells maintained shorter TG1-3 repeats in response to internal Rap1p molecules. This distinct response to internal Rap1p molecules was not caused by a variation in Rap1p site density in the TG1-3 repeats as sequencing of tel1Δ and yku70Δ telomeres showed that both strains have only five to six Rap1p sites per 100-bp telomere. In addition, the tel1Δ short telomere phenotype was epistatic to the unregulated telomere length caused by deletion of the Rap1p C-terminal domain. Thus, the length of the TG1-3 repeats in tel1Δ cells was independent of the number of the Rap1p C termini at the telomere. These data indicate that tel1Δ cells use an alternative mechanism to regulate telomere length that is distinct from monitoring the number of telomere binding proteins.


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Fish serum contains several specific binding proteins for insulin-like growth factors (IGFBPs). The structure and physiological function of these fish IGFBPs are unknown. Here we report the complete primary sequence of a zebrafish IGFBP deduced from cDNA clones isolated by library screening and rapid amplification of cDNA ends. The full-length 1,757-bp cDNA encodes a protein of 276 aa, which contains a putative 22-residue signal peptide and a 254-residue mature protein. The mature zebrafish IGFBP has a predicted molecular size of 28,440 Da and shows high sequence identity with human IGFBP-2 (52%). The sequence identities with other human IGFBPs are <37%. Chinese hamster ovary cells stably transfected with the zebrafish IGFBP-2 cDNA secreted a 31-kDa protein, which bound to IGF-I and IGF-II with high affinity, but did not bind to Des(1–3)IGF-I or insulin. Northern blot analyses revealed that the zebrafish IGFBP-2 transcript is a 1.8-kb band expressed in many embryonic and adult tissues. In adult zebrafish, IGFBP-2 mRNA levels were greatly reduced by growth hormone treatment but increased by prolonged fasting. When overexpressed or added to cultured zebrafish and mammalian cells, the zebrafish IGFBP-2 significantly inhibited IGF-I-stimulated cell proliferation and DNA synthesis. These results indicate that zebrafish IGFBP-2 is a negative growth regulator acting downstream in the growth hormone-IGF-I axis.


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The dynamin family of large GTPases has been implicated in vesicle formation from both the plasma membrane and various intracellular membrane compartments. The dynamin-like protein DLP1, recently identified in mammalian tissues, has been shown to be more closely related to the yeast dynamin proteins Vps1p and Dnm1p (42%) than to the mammalian dynamins (37%). Furthermore, DLP1 has been shown to associate with punctate vesicles that are in intimate contact with microtubules and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in mammalian cells. To define the function of DLP1, we have transiently expressed both wild-type and two mutant DLP1 proteins, tagged with green fluorescent protein, in cultured mammalian cells. Point mutations in the GTP-binding domain of DLP1 (K38A and D231N) dramatically changed its intracellular distribution from punctate vesicular structures to either an aggregated or a diffuse pattern. Strikingly, cells expressing DLP1 mutants or microinjected with DLP1 antibodies showed a marked reduction in ER fluorescence and a significant aggregation and tubulation of mitochondria by immunofluorescence microscopy. Consistent with these observations, electron microscopy of DLP1 mutant cells revealed a striking and quantitative change in the distribution and morphology of mitochondria and the ER. These data support very recent studies by other authors implicating DLP1 in the maintenance of mitochondrial morphology in both yeast and mammalian cells. Furthermore, this study provides the first evidence that a dynamin family member participates in the maintenance and distribution of the ER. How DLP1 might participate in the biogenesis of two presumably distinct organelle systems is discussed.


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In the Drosophila nervous system, the glial cells missing gene (gcm) is transiently expressed in glial precursors to switch their fate from the neuronal default to glia. It encodes a novel 504-amino acid protein with a nuclear localization signal. We report here that the GCM protein is a novel DNA-binding protein and that its DNA-binding activity is localized in the N-terminal 181 amino acids. It binds with high specificity to the nucleotide sequence, (A/G)CCCGCAT, which is a novel sequence among known targets of DNA-binding proteins. Eleven such GCM-binding sequences are found in the 5′ upstream region of the repo gene, whose expression in early glial cells is dependent on gcm. This suggests that the GCM protein is a transcriptional regulator directly controlling repo. We have also identified homologous genes from human and mouse whose products share a highly conserved N-terminal region with Drosophila GCM. At least one of these was shown to have DNA-binding activity similar to that of GCM. By comparing the deduced amino acid sequences of these gene products, we were able to define the “gcm motif,” an evolutionarily conserved motif with DNA-binding activity. By PCR amplification, we obtained evidence for the existence of additional gcm-motif genes in mouse as well as in Drosophila. The gcm-motif, therefore, forms a family of novel DNA-binding proteins, and may function in various aspects of cell fate determination.


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The prochlorophytes are oxygenic prokaryotes differing from other cyanobacteria by the presence of a light-harvesting system containing both chlorophylls (Chls) a and b and by the absence of phycobilins. We demonstrate here that the Chl a/b binding proteins from all three known prochlorophyte genera are closely related to IsiA, a cyanobacterial Chl a-binding protein induced by iron starvation, and to CP43, a constitutively expressed Chl a antenna protein of photosystem II. The prochlorophyte Chl a/b protein (pcb) genes do not belong to the extended gene family encoding eukaryotic Chl a/b and Chl a/c light-harvesting proteins. Although higher plants and prochlorophytes share common pigment complements, their light-harvesting systems have evolved independently.


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The Krüppel-associated box A (KRAB-A) domain is an evolutionarily conserved transcriptional repressor domain present in approximately one-third of zinc finger proteins of the Cys2-His2 type. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we report the isolation of a cDNA encoding a novel murine protein, KRAB-A interacting protein 1 (KRIP-1) that physically interacts with the KRAB-A region. KRIP-1 is a member of the RBCC subfamily of the RING finger, or Cys3HisCys4, family of zinc binding proteins whose other members are known to play important roles in differentiation, oncogenesis, and signal transduction. The KRIP-1 protein has high homology to TIF1, a putative modulator of ligand-dependent activation function of nuclear receptors. A 3.5-kb mRNA for KRIP-1 is ubiquitously expressed among all adult mouse tissues studied. When a GAL4–KRIP-1 fusion protein is expressed in COS cells with a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter construct with five GAL4 binding sites, there is dose-dependent repression of transcription. Thus, KRIP-1 interacts with the KRAB-A region of C2H2 zinc finger proteins and may mediate or modulate KRAB-A transcriptional repressor activity.


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Rab11 is a small GTP-binding protein that in cultured mammalian cells has been shown to be concentrated in the pericentriolar endosomal recycling compartment and to play a key role in passage of the recycling transferrin receptor through that compartment [Ullrich, O., Reinsch, S., Urbé, S., Zerial, M. & Parton, R. G. (1996) J. Cell Biol. 135, 913–924]. To obtain insights into the site(s) of action of rab11 within the recycling pathway, we have now compared the effects on recycling at 37°C of overexpression of wild-type rab11 and various mutant forms of this protein in cells that had been loaded with transferrin at either 37°C or 16°C. We show that incubation at 16°C blocks passage of endocytosed transferrin into the recycling compartment and that, whereas the rab11 dominant negative mutant form (S25N) inhibits transferrin recycling after interiorization at either temperature, the wild-type rab11 and constitutively active mutant (Q70L) have no inhibitory effect on the recycling of molecules that were interiorized at 16°C. This differential inhibitory effect shows that two distinct pathways for recycling are followed by the bulk of the transferrin molecules interiorized at the two different temperatures. The incapacity of the constitutively active form of rab11 (Q70L) to inhibit recycling of molecules interiorized at 16°C is consistent with their recycling taking place directly from sorting endosomes, in a process that does not require hydrolysis of GTP on rab11. The fact that the dominant negative (S25N) form of rab11 inhibits recycling of molecules interiorized at both temperatures indicates that activation of rab11 by GTP is required for exit of transferrin from sorting endosomes, regardless of whether this exit is toward the recycling compartment or directly to the plasma membrane.


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CIITA is a master transactivator of the major histocompatibility complex class II genes, which are involved in antigen presentation. Defects in CIITA result in fatal immunodeficiencies. CIITA activation is also the control point for the induction of major histocompatibility complex class II and associated genes by interferon-γ, but CIITA does not bind directly to DNA. Expression of CIITA in G3A cells, which lack endogenous CIITA, followed by in vivo genomic footprinting, now reveals that CIITA is required for the assembly of transcription factor complexes on the promoters of this gene family, including DRA, Ii, and DMB. CIITA-dependent promoter assembly occurs in interferon-γ-inducible cell types, but not in B lymphocytes. Dissection of the CIITA protein indicates that transactivation and promoter loading are inseparable and reveal a requirement for a GTP binding motif. These findings suggest that CIITA may be a new class of transactivator.


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Stimulation of β-adrenergic receptors (BAR) by clenbuterol (CLE) increases nerve growth factor (NGF) biosynthesis in the rat cerebral cortex but not in other regions of the brain. We have explored the transcription mechanisms that may account for the cortex-specific activation of the NGF gene. Although the NGF promoter contains an AP-1 element, AP-1-binding activity in the cerebral cortex was not induced by CLE, suggesting that other transcription factors govern the brain area-specific induction of NGF. Because BAR activation increases cAMP levels, we examined the role of CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins (C/EBP), some of which are known to be cAMP-inducible. In C6–2B glioma cells, whose NGF expression is induced by BAR agonists, (i) CLE increased C/EBPδ-binding activity, (ii) NGF mRNA levels were increased by overexpressing C/EBPδ, and (iii) C/EBPδ increased the activity of an NGF promoter–reporter construct. Moreover, DNase footprinting and deletion analyses identified a C/EBPδ site in the proximal region of the NGF promoter. C/EBPδ appears to be responsible for the BAR-mediated activation of the NGF gene in vivo, since CLE elicited a time-dependent increase in C/EBPδ-binding activity in the cerebral cortex only. Our data suggest that, while AP-1 may regulate basal levels of NGF expression, C/EBPδ is a critical component determining the area-specific expression of NGF in response to BAR stimulation.


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The transposon Tn5090/Tn402 encodes a 559 amino acid transposase, TniA, with a DDE motif. Gel mobility shifting and cleavage protection analysis with DNase I and hydroxyl radical probes revealed that TniA binds to multiple repeat sequences on either terminus of Tn5090/Tn402. Four of these TniA-binding 19mers occurred on the left-hand (t) end and two on the right-hand (i) end. Hydroxyl radical cleavage protection demonstrated the presence of 3–6 bp contact sequences on one face of the DNA helix. The binding pattern and organisation of repeats suggested parallels between Tn5090/Tn402 and Mu, which controls its transpositional activity in the assembly step of a higher order transpososome complex. The complex terminal structure and genes of transposase and nucleotide-binding proteins in tandem are hallmarks of the handful of Mu-like elements that are known to date.


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There is still a lack of information on the specific characteristics of DNA-binding proteins from hyperthermophiles. Here we report on the product of the gene orf56 from plasmid pRN1 of the acidophilic and thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus islandicus. orf56 has not been characterised yet but low sequence similarily to several eubacterial plasmid-encoded genes suggests that this 6.5 kDa protein is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. The DNA-binding properties of ORF56, expressed in Escherichia coli, have been investigated by EMSA experiments and by fluorescence anisotropy measurements. Recombinant ORF56 binds to double-stranded DNA, specifically to an inverted repeat located within the promoter of orf56. Binding to this site could down-regulate transcription of the orf56 gene and also of the overlapping orf904 gene, encoding the putative initiator protein of plasmid replication. By gel filtration and chemical crosslinking we have shown that ORF56 is a dimeric protein. Stoichiometric fluorescence anisotropy titrations further indicate that ORF56 binds as a tetramer to the inverted repeat of its target binding site. CD spectroscopy points to a significant increase in ordered secondary structure of ORF56 upon binding DNA. ORF56 binds without apparent cooperativity to its target DNA with a dissociation constant in the nanomolar range. Quantitative analysis of binding isotherms performed at various salt concentrations and at different temperatures indicates that approximately seven ions are released upon complex formation and that complex formation is accompanied by a change in heat capacity of –6.2 kJ/mol. Furthermore, recombinant ORF56 proved to be highly thermostable and is able to bind DNA up to 85°C.


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Tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) acts as a beneficial mediator in the process of host defence. In recent years major interest has focused on the AU-rich elements (AREs) present in the 3′-untranslated region (3′-UTR) of TNFα mRNA as this region plays a pivotal role in post-transcriptional control of TNFα production. Certain stimuli, such as lipopolysaccharides, a component of the Gram-negative bacterial cell wall, have the ability to relinquish the translational suppression of TNFα mRNA imposed by these AREs in macrophages, thereby enabling the efficient production of the TNFα. In this study we show that the polymorphism (GAU trinucleotide insertional mutation) present in the regulatory 3′-UTR of TNFα mRNA of NZW mice results in the hindered binding of RNA-binding proteins, thereby leading to a significantly reduced production of TNFα protein. We also show that the binding of macrophage proteins to the main ARE is also decreased by another trinucleotide (CAU) insertion in the TNFα 3′-UTR. One of the proteins affected by the GAU trinucleotide insertional mutation was identified as HuR, a nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling protein previously shown to play a prominent role in the stability and translatability of mRNA containing AREs. Since binding of this protein most likely modulates the stability, translational efficiency and transport of TNFα mRNA, these results suggest that mutations in the ARE of TNFα mRNA decrease the production of TNFα protein in macrophages by hindering the binding of HuR to the ARE.


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Single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) play central roles in cellular and viral processes involving the generation of single-stranded DNA. These include DNA replication, homologous recombination and DNA repair pathways. SSBs bind DNA using four ‘OB-fold’ (oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding fold) domains that can be organised in a variety of overall quaternary structures. Thus eubacterial SSBs are homotetrameric whilst the eucaryal RPA protein is a heterotrimer and euryarchaeal proteins vary significantly in their subunit compositions. We demonstrate that the crenarchaeal SSB protein is an abundant protein with a unique structural organisation, existing as a monomer in solution and multimerising on DNA binding. The protein binds single-stranded DNA distributively with a binding site size of ~5 nt per monomer. Sulfolobus SSB lacks the zinc finger motif found in the eucaryal and euryarchaeal proteins, possessing instead a flexible C-terminal tail, sensitive to trypsin digestion, that is not required for DNA binding. In comparison with Escherichia coli SSB, the tail may play a role in protein–protein interactions during DNA replication and repair.


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Cbf1p is a Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromatin protein belonging to the basic region helix–loop–helix leucine zipper (bHLHzip) family of DNA binding proteins. Cbf1p binds to a conserved element in the 5′-flanking region of methionine biosynthetic genes and to centromere DNA element I (CDEI) of S.cerevisiae centromeric DNA. We have determined the apparent equilibrium dissociation constants of Cbf1p binding to all 16 CDEI DNAs in gel retardation assays. Binding constants of full-length Cbf1p vary between 1.7 and 3.8 nM. However, the dissociation constants of a Cbf1p deletion variant that has been shown to be fully sufficient for Cbf1p function in vivo vary in a range between 3.2 and 12 nM. In addition, native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed distinct changes in the 3D structure of the Cbf1p/CEN complexes. We also show that the previously reported DNA binding stimulation activity of the centromere protein p64 functions on both the Cbf1 full-length protein and a deletion variant containing only the bHLHzip domain of Cbf1p. Our results suggest that centromeric DNA outside the consensus CDEI sequence and interaction of Cbf1p with adjacent centromere proteins contribute to the complex formation between Cbf1p and CEN DNA.


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Two cellular retinol-binding proteins (CRBP I and II) with distinct tissue distributions and retinoid-binding properties have been recognized thus far in mammals. Here, we report the identification of a human retinol-binding protein resembling type I (55.6% identity) and type II (49.6% identity) CRBPs, but with a unique H residue in the retinoid-binding site and a distinctively different tissue distribution. Additionally, this binding protein (CRBP III) exhibits a remarkable sequence identity (62.2%) with the recently identified ι-crystallin/CRBP of the diurnal gecko Lygodactylus picturatus [Werten, P. J. L., Röll, B., van Alten, D. M. F. & de Jong, W. W. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 3282–3287 (First Published March 21, 2000; 10.1073/pnas.050500597)]. CRBP III and all-trans-retinol form a complex (Kd ≈ 60 nM), the absorption spectrum of which is characterized by the peculiar fine structure typical of the spectra of holo-CRBP I and II. As revealed by a 2.3-Å x-ray molecular model of apo-CRBP III, the amino acid residues that line the retinol-binding site in CRBP I and II are positioned nearly identically in the structure of CRBP III. At variance with the human CRBP I and II mRNAs, which are most abundant in ovary and intestine, respectively, the CRBP III mRNA is expressed at the highest levels in kidney and liver thus suggesting a prominent role for human CRBP III as an intracellular mediator of retinol metabolism in these tissues.