86 resultados para EPITHELIAL-CELLS


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In tight Na+-absorbing epithelial cells, the fate of Na+ entry through amiloride-sensitive apical membrane Na+ channels is matched to basolateral Na+ extrusion so that cell Na+ concentration and volume remain steady. Control of this process by regulation of apical Na+ channels has been attributed to changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration or pH, secondary to changes in cytosolic Na+ concentration, although cytosolic Cl- seems also to be involved. Using mouse mandibular gland duct cells, we now demonstrate that increasing cytosolic Na+ concentration inhibits apical Na+ channels independent of changes in cytosolic Ca2+, pH, or Cl-, and the effect is blocked by GDP-beta-S, pertussis toxin, and antibodies against the alpha-subunits of guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (Go). In contrast, the inhibitory effect of cytosolic anions is blocked by antibodies to inhibitory guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (Gi1/Gi2. It thus appears that apical Na+ channels are regulated by Go and Gi proteins, the activities of which are controlled, respectively, by cytosolic Na+ and Cl-.


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We have shown elsewhere that acidification is an early event in apoptosis, preceding DNA cleavage. Cells expressing the most common mutation (delF508) of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) exhibit a higher resting intracellular pH and are unable to secrete chloride and bicarbonate in response to cAMP. We hypothesized that defective acidification in cells expressing delF508 CFTR would interfere with the acidification that accompanies apoptosis, which in turn, would prevent endonuclease activation and cleavage of DNA. We therefore determined whether the function of the CFTR would affect the process of apoptosis in mouse mammary epithelial C127 cells stably transfected with the wild-type CFTR (C127/wt) or the delF508 mutation of the CFTR (C127/508). C127 cells possessed an acid endonuclease capable of DNA degradation at low pH. Sixteen hours after treatment with cycloheximide, C127/wt cells underwent cytoplasmic acidification. In contrast, C127/508 cells failed to demonstrate acidification. Furthermore, the C127/508 cells did not show nuclear condensation or DNA fragmentation detected by in situ nick-end labeling after treatment with cycloheximide or etoposide, in contrast to the characteristic features of apoptosis demonstrated by the C127/wt cells. Measurement of cell viability indicated a preservation of cell viability in C127/508 cells but not in C127/wt cells. That this resistance to the induction of apoptosis depended upon the loss of CFTR activity is shown by the finding that inhibition of the CFTR with diphenylamine carboxylate in C127/wt cells conferred similar protection. These findings suggest a role for the CFTR in acidification during the initiation of apoptosis in epithelial cells and imply that a failure to undergo programmed cell death could contribute to the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis.


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The bacterial pathogen Shigella flexneri causes bacillary dysentery in humans by invading coloncytes. Upon contact with epithelial cells, S. flexneri elicits localized plasma membrane projections sustained by long actin filaments which engulf the microorganism. The products necessary for Shigella entry include three secretory proteins: IpaB, IpaC, and IpaD. Extracellular IpaB and IpaC associate in a soluble complex, the Ipa complex. We have immunopurified this Ipa complex on latex beads and found that they were efficiently internalized into HeLa cells. Like S. flexneri entry, uptake of the beads bearing the Ipa complex was associated with membrane projections and polymerization of actin at the site of cell-bead interaction and was dependent on small Rho GTPases. These results indicate that a secreted factor can promote S. flexneri entry into epithelial cells.


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The consequences of Helicobacter pylori attachment to human gastric cells were examined by transmission electron microscopy and immunofluorescence microscopy. H. pylori attachment resulted in (i) effacement of microvilli at the site of attachment, (ii) cytoskeletal rearrangement directly beneath the bacterium, and (iii) cup/pedestal formation at the site of attachment. Double-immunofluorescence studies revealed that the cytoskeletal components actin, alpha-actinin, and talin are involved in the process. Immunoblot analysis showed that binding of H. pylori to AGS cells induced tyrosine phosphorylation of two host cell proteins of 145 and 105 kDa. These results indicate that attachment of H. pylori to gastric epithelial cells resembles that of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. Coccoid H. pylori, which are thought to be terminally differentiated bacterial forms, are capable of binding and inducing cellular changes of the same sort as spiral H. pylori, including tyrosine phosphorylation of host proteins.


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The localization, trafficking, and fluorescence of Aequorea green fluorescent protein (GFP) in cultured vertebrate cells transiently transfected with GFP cDNA were studied. Fluorescence of GFP in UV light was found to be strongest when cells were incubated at 30 degrees C but was barely visible at an incubation temperature of 37 degrees C. COS-1 cells, primary chicken embryonic retina cells, and carp epithelial cells were fluorescently labeled under these conditions. GFP was distributed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm and nucleus independent of cell type examined. When GFP was fused to PML protooncogene product, fluorescence was detected in a unique nuclear organelle pattern indistinguishable from that of PML protein, showing the potential use of GFP as a fluorescent tag. To analyze both function and intracellular trafficking of proteins fused to GFP, a GFP-human glucocorticoid receptor fusion construct was prepared. The GFP-human glucocorticoid receptor efficiently transactivated the mouse mammary tumor virus promoter in response to dexamethasone at 30 degrees C but not at 37 degrees C, indicating that temperature is important, even for function of the GFP fusion protein. The dexamethasone-induced translocation of GFP-human glucocorticoid receptor from cytoplasm to nucleus was complete within 15 min; the translocation could be monitored in a single living cell in real time.


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Total glycans from the cell layer and the culture medium of human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) that had been cultivated in the presence of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) were isolated and purified by gel filtration after Pronase and DNase digestion and alkaliborohydride treatment. Measurements of the content of neutral hexoses and uronic acids revealed that PDGF stimulates total glycan synthesis by proliferating VSMC in a linear fashion from 24 h to 72 h of incubation. In contrast, total glycan synthesis by human fibroblasts, epithelial cells, or endothelial cells was not affected by PDGF, indicating cell-type specificity. Chemical, biochemical, and enzymological characterization of the total glycans synthesized by VSMC showed that PDGF stimulates the secretion of a 340-kDa glycan molecule in a time-dependent manner from 24 h to 72 h. This molecule is highly acidic, shares a common structure with hyaluronic acid, and exhibits a potent antiproliferative activity on VSMC. These results suggest that VSMC in response to PDGF are capable of controlling their own growth and migration by the synthesis of a specific form of hyaluronic acid with antiproliferative potency, which may be involved in the regulation of the local inflammatory responses associated with atherosclerosis.


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We investigated the cellular and molecular events associated with the increase in sodium transport across the alveolar epithelium of rats exposed to hyperoxia (85% O2 for 7 days followed by 100% O2 for 4 days). Alveolar type II (ATII) cell RNA was isolated and probed with a cDNA for one of the rat colonic epithelial sodium channel subunits (alpha rENaC). The alpha rENaC mRNA (3.7-kb transcript) increased 3-fold in ATII cell RNA isolated from rats exposed to 85% O2 for 7 days and 6-fold after 4 days of subsequent exposure to 100% O2. In situ hybridization revealed increased expression of alpha rENaC mRNA transcripts in both airway and alveolar epithelial cells of hyperoxic rats. When immunostained with a polyclonal antibody to kidney sodium channel protein, ATII cells from hyperoxic rats exhibited a significant increase in the amount of immunogenic protein present in both the plasma membrane and the cytoplasm. When patched in the whole-cell mode, ATII cells from hyperoxic rats exhibited amiloride and 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)-2',4'-amiloride (EIPA)-sensitive currents that were 100% higher compared with those obtained from air-breathing rats. Single-channel sodium currents (mean conductance of 25 pS) were seen in ATII cells patched in both the inside-out and cell-attached modes. The number and open probability of these channels increased significantly during exposure to hyperoxia. Exposure to sublethal hyperoxia up-regulated both alpha rENaC mRNA and the functional expression of sodium channels in ATII cells.


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Although T cells bearing gamma delta T-cell receptors have long been known to be present in the epithelial lining of many organs, their specificity and function remain elusive. In the present study, we examined the intestinal epithelia of T-cell-receptor mutant mice, which were deficient in either gamma delta T cells or alpha beta T cells, and of normal littermates. The absence of gamma delta T cells was associated with a reduction in epithelial cell turnover and a downregulation of the expression of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules. No such effects were observed in alpha beta T-cell-deficient mice. These findings indicate that intraepithelial gamma delta T cells regulate the generation and differentiation of intestinal epithelial cells.


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The third variable region (V3 loop) of gp120, the HIV-1 surface envelope glycoprotein, plays a key role in HIV-1 infection and pathogenesis. Recently, we reported that a synthetic multibranched peptide (SPC3) containing eight V3-loop consensus motifs (GPGRAF) inhibited HIV-1 infection in both CD4+ and CD4- susceptible cells. In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms of action of SPC3 in these cell types--i.e., CD4+ lymphocytes and CD4- epithelial cells expressing galactosylceramide (GalCer), an alternative receptor for HIV-1 gp120. We found that SPC3 was a potent inhibitor of HIV-1 infection in CD4+ lymphocytes when added 1 h after initial exposure of the cells to HIV-1, whereas it had no inhibitory effect when present only before and/or during the incubation with HIV-1. These data suggested that SPC3 did not inhibit the binding of HIV-1 to CD4+ lymphocytes but interfered with a post-binding step necessary for virus entry. In agreement with this hypothesis, SPC3 treatment after HIV-1 exposure dramatically reduced the number of infected cells without altering gp120-CD4 interaction or viral gene expression. In contrast, SPC3 blocked HIV-1 entry into CD4-/GalCer+ human colon epithelial cells when present in competition with HIV-1 but had no effect when added after infection. Accordingly, SPC3 was found to inhibit the binding of gp120 to the GalCer receptor. Thus, the data suggest that SPC3 affects HIV-1 infection by two distinct mechanisms: (i) prevention of GalCer-mediated HIV-1 attachment to the surface of CD4-/GalCer+ cells and (ii) post-binding inhibition of HIV-1 entry into CD4+ lymphocytes.


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Two water channel homologs were cloned recently from rat kidney, mercurial-insensitive water channel (MIWC) and glycerol intrinsic protein (GLIP). Polyclonal antibodies were raised against synthetic C-terminal peptides and purified by affinity chromatography. MIWC and GLIP antibodies recognized proteins in rat kidney with an apparent molecular mass of 30 and 27 kDa, respectively, and did not cross-react. By immunofluorescence, MIWC and GLIP were expressed together on the basolateral plasma membrane of collecting duct principal cells in kidney. By immunohistochemistry, MIWC and GLIP were expressed on tracheal epithelial cells with greater expression of GLIP on the basal plasma membrane and MIWC on the lateral membrane; only MIWC was expressed in bronchial epithelia. In eye, GLIP was expressed in conjunctival epithelium, whereas MIWC was found in iris, ciliary body, and neural cell layers in retina. MIWC and GLIP colocalized on the basolateral membrane of villus epithelial cells in colon and brain ependymal cells. Expression of MIWC and GLIP was not detected in small intestine, liver, spleen, endothelia, and cells that express water channels CHIP28 or WCH-CD. These studies suggest water/solute transporting roles for MIWC and GLIP in the urinary concentrating mechanism, cerebrospinal fluid absorption, ocular fluid balance, fecal dehydration, and airway humidification. The unexpected membrane colocalization of MIWC and GLIP in several tissues suggests an interaction at the molecular and/or functional levels.


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At least two kidney epithelial cell lines, the Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) and the murine inner medullary collecting duct line mIMCD-3, can be induced to form branching tubular structures when cultured with hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) plus serum in collagen I gels. In our studies, whereas MDCK cells remained unable to form tubules in the presence of serum alone, mIMCD-3 cells formed impressive branching tubular structures with apparent lumens, suggesting the existence of specific factors in serum that are tubulogenic for mIMCD-3 cells but not for MDCK cells. Since normal serum does not contain enough HGF to induce tubulogenesis, these factors appeared to be substances other than HGF. This was also suggested by another observation: when MDCK cells or mIMCD-3 cells were cocultured under serum-free conditions with the embryonic kidney, both cell types formed branching tubular structures similar to those induced by HGF; however, only in the case of MDCK cells could this be inhibited by neutralizing antibodies against HGF. Thus, the embryonic kidney produces growth factors other than HGF capable of inducing tubule formation in the mIMCD-3 cells. Of a number of growth factors examined, transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) were found to be tubulogenic for mIMCD-3 cells. Whereas only HGF was a potent tubulogenic factor for MDCK cells, HGF, TGF-alpha, and EGF were potent tubulogenic factors for mIMCD-3 cells. Nevertheless, there were marked differences in the capacity of these tubulogenic factors to induce tubulation as well as branching events in those tubules that did form (HGF >> TGF-alpha > EGF). Thus, at least three different growth factors can induce tubulogenesis and branching in a specific epithelial cell in vitro (though to different degrees), and different epithelial cells that are capable of forming branching tubular structures demonstrate vastly different responses to tubulogenic growth factors. The results are discussed in the context of branching morphogenesis during epithelial tissue development.