109 resultados para CD4 T cells


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Increasing evidence suggests that HIV-1-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are a key host immune response to HIV-1 infection. Generation of CTL responses for prevention or therapy of HIV-1 infection has several intrinsic technical barriers such as antigen expression and presentation, the varying HLA restrictions between different individuals, and the potential for viral escape by sequence variation or surface molecule alteration on infected cells. A strategy to circumvent these limitations is the construction of a chimeric T cell receptor containing human CD4 or HIV-1-specific Ig sequences linked to the signaling domain of the T cell receptor Î chain (universal T cell receptor). CD8+ CTLs transduced with this universal receptor can then bind and lyse infected cells that express surface HIV-1 gp120. We evaluated the ability of universal-receptor-bearing CD8+ cells from a seronegative donor to lyse acutely infected cells and inhibit HIV-1 replication in vitro. The kinetics of lysis and efficiency of inhibition were comparable to that of naturally occurring HIV-1-specific CTL clones isolated from infected individuals. Further study will be required to determine the utility of these cells as a therapeutic strategy in vivo.


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Earlier studies have shown that Kaposi sarcomas contain cells infected with human herpesvirus (HHV) 6B, and in current studies we report that both AIDS-associated and classic-sporadic Kaposi sarcoma contain HHV-7 genome sequences detectable by PCR. To determine the distribution of HHV-7-infected cells relative to those infected with HHV-6, sections from paraffin-embedded tissues were allowed to react with antibodies to HHV-7 virion tegument phosphoprotein pp85 and to HHV-6B protein p101. The antibodies are specific for HHV-7 and HHV-6B, respectively, and they retained reactivity for antigens contained in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples. We report that (i) HHV-7 pp85 was present in 9 of 32 AIDS-associated Kaposi sarcomas, and in 1 of 7 classical-sporadic HIV-negative Kaposi sarcomas; (ii) HHV-7 pp85 was detected primarily in cells bearing the CD68 marker characteristic of the monocyte/macrophage lineage present in or surrounding the Kaposi sarcoma lesions; and (iii) in a number of Kaposi sarcoma specimens, tumor-associated CD68+ monocytes/macrophages expressed simultaneously antigens from both HHV-7 and HHV-6B, and therefore appeared to be doubly infected with the two viruses. CD68+ monocytes/macrophages infected with HHV-7 were readily detectable in Kaposi sarcoma, but virtually absent from other normal or pathological tissues that harbor macrophages. Because all of the available data indicate that HHV-7 infects CD4+ T lymphocytes, these results suggest that the environment of the Kaposi sarcoma (i) attracts circulating peripheral lymphocytes and monocytes, triggers the replication of latent viruses, and thereby increases the local concentration of viruses, (ii) renders CD68+ monocytes/macrophages susceptible to infection with HHV-7, and (iii) the combination of both events enables double infections of cells with both HHV-6B and HHV-7.


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Proteinâprotein interacting surfaces are usually large and intricate, making the rational design of small mimetics of these interfaces a daunting problem. On the basis of a structural similarity between the CDR2-like loop of CD4 and the β-hairpin region of a short scorpion toxin, scyllatoxin, we transferred the side chains of nine residues of CD4, central in the binding to HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (gp120), to a structurally homologous region of the scorpion toxin scaffold. In competition experiments, the resulting 27-amino acid miniprotein inhibited binding of CD4 to gp120 with a 40 μM IC50. Structural analysis by NMR showed that both the backbone of the chimeric β-hairpin and the introduced side chains adopted conformations similar to those of the parent CD4. Systematic single mutations suggested that most CD4 residues from the CDR2-like loop were reproduced in the miniprotein, including the critical Phe-43. The structural and functional analysis performed suggested five additional mutations that, once incorporated in the miniprotein, increased its affinity for gp120 by 100-fold to an IC50 of 0.1â1.0 μM, depending on viral strains. The resulting mini-CD4 inhibited infection of CD4+ cells by different virus isolates. Thus, core regions of large proteinâprotein interfaces can be reproduced in miniprotein scaffolds, offering possibilities for the development of inhibitors of proteinâprotein interactions that may represent useful tools in biology and in drug discovery.


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Lymphoid tissues from asymptomatic HIV-infected individuals, as compared with symptomatic HIV-infected subjects, show limited histopathological changes and lower levels of HIV expression. In this report we correlate the control of HIV replication in lymph nodes to the non-cytolytic anti-HIV activity of lymphoid tissue CD8+ cells. Five subjects at different stages of HIV-related disease were studied and the ability of their CD8+ cells, isolated from both lymphoid tissue and peripheral blood, to inhibit HIV replication was compared. CD8+ cells from lymphoid tissue and peripheral blood of two HIV-infected long-term survivors suppressed HIV replication at a low CD8+:CD4+ cell ratio of 0.1. The CD8+ cells from the lymphoid tissue of a third asymptomatic subject suppressed HIV replication at a CD8+:CD4+ cell ratio of 0.25; the subjectâs peripheral blood CD8+ cells showed this antiviral response at a lower ratio of 0.05. The lymphoid tissue CD8+ cells from two AIDS patients were not able to suppress HIV replication, and the peripheral blood CD8+ cells of only one of them suppressed HIV replication. The plasma viremia, cellular HIV load as well as the extent of pathology and virus expression in the lymphoid tissue of the two long-term survivors, were reduced compared with these parameters in the three other subjects. The data suggest that the extent of anti-HIV activity by CD8+ cells from lymphoid tissue relative to peripheral blood correlates best with the clinical state measured by lymphoid tissue pathology and HIV burden in lymphoid tissues and blood. The results add further emphasis to the importance of this cellular immune response in controlling HIV pathogenesis.


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Previously, we showed that the addition of human erythrocyte glycosphingolipids (GSLs) to nonhuman CD4+ or GSL-depleted human CD4+ cells rendered those cells susceptible to HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein-mediated cell fusion. Individual components in the GSL mixture were isolated by fractionation on a silica-gel column and incorporated into the membranes of CD4+ cells. GSL-supplemented target cells were then examined for their ability to fuse with TF228 cells expressing HIV-1LAI envelope glycoprotein. We found that one GSL fraction, fraction 3, exhibited the highest recovery of fusion after incorporation into CD4+ nonhuman and GSL-depleted HeLa-CD4 cells and that fraction 3 contained a single GSL fraction. Fraction 3 was characterized by MS, NMR spectroscopy, enzymatic analysis, and immunostaining with an antiglobotriaosylceramide (Gb3) antibody and was found to be Gal(α1â4)Gal(β1â4)Glc-Cer (Gb3). The addition of fraction 3 or Gb3 to GSL-depleted HeLa-CD4 cells recovered fusion, but the addition of galactosylceramide, glucosylceramide, the monosialoganglioside, GM3, lactosylceramide, globoside, the disialoganglioside, GD3, or α-galactosidase A-digested fraction 3 had no effect. Our findings show that the neutral GSL, Gb3, is required for CD4/CXCR4-dependent HIV-1 fusion.


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We report herein the successful long term engraftment of highly purified hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) without any facilitating cells in fully allogeneic recipient mice across the entire major histocompatibility complex (MHC) transplantation barrier. This finding challenges the assumption that highly purified marrow HSCs alone cannot produce long-lived allogeneic bone marrow chimeras across the MHC barrier. In the present experiments, 1 à 105 HSCs from 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-treated donors, without any facilitating cells, have been found to repopulate lethally irradiated fully allogeneic recipients. Low density, lineage-negative (CD4âˆ, CD8âˆ, B220âˆ, Mac-1âˆ, Gr-1âˆ), CD71-negative, class I highly positive, FACS-sorted cells from 5-FU-treated C57BL/6 (B6) donor mice were transplanted into lethally irradiated BALB/c recipients. (BALB/c â BALB/c) â BALB/c T cell-depleted marrow cells used as compromised cells were also transplanted into the recipients to permit experiments to be pursued over a long period of time. Cells of donor origin in all recognized lineages of hematopoietic cells developed in these allogeneic chimeras. One thousand HSCs were sufficient to repopulate hemiallogeneic recipients, but 1 à 104 HSCs alone from 5-FU-treated donors failed to repopulate the fully allogeneic recipients. Transplantation of primary marrow stromal cells or bones of the donor strain into recipient, together with 1 à 104 HSCs, also failed to reconstitute fully allogeneic recipients. Suppression of resistance of recipients by thymectomy or injections of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor before stem cell transplantation enhanced the engraftment of allogeneic HSCs. Our experiments show that reconstitution of all lymphohematopoietic lineages across the entire MHC transplantation barriers may be achieved by transplanting allogeneic HSCs alone, without any facilitating cells, as long as a sufficient number of HSCs is transplanted.


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HIV entry into human cells is mediated by CD4 acting in concert with one of several members of the chemokine receptor superfamily. The resistance to HIV infection observed in individuals with defective CCR5 alleles indicated that this particular chemokine receptor plays a crucial role in the initiation of in vivo HIV infection. Expression of human CD4 transgene does not render mice susceptible to HIV infection because of structural differences between human and mouse CCR5. To ascertain whether expression of human CD4 and CCR5 is sufficient to make murine T lymphocytes susceptible to HIV infection, the lck promoter was used to direct the T cell-specific expression of human CD4 and CCR5 in transgenic mice. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells and splenocytes isolated from these mice expressed human CD4 and CCR5 and were infectible with selected M-tropic HIV isolates. After in vivo inoculation, HIV-infected cells were detected by DNA PCR in the spleen and lymph nodes of these transgenic mice, but HIV could not be cultured from these cells. This indicated that although transgenic expression of human CD4 and CCR5 permitted entry of HIV into the mouse cells, significant HIV infection was prevented by other blocks to HIV replication present in mouse cells. In addition to providing in vivo verification for the important role of CCR5 in T lymphocyte HIV infection, these transgenic mice represent a new in vivo model for understanding HIV pathogenesis by delineating species-specific cellular factors required for productive in vivo HIV infection. These mice should also prove useful for the assessment of potential therapeutic and preventative modalities, particularly vaccines.


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Cluster of differentiation antigen 4 (CD4), the T lymphocyte antigen receptor component and human immunodeficiency virus coreceptor, is down-modulated when cells are activated by antigen or phorbol esters. During down-modulation CD4 dissociates from p56lck, undergoes endocytosis through clathrin-coated pits, and is then sorted in early endosomes to late endocytic organelles where it is degraded. Previous studies have suggested that phosphorylation and a dileucine sequence are required for down-modulation. Using transfected HeLa cells, in which CD4 endocytosis can be studied in the absence of p56lck, we show that the dileucine sequence in the cytoplasmic domain is essential for clathrin-mediated CD4 endocytosis. However, this sequence is only functional as an endocytosis signal when neighboring serine residues are phosphorylated. Phosphoserine is required for rapid endocytosis because CD4 molecules in which the cytoplasmic domain serine residues are substituted with glutamic acid residues are not internalized efficiently. Using surface plasmon resonance, we show that CD4 peptides containing the dileucine sequence bind weakly to clathrin adaptor protein complexes 2 and 1. The affinity of this interaction is increased 350- to 700-fold when the peptides also contain phosphoserine residues.


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One pathway in forming synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMV) involves direct budding from the plasma membrane, requires adaptor protein 2 (AP2) and is brefeldin A (BFA) resistant. A second route leads from the plasma membrane to an endosomal intermediate from which SLMV bud in a BFA-sensitive, AP3-dependent manner. Because AP3 has been shown to bind to a di-leucine targeting signal in vitro, we have investigated whether this major class of targeting signals is capable of directing protein traffic to SLMV in vivo. We have found that a di-leucine signal within the cytoplasmic tail of human tyrosinase is responsible for the majority of the targeting of HRP-tyrosinase chimeras to SLMV in PC12 cells. Furthermore, we have discovered that a Met-Leu di-hydrophobic motif within the extreme C terminus of synaptotagmin I supports 20% of the SLMV targeting of a CD4-synaptotagmin chimera. All of the traffic to the SLMV mediated by either di-Leu or Met-Leu is BFA sensitive, strongly suggesting a role for AP3 and possibly for an endosomal intermediate in this process. The differential reduction in SLMV targeting for HRP-tyrosinase and CD4-synaptotagmin chimeras by di-alanine substitutions or BFA treatment implies that different proteins use the two routes to the SLMV to differing extents.


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β2-Microglobulin-deficient (β2mâˆ) mice generate a CD4+ major histocompatibility complex class II-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response following infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) virus (LCMV). We have determined the cytotoxic mechanism used by these CD4+ CTLs and have examined the role of this cytotoxic activity in pathogenesis of LCM disease in β2m∠mice. Lysis of LCMV-infected target cells by CTLs from β2m∠mice is inhibited by addition of soluble Fas-Ig fusion proteins or by pretreatment of the CTLs with the protein synthesis inhibitor emetine. In addition, LCMV-infected cell lines that are resistant to anti-Fas-induced apoptosis are refractory to lysis by these virus-specific CD4+ CTLs. These data indicate that LCMV-specific CD4+ CTLs from β2m∠mice use a Fas-dependent lytic mechanism. Intracranial (i.c.) infection of β2m∠mice with LCMV results in loss of body weight. Fas-deficient β2mâˆ.lpr mice develop a similar wasting disease following i.c. infection. This suggests that Fas-dependent cytotoxicity is not required for LCMV-induced weight loss. A potential mediator of this chronic wasting disease is tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, which is produced by LCMV-specific CD4+ CTLs. In contrast to LCMV-induced weight loss, lethal LCM disease in β2m∠mice is dependent on Fas-mediated cytotoxicity. Transfer of immune splenocytes from LCMV-infected β2m∠mice into irradiated infected β2m∠mice results in death of recipient animals. In contrast, transfer of these splenocytes into irradiated infected β2mâˆ.lpr mice does not cause death. Thus a role for CD4+ T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity in virus-induced immunopathology has now been demonstrated.


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Immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes expressing T-cell antigen receptors (TCR) are selected by TCR-mediated recognition of peptides associated with major histocompatibility complex molecules on thymic stromal cells. Selection ensures reactivity of the mature cells to foreign antigens and tolerance to self. Although much has been learned about the factors that determine whether a thymocyte with a given specificity will be positively or negatively selected, selection as an aspect of the developmental process as a whole is less well-understood. Here we invoke a model in which thymocytes tune their response characteristics individually and dynamically in the course of development. Cellular development and selection are driven by receptor-mediated metabolic perturbations. Perturbation is a measure of the net intracellular change induced by external stimulation. It results from the integration of several signals and countersignals over time and therefore depends on the environment and the maturation stage of the cell. Individual cell adaptation limits the range of perturbations. Such adaptation renders thymocytes less sensitive to the level of stimulation per se, but responsive to environmental changes in that level. This formulation begins to explain the mechanisms that link developmental and selection events to each other.


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The Nef protein is an important virulence factor of primate lentiviruses, yet the mechanisms by which it exerts this influence are imperfectly understood. Here, using an inducible system, we demonstrate that Nef increases IL-2 secretion from T cells stimulated via CD3 or CD28. This effect requires the conservation of the Nef myristoylation signal and SH3-binding proline-based motif. Together with several proteins involved in the initiation and propagation of T cell signaling, Nef associates with membrane microdomains known as rafts. The Nef-mediated superinduction of IL-2 reflects the activation of both NFAT and NFκB. Accordingly, Nef also enhances HIV-1 transcription in response to CD3 or CD28 stimulation. Nef-induced IL-2 hyperresponsiveness is also observed in primary CD4 lymphocytes. Overall, these data suggest that Nef acts at the level of rafts to prime T cells for activation. Likely consequences of this effect are the promotion of HIV-1 replication and the facilitation of virus spread.


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We recently derived a CD4-independent virus from HIV-1/IIIB, termed IIIBx, which interacts directly with the chemokine receptor CXCR4 to infect cells. To address the underlying mechanism, a cloned Env from the IIIBx swarm (8x) was used to produce soluble gp120. 8x gp120 bound directly to cells expressing only CXCR4, whereas binding of IIIB gp120 required soluble CD4. Using an optical biosensor, we found that CD4-induced (CD4i) epitopes recognized by mAbs 17b and 48d were more exposed on 8x than on IIIB gp120. The ability of 8x gp120 to bind directly to CXCR4 and to react with mAbs 17b and 48d in the absence of CD4 indicated that this gp120 exists in a partially triggered but stable state in which the conserved coreceptor-binding site in gp120, which overlaps with the 17b epitope, is exposed. Substitution of the 8x V3 loop with that from the R5 virus strain BaL resulted in an Env (8x-V3BaL) that mediated CD4-independent CCR5-dependent virus infection and a gp120 that bound to CCR5 in the absence of CD4. Thus, in a partially triggered Env protein, the V3 loop can change the specificity of coreceptor use but does not alter CD4 independence, indicating that these properties are dissociable. Finally, IIIBx was more sensitive to neutralization by HIV-positive human sera, a variety of anti-IIIB gp120 rabbit sera, and CD4i mAbs than was IIIB. The sensitivity of this virus to neutralization and the stable exposure of a highly conserved region of gp120 suggest new strategies for the development of antibodies and small molecule inhibitors to this functionally important domain.


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CD4+ T cell activation, required for virus replication in these cells, occurs in local microenvironmental domains in transient bursts. Thus, although most HIV originates from short-lived virus-producing cells, it is unlikely that chronic infection is generally sustained in rapid continuous cycles of productive infection as has been proposed. Such continuity of productive infection cycles would depend on efficient long-range transmission of HIV from one set of domains to another, in turn requiring the maintenance of sufficiently high concentrations of cell-free virus across lymphoid tissues at all times. By contrast, long-lived cellular sources of HIV maintain the capacity to infect newly activated cells at close range despite the temporal and spatial discontinuities of activation events. Such proximal activation and transmission (PAT) involving chronically and latently infected cells may be responsible for sustained infection, particularly when viral loads are low. Once CD4 cells are productively infected through PAT, they can infect other activated cells in their immediate vicinity. Such events propagate locally but generally do not spread systemically, unlike in the acute phase of the infection, because of the early establishment of protective anergy. Importantly, antiretroviral drug treatment is likely to differentially impact long-range transmission and PAT.


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Defining the rate at which T cells turn over has important implications for our understanding of T lymphocyte homeostasis and AIDS pathogenesis, yet little information on T cell turnover is available. We used the nucleoside analogue bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) in combination with five-color flow cytometric analysis to evaluate T lymphocyte turnover rates in normal and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques. T cells in normal animals turned over at relatively rapid rates, with memory cells turning over more quickly than naive cells. In SIV-infected animals, the labeling and elimination rates of both CD4+ and CD8+ BrdUrd-labeled cells were increased by 2- to 3-fold as compared with normal controls. In normal and SIV-infected animals, the rates of CD4+ T cell BrdUrd-labeling and decay were closely correlated with those of CD8+ T cells. The elimination rate of BrdUrd-labeled cells was accelerated in both naive and memory T lymphocytes in SIV-infected animals. Our results provide direct evidence for increased rates of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell turnover in AIDS virus infection and have important implications for our understanding of T cell homeostasis and the mechanisms responsible for CD4+ T cell depletion in AIDS.