89 resultados para Biological Evolution


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The evolution of novelty in tightly integrated biological systems, such as hormones and their receptors, seems to challenge the theory of natural selection: it has not been clear how a new function for any one part (such as a ligand) can be selected for unless the other members of the system (e.g., a receptor) are already present. Here I show—based on identification and phylogenetic analysis of steroid receptors in basal vertebrates and reconstruction of the sequences and functional attributes of ancestral proteins—that the first steroid receptor was an estrogen receptor, followed by a progesterone receptor. Genome mapping and phylogenetic analyses indicate that the full complement of mammalian steroid receptors evolved from these ancient receptors by two large-scale genome expansions, one before the advent of jawed vertebrates and one after. Specific regulation of physiological processes by androgens and corticoids are relatively recent innovations that emerged after these duplications. These findings support a model of ligand exploitation in which the terminal ligand in a biosynthetic pathway is the first for which a receptor evolves; selection for this hormone also selects for the synthesis of intermediates despite the absence of receptors, and duplicated receptors then evolve affinity for these substances. In this way, novel hormone-receptor pairs are created, and an integrated system of increasing complexity elaborated. This model suggests that ligands for some “orphan” receptors may be found among intermediates in the synthesis of ligands for phylogenetically related receptors.


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The poison frogs (family Dendrobatidae) are terrestrial anuran amphibians displaying a wide range of coloration and toxicity. These frogs generally have been considered to be aposematic, but relatively little research has been carried out to test the predictions of this hypothesis. Here we use a comparative approach to test one prediction of the hypothesis of aposematism: that coloration will evolve in tandem with toxicity. Recently, we developed a phylogenetic hypothesis of the evolutionary relationships among representative species of poison frogs, using sequences from three regions of mitochondrial DNA. In our analysis, we use that DNA-based phylogeny and comparative analysis of independent contrasts to investigate the correlation between coloration and toxicity in the poison frog family (Dendrobatidae). Information on the toxicity of different species was obtained from the literature. Two different measures of the brightness and extent of coloration were used. (i) Twenty-four human observers were asked to rank different photos of each different species in the analysis in terms of contrast to a leaf-littered background. (ii) Color photos of each species were scanned into a computer and a computer program was used to obtain a measure of the contrast of the colors of each species relative to a leaf-littered background. Comparative analyses of the results were carried out with two different models of character evolution: gradual change, with branch lengths proportional to the amount of genetic change, and punctuational change, with all change being associated with speciation events. Comparative analysis using either method or model indicated a significant correlation between the evolution of toxicity and coloration across this family. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that coloration in this group is aposematic.


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The genomic era revolutionized evolutionary biology. The enigma of genotypic-phenotypic diversity and biodiversity evolution of genes, genomes, phenomes, and biomes, reviewed here, was central in the research program of the Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa, since 1975. We explored the following questions. (i) How much of the genomic and phenomic diversity in nature is adaptive and processed by natural selection? (ii) What is the origin and evolution of adaptation and speciation processes under spatiotemporal variables and stressful macrogeographic and microgeographic environments? We advanced ecological genetics into ecological genomics and analyzed globally ecological, demographic, and life history variables in 1,200 diverse species across life, thousands of populations, and tens of thousands of individuals tested mostly for allozyme and partly for DNA diversity. Likewise, we tested thermal, chemical, climatic, and biotic stresses in several model organisms. Recently, we introduced genetic maps and quantitative trait loci to elucidate the genetic basis of adaptation and speciation. The genome–phenome holistic model was deciphered by the global regressive, progressive, and convergent evolution of subterranean mammals. Our results indicate abundant genotypic and phenotypic diversity in nature. The organization and evolution of molecular and organismal diversity in nature at global, regional, and local scales are nonrandom and structured; display regularities across life; and are positively correlated with, and partly predictable by, abiotic and biotic environmental heterogeneity and stress. Biodiversity evolution, even in small isolated populations, is primarily driven by natural selection, including diversifying, balancing, cyclical, and purifying selective regimes, interacting with, but ultimately overriding, the effects of mutation, migration, and stochasticity.


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A major concern associated with the use of vaccines based on live-attenuated viruses is the possible and well documented reversion to pathogenic phenotypes. In the case of HIV, genomic deletions or mutations introduced to attenuate viral pathogenicity can be repaired by selection of compensating mutations. These events lead to increased virus replication rates and, eventually, disease progression. Because replication competence and degree of protection appear to be directly correlated, further attenuation of a vaccine virus may compromise the ability to elicit a protective immune response. Here, we describe an approach toward a safe attenuated HIV vaccine. The system is not based on permanent reduction of infectivity by alteration of important viral genomic sequences, but on strict control of replication through the insertion of the tetracycline (Tet) system in the HIV genome. Furthermore, extensive in vitro evolution was applied to the prototype Tet-controlled HIV to select for variants with optimized rather than diminished replication capacity. The final product of evolution has properties uniquely suited for use as a vaccine strain. The evolved virus is highly infectious, as opposed to a canonically attenuated virus. It replicates efficiently in T cell lines and in activated and unstimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Most importantly, replication is strictly dependent on the nontoxic Tetanalogue doxycycline and can be turned on and off. These results suggest that this in vitro evolved, doxycycline-dependent HIV might represent a useful tool toward the development of a safer, live-attenuated HIV vaccine.


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In this review article, we explore several recent advances in the quantitative modeling of financial markets. We begin with the Efficient Markets Hypothesis and describe how this controversial idea has stimulated a number of new directions of research, some focusing on more elaborate mathematical models that are capable of rationalizing the empirical facts, others taking a completely different tack in rejecting rationality altogether. One of the most promising directions is to view financial markets from a biological perspective and, specifically, within an evolutionary framework in which markets, instruments, institutions, and investors interact and evolve dynamically according to the “law” of economic selection. Under this view, financial agents compete and adapt, but they do not necessarily do so in an optimal fashion. Evolutionary and ecological models of financial markets is truly a new frontier whose exploration has just begun.


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Catalysis at organophilic silica-rich surfaces of zeolites and feldspars might generate replicating biopolymers from simple chemicals supplied by meteorites, volcanic gases, and other geological sources. Crystal–chemical modeling yielded packings for amino acids neatly encapsulated in 10-ring channels of the molecular sieve silicalite-ZSM-5-(mutinaite). Calculation of binding and activation energies for catalytic assembly into polymers is progressing for a chemical composition with one catalytic Al–OH site per 25 neutral Si tetrahedral sites. Internal channel intersections and external terminations provide special stereochemical features suitable for complex organic species. Polymer migration along nano/micrometer channels of ancient weathered feldspars, plus exploitation of phosphorus and various transition metals in entrapped apatite and other microminerals, might have generated complexes of replicating catalytic biomolecules, leading to primitive cellular organisms. The first cell wall might have been an internal mineral surface, from which the cell developed a protective biological cap emerging into a nutrient-rich “soup.” Ultimately, the biological cap might have expanded into a complete cell wall, allowing mobility and colonization of energy-rich challenging environments. Electron microscopy of honeycomb channels inside weathered feldspars of the Shap granite (northwest England) has revealed modern bacteria, perhaps indicative of Archean ones. All known early rocks were metamorphosed too highly during geologic time to permit simple survival of large-pore zeolites, honeycombed feldspar, and encapsulated species. Possible microscopic clues to the proposed mineral adsorbents/catalysts are discussed for planning of systematic study of black cherts from weakly metamorphosed Archaean sediments.


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We review the study of flower color polymorphisms in the morning glory as a model for the analysis of adaptation. The pathway involved in the determination of flower color phenotype is traced from the molecular and genetic levels to the phenotypic level. Many of the genes that determine the enzymatic components of flavonoid biosynthesis are redundant, but, despite this complexity, it is possible to associate discrete floral phenotypes with individual genes. An important finding is that almost all of the mutations that determine phenotypic differences are the result of transposon insertions. Thus, the flower color diversity seized on by early human domesticators of this plant is a consequence of the rich variety of mobile elements that reside in the morning glory genome. We then consider a long history of research aimed at uncovering the ecological fate of these various flower phenotypes in the southeastern U.S. A large body of work has shown that insect pollinators discriminate against white phenotypes when white flowers are rare in populations. Because the plant is self-compatible, pollinator bias causes an increase in self-fertilization in white maternal plants, which should lead to an increase in the frequency of white genes, according to modifier gene theory. Studies of geographical distributions indicate other, as yet undiscovered, disadvantages associated with the white phenotype. The ultimate goal of connecting ecology to molecular genetics through the medium of phenotype is yet to be attained, but this approach may represent a model for analyzing the translation between these two levels of biological organization.


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Drosophila melanogaster from Zimbabwe and nearby regions shows strong but asymmetric sexual isolation from its cosmopolitan counterparts. By creating stable chromosome-substitution lines, earlier studies were able to show that the two major autosomes have very large effects on both male mating success and female mating preference. In this study, we genetically dissect this sexual isolation by recombination analysis between a whole-chromosome substitution line (which carries a Zimbabwe-derived third chromosome) and a strain with seven visible markers on that chromosome. Four loci are responsible for male mating success and three others are found to control female mating preference. Because male and female traits are not closely linked, their strong association among isofemale lines is most likely a reflection of sexual selection in nature. The results suggest that a large number of behavioral loci may evolve concurrently in the incipient stage of speciation before other aspects of reproductive isolation (such as hybrid sterility) have become evident. The results shed light on the population genetic processes underlying the formation of nascent species, as well as modes of speciation.


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The biological realm has inherited symmetries from the physicochemical realm, but with the increasing complexity at higher phenomenological levels of life, some inherited symmetries are broken while novel symmetries appear. These symmetries are of two types, structural and operational. Biological novelties result from breaking operational symmetries. They are followed by acquisition of regularity and stability, in a recurrent process throughout complexity levels.


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Invertebrate species possess one or two Na+ channel genes, yet there are 10 in mammals. When did this explosive growth come about during vertebrate evolution? All mammalian Na+ channel genes reside on four chromosomes. It has been suggested that this came about by multiple duplications of an ancestral chromosome with a single Na+ channel gene followed by tandem duplications of Na+ channel genes on some of these chromosomes. Because a large-scale expansion of the vertebrate genome likely occurred before the divergence of teleosts and tetrapods, we tested this hypothesis by cloning Na+ channel genes in a teleost fish. Using an approach designed to clone all of the Na+ channel genes in a genome, we found six Na+ channel genes. Phylogenetic comparisons show that each teleost gene is orthologous to a Na+ channel gene or gene cluster on a different mammalian chromosome, supporting the hypothesis that four Na+ channel genes were present in the ancestors of teleosts and tetrapods. Further duplications occurred independently in the teleost and tetrapod lineages, with a greater number of duplications in tetrapods. This pattern has implications for the evolution of function and specialization of Na+ channel genes in vertebrates. Sodium channel genes also are linked to homeobox (Hox) gene clusters in mammals. Using our phylogeny of Na+ channel genes to independently test between two models of Hox gene evolution, we support the hypothesis that Hox gene clusters evolved as (AB) (CD) rather than {D[A(BC)]}.


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Aposematic signals that warn predators of the noxious qualities of prey gain their greatest selective advantage when predators have already experienced similar signals. Existing theory explains how such signals can spread through selective advantage after they are present at some critical frequency, but is unclear about how warning signals can be selectively advantageous when the trait is initially rare (i.e., when it first arises through mutation) and predators are naive. When aposematism is controlled by a maternal effect gene, the difficulty of initial rarity may be overcome. Unlike a zygotically expressed gene, a maternally expressed aposematism gene will be hidden from selection because it is not phenotypically expressed in the first individual with the mutation. Furthermore, the first individual carrying the new mutation will produce an entire family of aposematic offspring, thereby providing an immediate fitness advantage to this gene.


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The circumsporozoite (CS) protein of malaria parasites (Plasmodium) covers the surface of sporozoites that invade hepatocytes in mammalian hosts and macrophages in avian hosts. CS genes have been characterized from many Plasmodium that infect mammals; two domains of the corresponding proteins, identified initially by their conservation (region I and region II), have been implicated in binding to hepatocytes. The CS gene from the avian parasite Plasmodium gallinaceum was characterized to compare these functional domains to those of mammalian Plasmodium and for the study of Plasmodium evolution. The P. gallinaceum protein has the characteristics of CS proteins, including a secretory signal sequence, central repeat region, regions of charged amino acids, and an anchor sequence. Comparison with CS signal sequences reveals four distinct groupings, with P. gallinaceum most closely related to the human malaria Plasmodium falciparum. The 5-amino acid sequence designated region I, which is identical in all mammalian CS and implicated in hepatocyte invasion, is different in the avian protein. The P. gallinaceum repeat region consists of 9-amino acid repeats with the consensus sequence QP(A/V)GGNGG(A/V). The conserved motif designated region II-plus, which is associated with targeting the invasion of liver cells, is also conserved in the avian protein. Phylogenetic analysis of the aligned Plasmodium CS sequences yields a tree with a topology similar to the one obtained using sequence data from the small subunit rRNA gene. The phylogeny using the CS gene supports the proposal that the human malaria P. falciparum is significantly more related to avian parasites than to other parasites infecting mammals, although the biology of sporozoite invasion is different between the avian and mammalian species.


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Competing hypotheses seek to explain the evolution of oxygenic and anoxygenic processes of photosynthesis. Since chlorophyll is less reduced and precedes bacteriochlorophyll on the modern biosynthetic pathway, it has been proposed that chlorophyll preceded bacteriochlorophyll in its evolution. However, recent analyses of nucleotide sequences that encode chlorophyll and bacteriochlorophyll biosynthetic enzymes appear to provide support for an alternative hypothesis. This is that the evolution of bacteriochlorophyll occurred earlier than the evolution of chlorophyll. Here we demonstrate that the presence of invariant sites in sequence datasets leads to inconsistency in tree building (including maximum-likelihood methods). Homologous sequences with different biological functions often share invariant sites at the same nucleotide positions. However, different constraints can also result in additional invariant sites unique to the genes, which have specific and different biological functions. Consequently, the distribution of these sites can be uneven between the different types of homologous genes. The presence of invariant sites, shared by related biosynthetic genes as well as those unique to only some of these genes, has misled the recent evolutionary analysis of oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthetic pigments. We evaluate an alternative scheme for the evolution of chlorophyll and bacteriochlorophyll.


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We present a simple mathematical model of biological macroevolution. The model describes an ecology of adapting, interacting species. The environment of any given species is affected by other evolving species; hence, it is not constant in time. The ecology as a whole evolves to a "self-organized critical" state where periods of stasis alternate with avalanches of causally connected evolutionary changes. This characteristic behavior of natural history, known as "punctuated equilibrium," thus finds a theoretical explanation as a self-organized critical phenomenon. The evolutionary behavior of single species is intermittent. Also, large bursts of apparently simultaneous evolutionary activity require no external cause. Extinctions of all sizes, including mass extinctions, may be a simple consequence of ecosystem dynamics. Our results are compared with data from the fossil record.