110 resultados para Animals: Mice


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Antibody-cytokine fusion proteins combine the unique targeting ability of antibodies with the multifunctional activity of cytokines. Here, we demonstrate the therapeutic efficacy of such constructs for the treatment of hepatic and pulmonary metastases of different melanoma cell lines. Two antibody-interleukin 2 (IL-2) fusion proteins, ch225-IL2 and ch14.18-IL2, constructed by fusion of a synthetic sequence coding for human IL-2 to the carboxyl end of the Cgamma1 gene of the corresponding antibodies, were tested for their therapeutic efficacy against xenografted human melanoma in vivo. Tumor-specific fusion proteins completely inhibited the growth of hepatic and pulmonary metastases in C.B-17 scid/scid mice previously reconstituted with human lymphokine-activated killer cells, whereas treatment with combinations of the corresponding antibodies plus recombinant IL-2 only reduced the tumor load. Even when treatment with fusion proteins was delayed up to 8 days after inoculation of tumor cells, it still resulted in complete eradication of micrometastases that were established at that time point. Selection of tumor cell lines expressing or lacking the targeted antigen of the administered fusion protein proved the specificity of the observed antitumor effect. Biodistribution analysis demonstrated that the tumor-specific fusion protein accumulated not only in subcutaneous tumors but also in lungs and livers affected with micrometastases. Survival times of animals treated with the fusion protein were more than doubled as compared to those treated with the combination of the corresponding antibody plus IL-2. Our data demonstrate that an immunotherapeutic approach using cytokines targeted by antibodies to tumor sites has potent effects against disseminated human melanoma.


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Adenoviral vectors can direct high-level expression of a transgene, but, due to a host immune response to adenoviral antigens, expression is of limited duration, and repetitive administration has generally been unsuccessful. Exposure to foreign proteins beginning in the neonatal period may alter or ablate the immune response. We injected adult and neonatal (immunocompetent) CD-1 mice intravenously with an adenoviral vector expressing human blood coagulation factor IX. In both groups of mice, expression of human factor IX persisted for 12-16 weeks. However, in mice initially injected as adults, repeat administration of the vector resulted in no detectable expression of the transgene, whereas in mice initially injected in the neonatal period, repeat administration resulted in high-level expression of human factor IX. We show that animals that fail to express the transgene on repeat administration have developed high-titer neutralizing antibodies to adenovirus, whereas those that do express factor IX have not. This experimental model suggests that newborn mice can be tolerized to adenoviral vectors and demonstrates that at least one repeat injection of the adenoviral vector is possible; the model will be useful in elucidating the immunologic mechanisms underlying successful repeat administration of adenoviral vectors.


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Heat shock proteins are proposed to limit injury resulting from diverse environmental stresses, but direct metabolic evidence for such a cytoprotective function in vertebrates has been largely limited to studies of cultured cells. We generated lines of transgenic mice to express human 70-kDa heat shock protein constitutively in the myocardium. Hearts isolated from these animals demonstrated enhanced recovery of high energy phosphate stores and correction of metabolic acidosis following brief periods of global ischemia sufficient to induce sustained abnormalities of these variables in hearts from nontransgenic littermates. These data demonstrate a direct cardioprotective effect of 70-kDa heat shock protein to enhance postischemic recovery of the intact heart.


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The gastric mucosa of mammalian stomach contains several differentiated cell types specialized for the secretion of acid, digestive enzymes, mucus, and hormones. Understanding whether each of these cell lineages is derived from a common stem cell has been a challenging problem. We have used a genetic approach to analyze the ontogeny of progenitor cells within mouse stomach. Herpes simplex virus 1 thymidine kinase was targeted to parietal cells within the gastric mucosa of transgenic mice, and parietal cells were ablated by treatment of animals with the antiherpetic drug ganciclovir. Ganciclovir treatment produced complete ablation of parietal cells, dissolution of gastric glands, and loss of chief and mucus-producing cells. Termination of drug treatment led to the reemergence of all major gastric epithelial cell types and restoration of glandular architecture. Our results imply the existence of a pluripotent stem cell for the gastric mucosa. Parietal cell ablation should provide a model for analyzing cell lineage relationships within the stomach as well as mechanisms underlying gastric injury and repair.


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pS2 is a member of the trefoil peptide family, all of which are overexpressed at sites of gastrointestinal injury. We hypothesized that they are important in stimulating mucosal repair. To test this idea, we have produced a transgenic mice strain that expresses human pS2 (hpS2) specifically within the jejunum and examined the effect of this overexpression on proliferation and susceptibility to indomethacin-induced damage. A transgenic mouse was produced by microinjecting fertilized oocytes with a 1.7-kb construct consisting of rat intestinal fatty acid binding protein promoter (positions -1178 to +28) linked to full-length (490 bp) hpS2 cDNA. Screening for positive animals was by Southern blot analysis. Distribution of hpS2 expression was determined by using Northern and Western blot analyses and immunohistochemical staining. Proliferation of the intestinal mucosa was determined by assessing the crypt cell production rate. Differences in susceptibility to intestinal damage were analyzed in animals that had received indomethacin (85 mg/kg s.c.) 0-30 h previously. Expression of hpS2 was limited to the enterocytes of the villi within the jejunum. In the nondamaged intestine, villus height and crypt cell production rate were similar in transgenic and negative (control) litter mates. However, there was a marked difference in the amount of damage caused by indomethacin in control and transgenic animals in the jejunum (30% reduction in villus height in controls vs. 12% reduction in transgenic animals, P < 0.01) but the damage sustained in the non-hpS2-expressing ileal region was similar in control and transgenic animals. These studies support the hypothesis that trefoil peptides are important in stimulating gastrointestinal repair.


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Recent studies have demonstrated that the overexpression of the c-myc gene in the liver of transgenic mice leads to an increase in both utilization and accumulation of glucose in the liver, suggesting that c-Myc transcription factor is involved in the control of liver carbohydrate metabolism in vivo. To determine whether the increase in c-Myc might control glucose homeostasis, an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test was performed. Transgenic mice showed lower levels of blood glucose than control animals, indicating that the overexpression of c-Myc led to an increase of blood glucose disposal by the liver. Thus, the increase in c-Myc might counteract diabetic hyperglycemia. In contrast to control mice, transgenic mice treated with streptozotocin showed normalization of concentrations of blood glucose, ketone bodies, triacylglycerols and free fatty acids in the absence of insulin. These findings resulted from the normalization of liver metabolism in these animals. While low glucokinase activity was detected in the liver of diabetic control mice, high levels of both glucokinase mRNA and enzyme activity were noted in the liver of streptozotocin-treated transgenic mice, which led to an increase in intracellular levels of glucose 6-phosphate and glycogen. The liver of these mice also showed an increase in pyruvate kinase activity and lactate production. Furthermore, normalization of both the expression of genes involved in the control of gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis and the production of glucose and ketone bodies was observed in streptozotocin-treated transgenic mice. Thus, these results suggested that c-Myc counteracted diabetic alterations through its ability to induce hepatic glucose uptake and utilization and to block the activation of gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis.


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Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II molecules are loaded with peptides in distinct subcellular compartments. The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) is responsible for delivering peptides derived from cytosolic proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum, where they bind to class I molecules, while the invariant chain (Ii) directs class II molecules to endosomal compartments, where they bind peptides originating mostly from exogenous sources. Mice carrying null mutations of the TAP1 or Ii genes (TAP10) or Ii0, respectively) have been useful tools for elucidating the two MHC/peptide loading pathways. To evaluate to what extent these pathways functionally intersect, we have studied the biosynthesis of MHC molecules and the generation of T cells in Ii0TAP10 double-mutant mice. We find that the assembly and expression of class II molecules in Ii0 and Ii0TAP10 animals are indistinguishable and that formation and display of class I molecules is the same in TAP10 and Ii0TAP10 animals. Thymic selection in the double mutants is as expected, with reduced numbers of both CD4+ CD8- and CD4- CD8+ thymocyte compartments. Surprisingly, lymph node T-cell populations look almost normal; we propose that population expansion of peripheral T cells normalizes the numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ cells in Ii0TAP10 mice.


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Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) is a predominantly hepatic enzyme known to be important in the metabolism of numerous foreign chemicals of pharmacologic, toxicologic, and carcinogenic significance. CYP1A2 substrates include aflatoxin B1, acetaminophen, and a variety of environmental arylamines. To define better the developmental and metabolic functions of this enzyme, we developed a CYP1A2-deficient mouse line by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. Mice homozygous for the targeted Cyp1a2 gene, designated Cyp1a2(-/-), are completely viable and fertile; histologic examination of 15-day embryos, newborn pups, and 3-week-old mice revealed no abnormalities. No CYP1A2 mRNA was detected by Northern blot analysis. Moreover, mRNA levels of Cyp1a1, the other gene in the same subfamily, appear unaffected by loss of the Cyp1a2 gene. Because the muscle relaxant zoxazolamine is a known substrate for CYP1A2, we studied the Cyp1a2(-/-) genotype by using the zoxazolamine paralysis test: the Cyp1a2(-/-) mice exhibited dramatically lengthened paralysis times relative to the Cyp1a2(+/+) wild-type animals, and the Cyp1a2(+/-) heterozygotes showed an intermediate effect. Availability of a viable and fertile CYP1A2-deficient mouse line will provide a valuable tool for researchers wishing to define the precise role of CYP1A2 in numerous metabolic and pharmacokinetic processes.


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Proliferation, migration-associated differentiation, and cell death occur continuously and in a spatially well-organized fashion along the crypt-villus axis of the mouse small intestine, making it an attractive system for studying how these processes are regulated and interrelated. A pathway for producing glycoconjugates was engineered in adult FVB/N transgenic mice by expressing a human alpha 1,3/4-fucosyltransferase (alpha 1,3/4-FT; EC along the length of this crypt-villus axis. The alpha 1,3/4-FT can use lacto-N-tetraose or lacto-neo-N-tetraose core chains to generate Lewis (Le) blood group antigens Le(a) or Le(x), respectively, and H type 1 or H type 2 core chains to produce Leb and Le(y). Single- and multilabel immunohistochemical studies revealed that expression of the alpha 1,3/4-FT results in production of Le(a) and Leb antigens in both undifferentiated proliferated crypt cells and in differentiated postmitotic villus-associated epithelial cells. In contrast, Le(x) antigens were restricted to crypt cells. Villus enterocytes can be induced to reenter the cell cycle by expression of simian virus 40 tumor antigen under the control of a promoter that only functions in differentiated members of this lineage. Bitransgenic animals, generated from a cross of FVB/N alpha 1,3/4-FT with FVB/N simian virus 40 tumor antigen mice, expand the range of Le(x) expression to include villus-associated enterocytes that have reentered the cell cycle. Thus, the fucosylations unveil a proliferation-dependent switch in oligosaccharide production, as defined by a monoclonal antibody specific for the Le(x) epitope. These findings show that genetic engineering of oligosaccharide biosynthetic pathways can be used to define markers for entry into, or progression through, the cell cycle and to identify changes in endogenous carbohydrate metabolism that occur when proliferative status is altered in a manner that is not deleterious to the system under study.


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The rodent liver displays marked age- and sex-dependent changes in androgen sensitivity due to the sexually dimorphic and temporally programmed expression of the androgen receptor (AR) gene. We have altered this normal phenotype by constitutive overexpression of the rat AR transgene in the mouse liver by targeting it via the human phenylalanine hydroxylase (hPAH) gene promoter. These transgenic animals in their heterozygous state produce an approximately 30-fold higher level of the AR in the liver as compared with the nontransgenic control. Androgen inactivation via sulfonation of the hormone by dehydroepiandrosterone sulfotransferase (DST), an androgen-repressible enzyme, also contributes to the age- and sex-dependent regulation of hepatic androgen sensitivity. DST has a broad range of substrate specificity and is responsible for the age- and sex-specific activation of certain polycyclic aromatic hepatocarcinogens as well, by converting them to electrophilic sulfonated derivatives. In the transgenic female, the hepatic expression of DST was approximately 4-fold lower than in normal females, a level comparable to that in normal males. The hPAH-AR mice will serve as a valuable model for studying the sex- and age-invariant expression of liver-specific genes, particularly those involved in the activation of environmental hepatocarcinogens such as the aromatic hydrocarbons.


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Orally administered antigens induce a state of immunologic hyporesponsiveness termed oral tolerance. Different mechanisms are involved in mediating oral tolerance depending on the dose fed. Low doses of antigen generate cytokine-secreting regulatory cells, whereas high doses induce anergy or deletion. We used mice transgenic for a T-cell receptor (TCR) derived from an encephalitogenic T-cell clone specific for the acetylated N-terminal peptide of myelin basic protein (MBP) Ac-1-11 plus I-Au to test whether a regulatory T cell could be generated from the same precursor cell as that of an encephalitogenic Th1 cell and whether the induction was dose dependent. The MBP TCR transgenic mice primarily have T cells of a precursor phenotype that produce interleukin 2 (IL-2) with little interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), IL-4, or transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta). We fed transgenic animals a low-dose (1 mg x 5) or high-dose (25 mg x 1) regimen of mouse MBP and without further immunization spleen cells were tested for cytokine production. Low-dose feeding induced prominent secretion of IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-beta, whereas minimal secretion of these cytokines was observed with high-dose feeding. Little or no change was seen in proliferation or IL-2/IFN-gamma secretion in fed animals irrespective of the dose. To demonstrate in vivo functional activity of the cytokine-secreting cells generated by oral antigen, spleen cells from low-dose-fed animals were adoptively transferred into naive (PLJ x SJL)F1 mice that were then immunized for the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Marked suppression of EAE was observed when T cells were transferred from MBP-fed transgenic animals but not from animals that were not fed. In contrast to oral tolerization, s.c. immunization of transgenic animals with MBP in complete Freund's adjuvant induced IFN-gamma-secreting Th1 cells in vitro and experimental encephalomyelitis in vivo. Despite the large number of cells reactive to MBP in the transgenic animals, EAE was also suppressed by low-dose feeding of MBP prior to immunization. These results demonstrate that MBP-specific T cells can differentiate in vivo into encephalitogenic or regulatory T cells depending upon the context by which they are exposed to antigen.


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Translational control is a major form of regulating gene expression during gametogenesis and early development in many organisms. We sought to determine whether the translational repression of the protamine 1 (Prm1) mRNA is necessary for normal spermatid differentiation in mice. To accomplish this we generated transgenic animals that carry a Prm1 transgene lacking its normal 3' untranslated region. Premature translation of Prm1 mRNA caused precocious condensation of spermatid nuclear DNA, abnormal head morphogenesis, and incomplete processing of Prm2 protein. Premature accumulation of Prm1 within syncytial spermatids in mice hemizygous for the transgene caused dominant male sterility, which in some cases was accompanied by a complete arrest in spermatid differentiation. These results demonstrate that correct temporal synthesis of Prm1 is necessary for the transition from nucleohistones to nucleoprotamines.


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We have found that the somatic mutation rate at the Dlb-1 locus increases exponentially during low daily exposure to ethylnitrosourea over 4 months. This effect, enhanced mutagenesis, was not observed at a lacI transgene in the same tissue, although the two loci respond very similarly to acute doses. Since both mutations are neutral, the mutant frequency was expected to increase linearly with time in response to a constant mutagenic exposure, as it did for lacI. Enhanced mutagenesis does not result from an overall sensitization of the animals, since mice that had first been treated with a low daily dose for 90 days and then challenged with a large acute dose were not sensitized to the acute dose. Nor was the increased mutant frequency due to selection, since animals that were treated for 90 days and then left untreated for up to 60 days showed little change from the 90-day frequency. The effect is substantial: about 8 times as many Dlb-1 mutants were induced between 90 and 120 days as in the first 30 days. This resulted in a reverse dose rate effect such that 90 mg/kg induced more mutants when delivered at 1 mg/kg per day than at 3 mg/kg per day. We postulate that enhanced mutagenesis arises from increased stem cell proliferation and the preferential repair of transcribed genes. Enhanced mutagenesis may be important for risk evaluation, as the results show that chronic exposures can be more mutagenic than acute ones and raise the possibility of synergism between chemicals at low doses.


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Resting epidermal keratinocytes contain large amounts of interleukin 1 (IL-1), but the function of this cytokine in the skin remains unclear. To further define the role of IL-1 in cutaneous biology, we have generated two lines of transgenic mice (TgIL-1.1 and TgIL-1.2) which overexpress IL-1 alpha in basal keratinocytes. There was high-level tissue-specific expression of transgene mRNA and protein and large quantities of IL-1 alpha were liberated into the circulation from epidermis in both lines. TgIL-1.1 mice, which had the highest level of transgene expression, developed a spontaneous skin disease characterized by hair loss, scaling, and focal inflammatory skin lesions. Histologically, nonlesional skin of these animals was characterized by hyperkeratosis and a dermal mononuclear cell infiltrate of macrophage/monocyte lineage. Inflammatory lesions were marked by a mixed cellular infiltrate, acanthosis, and, in some cases, parakeratosis. These findings confirm the concept of IL-1 as a primary cytokine, release of which is able to initiate and localize an inflammatory reaction. Furthermore, these mice provide the first definitive evidence that inflammatory mediators can be released from the epidermis to enter the systemic circulation and thereby influence, in a paracrine or endocrine fashion, a wide variety of other cell types.


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Transgenic mice and sheep secrete only low levels of human factor IX in their milk because of an aberrant splicing of the transgene RNA in the mammary gland. Removal of the cryptic 3' splice site prevents this splicing and leads to the production of relatively high levels of factor IX. The purified protein is fully active showing that the mammary gland is capable of the efficient post-translational modification of this protein and that transgenic animals are a suitable means of its production.