336 resultados para single-stranded DNA binding protein


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The association of the TATA binding protein (TBP) to eukaryotic promoters is a possible rate-limiting step in gene expression. Slow promoter binding might be related to TBP’s ability to occlude its DNA binding domain through dimerization. Using a “pull-down” based assay, we find that TBP dimers dissociate slowly (t½ = 6–10 min), and thus present a formidable kinetic barrier to TATA binding. At 10 nM, TBP appears to exist as a mixed population of monomers and dimers. In this state, TATA binding displays burst kinetics that appears to reflect rapid binding of monomers and slow dissociation of dimers. The kinetics of the slow phase is in excellent agreement with direct measurements of the kinetics of dimer dissociation.


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NtrC (nitrogen regulatory protein C) is a bacterial enhancer-binding protein of 469 residues that activates transcription by σ54-holoenzyme. A region of its transcriptional activation (central) domain that is highly conserved among homologous activators of σ54-holoenzyme—residues 206–220—is essential for interaction with this RNA polymerase: it is required for contact with the polymerase and/or for coupling the energy from ATP hydrolysis to a change in the conformation of the polymerase that allows it to form transcriptionally productive open complexes. Several mutant NtrC proteins with amino acid substitutions in this region, including NtrCA216V and NtrCG219K, have normal ATPase activity but fail in transcriptional activation. We now report that other mutant forms carrying amino acid substitutions at these same positions, NtrCA216C and NtrCG219C, are capable of activating transcription when they are not bound to a DNA template (non-DNA-binding derivatives with an altered helix–turn–helix DNA-binding motif at the C terminus of the protein) but are unable to do so when they are bound to a DNA template, whether or not it carries a specific enhancer. Enhancer DNA remains a positive allosteric effector of ATP hydrolysis, as it is for wild-type NtrC but, surprisingly, appears to have become a negative allosteric effector for some aspect of interaction with σ54-holoenzyme. The conserved region in which these amino acid substitutions occur (206–220) is equivalent to the Switch I region of a large group of purine nucleotide-binding proteins. Interesting analogies can be drawn between the Switch I region of NtrC and that of p21ras.


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We have designed a p53 DNA binding domain that has virtually the same binding affinity for the gadd45 promoter as does wild-type protein but is considerably more stable. The design strategy was based on molecular evolution of the protein domain. Naturally occurring amino acid substitutions were identified by comparing the sequences of p53 homologues from 23 species, introducing them into wild-type human p53, and measuring the changes in stability. The most stable substitutions were combined in a multiple mutant. The advantage of this strategy is that, by substituting with naturally occurring residues, the function is likely to be unimpaired. All point mutants bind the consensus DNA sequence. The changes in stability ranged from +1.27 (less stable Q165K) to −1.49 (more stable N239Y) kcal mol−1, respectively. The changes in free energy of unfolding on mutation are additive. Of interest, the two most stable mutants (N239Y and N268D) have been known to act as suppressors and restored the activity of two of the most common tumorigenic mutants. Of the 20 single mutants, 10 are cancer-associated, though their frequency of occurrence is extremely low: A129D, Q165K, Q167E, and D148E are less stable and M133L, V203A and N239Y are more stable whereas the rest are neutral. The quadruple mutant (M133LV203AN239YN268D), which is stabilized by 2.65 kcal mol−1 and Tm raised by 5.6°C is of potential interest for trials in vivo.


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Bacteriophage T7 DNA helicase is a ring-shaped hexamer that catalyzes duplex DNA unwinding using dTTP hydrolysis as an energy source. Of the six potential nucleotide binding sites on the hexamer, we have found that three are noncatalytic sites and three are catalytic sites. The noncatalytic sites bind nucleotides with a high affinity, but dTTPs bound to these sites do not dissociate or hydrolyze through many dTTPase turnovers at the catalytic sites. The catalytic sites show strong cooperativity which leads to sequential binding and hydrolysis of dTTP. The elucidated dTTPase mechanism of the catalytic sites of T7 helicase is remarkably similar to the binding change mechanism of the ATP synthase. Based on the similarity, a general mechanism for hexameric helicases is proposed. In this mechanism, an F1-ATPase-like rotational movement around the single-stranded DNA, which is bound through the central hole of the hexamer, is proposed to lead to unidirectional translocation along single-stranded DNA and duplex DNA unwinding.


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Ataxia telangiectasia–mutated gene (ATM) is a 350-kDa protein whose function is defective in the autosomal recessive disorder ataxia telangiectasia (AT). Affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies were used to characterize ATM. Steady-state levels of ATM protein varied from undetectable in most AT cell lines to highly expressed in HeLa, U2OS, and normal human fibroblasts. Subcellular fractionation showed that ATM is predominantly a nuclear protein associated with the chromatin and nuclear matrix. ATM protein levels remained constant throughout the cell cycle and did not change in response to serum stimulation. Ionizing radiation had no significant effect on either the expression or distribution of ATM. ATM immunoprecipitates from HeLa cells and the human DNA-dependent protein kinase null cell line MO59J, but not from AT cells, phosphorylated the 34-kDa subunit of replication protein A (RPA) complex in a single-stranded and linear double-stranded DNA–dependent manner. Phosphorylation of p34 RPA occurred on threonine and serine residues. Phosphopeptide analysis demonstrates that the ATM-associated protein kinase phosphorylates p34 RPA on similar residues observed in vivo. The DNA-dependent protein kinase activity observed for ATM immunocomplexes, along with the association of ATM with chromatin, suggests that DNA damage can induce ATM or a stably associated protein kinase to phosphorylate proteins in the DNA damage response pathway.


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Purified RNA polymerase II initiated transcription from the yeast CUP1 promoter fused to a C-less cassette if the DNA was negatively supercoiled. Relaxed plasmid was not transcribed. Transcription did not require addition of any other transcription factors. TATA box-binding protein (TBP) was not detectable in the polymerase preparation and the TATA box was not required. Deletion analysis of the CUP1 promoter revealed that a 25-bp element containing the initiation region was sufficient for recognition by polymerase. Two transcription start sites were mapped, one of which is identical to one of the two major start sites observed in vivo. Our observations can be accounted for by using a theoretical analysis of the probability of DNA melting within the plasmid as a function of superhelix density: the CUP1 initiation element is intrinsically unstable to superhelical stress, permitting entry of the polymerase, which then scans the DNA to locate the start site. In support of this analysis, the CUP1 promoter was sensitive to mung bean nuclease. These observations and a previous theoretical analysis of yeast genes support the idea that promoters are stress points within the DNA superhelix. The role of transcription factors might be to mark the promoter and to regulate specific melting of promoter DNA.


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The Enterococcus faecalis conjugative plasmid pAD1 (60 kb) encodes a mating response to the recipient-produced peptide sex pheromone cAD1. The response involves two key plasmid-encoded regulatory proteins: TraE1, which positively regulates all or most structural genes relating to conjugation, and TraA, which binds DNA and negatively regulates expression of traE1. In vitro studies that included development of a DNA-associated protein-tag affinity chromatography technique showed that TraA (37.9 kDa) binds directly to cAD1 near its carboxyl-terminal end and, as a consequence, loses its affinity for DNA. Analyses of genetically modified TraA proteins indicated that truncations within the carboxyl-terminal 9 residues significantly affected the specificity of peptide-directed association/dissociation of DNA. The data support earlier observations that transposon insertions near the 3′ end of traA eliminated the ability of cells to respond to cAD1.


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The subclass Theria of Mammalia includes marsupials (infraclass Metatheria) and placentals (infraclass Eutheria). Within each group, interordinal relationships remain unclear. One limitation of many studies is incomplete ordinal representation. Here, we analyze DNA sequences for part of exon 1 of the interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein gene, including 10 that are newly reported, for representatives of all therian orders. Among placentals, the most robust clades are Cetartiodactyla, Paenungulata, and an expanded African clade that includes paenungulates, tubulidentates, and macroscelideans. Anagalida, Archonta, Altungulata, Hyracoidea + Perissodactyla, Ungulata, and the “flying primate” hypothesis are rejected by statistical tests. Among marsupials, the most robust clade includes all orders except Didelphimorphia. The phylogenetic placement of the monito del monte and the marsupial mole remains unclear. However, the marsupial mole sequence contains three frameshift indels and numerous stop codons in all three reading frames. Given that the interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein gene is a single-copy gene that functions in the visual cycle and that the marsupial mole is blind with degenerate eyes, this finding suggests that phenotypic degeneration of the eyes is accompanied by parallel changes at the molecular level as a result of relaxed selective constraints.


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Sequence analysis of chloroplast and mitochondrial large subunit rRNA genes from over 75 green algae disclosed 28 new group I intron-encoded proteins carrying a single LAGLIDADG motif. These putative homing endonucleases form four subfamilies of homologous enzymes, with the members of each subfamily being encoded by introns sharing the same insertion site. We showed that four divergent endonucleases from the I-CreI subfamily cleave the same DNA substrates. Mapping of the 66 amino acids that are conserved among the members of this subfamily on the 3-dimensional structure of I-CreI bound to its recognition sequence revealed that these residues participate in protein folding, homodimerization, DNA recognition and catalysis. Surprisingly, only seven of the 21 I-CreI amino acids interacting with DNA are conserved, suggesting that I-CreI and its homologs use different subsets of residues to recognize the same DNA sequence. Our sequence comparison of all 45 single-LAGLIDADG proteins identified so far suggests that these proteins share related structures and that there is a weak pressure in each subfamily to maintain identical proteinDNA contacts. The high sequence variability we observed in the DNA-binding site of homologous LAGLIDADG endonucleases provides insight into how these proteins evolve new DNA specificity.


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The properties of human DNA helicase V (HDH V) were studied in greater detail following an improved purification procedure. From 450 g of cultured cells, <0.1 mg of pure protein was isolated. HDH V unwinds DNA unidirectionally by moving in the 3′ to 5′ direction along the bound strand in an ATP- and Mg2+-dependent fashion. The enzyme is not processive and can also unwind partial RNA–RNA duplexes such as HDH IV and HDH VIII. The Mr determined by SDS–PAGE (66 kDa) corresponds to that measured under native conditions, suggesting that HDH V exists as a monomer in the nucleus. Microsequencing of the purified HDH V shows that this enzyme is identical to the far upstream element-binding protein (FBP), a protein that stimulates the activity of the c-myc gene by binding specifically to the ‘FUSE’ DNA region localized upstream of its promoter. The sequence of HDH V/FBP contains RGG motifs like HDH IV/nucleolin, HDH VIII/G3BP as well as other human RNA and DNA helicases identified by other laboratories.


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We have cloned, expressed and purified a hexameric human DNA helicase (hHcsA) from HeLa cells. Sequence analysis demonstrated that the hHcsA has strong sequence homology with DNA helicase genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis elegans, indicating that this gene appears to be well conserved from yeast to human. The hHcsA gene was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. The expressed protein had a subunit molecular mass of 116 kDa and analysis of its native molecular mass by size exclusion chromatography suggested that hHcsA is a hexameric protein. The hHcsA protein had a strong DNA-dependent ATPase activity that was stimulated ≥5-fold by single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Human hHcsA unwinds duplex DNA and analysis of the polarity of translocation demonstrated that the polarity of DNA unwinding was in a 5′→3′ direction. The helicase activity was stimulated by human and yeast replication protein A, but not significantly by E.coli ssDNA-binding protein. We have analyzed expression levels of the hHcsA gene in HeLa cells during various phases of the cell cycle using in situ hybridization analysis. Our results indicated that the expression of the hHcsA gene, as evidenced from the mRNA levels, is cell cycle-dependent. The maximal level of hHcsA expression was observed in late G1/early S phase, suggesting a possible role for this protein during S phase and in DNA synthesis.


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The human Xrcc3 protein is involved in the repair of damaged DNA through homologous recombination, in which homologous pairing is a key step. The Rad51 protein is believed to be the only protein factor that promotes homologous pairing in recombinational DNA repair in mitotic cells. In the brain, however, Rad51 expression is extremely low, whereas XRCC3, a human homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD57 that activates the Rad51-dependent homologous pairing with the yeast Rad55 protein, is expressed. In this study, a two-hybrid analysis conducted with the use of a human brain cDNA library revealed that the major Xrcc3-interacting protein is a Rad51 paralog, Rad51C/Rad51L2. The purified Xrcc3⋅Rad51C complex, which shows apparent 1:1 stoichiometry, was found to catalyze the homologous pairing. Although the activity is reduced, the Rad51C protein alone also catalyzed homologous pairing, suggesting that Rad51C is a catalytic subunit for homologous pairing. The DNA-binding activity of Xrcc3⋅Rad51C was drastically decreased in the absence of Xrcc3, indicating that Xrcc3 is important for the DNA binding of Xrcc3⋅Rad51C. Electron microscopic observations revealed that Xrcc3⋅Rad51C and Rad51C formed similar filamentous structures with circular single-stranded DNA.


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Ethylene-responsive element-binding proteins (EREBPs) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) bind to the GCC box of many pathogenesis-related (PR) gene promoters, including osmotin (PR-5). The two GCC boxes on the osmotin promoter are known to be required, but not sufficient, for maximal ethylene responsiveness. EREBPs participate in the signal transduction pathway leading from exogenous ethylene application and pathogen infection to PR gene induction. In this study EREBP3 was used as bait in a yeast two-hybrid interaction trap with a tobacco cDNA library as prey to isolate signal transduction pathway intermediates that interact with EREBPs. One of the strongest interactors was found to encode a nitrilase-like protein (NLP). Nitrilase is an enzyme involved in auxin biosynthesis. NLP interacted with other EREBP family members, namely tobacco EREBP2 and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) Pti4/5/6. The EREBP2-EREBP3 interaction with NLP required part of the DNA-binding domain. The specificity of interaction was further confirmed by protein-binding studies in solution. We propose that the EREBP-NLP interaction serves to regulate PR gene expression by sequestration of EREBPs in the cytoplasm.


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We studied transcription initiation in the mitochondria of higher plants, with particular respect to promoter structures. Conserved elements of these promoters have been successfully identified by in vitro transcription systems in different species, whereas the involved protein components are still unknown. Proteins binding to double-stranded oligonucleotides representing different parts of the pea (Pisum sativum) mitochondrial atp9 were analyzed by denaturation-renaturation chromatography and mobility-shift experiments. Two DNA-protein complexes were detected, which appeared to be sequence specific in competition experiments. Purification by hydroxyapatite, phosphocellulose, and reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography separated two polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 32 and 44 kD. Both proteins bound to conserved structures of the pea atp9 and the heterologous Oenothera berteriana atp1 promoters and to sequences just upstream. Possible functions of these proteins in mitochondrial promoter recognition are discussed.


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DNA polymerase V, composed of a heterotrimer of the DNA damage-inducible UmuC and UmuD\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{^{\prime}}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} proteins, working in conjunction with RecA, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein (SSB), β sliding clamp, and γ clamp loading complex, are responsible for most SOS lesion-targeted mutations in Escherichia coli, by catalyzing translesion synthesis (TLS). DNA polymerase II, the product of the damage-inducible polB (dinA ) gene plays a pivotal role in replication-restart, a process that bypasses DNA damage in an error-free manner. Replication-restart takes place almost immediately after the DNA is damaged (≈2 min post-UV irradiation), whereas TLS occurs after pol V is induced ≈50 min later. We discuss recent data for pol V-catalyzed TLS and pol II-catalyzed replication-restart. Specific roles during TLS for pol V and each of its accessory factors have been recently determined. Although the precise molecular mechanism of pol II-dependent replication-restart remains to be elucidated, it has recently been shown to operate in conjunction with RecFOR and PriA proteins.