69 resultados para potency


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We found that a variety of cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor ligands bind to bovine serum albumin (BSA). This binding was rapid, fully reversible, temperature independent, of low affinity, and specific for BSA; it depended on the concentration of BSA, the chemical structure of the ligand, and the chemical composition of the incubation medium. BSA also decreased the binding of 125I-labeled CCK octapeptide (125I-CCK-8) to CCK receptors on pancreatic acini and membranes but increased the potency with which CCK-8 inhibited binding of 125I-CCK-8. These counterintuitive findings appeared to result from BSA altering the affinities of CCK-8 for different affinity states of the pancreatic CCK receptor. An alternate hypothesis is that BSA increased the efficacy of CCK-8 such that it bound to receptors and also caused biochemical changes in other receptors that reduced their ability to bind 125I-CCK-8. BSA enhanced the ability of CCK-8 to stimulate amylase secretion from pancreatic acini and to cause contraction of dispersed gastric smooth muscle cells. Thus, CCK can bind to BSA, and the BSA-CCK complex has substantially different activities from the free, uncomplexed hormone.


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Total glycans from the cell layer and the culture medium of human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) that had been cultivated in the presence of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) were isolated and purified by gel filtration after Pronase and DNase digestion and alkaliborohydride treatment. Measurements of the content of neutral hexoses and uronic acids revealed that PDGF stimulates total glycan synthesis by proliferating VSMC in a linear fashion from 24 h to 72 h of incubation. In contrast, total glycan synthesis by human fibroblasts, epithelial cells, or endothelial cells was not affected by PDGF, indicating cell-type specificity. Chemical, biochemical, and enzymological characterization of the total glycans synthesized by VSMC showed that PDGF stimulates the secretion of a 340-kDa glycan molecule in a time-dependent manner from 24 h to 72 h. This molecule is highly acidic, shares a common structure with hyaluronic acid, and exhibits a potent antiproliferative activity on VSMC. These results suggest that VSMC in response to PDGF are capable of controlling their own growth and migration by the synthesis of a specific form of hyaluronic acid with antiproliferative potency, which may be involved in the regulation of the local inflammatory responses associated with atherosclerosis.


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The recombinant human thyroid stimulating hormone (rhTSH) containing oligosaccharides terminated with NeuAc(alpha 2-3)Gal(beta 1-4)GlcNAc beta 1 showed higher in vivo activity and lower metabolic clearance rate (MCR) than pituitary human TSH (phTSH), which contains oligosaccharides terminating predominantly in SO(4)4GalNAc(beta 1-4)GlcNAc beta 1. To elucidate the relative contribution of the sulfated and sialylated carbohydrate chains of each subunit in the MCR and bioactivity of the hormone, the alpha and beta subunits of phTSH, rhTSH, and enzymatically desialylated rhTSH (asialo-rhTSH; asrhTSH) were isolated, their oligosaccharides were analyzed, and the respective subunits were dimerized in various combinations. The hybrids containing alpha subunit from phTSH or asrhTSH showed higher in vitro activity than those with alpha subunit from rhTSH, indicating that sialylation of alpha but not beta subunit attenuates the intrinsic activity of TSH. In contrast, hybrids with beta subunit from rhTSH displayed lower MCR compared to those with beta subunit from phTSH. The phTSH alpha-rhTSH beta hybrid had the highest in vivo bioactivity followed by rhTSH alpha-rhTSH beta, rhTSH alpha-phTSH beta, phTSH alpha-phTSH beta, and asrhTSH dimers. These differences indicated that hybrids with beta subunit from rhTSH displayed the highest in vivo activity and relatively low MCR, probably due to higher sialylation, more multiantennary structure, and/or the unique location of the beta-subunit oligosaccharide chain in the molecule. Thus, the N-linked oligosaccharides of the beta subunit of glycoprotein hormones have a more pronounced role than those from the alpha subunit in the metabolic clearance and thereby in the in vivo bioactivity. In contrast, the terminal residues of alpha-subunit oligosaccharides have a major impact on TSH intrinsic potency.


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The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR), a pivotal entity for synaptic plasticity and excitotoxicity in the brain, is a target of psychotomimetic drugs such as phencyclidine (PCP) and dizolcipine (MK-801). In contrast, a related glutamate receptor, the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate/kainate receptor GluR1, is weakly sensitive to these drugs. Three point mutations on GluR1, mimicking homologous residues on the NMDAR, confer the PCP and MK-801 blockade properties that are characteristic of the NMDAR--namely, high potency, voltage dependence, and use dependence. The molecular determinants that specify the PCP block appear confined to the putative M2 transmembrane segment, whereas the sensitivity to MK-801 requires an interplay between residues from M2 and M3. Given the plausible involvement of the NMDAR in the etiology of several neurodegenerative diseases and in excitotoxic neuronal cell death, tailored glutamate receptors with specific properties may be models for designing and screening new drugs targeted to prevent glutamate-mediated neural damage.


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Bombesin is a tetradecapeptide originally isolated from frog skin and demonstrated to have a wide range of actions in mammals. Based on structural homology and similar biological activities, gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) has been considered the mammalian equivalent of bombesin. We previously reported that frogs have both GRP and bombesin, which therefore are distinct peptides. We now report the cloning of a bombesin receptor subtype (BB4) that has higher affinity for bombesin than GRP. PCR was used to amplify cDNAs related to the known bombesin receptors from frog brain. Sequence analysis of the amplified cDNAs revealed 3 classes of receptor subtypes. Based on amino acid homology, two classes were clearly the amphibian homologs of the GRP and neuromedin B receptors. The third class was unusual and a full-length clone was isolated from a Bombina orientalis brain cDNA library. Expression of the receptor in Xenopus oocytes demonstrated that the receptor responded to picomolar concentrations of [Phe13]-bombesin, the form of bombesin most prevalent in frog brain. The relative rank potency of bombesin-like peptides for this receptor was [Phe13]bombesin > [Leu13]bombesin > GRP > neuromedin B. In contrast, the rank potency for the GRP receptor is GRP > [Leu13]bombesin > [Phe13]bombesin > neuromedin B. Transient expression in CHOP cells gave a Ki for [Phe13]bombesin of 0.2 nM versus a Ki of 2.1 nM for GRP. Distribution analysis showed that this receptor was expressed only in brain, consistent with the distribution of [Phe13]-bombesin. Thus, based on distribution and affinity, this bombesin receptor is the receptor for [Phe13]bombesin. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that this receptor separated prior to separation of the GRP and neuromedin B receptors; thus, BB4 receptors and their cognate ligands may also exist in mammals.


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Analogs of the 29 amino acid sequence of human growth hormone-releasing hormone (hGH-RH) with agmatine (Agm) in position 29, desaminotyrosine (Dat) in position 1, norleucine (Nle) in position 27, and L-alpha-aminobutyric acid (Abu) in position 15 have been synthesized, and their biological activity was evaluated. Some peptides contained one or two residues of ornithine (Orn) instead of Lys in positions 12 and 21 and additional replacements in positions 8 and 28. All analogs were found to be more potent than hGH-RH-(1-29)-NH2 in the superfused rat pituitary cell system. In tests in vivo in rats after subcutaneous administration, the analogs JI-22, [Dat1, Orn12,21, Abu15, Nle27, Agm29]hGH-RH-(1-29); JI-34, [Dat1, Orn12,21,Abu15,Nle27, Asp28, Agm29]hGH-RH-(1-29); JI-36, [Dat1, Thr8, Orn12,21, Abu15,Nle27,Asp28,Agm29]hGH-RH-(1-29); and JI-38, [Dat1,Gln8, Orn12,21,Abu15,Nle27,Asp28,Agm29]hGH-RH-(1 -29) displayed a potency 44.6,80.9,95.8, and 71.4 times greater, respectively, than that of hGH-RH-(1-29)-NH2 at 15 min and 217.1, 89.7, 87.9, and 116.8 times greater at 30 min. After intravenous administration, JI-22, JI-36, and JI-38 were 3.2-3.8 times more potent than hGH-RH-(1-29)-NH2 at 5 min and 6.1-8.5 times more active at 15 min. All analogs were found to have higher binding affinities for GH-RH receptors on rat pituitary cells than hGH-RH-(1-29)-NH2. Because of high activity and greater stability, these analogs could be considered for therapy of patients with growth hormone deficiency.


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Key studies defining the DNA alkylation properties and selectivity of a new class of exceptionally potent, naturally occurring antitumor antibiotics including CC-1065, duocarmycin A, and duocarmycin SA are reviewed. Recent studies conducted with synthetic agents containing deep-seated structural changes and the unnatural enantiomers of the natural products and related analogs have defined the structural basis for the sequence-selective alkylation of duplex DNA and fundamental relationships between chemical structure, functional reactivity, and biological properties. The agents undergo a reversible, stereoelectronically controlled adenine-N3 addition to the least substituted carbon of the activated cyclopropane within selected AT-rich sites. The preferential AT-rich non-covalent binding selectivity of the agents within the narrower, deeper AT-rich minor groove and the steric accessibility to the alkylation site that accompanies deep AT-rich minor groove penetration control the sequence-selective DNA alkylation reaction and stabilize the resulting adduct. For the agents that possess sufficient reactivity to alkylate DNA, a direct relationship between chemical or functional stability and biological potency has been defined.


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A systematic evaluation of structure-activity information led to the construction of genetically engineered interleukin 3 (IL-3) receptor agonists (synthokines) with enhanced hematopoietic potency. SC-55494, the most extensively characterized member of this series, exhibits 10- to 20-fold greater biological activity than recombinant human IL-3 (rhIL-3) in human hematopoietic cell proliferation and marrow colony-forming-unit assays. In contrast, SC-55494 is only twice as active as rhIL-3 in priming the synthesis of inflammatory mediators such as leukotriene C4 and triggering the release of histamine from peripheral blood leukocytes. The enhanced hematopoietic activity of SC-55494 correlates with a 60-fold increase in IL-3 alpha-subunit binding affinity and a 20-fold greater affinity for binding to alpha/beta receptor complexes on intact cells relative to rhIL-3. SC-55494 demonstrates a 5- to 10-fold enhanced hematopoietic response relative to its ability to activate the priming and release of inflammatory mediators. Therefore, SC-55494 may ameliorate the myeloablation of cancer therapeutic regimens while minimizing dose-limiting inflammatory side effects.


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Learning is widely thought to result from altered potency of synapses within the neural pathways that mediate the learned behavior. Support for this belief, which pervades current physiological and computational thinking, comes especially from the analysis of cases of simple learning in invertebrates. Here, evidence is presented that in one such case, habituation of crayfish escape, the learning is more due to onset of tonic descending inhibition than to the intrinsic depression of circuit synapses to which it was previously attributed. Thus, the altered performance seems to depend at least as much on events in higher centers as on local plasticity.