83 resultados para mating signals


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In many plants, osmotic stress induces a rapid accumulation of proline through de novo synthesis from glutamate. This response is thought to play a pivotal role in osmotic stress tolerance [Kishor, P. B. K., Hong, Z., Miao, G.-H., Hu, C.-A. A. and Verma, D. P. S. (1995) Plant Physiol. 108, 1387-1394]. During recovery from osmotic stress, accumulated proline is rapidly oxidized to glutamate and the first step of this process is catalyzed by proline oxidase. We have isolated a full-length cDNA from Arabidopsis thaliana, At-POX, which maps to a single locus on chromosome 3 and that encodes a predicted polypeptide of 499 amino acids showing significant similarity with proline oxidase sequences from Drosophila and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (55.5% and 45.1%, respectively). The predicted location of the encoded polypeptide is the inner mitochondrial membrane. RNA gel blot analysis revealed that At-POX mRNA levels declined rapidly upon osmotic stress and this decline preceded proline accumulation. On the other hand, At-POX mRNA levels rapidly increased during recovery. Free proline, exogenously added to plants, was found to be an effective inducer of At-POX expression; indeed, At-POX was highly expressed in flowers and mature seeds where the proline level is higher relative to other organs of Arabidopsis. Our results indicate that stress- and developmentally derived signals interact to determine proline homeostasis in Arabidopsis.


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The adeno-associated virus (AAV) genome integrates site specifically into a defined region of human chromosome 19 (termed AAVS1). Using a functional assay for AAV integration into AAVS1 DNA propagated as an episome, we obtained evidence that a 33-nucleotide AAVS1 DNA sequence contains the minimum signal required for targeted integration. The recombination signal comprises a DNA-binding motif for the AAV regulatory Rep protein [Rep binding site (RBS)] separated by an eight-nucleotide spacer from a sequence that can act as a substrate for Rep endonucleolytic activity [terminal resolution site (TRS)]. Mutations in either the AAVS1-encoded RBS or TRS elements abort targeted integration. Since both the RBS and TRS elements are present in the viral origin of replication and are required for AAV replication, targeted integration into chromosome 19 AAVS1 DNA may involve a replicative type of recombination that is discussed. An additional chromosome 19 element, which is responsible for DNA rearrangements in episomes propagating AAVS1 DNA, was identified and shown not to be required for AAV episomal integration, despite its location adjacent to the recombination signal.


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Cryptococcus neoformans is a major opportunistic fungal pathogen in AIDS and other immunosuppressed patients. We have shown that wild-type haploid C. neoformans can develop an extensive hyphal phase under appropriate conditions. Hyphae produced under these conditions are monokaryotic, possess unfused clamp connections, and develop basidia with viable basidiospores. The ability to undergo this transition is determined by the presence of the alpha-mating type locus and is independent of serotype. The association of the hyphal phase with the alpha-mating type may explain the preponderance of this mating type in the environment and the nature of the infectious propagule of C. neoformans.


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We describe a novel approach to assay the ability of particular gene products to signal transitions in lymphocyte differentiation in vivo. The method involves transfection of test expression constructs into RAG-1-deficient embryonic stem cells, which are subsequently assayed by the RAG-2-deficient blastocyst complementation approach. We have used this method to demonstrate that expression of activated Ras in CD4-8- (double negative, DN) prothymocytes in vivo induces their differentiation into small CD4+8+ (double positive, DP) cortical thymocytes with accompanying expansion to normal thymocyte numbers. However, activated Ras expression in DP cells does not cause proliferation or maturation to CD4+8- or CD4-8+ (single positive) thymocytes. Therefore, signaling through Ras is sufficient for promoting differentiation of DN to DP cells, but further differentiation requires the activity of additional signaling pathways.


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We have previously derived a theoretical measure of neural complexity (CN) in an attempt to characterize functional connectivity in the brain. CN measures the amount and heterogeneity of statistical correlations within a neural system in terms of the mutual information between subsets of its units. CN was initially used to characterize the functional connectivity of a neural system isolated from the environment. In the present paper, we introduce a related statistical measure, matching complexity (CM), which reflects the change in CN that occurs after a neural system receives signals from the environment. CM measures how well the ensemble of intrinsic correlations within a neural system fits the statistical structure of the sensory input. We show that CM is low when the intrinsic connectivity of a simulated cortical area is randomly organized. Conversely, CM is high when the intrinsic connectivity is modified so as to differentially amplify those intrinsic correlations that happen to be enhanced by sensory input. When the input is represented by an individual stimulus, a positive value of CM indicates that the limited mutual information between sensory sheets sampling the stimulus and the rest of the brain triggers a large increase in the mutual information between many functionally specialized subsets within the brain. In this way, a complex brain can deal with context and go "beyond the information given."


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The fertility component of natural selection acting on chromosomal inversions in two experimental populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura was subdivided into the effects of female fecundity and male mating success. The offspring of the three female genotypes could be distinguished by their mitochondrial DNA haplotypes, thus permitting a direct measurement of the relative fecundities of the female genotype. The effects of male mating success on inversion frequency were measured by comparing inversion frequencies in parents and their offspring. Selection by fertility caused significant changes in inversion frequency in both populations. In one population, the changes in inversion frequency due to female fecundity and to male mating success were comparable. In the other population, however, the changes in inversion frequency due to male mating success were considerably larger than those due to female fecundity. The difference between the two populations underscores the intrinsic variability of the fertility component of fitness.


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We describe here the cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding a protein kinase that has high sequence homology to members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase kinase (MAPKKK or MEKK) family; this cDNA is named cATMEKKI (Arabidopsis thaliana MAP kinase or ERK kinase kinase 1). The catalytic domain of the putative ATMEKK1 protein shows approximately 40% identity with the amino acid sequences of the catalytic domains of MAPKKKs (such as Byr2 from Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Ste11 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bck1 from S. cerevisiae, MEKK from mouse, and NPK1 from tobacco). In yeast cells that overexpress ATMEKK1, the protein kinase replaces Ste11 in responding to mating pheromone. In this study, the expression of three protein kinases was examined by Northern blot analyses: ATMEKK1 (structurally related to MAPKKK), ATMPK3 (structurally related to MAPK), and ATPK19 (structurally related to ribosomal S6 kinase). The mRNA levels of these three protein kinases increased markedly and simultaneously in response to touch, cold, and salinity stress. These results suggest that MAP kinase cascades, which are thought to respond to a variety of extracellular signals, are regulated not only at the posttranslational level but also at the transcriptional level in plants and that MAP kinase cascades in plants may function in transducing signals in the presence of environmental stress.


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Proteasomes are located both in the nuclei and in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. Active transport of these complexes through the nuclear pores has been proposed to be mediated by nuclear localization signals (NLS), which have been found in several of the alpha-type proteasomal subunits. We have tested three different putative NLS sequences from human alpha-type proteasomal subunits (Hsc iota, Hsc9, and Hsc3), as well as a putative NLS-type sequence from the archaeon Thermoplasma acidophilum, for their ability to direct non-nuclear proteins to the nucleus. Synthetic peptides containing these putative NLS sequences were generated and conjugated to large fluorescent reporter molecules: allophycocyanin or fluorescein-labeled bovine serum albumin. The conjugates were introduced into digitonin-permeabilized HeLa and 3T3 cells in the presence of cell lysate and ATP, and nuclear import was monitored by fluorescence microscopy. All three putative NLS sequences from human proteasomal subunits were able to direct the reporter molecules to the nucleus in both cell types, although differences in efficiency were observed. Substitution of threonine for the first lysine residue of the eukaryotic NLS motifs inhibited nuclear import completely. Interestingly, the putative NLS sequence found in T. acidophilum was also functional as a nuclear targeting sequence.


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In cells simultaneously infected with any two of the three reovirus serotypes ST1, ST2, and ST3, up to 15% of the yields are intertypic reassortants that contain all possible combinations of parental genome segments. We have now found that not all genome segments in reassortants are wild type. In reassortants that possess more ST1 than ST3 genome segments, all ST1 genome segments appear to be wild type, but the incoming ST3 genome segments possess mutations that make them more similar to the ST1 genome segments that they replace. In reassortants resulting from crosses of the more distantly related ST3 and ST2 viruses that possess a majority of ST3 genome segments, all incoming ST2 genome segments are wild type, but the ST3 S4 genome segment possesses two mutations, G74 to A and G624 to A, that function as acceptance signals. Recognition of these signals has far-reaching implications for the construction of reoviruses with novel properties and functions.


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Assistive technology involving voice communication is used primarily by people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or who have speech and/or language disabilities. It is also used to a lesser extent by people with visual or motor disabilities. A very wide range of devices has been developed for people with hearing loss. These devices can be categorized not only by the modality of stimulation [i.e., auditory, visual, tactile, or direct electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve (auditory-neural)] but also in terms of the degree of speech processing that is used. At least four such categories can be distinguished: assistive devices (a) that are not designed specifically for speech, (b) that take the average characteristics of speech into account, (c) that process articulatory or phonetic characteristics of speech, and (d) that embody some degree of automatic speech recognition. Assistive devices for people with speech and/or language disabilities typically involve some form of speech synthesis or symbol generation for severe forms of language disability. Speech synthesis is also used in text-to-speech systems for sightless persons. Other applications of assistive technology involving voice communication include voice control of wheelchairs and other devices for people with mobility disabilities.


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Mating triggers behavioral and physiological changes in the Drosophila melanogaster female, including an elevation of egg laying. Seminal fluid molecules from the male accessory gland are responsible for initial behavioral changes, but persistence of these changes requires stored sperm. Using genetic analysis, we have identified a seminal fluid protein that is responsible for an initial elevation of egg laying. This molecule, Acp26Aa, has structural features of a prohormone and contains a region with amino acid similarity to the egg-laying hormone of Aplysia. Acp26Aa is transferred to the female during mating, where it undergoes processing. Here we report the generation and analysis of mutants, including a null, in Acp26Aa. Females mated to male flies that lack Acp26Aa lay fewer eggs than do mates of normal males. This effect is apparent only on the first day after mating. The null mutation has no other detectable physiological or behavioral effects on the male or the mated female.


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In ciliate protists, sex involves the temporary joining of two cells of compatible mating type, followed by meiosis and exchange of gametic nuclei between conjugants. Reproduction is by asexual binary fission following conjugation. For the many ciliates with fixed multiple mating types, frequency-dependent sex-ratio theory predicts equal frequencies of mating types, if sex is common in nature. Here, we report that in natural populations of Tetrahymena thermophila sexually immature cells, indicative of recent conjugation, are found from spring through fall. In addition, the seven mating types occur in approximately equal frequencies, and these frequencies appear to be maintained by interaction between complex, multiple mat alleles and environmental conditions during conjugation. Such genotype-environment interaction determining mating type frequency is rare among ciliates.


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The interleukin 4 (IL-4) signaling pathway involves activation, by tyrosine phosphorylation, of two distinct substrates, a signal-transducing factor (STF-IL4) and the IL-4-induced phosphotyrosine substrate (4PS). It is not known whether the IL-4-mediated activation of these substrates occurs via related or distinct signaling pathways. We report that 32D cells, an IL-3-dependent myeloid progenitor cell line in which no phosphorylated 4PS is found, activate high levels of STF-IL4 in response to IL-4. Consistent with the known requirement for 4PS or insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) in IL-4-mediated mitogenesis, activation of STF-IL4 in 32D cells is not sufficient for IL-4-inducible c-myc expression. In addition, we have examined the ability of 32D cells transfected with different truncation mutants of the human IL-4 receptor to activate Jak-3 kinase and STF-IL4 in response to human IL-4. As in the case of 4PS/IRS-1, we have found that activation of both Jak-3 and STF-IL4 requires the presence of the IL-4 receptor region comprising aa 437-557. The finding that the same region of the IL-4 receptor is required for the induction of both 4PS/IRS-1 and STF-IL4 suggests that the IL-4-stimulated activation of these two substrates might involve common factors.


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Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), a major cause of pediatric diarrhea, adheres to epithelial cells and activates host cell signal transduction pathways. We have identified five proteins that are secreted by EPEC and show that this secretion process is critical for triggering signal transduction events in epithelial cells. Protein secretion occurs via two pathways: one secretes a 110-kDa protein and the other mediates export of the four remaining proteins. Secretion of all five proteins was regulated by temperature and the perA locus, two factors which regulate expression of other known EPEC virulence factors. Amino-terminal sequence analysis of the secreted polypeptides identified one protein (37 kDa) as the product of the eaeB gene, a genetic locus previously shown to be necessary for signal transduction. A second protein (39 kDa) showed significant homology with glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, while the other three proteins (110, 40, and 25 kDa) were unique. The secreted proteins associated with epithelial cells, and EaeB became resistant to protease digestion upon association, suggesting that intimate interactions are required for transducing signals.


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Signaling by interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) requires two structurally related cell surface proteins: a ligand-binding polypeptide, known as the IFN-gamma receptor (IFN-gamma R), and an accessory factor. However, it is not known whether IFN-gamma forms a ternary complex with the IFN-gamma R and accessory factor to initiate signaling. Here we demonstrate complex formation between IFN-gamma and the two proteins, both in solution and at the cell surface. We observe complexes containing ligand, two molecules of IFN-gamma R (designated the IFN-gamma R alpha chain), and one or two molecules of accessory factor (designated the IFN-gamma R beta chain). Transfected cells expressing both IFN-gamma R chains bind IFN-gamma with higher affinity than do cells expressing alpha chain alone. Anti-beta-chain antibodies prevent the beta chain from participating in the ligand-receptor complex, reduce the affinity for IFN-gamma, and block signaling. Soluble alpha- or beta-chain extracellular domains also inhibit function. These results demonstrate that IFN-gamma signals via a high-affinity multisubunit complex that contains two types of receptor chain and suggest a potential approach to inhibiting specific actions of IFN-gamma by blocking the association of receptor subunits.