100 resultados para glutathione S-transferase


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The Epstein-Barr virus-encoded protein BZLF1 is a member of the basic leucine zipper (bZip) family of transcription factors. Like several other members of the bZip family, transcriptional activity of BZLF1 is modulated by retinoic acid receptors (RARs). We present evidence that the RAR alpha and BZLF1 can reciprocally repress each other's transcriptional activation by a newly discovered mechanism. Analysis of RAR alpha mutants in transfection studies reveals that the DNA binding domain is sufficient for inhibition of BZLF1 activity. Analysis of BZLF1 mutants indicates that both the coiled-coil dimerization domain and a region containing the transcriptional activation domain of BZLF1 are required for transrepression. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate physical interactions between RAR alpha and BZLF1 in vivo. Furthermore, glutathione S-transferase-pulldown assays reveal that these protein-protein interactions are mediated by the coiled-coil dimerization domain of BZLF1 and the DNA binding domain of RAR alpha. While RAR alpha is unable to recognize BZLF1 binding sites, the RAR alpha can be tethered to the DNA by forming a heteromeric complex with BZLF1 bound to DNA. Tethering RARs via protein-protein interactions onto promoter DNA suggest a mechanism through which RARs might gain additional levels of transcriptional regulation.


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In search of proteins which interact with activated steroid hormone receptors, we screened a human liver lambda gt11 expression library with the glucocorticoid receptor. We identified and cloned a cDNA sequence of 1322 bp that encodes a protein of 274 aa. This protein consists predominantly of hydrophilic amino acids and contains a putative bipartite nuclear localization signal. The in vitro translated receptor-associating protein runs in SDS/polyacrylamide gels with an apparent molecular mass of 46 kDa. By use of the bacterially expressed fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase we have found that interaction is not limited to the glucocorticoid receptor but included other nuclear receptors--most notably, the estrogen and thyroid receptors. Binding also occurs with the glucocorticoid receptor complexed with the antiglucocorticoid RU 38486, with the estrogen receptor complexed with the antiestrogen 4-hydroxytamoxifen or ICI 164,384, and even with receptors not complexed with ligand. Association with steroid hormone receptors depends on prior receptor activation--i.e., release from heat shock proteins. The sequence identified here appears to be a general partner protein for nuclear hormone receptors, with the gene being expressed in a variety of mammalian tissues.


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Using the yeast two-hybrid system we have identified a human protein, GAIP (G Alpha Interacting Protein), that specifically interacts with the heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein G alpha i3. Interaction was verified by specific binding of in vitro-translated G alpha i3 with a GAIP-glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. GAIP is a small protein (217 amino acids, 24 kDa) that contains two potential phosphorylation sites for protein kinase C and seven for casein kinase 2. GAIP shows high homology to two previously identified human proteins, GOS8 and 1R20, two Caenorhabditis elegans proteins, CO5B5.7 and C29H12.3, and the FLBA gene product in Aspergillus nidulans--all of unknown function. Significant homology was also found to the SST2 gene product in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is known to interact with a yeast G alpha subunit (Gpa1). A highly conserved core domain of 125 amino acids characterizes this family of proteins. Analysis of deletion mutants demonstrated that the core domain is the site of GAIP's interaction with G alpha i3. GAIP is likely to be an early inducible phosphoprotein, as its cDNA contains the TTTTGT sequence characteristic of early response genes in its 3'-untranslated region. By Northern analysis GAIP's 1.6-kb mRNA is most abundant in lung, heart, placenta, and liver and is very low in brain, skeletal muscle, pancreas, and kidney. GAIP appears to interact exclusively with G alpha i3, as it did not interact with G alpha i2 and G alpha q. The fact that GAIP and Sst2 interact with G alpha subunits and share a common domain suggests that other members of the GAIP family also interact with G alpha subunits through the 125-amino-acid core domain.


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Squid synaptotagmin (Syt) cDNA, including its open reading frame, was cloned and polyclonal antibodies were obtained in rabbits immunized with glutathione S-transferase (GST)-Syt-C2A. Binding assays indicated that the antibody, anti-Syt-C2A, recognized squid Syt and inhibited the Ca(2+)-dependent phospholipid binding to the C2A domain. This antibody, when injected into the preterminal at the squid giant synapse, blocked transmitter release in a manner similar to that previously reported for the presynaptic injection of members of the inositol high-polyphosphate series. The block was not accompanied by any change in the presynaptic action potential or the amplitude or voltage dependence of the presynaptic Ca2+ current. The postsynaptic potential was rather insensitive to repetitive presynaptic stimulation, indicating a direct effect of the antibody on the transmitter release system. Following block of transmitter release, confocal microscopical analysis of the preterminal junction injected with rhodamine-conjugated anti-Syt-C2A demonstrated fluorescent spots at the inner surface of the presynaptic plasmalemma next to the active zones. Structural analysis of the same preparations demonstrated an accumulation of synaptic vesicles corresponding in size and distribution to the fluorescent spots demonstrated confocally. Together with the finding that such antibody prevents Ca2+ binding to a specific receptor in the C2A domain, these results indicate that Ca2+ triggers transmitter release by activating the C2A domain of Syt. We conclude that the C2A domain is directly related to the fusion of synaptic vesicles that results in transmitter release.


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A 22-kDa protein, caveolin, is localized to the cytoplasmic surface of plasma membrane specializations called caveolae. We have proposed that caveolin may function as a scaffolding protein to organize and concentrate signaling molecules within caveolae. Here, we show that caveolin interacts with itself to form homooligomers. Electron microscopic visualization of these purified caveolin homooligomers demonstrates that they appear as individual spherical particles. By using recombinant expression of caveolin as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein, we have defined a region of caveolin's cytoplasmic N-terminal domain that mediates these caveolin-caveolin interactions. We suggest that caveolin homooligomers may function to concentrate caveolin-interacting molecules within caveolae. In this regard, it may be useful to think of caveolin homooligomers as "fishing lures" with multiple "hooks" or attachment sites for caveolin-interacting molecules.


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When expressed as part of a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein the NH2-terminal domain of the lymphocyte cell adhesion molecule CD2 is shown to adopt two different folds. The immunoglobulin superfamily structure of the major (85%) monomeric component has previously been determined by both x-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. We now describe the structure of a second, dimeric, form present in about 15% of recombinant CD2 molecules. After denaturation and refolding in the absence of the fusion partner, dimeric CD2 is converted to monomer, illustrating that the dimeric form represents a metastable folded state. The crystal structure of this dimeric form, refined to 2.0-A resolution, reveals two domains with overall similarity to the IgSF fold found in the monomer. However, in the dimer each domain is formed by the intercalation of two polypeptide chains. Hence each domain represents a distinct folding unit that can assemble in two different ways. In the dimer the two domains fold around a hydrophilic interface believed to mimic the cell adhesion interaction at the cell surface, and the formation of dimer can be regulated by mutating single residues at this interface. This unusual misfolded form of the protein, which appears to result from inter- rather than intramolecular interactions being favored by an intermediate structure formed during the folding process, illustrates that evolution of protein oligomers is possible from the sequence for a single protein domain.


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The low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor plays a central role in mammalian cholesterol metabolism, clearing lipoproteins which bear apolipoproteins E and B-100 from plasma. Mutations in this molecule are associated with familial hypercholesterolemia, a condition which leads to an elevated plasma cholesterol concentration and accelerated atherosclerosis. The N-terminal segment of the LDL receptor contains a heptad of cysteine-rich repeats that bind the lipoproteins. Similar repeats are present in related receptors, including the very low-density lipoprotein receptor and the LDL receptor-related protein/alpha 2-macroglobulin receptor, and in proteins which are functionally unrelated, such as the C9 component of complement. The first repeat of the human LDL receptor has been expressed in Escherichia coli as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein, and the cleaved and purified receptor module has been shown to fold to a single, fully oxidized form that is recognized by the monoclonal antibody IgG-C7 in the presence of calcium ions. The three-dimensional structure of this module has been determined by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy and shown to consist of a beta-hairpin structure, followed by a series of beta turns. Many of the side chains of the acidic residues, including the highly conserved Ser-Asp-Glu triad, are clustered on one face of the module. To our knowledge, this structure has not previously been described in any other protein and may represent a structural paradigm both for the other modules in the LDL receptor and for the homologous domains of several other proteins. Calcium ions had only minor effects on the CD spectrum and no effect on the 1H NMR spectrum of the repeat, suggesting that they induce no significant conformational change.


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During T-cell activation, Ser59 in the unique N-terminal region of p56lck is phosphorylated. Mutation of Ser59 to Glu59 mimics Ser59 phosphorylation, and upon CD4 crosslinking, this mutant p56lck induces tyrosine phosphorylation of intracellular proteins distinct from those induced by wild-type p56lck. Mutant and wild-type p56lck have similar affinities for CD4 and similar kinase activities. In glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins, the p56lck Src homology 2 (SH2) domain with the SH3 domain and the unique N-terminal region (including Ser59) has a different binding specificity for phosphotyrosyl proteins than the SH2 domain alone. Either deletion of the unique N-terminal region or mutation of Ser59 to Glu59 in the fusion protein reverts the phosphotyrosyl protein binding specificity back to that of the SH2 domain alone. These results suggest that phosphorylation of Ser59 regulates the function of p56lck by controlling binding specificity of its SH2 domain.


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Srp1p, the protein encoded by SRP1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a nuclear-pore-associated protein. Its Xenopus homolog, importin, was recently shown to be an essential component required for nuclear localization signal (NLS)-dependent binding of karyophilic proteins to the nuclear envelope [Gorlich, D., Prehn, S., Laskey, R. A. & Hartman, E. (1994) Cell 79, 767-778]. We have discovered a protein kinase whose activity is stimulated by Srp1p (Srp1p fused to glutathione S-transferase and expressed in Escherichia coli) and is detected by phosphorylation of Srp1p and of a 36-kDa protein, a component of the protein kinase complex. The enzyme, called Srp1p kinase, is a protein-serine kinase and was found in extracts in two related complexes of approximately 180 kDa and 220 kDa. The second complex, when purified, contained four protein components including the 36-kDa protein. We observed that, upon purification of the kinase, phosphorylation of Srp1p became very weak, while activation of phosphorylation of the 36-kDa protein by Srp1p remained unaltered. Significantly, NLS peptides and the nuclear proteins we have tested greatly stimulated phosphorylation of Srp1p, suggesting that Srp1p, complexed with karyophilic proteins carrying an NLS, is the in vivo substrate of this protein kinase.


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Microbial elicitors or attempted infection with an avirulent pathogen strain causes the rapid production of reactive oxygen intermediates. Recent findings indicate that H2O2 from this oxidative burst plays a central role in the orchestration of the hypersensitive response: (i) as the substrate driving the cross-linking of cell wall structural proteins to slow microbial ingress prior to the deployment of transcription-dependent defenses and to trap pathogens in cells destined to undergo hypersensitive cell death, (ii) as a local threshold trigger of this programmed death in challenged cells, and (iii) as a diffusible signal for the induction in adjacent cells of genes encoding cellular protectants such as glutathione S-transferase and glutathione peroxidase. These findings provide the basis for an integrated model for the orchestration of the localized hypersensitive resistance response to attack by an avirulent pathogen.


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Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-mediated interactions with phosphotyrosine residues are critical in many intracellular signal transduction pathways. Attempts to understand the determinants of specificity and selectivity of these interactions have prompted many binding studies that have used several techniques. Some discrepancies, in both the absolute and relative values of the dissociation constants for particular interactions, are apparent. To establish the correct dissociation constants and to understand the origin of these differences, we have analyzed three previously determined interactions using the techniques of surface plasmon resonance and isothermal titration calorimetry. We find that the binding of SH2 domains to phosphopeptides is weaker than generally presumed. A phosphopeptide based on the hamster polyoma middle tumor antigen interacts with the SH2 domain from Src with an equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of 600 nM; a phosphopeptide based on one binding site from the platelet-derived growth factor receptor binds to the N-terminal SH2 domain of the 1-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p85 subunit with a Kd of 300 nM; and a phosphopeptide based on the C terminus of Lck binds to the SH2 domain of Lck with a Kd of 4 microM. In addition, we demonstrate that avidity effects that result from the dimerization of glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins with SH2 domains could be responsible for overestimates of affinities for these interactions previously studied by surface plasmon resonance.


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EBNA 2 (Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 2) is an acidic transactivator essential for EBV transformation of B lymphocytes. We show that EBNA 2 directly interacts with general transcription factor IIH. Glutathione S-transferase (GST)-EBNA 2 acidic domain fusion protein depleted transcription factor IIH activity from a TFIIH nuclear fraction. The p89 (ERCC3), p80 (ERCC2), and p62 subunits of TFIIH were among the proteins retained by GST-EBNA 2. Eluates from the GST-EBNA 2 beads reconstituted activity in a TFIIH-dependent in vitro transcription assay. The p62 and p80 subunits of TFIIH independently bound to GST-EBNA 2, whereas the p34 subunit of TFIIH only bound in the presence of p62. A Trp-->Thr mutation in the EBNA 2 acidic domain abolishes EBNA 2 transactivation in vivo and greatly compromised EBNA 2 association with TFIIH activity and with the p62 and p80 subunits, providing a link between EBNA 2 transactivation and these interactions. Antibodies directed against the p62 subunit of TFIIH coimmunoprecipitated EBNA 2 from EBV-transformed B lymphocytes, indicating that EBNA 2 associates with TFIIH in vivo.


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The crystal structure of the sigma class glutathione transferase from squid digestive gland in complex with S-(3-iodobenzyl)glutathione reveals a third binding site for the glutathione conjugate besides the two in the active sites of the dimer. The additional binding site is near the crystallographic two-fold axis between the two alpha 4-turn-alpha 5 motifs. The principal binding interactions with the conjugate include specific electrostatic interactions between the peptide and the two subunits and a hydrophobic cavity found across the two-fold axis that accommodates the 3-iodobenzyl group. Thus, two identical, symmetry-related but mutually exclusive binding modes for the third conjugate are observed. The hydrophobic pocket is about 14 A from the hydroxyl group of Tyr-7 in the active site. This site is a potential transport binding site for hydrophobic molecules or their glutathione conjugates.


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Methyl chloride transferase, a novel enzyme found in several fungi, marine algae, and halophytic plants, is a biological catalyst responsible for the production of atmospheric methyl chloride. A previous paper reports the purification of this methylase from Batis maritima and the isolation of a cDNA clone of the gene for this enzyme. In this paper, we describe the isolation of a genomic clone of the methylase gene and the expression of recombinant methyl chloride transferase in Escherichia coli and compare the kinetic behavior of the wild-type and recombinant enzyme. The recombinant enzyme is active and promotes the production of methyl chloride by E. coli under in vivo conditions. The kinetic data indicate that the recombinant and wild-type enzymes have similar halide (Cl−, Br−, and I−)-binding capacities. Both the recombinant and wild-type enzymes were found to function well in high NaCl concentrations. This high salt tolerance resembles the activity of halobacterial enzymes rather than halophytic plant enzymes. These findings support the hypothesis that this enzyme functions in the control and regulation of the internal concentration of chloride ions in halophytic plant cells.


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Both reversible and irreversible inhibition of mitochondrial respiration have been reported following the generation of nitric oxide (NO) by cells. Using J774 cells, we have studied the effect of long-term exposure to NO on different enzymes of the respiratory chain. Our results show that, although NO inhibits complex IV in a way that is always reversible, prolonged exposure to NO results in a gradual and persistent inhibition of complex I that is concomitant with a reduction in the intracellular concentration of reduced glutathione. This inhibition appears to result from S-nitrosylation of critical thiols in the enzyme complex because it can be immediately reversed by exposing the cells to high intensity light or by replenishment of intracellular reduced glutathione. Furthermore, decreasing the concentration of reduced glutathione accelerates the process of persistent inhibition. Our results suggest that, although NO may regulate cell respiration physiologically by its action on complex IV, long-term exposure to NO leads to persistent inhibition of complex I and potentially to cell pathology.